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Mountable and placeable machine guns


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I haven't seen or heard of this idea,but i think it would be a great addition to the game.

Imagine being able to place new 50 cal heavy machine guns or regular ones around your base or in any point where you want to mow zombies down,only to then mount them and mow zombies down with your friends. Wouldn't that add to more fun single player and with friends?

Also imagine being able to mount them on a 4x4 Truck and shooting zombies while in  a car possibly while someone is driving.


I think ideas like these open up many new possibilities to expand the beauty of this game.


I think a good way for them to be introduced will be in a new POIs like some kind of military zone where they were placed to defend from hordes only to finally succumb from lack of supplies having to feed many civilians inside that base,which the player later discovers ravaged,full of zombies inside the compound above or under ground,having to fight his way through them to have a possibility to find the schematic besides other loot.

Also in the future updates it may serve as a  place to contact what ever organization behind the airdrops and expand the existing world and story,and opening a possibility to connect the worlds player has created or just making them even more larger.


This is just an idea,my hope that it will be an inspiration for developers and others,in a good way,and  that the best of every idea gets implemented in the game.

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This has been suggested a million times, here and in alpha diaries since 4x4 was reported being added to game. Ok, at least 100.


1. 50cal turret would just be OP to the auto and shotgun turret they already and might as well remove them then. Plus, would remove the one thing tfp likes in game. Challenge.

2. Same reason for mounting a turret on 4x4. There is no risk. MM has said, not going to happen.


Not saying it couldn't be fun, but it would drastically change game from what tfp believes game should be. For that reason and I can already do mounted weapons in Borderlands, I'm not interested in it for 7D2D.

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1 hour ago, Dethar said:

This has been suggested a million times, here and in alpha diaries since 4x4 was reported being added to game. Ok, at least 100.


1. 50cal turret would just be OP to the auto and shotgun turret they already and might as well remove them then. Plus, would remove the one thing tfp likes in game. Challenge.

2. Same reason for mounting a turret on 4x4. There is no risk. MM has said, not going to happen.


Not saying it couldn't be fun, but it would drastically change game from what tfp believes game should be. For that reason and I can already do mounted weapons in Borderlands, I'm not interested in it for 7D2D.

Ok,if it was suggested a million times maybe million more people would be playing the game daily.

With new stuff added it would increase realism of the game,make it fresh and attract new and old players.

Since there are in game options to reduce the 'challenge' by disabling the hordes and cheat mode i don't see a reason why you couldn't do the opposite and challenge your self by not using those turrets or fighting a 64 z horde night with primitive bow.For all i care do whatever you want,pretend that OP items don't exist...

Either way you would have to reload them.

So what if you are not interested for them in this game,many people are,and only challenge that i see,and probably many people too,would be to continue to use the same old possible options which becomes boring and repetitive.

Who knows,when that gets old maybe new challenge would be to play on low fps.

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4 hours ago, Krelac said:

So what if you are not interested for them in this game,many people are,and only challenge that i see,and probably many people too,would be to continue to use the same old possible options which becomes boring and repetitive.

The vanilla game is designed like the Devs think it should be. And as Dethar already wrote, the Devs don't like that. Decission made, end of discussion.

It also becomes very boring reading the same suggestions over and over again and everybody needs to start discussion against a decission TFP already made again and again. It's simply pointless.


However the game is modable, so of course you may request someone to mod this into the game anyway, if possible. But it wont go into the base game.

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Actually I think the idea of a fixed placement 50cal might be interesting. It would not be an auto turret style and nothing like the junk turret that you can plop down at a moments notice.  Think of it more as a pre-fab you need to put down several components to complete it. It would end up looking like a machine gun bunker with sandbag walls. The player would need to get in the bunker to operate the gun and while you are in there you are limited to field of view direction determined by which way you placed the bunker to begin with. The bunker gun would have perks like higher rate of fire, better accuracy and maybe a 1000 round ammo can but you would be limited as to the direction to shoot and thus zombies could attack the bunker from behind without you being able to hit them.

Would make for a interesting varation on horde night in a team game where you have a pair of bunkers facing opposite directions with 2 players manning them and the rest 'outside' to take care of the zombies that get past the bunkers.

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On 6/10/2020 at 2:43 PM, Liesel Weppen said:

The vanilla game is designed like the Devs think it should be. And as Dethar already wrote, the Devs don't like that. Decission made, end of discussion.

It also becomes very boring reading the same suggestions over and over again and everybody needs to start discussion against a decission TFP already made again and again. It's simply pointless.


However the game is modable, so of course you may request someone to mod this into the game anyway, if possible. But it wont go into the base game.

Wouldn't you want to see something new in the game?If we did,there wouldn't be "to many boring old suggestions" and also it would make the game feel fresh with new content which would add to more items,more options and of course more fun.

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Im with the OP on this for the most part. The INT tree should allow a player to place a mount for guns. It makes much more logical sense than you finding automated turrets.


While I am not as crazy about a 50 cal turret I think another type of gun device would be good. A gun mount.


A place-able gun mount does not need to be overpowered, it would fire the weapon you choose to mount there.  The ammo would be locked in just like with the auto turrets. The advantage you get for you being stationary is that you would go much longer without having to reload, and you would suffer much less recoil. But it would also have to be repaired. Once mounted either the gun is fused to the turret, or takes a considerable amount of time to un-mount so that you cannot easily do so while in combat


Think about it. You could have your best M60 mounted at your horde base choke point to spray from a distance. Or perhaps you have an Auto Shotgun mounted behind bars to blow them back through your front door. Would you like a rocket turret on your vehicle? All of these make more sense than finding motion sensing automatic turrets in the "wild"

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