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My issue(s) with Farm Plots


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I use a machete and 2 ranks of Huntsman. Not noticing much a difference in rotten meat yield.


We used to be able to dig up POI farm plots, but it was removed as it was "too OP".


Absolutely no need for quotation marks there.


Also, people, altering a recipe is the easiest modding there is. Would take less than 5 minutes to rebalance rotten flesh to your liking.

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Hi Roland, yea it's awesome that the game is as moddable as it is, but we always strive to give feedback to optimize the vanilla game as much as possible to limit necessary modding and to improve the experience for players without modding options. Eventually if this doesn't change, of course we'll just mod the rotten flesh in the farm plot recipe, but it would be nice for our opinions to be heard by the pimps before we have go to that route. Also, impressed you're still moderating this crazy forum even after all these years. Please don't get an ulcer :)

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Absolutely no need for quotation marks there.


Also, people, altering a recipe is the easiest modding there is. Would take less than 5 minutes to rebalance rotten flesh to your liking.


I think they should kept the ability to dig up POI farm plots in the game. However, make it a very small chance that you can actually pick it up when you dig. Perhaps increase the chance when you put points into a perk like say 'Living off the Land.' The ability to dig up the farm plot fits the game. If you find something you can 'extract' it like digging an iron ore, punching an goldenrod flower or looting a container. Else if you cannot find something you gather the resources and make it yourself eg. craft the farm plot.

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...we always strive to give feedback to optimize the vanilla game as much as possible to limit necessary modding and to improve the experience for players without modding options.

Should TFP listen to balance feedback of people who play outside of the stated bounds of the game (SP or 8-player MP)? Wouldn't that be like them following up on bug reports from people who are using mods or otherwise have not done fresh installs?

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The game seems to me to be balanced for single player.


Not to my experiences. In my single player game I always had more plots than seeds without farming rotten meat. I also have an overabundance of everything else (of course some things I have to farm on purpose). I also always play without loot respawn (and sometimes reduced loot on top of it). With quests added in A17 I have unwanted loot respawn making it even easier.


On my multiplayer server (~15 player, some more active some less) on a 4kx4k map, we still have plenty of everything thanks to quests. We are one community, but seperate 2-3 man bases. Our garden was ready quite fast and we still have hundreds of rotten meat in our storage.

Now the funny thing is: We already gifted tons of rotten meat to the other groups (and didn't touch their road kills), because they had too few. The difference between our group and their groups is efficiency and speed. They waste tons of time, they do activities that gives them stuff they don't even need at that point. I'd say we get like 5-10 times the loot they do a day. When they built their first bicycles we were already driving with two 4x4 from poi to poi and cleared them. Thanks to quests we don't even need to stop, the distances just get longer.


There is plenty of loot, you just need to get it and waste as little time as possible. Killing all birds you come across helps with rotten meat a lot. On most days I kill 10+ vultures. Since we don't aim for ridiculous overproducing of food (I mean we eat canned food anyway, but I like to still play the game as if gardening would be needed), but just like 10% more than we need, we don't need hundreds of farming plots.


So in my experience it's not that the game is balanced on single players, but that many players just waste tons of time and resources and tend to overestimate their needs by a lot. Of course I too had big gardens in the past, but they aren't needed and now that they need resources, I just stick to my needs.

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Yea from a gameplay perspective sure there is a way around it, but we shouldn't have to find clever ways around bad game design.

I fail to see how going to the forest for farming vultures is considered a way around bad game design. We are in no rush to have hundreds of farming plots in the first week. There are other ways to get your needs done until your garden has a decent size. If you decide to rush it, you should take extra steps like you should take extra steps, if you want to rush other stuff.

You want to trade a lot? Make more quests.

You want a big garden? Go hunt vultures.

You want to read all books? Go search for buildings with a lot of book shelves.

You want to have a gyrocopter early on? Go on a full int build.



Don't get me wrong, I think farming has issues. Especially that it isn't needed at all atm. You can easily feed yourself on meat or canned food alone. But having to do extra steps, if you want to rush something, isn't bad game design per se.

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I have twelve farm plots. Three potatoes, three corn, three mushrooms (thank you RNG!) and three aloe vera. I love farming, this isn't enough, but I'm starting to feel the benefits of my efforts on day twenty-two.


Nooooo..... don't waste a plot on mushrooms. Mushrooms can grow anywhere. They don't need a farm plot.

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