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(1.0/A21) bdubyah's modlets


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Hi there, apologies if this has already been asked I can't find it anywhere

I've downloaded your vehicle pack for my server, I got my buddies to download it too

Everything works fine aside from the fact that my friends can't see what vehicle I'm driving 

They can see everything in the workbench but not my newly crafted golf cart 

Any ideas on a fix? 

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15 hours ago, EchoD said:

Hi there, apologies if this has already been asked I can't find it anywhere

I've downloaded your vehicle pack for my server, I got my buddies to download it too

Everything works fine aside from the fact that my friends can't see what vehicle I'm driving 

They can see everything in the workbench but not my newly crafted golf cart 

Any ideas on a fix? 

I'd imagine they didn't install it correctly. Can they see them in the crafting lists and stuff? Can they place them themselves? Without logs or more info it's hard to say, but if it's installed on the server correctly and you've installed it correctly, and it works for you but not them, I'd say the problem is them.

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3 hours ago, bdubyah said:

I'd imagine they didn't install it correctly. Can they see them in the crafting lists and stuff? Can they place them themselves? Without logs or more info it's hard to say, but if it's installed on the server correctly and you've installed it correctly, and it works for you but not them, I'd say the problem is them.

Thanks for the reply

So we found the issue 

Turns out there's a folder inside another folder once you extract the file. 

So the boys just copied you the first folder not the one that's needed 

Again thanks for the reply! 

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hi. im using your vehicles pack and really like the look of it. Im new to 7dtd so maybe this was asked somewhere before but for my friends and i on our server the vehicles only go about walking speed. we cannot figure out why.

is there a keyboard combo we need to press? is there some special settings to be tweaked?

to be clear the mod loads fine, and we have some of the vehicles in our possession, but we cannot make ANY vehicle go faster than walking speed. idk enough about the game to know if its the same for the vanilla vehicles but theres a motorcycle and minibike which work well. bicycle works too. just not the modded vehicles.

any ideas what we are doing wrong?


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3 hours ago, ALo said:

hi. im using your vehicles pack and really like the look of it. Im new to 7dtd so maybe this was asked somewhere before but for my friends and i on our server the vehicles only go about walking speed. we cannot figure out why.

is there a keyboard combo we need to press? is there some special settings to be tweaked?

to be clear the mod loads fine, and we have some of the vehicles in our possession, but we cannot make ANY vehicle go faster than walking speed. idk enough about the game to know if its the same for the vanilla vehicles but theres a motorcycle and minibike which work well. bicycle works too. just not the modded vehicles.

any ideas what we are doing wrong?


I keep getting these types of posts but I just don't understand the issue. They work just fine for me. They accelerate a little slowly but are certainly faster than walking speed. Are you using any other mods that might affect them or something?

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yes, im using a lot of other mods. as to which one is conflicting will take a lot of effort to track down especially if i have to go through them eliminating them in groups.

if it works for you and many others then it must be a mod conflict. im not running any other vehicle mods perse, but i do have a handful that affect vehicles such as khaines vehicle damage patch maybe? probably not, "saminals car respawner" which actually touches quite a bit, and the only other vehicle mod i can see is "nanashi_vehicle be tough" which only affects the degradation.  idk, im very new to this game but i have run a valheim server for a couple years so im not new to modding in general. im not running any other vehicle mods besides.

hang on, i just noticed that donovan's AiO mod has a better vehicles patch which messes directly with the velocity. could that be the one?

Edited by ALo (see edit history)
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4 hours ago, ALo said:

yes, im using a lot of other mods. as to which one is conflicting will take a lot of effort to track down especially if i have to go through them eliminating them in groups.

if it works for you and many others then it must be a mod conflict. im not running any other vehicle mods perse, but i do have a handful that affect vehicles such as khaines vehicle damage patch maybe? probably not, "saminals car respawner" which actually touches quite a bit, and the only other vehicle mod i can see is "nanashi_vehicle be tough" which only affects the degradation.  idk, im very new to this game but i have run a valheim server for a couple years so im not new to modding in general. im not running any other vehicle mods besides.

hang on, i just noticed that donovan's AiO mod has a better vehicles patch which messes directly with the velocity. could that be the one?

All I can say is try it and see. A21 slowed vehicle acceleration a bit and people seem to think vehicles are slow now when they are still about the same. I compared my Willy Jeep to the vanilla 4x4 and it does accelerate a bit slower than the 4x4, but the top speed is the same. And as an example, the 4x4 cruises at around 9 m/s while I think the normal player run speed tops out at around 6.5 m/s or so. So not a huge difference even in vanilla. Obviously you can turbo in the vehicle though.

