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Unsupported on XB; why not go F2P?


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I was looking for something new to try browsing the Xbox store. This game caught my eye so I read the reviews and they were not flattering, to say the least.

I read TFP statement on console support, so I'm up to speed on that, I suppose. But, why not make this game Free to Play if there is no longer support for the console for the foreseeable future? I don't understand why there would be a $20+ charge for a game that's been essentially shut down. Isn't it more like abandonware at this point?


Just curious.

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7 Days To Die is still a decent game to play on Console imo, especially for those who don't have a PC. Also most of them reviews are young kids and people who cry and complain about everything. That said, the reason why the Console version hasn't been updated in a few years is because Telltale Games were the Publishers on Console. And to make a long story short, when Telltale went bankrupt it put the console version in a bad situation. The Fun Pimps spent millions of dollars to get back the publishing rights for the Console version, and even if they wanted to update the game they would still need to find a 3rd party studio to port the game from PC to Console.


And to answer your question, The Fun Pimps didn't abandon the game, it's just they don't have the expertise and resources to continue updating the console version right now. However if you're unsure about the Console version for whatever reasons, then get it for the PC if you have one. 7 Days To Die is still a fun game to play on Xbox, it may not be up to speed like the PC version but it's still an enjoyable game to play overall. Anyway don't listen to half of them reviews, it's just a bunch of salty gamers who are upset because the game hasn't been updated in a few years. If you want to know the truth, the game is far from perfect but it's still indeed very playable and a fun game to play.

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Just because everyone misses it...




I agree, a lot of people love 7 Days To Die on Console so they're probably mad about the situation, therefore they leave bad reviews and talk so negatively about The Fun Pimps. I also understand why people are upset at the same time, but it's kind of annoying how people turn their backs on a game and start talking so negatively about the devs because times are tough. However during these tough times, The Fun Pimps will know who their real supporters are and who had their backs through it all.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 5/2/2020 at 6:35 PM, BlueAveryVegas said:

Well said, Blitzz.

Thanks, I only try to be real and address the situations based on what I see and how other people react to everything that's beein going on in regards to console. And as a fairly new player to the game, I came into 7 Days To Die knowing all of the issues the game had on console, the bad reviews it got etc. It's just sad to see people being so upset instead of being understanding, it's not like The Fun Pimps caused Telltale Games to go bankrupt you know, lol! Also if The Fun Pimps knew Telltale Games was going to go bankrupt in a matter of a few short years, I know for a fact that they would of never sold them the publishing rights to console.

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7 hours ago, HungryZombie said:

Can you have ftp games on a console?

Yes you can, they have games like Fortnite, H1Z1, Vigor, Warframe etc that are Free-To-Play on console. Although most of them developers have a decent size studio, The Fun Pimps are only small team and wouldn't gain anything by making the game Free-To-Play. I bought the game about 3 months ago and have had no regrets on my purchase whatsoever, 7 Days To Die is one of the best games I've bought or played in a long time that I'm actually passionate about.

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13 hours ago, Gamida said:

I didn't see anywhere where they said they spent millions of dollars to get the rights back? They did mention full console ports could cost millions.

Well regardless if they spent millions or thousands of dollars, they still got the rights back so that's all that matters. 

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