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UABE - Asset Bundle Extractor


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I'm currently working on reverse engineering and translating an Android Unity game. I've been able to translate interface textures fine, but I need to access some data in MonoBehaviours, and I can't increase the filesize of those at all without the game crashing. I noticed on GitHub that support was planned for the next release, but when will this be?


I'm also looking into compressed UnityFS bundles that are downloaded on the fly. UABE can decompress these and export modified uncompressed versions, but will the next release support re-compressing them?


Thank you, UABE has been a fantastic tool for working on this project.


I don't know when the next version will be released but I'm working on it at the moment. MonoBehaviour dump support looks good so far and will make it into the next release.

Recompressing bundle files will also be in the next release. Slow LZMA compression works already but I'm trying to implement LZ4 compression too.


Hi, i been looking on internet all day, and the only working tool for my project is this, BUT im completely lost in the most crucial part: this is what i've done so far


1.- open the UABE


2.- look for the file i want to open (this file: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B_tjdC4kakD8ZjM2NUJmdUc3Z2s )


3.- i got this message: This bundle file is compressed! Do you wish to unpack it? --> yes


4.- i save the file (and i got this file: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B_tjdC4kakD8RW9TY0M2ZHNWMFU )


5.- NOW... how can i got all the animations meshes and textures? i can open the file, yes, but i cant export the animations, the meshes and textures i can do it, but when i try to open the last file, on the Unity Asset Editor, the Editor crash every time, as i said your UABE is the only tool that actually work on the apk extracted files, im sry to bother you but im really ignorant on this programming thing, this pny thing i need is the, animations, skeleton/bones/biped or whatever file is attached to the mesh, im sry for my bad english since is not my native language and thank you in advance.




Animations and skeleton data aren't supported by UABE so far.

If you have a file that makes UABE crash, could you send me one via PM (and upload it to a file sharing service such as dropbox)?


I tried to do batch export but theres a problem with my CMD.


It said "AssetsBundleExtractor is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file"

I've tried google and set the correct path for System32 but it still not working. Any tips?


The file is called AssetBundleExtractor in newer versions. I'll update the Usage.txt for that.


Hi. I just want to say, first of all, this is a great tool. It's the only tool that allows me to exact what I need. I exacted a bunch of images file from a game, awesome. Point is there are 300+ of them, and I need to replace them...Like replacing any image having the same name as ones in the asset package already...

Is there nay feasible way to do this.



Batch import isn't supported right now but since I'm doing some plugin system improvements, I'll take a look at it.


okay i managed to open and extract a dump file, and edit some text, it has 22 megabytes, but when i import it, it doesnt import the whole file, the original has like 630 000 lines, when i import it, it ends with like 6 000 lines :\


any fix for this?


I tried to extract raw but cant edit the file with a text editor.


Could you send me the .assets or bundle file you created the dump from via PM?

Edited by DerPopo (see edit history)
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I don't know when the next version will be released but I'm working on it at the moment. MonoBehaviour dump support looks good so far and will make it into the next release.

Recompressing bundle files will also be in the next release. Slow LZMA compression works already but I'm trying to implement LZ4 compression too.




Animations and skeleton data aren't supported by UABE so far.

If you have a file that makes UABE crash, could you send me one via PM (and upload it to a file sharing service such as dropbox)?




The file is called AssetBundleExtractor in newer versions. I'll update the Usage.txt for that.




Batch import isn't supported right now but since I'm doing some plugin system improvements, I'll take a look at it.




Could you send me the .assets or bundle file you created the dump from via PM?

Already did, let me know if you get different results after exporting and then importing the file, mine loses data and size after that.

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I don't know when the next version will be released but I'm working on it at the moment. MonoBehaviour dump support looks good so far and will make it into the next release.

Recompressing bundle files will also be in the next release. Slow LZMA compression works already but I'm trying to implement LZ4 compression too.


Many thanks. Cant wait for this. You are brilliant :)

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Path support for multi-file plugin extraction


This tool is awesome -- thanks for building it!


I was wondering if it would be possible to allow for multiple file extraction (export to PNG, TXT, whatever) to take the file path into consideration. I've got a bundle with hundreds of assets that I'd like to extract, and right now it'll place all files into a single folder. This isn't great organizationally, and some of the assets have name conflicts, which are tiebroken arbitrarily with _2 in the file names. Would it be possible to allow the plugin to create and use intermediate paths if multiple files are extracted?


Thanks so much!

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This tool is awesome -- thanks for building it!


I was wondering if it would be possible to allow for multiple file extraction (export to PNG, TXT, whatever) to take the file path into consideration. I've got a bundle with hundreds of assets that I'd like to extract, and right now it'll place all files into a single folder. This isn't great organizationally, and some of the assets have name conflicts, which are tiebroken arbitrarily with _2 in the file names. Would it be possible to allow the plugin to create and use intermediate paths if multiple files are extracted?


Thanks so much!

You can load multiple assets at once, then extract.

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do you have any plan for add mesh utility api?