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On 8/22/2023 at 10:05 PM, ALo said:

yes, im using a lot of other mods. as to which one is conflicting will take a lot of effort to track down especially if i have to go through them eliminating them in groups.

if it works for you and many others then it must be a mod conflict. im not running any other vehicle mods perse, but i do have a handful that affect vehicles such as khaines vehicle damage patch maybe? probably not, "saminals car respawner" which actually touches quite a bit, and the only other vehicle mod i can see is "nanashi_vehicle be tough" which only affects the degradation.  idk, im very new to this game but i have run a valheim server for a couple years so im not new to modding in general. im not running any other vehicle mods besides.

hang on, i just noticed that donovan's AiO mod has a better vehicles patch which messes directly with the velocity. could that be the one?


I have this same problem. I downloaded the mod. And absolutely love them.


On my old Alpha the Willie Jeep was my favorite vehicle ever. But yeah, on this alpha, they all go walking speed. I don't have that many mods, and can't imagine that any of them would slow down the vehicles...

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11 hours ago, WWF80sKid said:


I have this same problem. I downloaded the mod. And absolutely love them.


On my old Alpha the Willie Jeep was my favorite vehicle ever. But yeah, on this alpha, they all go walking speed. I don't have that many mods, and can't imagine that any of them would slow down the vehicles...

Do a test for me if you don't mind. Start up a test save, type dm and cm into the console. Spawn a Willy and a vanilla 4x4. Hit F3 and watch your player speed at the top left of the box that opens. Then test out both vehicles and see how it goes. As I said, the Willy does take a bit longer to get going, but actually cruises a touch faster than the vanilla 4x4.


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4 hours ago, Ru Melin said:

Hello together,


please forgive me, if I ask again what the status is about "The Wasteland mod". My friends and me don´t wand to start a new map without it and we wand to start in some days. Whats the progress status?


Best regards.

Got a testing version out at the moment. Have a few small things I wanna get added in and then hopefully I can release it. Maybe within the next few days.

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Ooo it's really looking good. I could join the last testing session and was very impressed with the updates for A21 with weapons, Crafting Skills, Perks, and everything a player could ever want. The loot progression feels a lot more like A19 but with that extra random chance depending on what kind of books are found or perked into. A21 is looking like my favorite.


I particularly like how we can find/craft some Wasteland specific weapons beyond pipe type from the very beginning. Yep, it has been well worth the wait.

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Alrighty people, think I'm ready to finally turn it loose. Thanks to arramus I have fixed quite a few bugs in the last couple days, but don't be surprised if there are still others around. But hopefully nothing game-breaking. So, here it is:


The Wasteland

Updated to, for A21.1


Built on:
SCore v.
NPCmod v.
FullautoLauncher v.1.2.0
RandomMainmenuBackground v1.0.1

Download at Git or Nexus


-Added: Custom menu music
-Added: Corpse looting/gore blocks
-Added: Energy weapon and Heavy weapon crafting skills
-Changed: Adapted to A21's crafting skill system
-Changed: Installing mods no longer increases an item's damage by default
-Changed: Removed my custom doors as they are mostly redundant with A21's new doors
-Fixed: Rad blocks used in Clear Radiation quests not being reset when activating rally markers(Rad POIs will show up for normal Clear quests now though, but will be marked as "Radiated" in the quest list)


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  • bdubyah changed the title to (A21) bdubyah's modlets

In the top right of the black screen there is a small message that suggests 'Spend your SPIFSAL points'.


This is a requirement. Once all 21 SPIFSAL points have been applied to the Perk Skills Choices in the Attributes tracks, the black screen will fade back to normal view.

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7 minutes ago, arramus said:

In the top right of the black screen there is a small message that suggests 'Spend your SPIFSAL points'.


This is a requirement. Once all 21 SPIFSAL points have been applied to the Perk Skills Choices in the Attributes tracks, the black screen will fade back to normal view.

ah sorry...got it.. thank you arramus !

Edited by Shemasheko (see edit history)
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Hello everyone,


I also have had the same issue, but with any object, I also have several errors when loading into a new world. 

I have no other mods loaded, I recreated the map several times, and copied a clean version of the main install game files with no change in the results. 

Also, the terrain does not properly load. I am playing on my desktop solo and not hosting on a server, if that needs to be stated. 

Some highlights from the log file with a full link to the log file.


