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7/8 game was fine, 7/9 game was very slow


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I've played 22 days, and the performance on 'medium' settings was fine.


Today I logged into my single player game and it was so choppy/laggy it was unplayable. Was there an update or something that changed the game?


I did some searching and tried various things: turning settings to low, disabling vsync, etc, to no avail.

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I've done the following:


1. restarted. still slow.

2. update the video driver. slow.

3. turned all the settings to the lowest possible. slow.

4. posted on this forum for help.


Hitting f8, my fps is about 6... ouch.


My pc overall seems OK. Browsers and other games still feel fast. It is an older laptop, 8GB ram, Gt 750M video card. But like said, I played for about a month and it was perfectly fine.

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I've seen serious frame rate drops when I have planted a bunch of trees near my base and that's with a relatively beefy system. This game is not optimized and so comparing it to other games isn't an apples to apples comparison. You might try the "GFX pp enable 0" at the command console and see if that helps bump up your frame rates. Turn off shadows and such and see if you can get a playable bump*.


I normally get 60+ FPS but get major hits depending on what's around me in the map. I'm waiting on a new Graphics Card today (Radeon 5700 XT) and that's upgrading from a Founder's edition GTX 1070, just so I can get some smoother frame rates on this game. I can play ARK on ultra settings quite easily, but we're dealing with a game that is still in development and frame rates are one of the things hit first. Specs on your system are a bit on the minimal side. You might have just hit that tipping point. Maybe start a fresh game map and see if you are still getting poor frame rates. You may have pushed your system memory to it's limits (8GB is relatively minimal for this game). Otherwise, roll your system settings back (System restore) and see if it changes. I know that the Windows 10 October update just hit and it was a relatively big update based upon how long it took my system to update.


*This advice is worth as much as you paid for it

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Maybe something is running in the background? I get a huge drop in FPS, down to like 2 fps sometimes if I leave Firefox running in the background. There's a memory leak in Firefox and once it sucks up all the memory, my FPS dies.


Check your task manager while the game is running and look at CPU usage and RAM usage. See if another program is using those resources, and also how much 7D2D is using.

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I figured it out. Someone my power settings on my laptop were set back to default, which drastically lower performance when it isn't plugged in. My bad. I should have checked that.


Laptop. I skimmed right past that to your specs. I assumed you were running on a desktop. I'm glad you were able to figure out your problem. That's great news. Keep a close eye on those power settings as many of the major Windows updates will reset that back to default as well as any network adapter settings. I run into that all the time (I own an IT Firm). Be aware the October Update is a relatively heavy one. I've already started to do repairs from it from broken updates.

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