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Game uses integrated video card instead of dedicated one (laptop)


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I'm using windows PC (laptop), but this is not the bug in-game but probably something with my PC settings or something. So should I have written it in PC bugs section anyway? Sorry if I made a mistake here..


I'm pretty sure that I'm not the only one that is having this problem (at least I think so) and it is probably already solved somewhere there.. I just can't find any thread that has something very similar !!! :upset:

Probably everyone who saw the title thought "what a dumbass, he just needs to go to control panel and set it to use another video card". Well, jokes on you! That's not the problem here as it is already set in nvidia control panel. As well as that power saving mode is set to "maximum performance".


I have read the thread that I need to read before creating new thread. I used search, didn't find what I need (Now you can actually find thread where this problem is solved and then still call me dumbass. Then I will admit I am dumb as rock :cocksure:). I didn't add logs bcuz this is not in-game problem (I mean it happens in game, but in main menu too. Generally when the game is running, not when I start the server or enter the gameplay.. I hope you understand what I mean). If I still need to provide logs, bcuz it records things even before starting the game (playable one, not just .exe game file (HOW TO TELL THEM APART, THEY ARE BOTH CALLED GAMES)) then I can do that anytime. But I think it only loggs something when you play?

Oh and I can answer those three questions:

(I'm gonna call the game itself a 7dtd program and the game where you can walk and do stuff, I mean play, a game.)

1.I started the new game (SP or MP not sure) and I recreated it even before that. It happens just when I launch the 7dtd program.

2.I did validate my files. Everything was fine, it didn't download anything. Just loaded that checking validation thing and that's all.

3.Did I try a brand new game? I actually first validated the files and then created a new game. So I think yes.. Unless it's talking about brand new game, not 7dtd. Then I don't have a brand new game at the moment.. The word game is too confusing.




So as the title mentions, the game runs on integrated GPU (I can call it GPU right? Correct me if I'm wrong with terms please. I want to learn). However, when I minimize the game then it runs on dedicated one. And for me that doesn't make any sense.. I haven't played in a while, but then I read about new Alpha and got interested so I wanted to try it out with my friend. And I can't.. When I open the game and get to main menu I have 20fps (same when I launch the game itself, it's still 20). If I minimize the game while I have task manager open (performance tab) I can see that it was running mainly on integrated GPU (70% of integrated is being used and 10-30% of dedicated) but at the time the game minimizes the dedicated GPU starts using above 96% and integrated less then 10%. If I maximize the game I can see that it was running at 900-500 fps but then drops imediately back to 20fps. I thought maybe my desktop uses dedicated so that's why when I minimize the game dedicated kicks in? So I exited the game when it was minimized while looking at task manager. And both GPUs dropped to below 10%. I'm adding screenshots of my task manager:



So I would like to make it as it used to be - using dedicated GPU. Then I think I would have more fps and the game would be smoother, not so choppy. Now even main menu elements dont select when I hover mouse over them, but couple seconds after I do that. Everything has slight delay.. So meeting a zombie with such lag would mean 100% death for me (without lag it's 40%, that's why it's 100% with it. I'm not very good in this game, but I'm improving!)


I have already tried going to game files and pressing right mouse button on the game to run it with dedicated GPU (which is set to default it says), tried to run it with administration rights. No results..


Any ideas what could cause this problem or how to solve it are welcome! I don't care if it is the game creator itself or a 9yr old who started playing yesterday - if you faced the same problem or you think you might know why it's happening just please let me know and I will try my best to solve it! If I find solution myself I will definately post it here so anyone with the same problem could see it too!


PC specifications

I'm gonna add a link from pastebin where information from my dxdiag is put. I think there is all the information that is needed. If I'm wrong I can add anything that is missing anytime! This is the link. Press me (I can add text to it. Cool)


tags so searching for the same problem will get to this topic and will help a more people once it's solved

wrong gpu used laptop minimized maximized intel nvidia video card low fps lagging delay shuttering choppy


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I have a lot going on right now on my end and your issue doesn't seem to be as simple as I was hoping (since you already did the 2 things I was going to suggest, lol). So I need time to think on this one and will get back to you when I have more time, unless someone solves this before me.


Basically, this is just a courtesy post to let you know you're not being ignored. ;)

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I found this post which might help you: https://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?80410-Switchable-graphics-fix-(tutorial)


If not, read on...


Ok, I reviewed your lengthy post and PC specs (nice laptop by the way). I unfortunately don't really have an answer for you as this has never happened with and around me (though I think I may have seen something very similar in a much older topic here). By default, it should be automatically switching to dedicated GPU during heavy loads like this. This is why I hate APUs, especially with Intel... always getting in the way. Anyways, I do have some questions that might help... Do you have a regular monitor / tv attached to the laptop as that can sometimes mess with GPU settings? Have you taken a look in the Bios settings (to make sure PCI-E / dedicated GPU is higher priority over integrated)? Have you tried an older version of the game (Alpha 16.# for example)? Alpha 17 is still not a very solid version yet which is why I'm asking.


I would like to just add that I hope you're not trying to run the game at your native 4k resolution on that laptop as even the best laptops out there would struggle a lot with this game at 4k. 1080p on any laptop is more than plenty due to their small screen.