2023-09-07T14:28:26 122.909 INF Loaded (local): misc in 0.08
2023-09-07T14:28:27 123.966 WRN Type:BetterLauncher, FullautoLauncher was missing when we looked it up via Type.GetType()
2023-09-07T14:28:27 123.966 ERR XML loader: Loading and parsing 'items.xml' failed
2023-09-07T14:28:27 123.969 EXC ItemAction class 'BetterLauncher, FullautoLauncher could not be instantiated
  at ItemClassesFromXml.parseItem (System.Xml.Linq.XElement _node) [0x0096f] in <d7dcfa4979674f179c13273f8b30b551>:0 
  at ItemClassesFromXml+<CreateItems>d__1.MoveNext () [0x001a5] in <d7dcfa4979674f179c13273f8b30b551>:0 
  at ThreadManager+<CoroutineWrapperWithExceptionCallback>d__51.MoveNext () [0x00044] in <d7dcfa4979674f179c13273f8b30b551>:0 
UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr)

2023-09-07T14:28:28 124.107 INF Item IDs with mapping
2023-09-07T14:28:28 124.108 INF ItemIDs from Mapping
2023-09-07T14:28:28 124.172 INF Loaded (local): item_modifiers in 0.20
2023-09-07T14:28:28 124.829 INF Loaded (local): entityclasses in 0.66
2023-09-07T14:28:28 124.872 INF Loaded (local): qualityinfo in 0.04
2023-09-07T14:28:30 126.613 INF Loaded (local): sounds in 1.74
2023-09-07T14:28:30 126.802 ERR XML loader: Loading and parsing 'recipes.xml' failed
2023-09-07T14:28:30 126.802 EXC No item/block with name 'gunEnergyWeaponParts' existing
  at RecipesFromXml+<LoadRecipies>d__1.MoveNext () [0x000e7] in <d7dcfa4979674f179c13273f8b30b551>:0 
  at ThreadManager+<CoroutineWrapperWithExceptionCallback>d__51.MoveNext () [0x00044] in <d7dcfa4979674f179c13273f8b30b551>:0 
UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr)

2023-09-07T14:28:30 126.916 INF Loaded (local): blockplaceholders in 0.10
2023-09-07T14:28:31 127.133 ERR XML loader: Loading and parsing 'loot.xml' failed
2023-09-07T14:28:31 127.133 EXC Item with name 'ammo10mmBullet' not found!
  at LootFromXml.ParseItemList (System.String _containerId, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1[T] _childNodes, System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T] _itemList, System.Int32 _minQualityBase, System.Int32 _maxQualityBase) [0x00182] in <d7dcfa4979674f179c13273f8b30b551>:0 
  at LootFromXml.LoadLootGroup (System.Xml.Linq.XElement _elementGroup) [0x0020d] in <d7dcfa4979674f179c13273f8b30b551>:0 
  at LootFromXml+<LoadLootContainers>d__1.MoveNext () [0x00081] in <d7dcfa4979674f179c13273f8b30b551>:0 
  at ThreadManager+<CoroutineWrapperWithExceptionCallback>d__51.MoveNext () [0x00044] in <d7dcfa4979674f179c13273f8b30b551>:0 
UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr)

2023-09-07T14:28:31 127.611 INF Loaded (local): entitygroups in 0.47
2023-09-07T14:28:31 127.734 INF Loaded (local): utilityai in 0.12
2023-09-07T14:28:31 127.819 INF Loaded (local): vehicles in 0.09
2023-09-07T14:28:31 127.869 INF Loaded (local): rwgmixer in 0.05
2023-09-07T14:28:31 127.919 INF Loaded (local): weathersurvival in 0.05
2023-09-07T14:28:31 127.969 INF Loaded (local): archetypes in 0.05
2023-09-07T14:28:32 128.048 INF Loaded (local): quests in 0.08
2023-09-07T14:28:32 128.079 ERR XML loader: Loading and parsing 'traders.xml' failed
2023-09-07T14:28:32 128.080 EXC Item with name 'noteNF' not found!
  at TradersFromXml.parseItemList (System.String _containerId, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1[T] _childNodes, System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T] _itemList, System.Int32 minQualityBase, System.Int32 maxQualityBase) [0x0014e] in <d7dcfa4979674f179c13273f8b30b551>:0 
  at TradersFromXml.ParseTraderItemGroup (System.Xml.Linq.XElement e) [0x0018a] in <d7dcfa4979674f179c13273f8b30b551>:0 
  at TradersFromXml.ParseTraderItemGroups (System.Xml.Linq.XElement e) [0x0001e] in <d7dcfa4979674f179c13273f8b30b551>:0 
  at TradersFromXml.ParseNode (System.Xml.Linq.XElement e) [0x001d7] in <d7dcfa4979674f179c13273f8b30b551>:0 
  at TradersFromXml+<LoadTraderInfo>d__0.MoveNext () [0x00029] in <d7dcfa4979674f179c13273f8b30b551>:0 
  at ThreadManager+<CoroutineWrapperWithExceptionCallback>d__51.MoveNext () [0x00044] in <d7dcfa4979674f179c13273f8b30b551>:0 
UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr)

