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Huge fps drop in A18.3


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Hello everyone,

I'm happy very low fps (basically unplayable) with linux. I'm using linux mint, the graphics are set to bare minimum (supposedly with dedicated graphics card on).

I have at least an order of magnitude less fps than windows.

I've tried checking vulcan or GLCore and there is no increase in fps.


Any advise would be welcome.


System specs:


Gtx 1050ti

hdd 1 tb (both linux and windows use partitions of this)

16 gb ram

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In A16 I had only slightly worse FPS in linux than in windows. Didn't check for a long time so don't have actual numbers. But I have good FPS on linux with a combo a bit above yours (and not on a laptop): Ryzen 5 2600 and RX 580


But I have an AMD card. Since you have an nvidia card: Did you install the closed-source drivers? AFAIK the open-source drivers on the nvidia side are not good enough since nvidia keeps a lot of stuff secret from the OS driver developers.

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In A16 I had only slightly worse FPS in linux than in windows. Didn't check for a long time so don't have actual numbers. But I have good FPS on linux with a combo a bit above yours (and not on a laptop): Ryzen 5 2600 and RX 580


But I have an AMD card. Since you have an nvidia card: Did you install the closed-source drivers? AFAIK the open-source drivers on the nvidia side are not good enough since nvidia keeps a lot of stuff secret from the OS driver developers.


The game worked perfectly fine in A18.2. In fact it might have worked even better than windows. But in A18.3 I have unplayable framerate and I think the game doesn't run with the GPU but with the integrated graphics.


Is there a way to check this using the console?

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