This is more than likely not a viable option and is likely to cause more issues than solutions, but... if you're desperate enough to try it... you could maybe try disabling the integrated Intel GPU through Device Manager and see if that forces the laptop to only use the dedicated GPU or not. But odds are, you might get stone age graphics on everything till the dedicated kicks in or possibly worse... no picture at all. It's a big risk and I don't really recommend it unless you're confident enough with computers that you can restore your laptop no matter the outcome. I don't know how forced the integrated graphics are in laptops, and especially with Intel (since I generally avoid Intel products). With AMD APU + dedicated AMD GPU, it's improbable to separate the 2 due to crossfire, but with Intel and Nvidia, there's no crossfire, they don't really work together as 1, so who knows.

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So many replies! When I get home after work Im gonna test as many sugestions as possible. For now:

Yes I did srt it in nvidia control panel to use dedicated

Yes it works with other games. Forgot to mention that. Not sure about unity engine.. gonna check if I have games running on it

No I dont have any TV or monitor, im using laptops one.

No Im not playing on 4k. Usually I play on 1920x1080 or 1240x720 I believe? Those are 16:9. Currently 7dtd is set to that 12*0x720.

Im gonna finish my shift in 5 hours or so. Plus getting home and showering. Then Im checking everything you guys wrote. Thank you!


EDIT: Forgot that I'm working 11 hours not 8. Well I'm still gonna test these out today before going to bed. Hege..

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I wrote the answer not here but on the topic that Fox gave link to.. I'm so dumb! Anyway, I'm copy pasting it here.. :(




So I have written four things to check - exclusive fullscreen mode option in launcher, other games, bios settings, downgrading 7dtd. I planned to do them in this order, because the first is easiest and requires least efforts. And the last one is the most difficult for me :D So I checked the exclusive fullscreen mode. The game was running on 16-19 fps. It was 4k resolution I believe so I thought maybe thats why it is low. But I checked with task manager and same problem persists. When I maximize my game I can still see that the main menu is running on above 900fps while lowered. So yeah..

Then I tried other games. I play league of legends (am I allowed to say other game titles here? If not I can censor them or smth) and I think it's fine. However about unity games.. I launcher overcooked 2. It had the same problem !!! Then I launched oxygen not included. And in main menu it didn't use a lot so I opened a game itself. And it did have the same problem !!! Then to make sure it is only unity games I launched Far Cry 4. Even in loading screen it had 300+ fps. In-game it was jumping from 50 to 120, mainly staying on 70. I remember it used to drop to 20ish or so and be choppy for some time. And I could either play that time and it would fix or pause the game and sit in main menu and wait for that time to pass. And it worked both ways. So yeah anyway, I minimized it kinda. Checked task manager. So dedicated GPU was working as it should. Also when game was running my both GPUs were running. Nvidia with 90+% and intel with I believe 20-35% or something. I guess that's normal?

So I guess I have a problem with unity engine :) Sooo, any sugestions? Is it uneccessary now to go to bios and check those priorities or downgrade 7dtd? (I guess it is. At least downgrading). Gonna think something but I'm still not sure why would it do that.. Any suggestions are welcome!

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Having a really rough sick day today so I'll keep my post short...


It does appear to only affect Unity based games so far, so that does narrow things down. I'm sure someone with a little more knowledge in that area will help you out with that better than me at solving it. But I would still suggest checking the bios just to see if anything stands out as being not quite right. You definitely don't need to downgrade 7d2d versions though.


Also, seeing 300+ to 900+ fps in game menus, you should really consider getting software that limits the fps to your monitor's refresh rate to prevent screen tearing and also to prevent pointless stress on your hardware. I myself limit my fps to half my monitor's refresh cuz I don't play competitively and 72 fps looks just fine for me.

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Thank you for your response!

I went to BIOS but the only thing I fohnd with GPU is selecting Graphic Device with options "switchable graphics" and "uma graphic". Switchable is selected. Also there is "Nvidia GPS" (gpu performance scale) and Im not sure weather it should be enabled or disabled.

And I noticed that there is no option in-game to cap fps? So I need to download 3rd party software for that then.. But Im still only gonna need it after fixing it, as capping fps when it's only 20 is kinda meaningless :D


Still waiting for help! Maybe Im gonna write somewhere else too as it's not 7dtd problem but unity engine..

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Thank you for your response, but at the moment I'm trying to increase my FPS by making the game use my dedicated GPU. I know that vsync caps your fps when you want it to be the same as your monitors refresh rate, so when I fix my problem I will consider doing so or trying to cap it with a 3rd party software or something. However it works only when my fps is bigger then my refresh rate. And I'm not sure if I want to cap it to 47 (my laptops monitor is 47Hz, not 60Hz). Maybe I would do 70 or something like that.

However I messed with settings. With vsync in nvidia, with launcher. I checked that "show display selection window" thing, then I selected lower resolution started the game from there. I enabled and disabled vsync. Enabled Nvidia GPS in bios. And now somehow my FPS in main menu jumps around from 30 to 70 (it's like 70 50 53 30 70 53 53 70 53 70 53 30 34 68 52 70 54 etc. Mainly above 30 above 50 and 70) so I thought well, maybe it's not fully fixed but it's playable with that FPS! So I went to a game. Started it. And while playing my FPS was 12-21. Every video setting is set to minimum. things that are 5 meters from me appear as a big square or something, when I walk near it it gets low textures. Everything looks kinda plain. And I still lag like hell. Whyyy :/

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  • 3 weeks later...

start the game, in precatching source if the counter is slow (1% ... 2% .... 3% ....) Intel is running ... so close the game while loading force to close, restart it so many times as needed until the precatching source gate fast fence (nvidia takes control)


You may have to restart the game about 3 times.

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