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Z Nation Zombie Sounds


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Ok, so I might be crazy on this one, but I've been playing 7DTD since around A12 and have got nearly 4K hours in. Not as many as some, but enough that my brain (like many of yours) as grown instinctively tuned to the various audio triggers of the noises that the game Zs make.


This week through sheer boredom waiting for A18 to drop I fired up season one of Z Nation and am about 6 or 7 episodes into it. I would be ready to swear that a number of the Z sounds in the TV show are an exact match for some of the 7DTD sounds. I *think* I recognized a couple of the generic snarls and at least one instance of a death rattle from the game.


Has anyone else noticed this and I'm just late to the party? (Probably buried on page 4,523 of the A16 dev diary or something)


Maybe I'm just really on tilt waiting for A18 to drop.

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I've heard a sound from Sharknado in "Sharknado in two minutes" that's similar to one of the sounds that zombies make... my friends and I call it the "Ooo hatsa!" sound, but it's more like a snarl and then something else (it's at 0:33 mark when the shark eats a guy on the stairs) :)


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Seven days uses has some generic sounds, I found them in a Batman cartoon once. Asked madmole about it but he said he didn't know what I was talking about that I was crazy. But then again it's him so of course he's going to disagree.


But yeh you heard right.

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