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Blade Trap doing 0 damage

The Loooser

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I tested a trap setup in creative menu. Then I built it on another save just like this. It WORKED in the beginning just like in creative menu, but NOW they are spinning, but not "attacking". They dont do any damage to zombies and also dont degrade anymore. So it means they just stopped attacking at all.


When I let it hit myself, then I indeed get damage and the hitpoints of the blade trap are decreasing. Also if a zombie is standing in the range meanwhile, it also gets damage. But if I do not stand inside of the range, then nothing happens, the blade trap just spins.


Any idea?







EDIT: Now the Bladetrap in the back is also not working anymore:





Now I entered debug menu and god mode ... I placed myself between both traps, which indeed attacked me and THEN they also damaged zombies. So I left myself standing there and the traps killed all zombies like they should.

And when I step out of them again (as I would in regular game play obviously) they dont attack the zombies anymore / dont do damage anymore.


So ... what now????


Same problem here 1 year ago https://steamcommunity.com/app/25157...1705668679033/


Same problem here even 2 years ago ... https://steamcommunity.com/app/25157...4337792503555/


These dudes are having exactly the same issue: the tras MUST attack, but they dont. The people responding just tell them worthless stuff, as they dont realize that the traps are placed correctly and the threads go off-topic ... : /

So plz dont tell me how to place blade traps, they WORKED like this already and suddenly started to stop attacking / doing damage - when I dont step into them.







How do I fly around with the camera?


Here is the video guide:



It tells me to press P in debug mode and then press the button right of P, which is [ in his Video.


But not for me: The button right of P is Ü and it does not work.


So what now?

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Dunno about the traps, but if the default button is [ then you should press [. It's tied to the character itself, not "button to right of P" which was a poor description in that video.


I tested it and the best way to use it is this:


1) Enable god mode

2) Press F5 to enter 3rd-person mode

3) Press P to detach the camera from the survivor - when you move, the survivor moves, but camera stays put

4) Press [ to toggle between moving the survivor or moving the camera while detached

4) Press P to reattach the camera to the survivor (normal 3rd-person view)


When P & [ are used in first-person view, it really doesn't do much useful, that I can tell. Nothing that normal God fly mode doesn't do.

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@ Boidster:


Maybe you can tell me what to press with that picture of the German Keyboard Layout:




why are all pictures always so extremely tiny? When I upload screenshots in 1920x1080 they are also like this and cannot be enlarged ...

Here is the link:




So you say I should press the equivalent. There is no [ button, it is on the 8. So you have to press 8 + Alt Gr to create an [. So when I press 8 + Alt Gr nothing happens. Then when I just press they key which is 8 also nothing happens. Pressing Ü also does not help as I already told (there would be [ on english keyboards).


What could I do now?


Am I the first German in 6 years of game existence that tries to use flying camera? I mean it must be known how to do this?




@ Roland:


I built the trap to test it in creative menu and it worked there. Then I rebuilt it in normal mode. So it is not the case that it is because of generated traps, I built all of them.


And also it WORKED, but then STOPPED WORKING. Suddenly this problem arose and now it did not revert back since then ...

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I'm sorry, Looser I don't know what to tell you about your keyboard. If the game's feature is bound to '[' then it should not matter where '[' is on the keyboard, it should work. I have not heard of a game that binds commands to relative key positions. They bind to ASCII or Unicode characters. The Wiki says that the key is '['. When I used '[' (English KB obviously) it worked. If I had a German KB to test I would happily help figure it out. Maybe 7D2D is the one game that does it completely different, I really don't know. The Wiki definitely has been wrong/misleading about other things before.


So the P key is working normally, but it's just [ that doesn't work? What does it actually show you in the Control bindings (Options -> Controls -> Misc)? Have you tried changing it to something else?

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Oh man I did not even consider that I could just change the key.


I thought this debug mode setting is so far off from regular gameplay that all these key bindings wont show up in the control settings.


Indeed it was telling me that the correct button is [


But I do not have a button like this, as I told. On english keyboards the [ is the regular letter. But on the german ones - just like I told - they are just a "minor" letter which is hidden on t he 8. Therefore there is no *real* [ key.


So now I pressed a new button and I was thinking: let's just give it the same as on english keyboards, which is the right of P. As you can see on the picture above on German it is the Ü button.


So I pressed Ü and it tells me that the key would be ;


This is strange, because on English keyboards it would still be [ and on German Keyboards it would be Ü. So ... weird.


But then I went into game and it worked!






BUT actually this was just the minor aspect of the thread.


With that function I wanted to verify if my endgame super trap is working - a trap that only needs to be repaired and I can just chill out with the repair nail gun. Not so hard to achieve, but now with the new Demolisher all regular setups I had were worthless ...


Now this is the final build and now the blade traps simply stopped working. Therefore it is nice that I can now detach the camera ... but the traps is working - or lets stay WOULD be working - so the camera thing is not even needed anymore: I need working blade traps.


It seems this problem has been out there for very long time.


So what can I do now?


This is the only setup that I can imagine which fulfills my requirement. It works in my creative menu game and it worked at first when I built it in regular save game. Then the upper blade trap stopped working and now the one on the bottom.


That setup was the last thing I wanted to achieve. Now its simply for the trash? : (

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It seems this bug is very hard to reproduce. I have used blade traps for ages and never encountered this bug and I obviously aren't alone. To find a bug in a reasonable time a programmer needs to reproduce the bug so he can observe and inspect it.


The bug might also be a result of you having been playing a world that was started in a previous version (before 18.4(b4)) or having mods installed or being not careful enough to remove old stuff from previous alphas or remnants of old mods.


If you can say no to everything above with confidence, then keep your save around and post a bug report.


One other thing you could do is post a logfile of a play session when the problem is happening. There is a chance errors show up there, but only a chance


Another thing you could do is drive to some other area one kilometre away and look if the bug happens there too. If not you might get away with deleting the problematic area file with the faulty traps in it, but you would lose your horde base, so I don't think you will like that option.




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The strange thing is:

Monster spawned with the F6 menu are getting hit like normal, but the Zombies from Horde night not - and other regular Zombies also not.

Anyways I built the trap again and its now working ... hopefully it will keep doing so this time.

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On 4/27/2020 at 1:23 AM, meganoth said:

It seems this bug is very hard to reproduce. I have used blade traps for ages and never encountered this bug and I obviously aren't alone. To find a bug in a reasonable time a programmer needs to reproduce the bug so he can observe and inspect it.


The bug might also be a result of you having been playing a world that was started in a previous version (before 18.4(b4)) or having mods installed or being not careful enough to remove old stuff from previous alphas or remnants of old mods.


If you can say no to everything above with confidence, then keep your save around and post a bug report.


One other thing you could do is post a logfile of a play session when the problem is happening. There is a chance errors show up there, but only a chance


Another thing you could do is drive to some other area one kilometre away and look if the bug happens there too. If not you might get away with deleting the problematic area file with the faulty traps in it, but you would lose your horde base, so I don't think you will like that option.




Hey Meganoth I've just started experiencing this issue and created a bug report here based on what you said. The only thing I haven't tried is moving away from our current location as that would be very difficult to do. 




EDIT: I went into creative and went to a new area dug down to bed rock and placed blade traps and spawned screamers which initially didn't get hit by the traps but after a while started to. 

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  • 2 months later...

I've been experiencing this as well. Blade traps appear to not take damage, then stop doing damage. Once turned off, their health values update, and any below 500 health will switch to their damaged state. This only occurs on a multiplayer server, which usually has over 5 people logged in for horde nights. On single player maps, it all works correctly.

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