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My amazing suggestions


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привет everybody. This is my list of suggestions: First of all i think what this game lacks is the ability to throw hatchets. Now talking about the ability to throw things, you throw rocks and tin cans like a complete wimp. With this we come to another suggestion: gyms. To throw rocks, tin cans and hatchets (if implemented) you would have to lift like a crazy mother♥♥♥♥er. My other suggestion is to put in bikes. To go faster with bikes you would also have to visit the gyms so your legs aren't weak. Since we're talking about driving, we need driveable cars. I mean look at all these car parts, but you can't make a car. And my last suggestion: breaking windows with rocks, why the hell can't you break windows with rocks? Oh yeah, you're a wimp because there are no gyms. Please take my suggestion seriously, thank you for reading.
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Thrown weapons would be cool, yeah. Not something to be in any hurry to do though. Would much rather see something interesting (like power!) added before a fitness system (not that a fitness system couldn't be cool, too). Will just leave this here...you can figure out the car bit: [url]http://7daystodie.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=424&d=1386804622[/url]
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I think the best training in real life would be smashing zombie heads with a hammer :D .Your survivalist already works hard lifting all these ores and bars around your base ... the gym is needed only by us, who sit hours playing computer :D . But some kind of skill system would be nice ... if you smash with hammer constantly, then obviously you make it better and better over time. Or running ... after weeks of running training surely you should be trained better and stamina should rise. There are many approaches to implement the skill system, I think that developers often are thinking of the way to implement it. Lets hope, that they will do their best (as always ;) )
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Hmm I spend the whole day sprinting, breaking down barricades, and swinging clubs hard enough to bash in zombie, skulls. And by night I swing a pickaxe for 8 hours. I am fairly sure I am already overtraining, in both cardio and resistance training. Thrown weapons would be cool. I will post a thread with some specific ideas ideas.
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bike's are a great idea, could be fairly easy to craft or found, a good starting vehicle, could get flat tire... it's like grotto wrote: your everyday tasks are your gym. madmole wrote about implementing something like this with the skill tree. so for example if you swing your pick a lot you will hit harder with your sledge hammer as well. skills might give you extra peaks, like extra stun duration or something like this, or even the ability to craft that better club, but skill trees are still quite a way down the road, i think. throwing weapons are also a great idea
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[QUOTE=RFIZ;126092]Bro do you even lift?[/QUOTE] I can carry 47 million pounds of lead ore while running 12 meters per second or jumping 2 meters high. I don't think I need a gym. 64 x 44 cubic meters x 7600kg/m3 for galena lead ore (PbS) = 21.4 million kg.
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  • 2 months later...
[QUOTE=Empra;126378]Of course not a gym but as levels progress doing more damage and increased runspeed etc isn't a bad idea at all.[/QUOTE] Already planned. Also, -1. Whle a Gym prefab would be great for scrap collecting, we already build our muscles a lot. Bikes are already suggested 5x a week.
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  • 6 months later...
I never get how people can proclaim their ideas are amazing. I must be old and not into that "I am the centre of the Universe, [selfie, selfie,selfie,selfie,selfie,selfie] and all I do is amazing." concept so many kids embrace nowadays.
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Maybe instead of Gym should be something like DeusEx Experience ... for example ... for running (not walking) 20+ km stamina will increase +1, same things with other stuff like pickaxe or fire axe ? but i think it will be hard to balance... after maybe 200 swings damage can increse ?
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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...
[QUOTE=Hyuzen;317058]Bump[/QUOTE]noone thought it was a serious comment in aug 2014, people were suprized of the bump in may of this year. but you feel its important enough to bump again. infact all 5 posts have been on this if im not mistaken. so lets tak you seriously for a second. bkie wish - mini bikes arew in and is now asolid framework for other drival vechiles. throw wish. out of all the thinkgs in game a hatch is what you want to throw? well how about no not yet possiable and with a side step it would be diged very ineffective ranged weapon. the stone thow is the first part to a distraction system which im sure will be expanded and improved. and since everything has a x25 to glass damage. it probbly will break glass now . although i havent been bothered as anythign breaks glasswith 1 hit even my brea hand drive wish, as the first reponce says we now have a vechile system , so get modding import a car asset and do a bit of work and you will have a drivable car gym prefab. - i hate the gym irl why would i want t oplay in there too.. but ok its not that hard. use hal9000 prefab editor and make one, instad of bumping a post over a year old. actually contrubuite to the comunity. TL;DR - definatly no amazing ideas.
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If you have ever carried 97Kg boxes up 5 flights of stairs, you realize that real men don't need gyms :P -half marks for the throwing idea, I think the distraction system needs some love; but not urgently. -1 to the gym idea because it sounds like it would make a really boring mini-game
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