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(1.0/A21) bdubyah's modlets


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21 hours ago, arramus said:

This POI is made by Mikemr2. It can be found here.



It is called Camp Yellowstone POI.


Please understand that this POI is not actually part of the Wasteland Mod. It is combined within a GNS Modpack which was bundled and released directly by GNS.


If there are issues with this POI, it will be really helpful for others who have downloaded this Modpack if GNS is made aware of it directly. They will certainly be facing the same issue you are facing.


For a more amazing experiencing, using just the Wasteland Mod and its dependencies in your own RWG will ensure a 95%+ coverage of The Wasteland POIs, with many being repeated. Unfortunately, this Modpack only ensures about 30% coverage of what was intended and a fair amount is skipped. Alternatively, here is a World which contains 100% of the Wasteland POIs. 3 did not appear in the RWG but were hand placed to ensure total coverage.



A self made RWG is actually very good though if you plan another play through.


Thank you!

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20 hours ago, bdubyah said:

You likely have some errors then, probably some xml files not loading. Need a log to help further.

i fixed it the mod my friend made and wanted me to test wasnt compatible with your mod (he made a version of the ocb stop fuel waste mod).

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Found the Mutie Claus love the concept. Getting a zombie to hit you and him at same time triggered his agro was so cool to watch even the reindeer joined the fight.

I have found what I think is a bug in that now I'm max level (300) enemy Mutants or Raiders no longer spawn in POI's (even ones I haven't cleaned out).

Thanks for this awesome Mod. Merry Christmas, Cheers.

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1 hour ago, nismo1969 said:

Found the Mutie Claus love the concept. Getting a zombie to hit you and him at same time triggered his agro was so cool to watch even the reindeer joined the fight.

I have found what I think is a bug in that now I'm max level (300) enemy Mutants or Raiders no longer spawn in POI's (even ones I haven't cleaned out).

Thanks for this awesome Mod. Merry Christmas, Cheers.

Huh, not sure about that. Haven't really touched any of that stuff to my knowledge. Will have to test it out. What is your gamestage at? EDIT: Did some testing and it is actually throwing NREs when triggering the sleeper volumes. I'll try and get it fixed and push a small update soon.


Yeah, he's chill unless you hit him. Haha. Glad you are enjoying the mod. Happy holidays! :)

Edited by bdubyah (see edit history)
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4 minutes ago, nismo1969 said:

I played some more and went to the last Red Rocket trader I hadn't discovered and Johnny is there but no Rad Cats on roof or wandering around the trader compound. Hope this helps. Cheers.

Likely the same issue. I pushed an update just a bit ago. See if it fixes the issue for you.

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1 hour ago, SandmanSA said:

I don't know if this has been discussed or not.  It's not showing up in the search.  But in BdubsVehicles, there doesn't seem to be any progression for the golfclub.  You can only craft a tier1 golfclub.  Is there a fix for this?

I always forget that thing even exists in that mod. Haha. I'm sure it's just missing it's new progression stuff. I'll get it fixed and updated in the next day or so.

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2 hours ago, ahawksfan said:

Thanks for the hard work in creating this overhaul it has some great features.  


Just checking, should the random map generation work properly (put all the new poi, quest, and trader in) or do we have to stick to the posted maps?



I need to actually update those maps, so I wouldn't use them. RWG does a pretty good job usually, but no guarantees. Arramus posted a nice map recently, so you can try it out if you haven't already. It might be a page ago now.

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Heya bdubs, great work on The Wasteland mod. Just going to ask about said mod, do the zed corpses/remains eventually despawn? Cleaning them up is quick and when a remains falls on top of another it usually despawns, but sometimes (especially during horde nights) they tend to pile up and lag the server. That and the remains tend to slow zeds down a bit, which is both a good and bad thing in horde nights since they either slow down or get cranky and attack a nearby block.

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I've been enjoying the mod - thanks!  
I've run into an issue fairly early on, but haven't found a way to resolve it yet; my hired NPCs seem to be stuck in 'Full Control' mode (even before I'd ever tried switching to FC from Hunting mode).  They were appropriately aggressive very early on in the playthrough, but at some point quite a while back they started only attacking when hit, or when I (or a turret) hit something else.  They'll stand around and take the first punch / shot before reacting, and then after a short burst of return fire they actually stop attacking, even though the enemy is often still alive.
I crafted the Mode switching and Halt / Resume command items, but while the buffs / icons update properly when I use them, my hirelings' behaviour stays the same: never initiating combat.  Interestingly though, 'wild' NPCs work just fine, and cruise around ganking everything they see.

