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invisible Zs


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I was standing on a 10 or 15 foot wall and looking down the area was clear. I jumped down and immediately two zombies appeared standing perhaps 6 ft in front of me. Going from 15 ft vertically to 6 feet horizontally shouldn't have made a difference. Or at least I think it shouldn't.


Is there a graphics setting that I might need to tweak with?

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From what I understand, this is due to spawn mechanics. For example, there's a room with a false floor in the T5 apartment building. In the room below there are zombies that only spawn when you fall into the room. In A17 you could kill the zombies from above because they were already spawned when you were still in the room above.


Here you can see an example (start from 19:40): https://youtu.be/SyaDfYIimuU?t=1179


If you reduce the playback speed to 0.25 you can see the zombies spawning.

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34 minutes ago, RipClaw said:

For example, there's a room with a false floor in the T5 apartment building. In the room below there are zombies that only spawn when you fall into the room.

it happens also in the crack a book tower, in the bathroom with the trap floor, 4° or 5° floor

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