Meshes are more complicated to export due to format changes and undocumented behaviour regarding offsets in the raw mesh data and the meaning of some important values.

The mesh has multiple channels (from 0 to 4 : position, normal, color, uv1, uv2) that may be located in different streams (in the same data buffer but at separate offsets). Each vertex is described through these channels which have a stream index, an offset value (describing the relative position of that channel for each vertex), a format value (0 = 32bit float, 1 = 16bit float, not sure whether 2 is 32bit int) and a dimension count (amount of floats/ints).

In newer Unity versions, the stream info is in another field but for older files, the stream location has to be calculated through the stride of each vertex in a stream (i.e. the amount of bytes of the stream's channels) multiplied by the amount of vertices. In some cases, the offset of the last stream is the size of the buffer minus the byte size of that stream.

I don't know much of compressed meshes though.



thx your reply.

but i'm not a expert for 3d meshes.. -_-;

do you have any plan for add mesh utility api like TextureFileFormat.h?

and dlls that compiled with vs2015 or 2017 will be very nice~:welcoming:

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Import .png images


I realize that while it's possible to exact .png image, it's not possible to re-import them, the .png images file. I only have the option to either import .dat or .txt file. :<

Also, I cannot import multiple image, and I need to do around 1000 :<

Really really hope that you will improve this program. thanks

great program.

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Use plugin to replace texture2d not work


I have a .asset file which loaded by UABE successfully, but when i use the internal plugin to replace a texture2d(just export to a png or tag and then load it back with nothing modified), and then in the game i see a black image instead of the original one, no the parameters changed nor the image modified, but it just failed . what would be the reason? Thanks in advance!



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I've been experimenting with one game's files for some time now. The game in question had an update a few days ago, which updated most of its files. Before the update, I was easily able to access the assets of one of the game's asset bundles and save them modified, but since the update, I cannot do that anymore, as whenever I save it, it grants me a "This isn't a valid assets file!" error. Weirdly enough, the asset bundle works, and a decompressed asset bundle is also still viewable, but as soon as I modify anything inside it, it no longer becomes a "valid assets file!". I think it should be worth noting that the game's update also updated the engine the game runs on, from Unity 5.3.6, to 5.5.1, which I think is the problem here. I hope for the tool to get updated aswell to cover up that error, if it is actually the tool's problem. For testing, here's a decompressed edited asset bundle from the game:


And here's a decompressed unedited file:


Thanks in advance.

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  • 2 weeks later...

A little lost here


Hi guys, Im afraid Im a little lost with the process of extracting the data from 7D2D.


Im a modder but the information on the export import process is scarce and oudated.


How do I get the data of a 7D2D file into 3ds? Could anyone please tell me what tools I need and how to do it?

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Hi DerPopo. Hope you are well. We are all patiently waiting for upcoming update. I came across this today


this ver od Unity is not supported as UABE just crash when you try to save modified data. Could you please give us some info when ne ver will be released?

many thanks and keep up good work

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  • 3 weeks later...

The next update will have lots of additions, such as extracting MonoBehaviour types, compressing bundles, generating mip maps, multithreaded DXT compression, JSON dumps, massive performance improvements for big files, compressed mesh support, support for more than 2048 files and bug fixes.

I'm currently reworking the file methods and the plugin system and am planning to add batch import, progress indicators as well as some command line improvements.

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the next update will have lots of additions, such as extracting monobehaviour types, compressing bundles, generating mip maps, multithreaded dxt compression, json dumps, massive performance improvements for big files, compressed mesh support, support for more than 2048 files and bug fixes.

I'm currently reworking the file methods and the plugin system and am planning to add batch import, progress indicators as well as some command line improvements.


GREAT addition ! :) Thanks!


my mod - in big dependent from UABE.


PS: but, the working window is very small, after running each time to have to stretch it for convenience (for looking full lenght name and path...), why You reluctant to increase it ?

Edited by n2n1 (see edit history)
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Hello! Is there any way to modify (or delete and reupload) an audio file in a .unity3d or .assets file? I have a unity3d file for a gun mod (Unturned) and I'm trying to get the sound changed for it. Any way to do that? Thanks!

sorry for the short answer (i'm not on my PC), check pthis posts:




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The next update will have lots of additions, such as extracting MonoBehaviour types, compressing bundles, generating mip maps, multithreaded DXT compression, JSON dumps, massive performance improvements for big files, compressed mesh support, support for more than 2048 files and bug fixes.

I'm currently reworking the file methods and the plugin system and am planning to add batch import, progress indicators as well as some command line improvements.


Thanks for your hard works!

Edited by XYZ (see edit history)
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Some plugins don't work


Some plugins don't work for example i cant extract any of these:

Animation, Animation Clip,Box Collider, Camera, GameOBject, Material,MeshFiler,MeshRender, monobehaviour, shader, transform,

Here is my version of UABE -> MEGA DOWNLOAD

Also check this program, looks nice thow, HERE

Also2 :) Check this program too >> HERE

Edited by dexterul (see edit history)
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