I've also noticed that having more than 3 active hirelings (at least of the same kind, but maybe it's an issue with any combination above 3) can result in the sudden disappearance of the 4th NPC (pathfinding glitch, maybe?).  Much, much later on (many game days), I've had them reappear just as suddenly, so now I avoid having too many out at once.  

Oh - and on a separate note: if any modded items are stored on an NPC when you pick them up, those items are seemingly 'stripped' of mods.  I haven't yet determined if that only happens when stored NPCs are placed in a vehicle or other non-backpack storage before retrieval, but it's happened a number of times now, so I've learned not to combine items to save space if storing them in NPC's inventory, and to make sure I don't accidentally store any of my modded gear on them.

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3 hours ago, Rechew said:

when i read Old Journal Page (Nuka Factory) mission failed that means my map 100% no nuka factory POI?? 

That's a possibility. Those POIs usually get placed well in RWG, but never a 100% guarantee. And obviously if you are playing on Nav or a PREGEN map you won't have the custom POIs anyway.

On 12/23/2023 at 1:20 AM, CrazyCelt said:

I've been enjoying the mod - thanks!  
I've run into an issue fairly early on, but haven't found a way to resolve it yet; my hired NPCs seem to be stuck in 'Full Control' mode (even before I'd ever tried switching to FC from Hunting mode).  They were appropriately aggressive very early on in the playthrough, but at some point quite a while back they started only attacking when hit, or when I (or a turret) hit something else.  They'll stand around and take the first punch / shot before reacting, and then after a short burst of return fire they actually stop attacking, even though the enemy is often still alive.
I crafted the Mode switching and Halt / Resume command items, but while the buffs / icons update properly when I use them, my hirelings' behaviour stays the same: never initiating combat.  Interestingly though, 'wild' NPCs work just fine, and cruise around ganking everything they see.

I've also noticed that having more than 3 active hirelings (at least of the same kind, but maybe it's an issue with any combination above 3) can result in the sudden disappearance of the 4th NPC (pathfinding glitch, maybe?).  Much, much later on (many game days), I've had them reappear just as suddenly, so now I avoid having too many out at once.  

Oh - and on a separate note: if any modded items are stored on an NPC when you pick them up, those items are seemingly 'stripped' of mods.  I haven't yet determined if that only happens when stored NPCs are placed in a vehicle or other non-backpack storage before retrieval, but it's happened a number of times now, so I've learned not to combine items to save space if storing them in NPC's inventory, and to make sure I don't accidentally store any of my modded gear on them.

I'm not super familiar with the control modes honestly. I have heard before that over time NPCs get a bit weird. Likely some cvars are getting lost over time or something. No idea on the 4th hire causing issues. I currently don't have any kind of limits set, so they might get stuck and get unloaded before finally getting TP'd to you later.


I think the item mods disappearing is a known issue but not sure if they ever looked at it, or if it was a difficult fix. I'll mention it again to be sure.

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hi, ive noticed some odd behaviour around vehicles in A21.  Tags seem to be ignored and cvar values get increased for no apparent reason.  I wrote a mod for my server and it uses the vanilla hazmat suit. however when i enter or exit a vehicle my cvar value for tracking the worn items keeps increasing by 100%. 

any idea what could be happening with vehicles? its like the game decides to recalculate the player properties like a player reload or respawn. 


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Heya, I'd like to ask, is there a list of specific car parts in The Wasteland? Trying to fix a motorcycle but the icon showing I'm missing a thing is too small and the item seem to be black which makes it harder to find it. In context we're trying to repair an r75 motorcycle (I think thats what it was called, its a motorcycle with a sidecar) and its at stage 6 now

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continuing my comment above,

I have even noticed this effect on startup. i set cvar log values so i could watch what was going on and i noticed the values load 3x on startup.  they load once normally, then reload again for no reason and its an additive value, then they reload a third time from zero (so normally again). However when i enter or leave a vehicle that same reloading of values occurs and it causes an additive affect to occur on my cvar values. Its really odd and i cant see anything that would point to what is causing it.  Any ideas? or how to protect against it?

Edited by ALo (see edit history)
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I really dont get how power armour works? I understand you put the relevant mod inside the frame but it just gives me 0 heavy armour rating even though

the mod has a heavy armour rating.  Is there a skill i need or something? Just seems silly to have it sit in a chest if it can actually help me. Cheers for any help.

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Installed all prerequisites, then the mod, no container is lootable. i then found out that there are many errors (red lines about containers when you press f1). The mod in its current state is broken.
Installed it multiple times, everytime the same result.

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