2023-09-07T14:28:32 128.144 INF Loaded (local): npc in 0.05
2023-09-07T14:28:32 128.194 INF Loaded (local): dialogs in 0.05
2023-09-07T14:28:32 128.245 INF Loaded (local): ui_display in 0.05
2023-09-07T14:28:32 128.294 INF Loaded (local): nav_objects in 0.05
2023-09-07T14:28:32 128.344 INF Loaded (local): gamestages in 0.05
2023-09-07T14:28:32 128.523 INF Loaded (local): gameevents in 0.18
2023-09-07T14:28:32 128.590 INF Loaded (local): twitch in 0.07
2023-09-07T14:28:32 128.635 INF Loaded (local): twitch_events in 0.04
2023-09-07T14:28:32 128.697 INF Loaded (local): dmscontent in 0.06
2023-09-07T14:28:32 128.735 INF Loaded (local): XUi_Common/styles in 0.04
2023-09-07T14:28:32 128.785 INF Loaded (local): XUi_Common/controls in 0.05
2023-09-07T14:28:32 128.835 INF Loaded (local): XUi/styles in 0.05
2023-09-07T14:28:32 128.885 INF Loaded (local): XUi/controls in 0.05
2023-09-07T14:28:32 128.937 INF Loaded (local): XUi/windows in 0.05
2023-09-07T14:28:32 128.986 INF [XUi] Loading XUi asynchronously
2023-09-07T14:28:32 129.010 INF Loaded (local): XUi/xui in 0.07
2023-09-07T14:28:33 129.139 INF Loaded (local): biomes in 0.13
2023-09-07T14:28:33 129.306 INF Loaded (local): worldglobal in 0.17
2023-09-07T14:28:33 129.441 INF Loaded (local): spawning in 0.13
2023-09-07T14:28:33 129.595 INF Loaded (local): loadingscreen in 0.15
2023-09-07T14:28:33 129.688 INF createWorld: Old Gecidaha Territory, NukaCola2, GameModeSurvival
2023-09-07T14:28:33 129.693 INF Occlusion: Enabled
2023-09-07T14:28:33 129.711 INF [XUi] Parsing all window groups completed in 536 ms total.
2023-09-07T14:28:33 129.733 INF Started thread ChunkRegeneration
2023-09-07T14:28:33 129.733 INF Started thread ChunkCalc
2023-09-07T14:28:33 129.733 INF Started thread ChunkMeshBake
2023-09-07T14:28:33 129.819 INF World.Load: Old Gecidaha Territory
2023-09-07T14:28:33 129.822 INF Loading base world file header...
2023-09-07T14:28:33 129.825 INF BloodMoon SetDay: day 7, last day 0, freq 7, range 0
2023-09-07T14:28:33 129.830 INF BloodMoon SetDay: day 7, last day 0, freq 7, range 0
2023-09-07T14:28:33 129.886 INF Started thread WaterSimulationApplyChanges
2023-09-07T14:28:35 131.068 INF ShapeControllers: 96
2023-09-07T14:28:36 132.193 INF [XUi] Initialized all window groups completed in 917 ms total.
2023-09-07T14:28:39 135.266 ERR Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'Trader_Mechanic' does not exist!
2023-09-07T14:28:39 135.266 WRN Could not load prefab 'Trader_Mechanic'. Skipping it
2023-09-07T14:28:39 135.297 ERR Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'Trader_Mechanic' does not exist!
2023-09-07T14:28:39 135.297 WRN Could not load prefab 'Trader_Mechanic'. Skipping it
2023-09-07T14:28:39 135.332 INF Started thread GenerateChunks
2023-09-07T14:28:39 135.801 INF Calculating world hashes took 414 ms (world size 265 MiB)
2023-09-07T14:28:39 135.967 INF Loading dtm raw file took 609ms
2023-09-07T14:28:40 136.425 INF Biomes image size w= 8192, h = 8192
2023-09-07T14:28:46 142.918 INF Loading and creating biomes took 6951ms
2023-09-07T14:28:50 146.525 INF Loading and creating shader control textures took 3606ms
2023-09-07T14:28:51 147.136 INF Loading and parsing of generator took 610ms
2023-09-07T14:28:51 147.171 INF Computed 1073 chunk groups containing a total of 29238 chunks. Largest group contains 289 chunks.
2023-09-07T14:28:51 147.174 INF Started thread SaveChunks C:\Users\LUCAN\AppData\Roaming\7DaysToDie\Saves\Old Gecidaha Territory\NukaCola2\Region
2023-09-07T14:28:53 149.074 INF [DECO] read 
2023-09-07T14:28:53 149.097 INF Decorating chunks
2023-09-07T14:28:53 149.876 INF Dynamic Music Initialized on Server
2023-09-07T14:28:53 149.886 INF Dynamic Music Initialized on Client
2023-09-07T14:28:54 150.157 INF AstarManager Init
2023-09-07T14:28:54 150.352 INF WeatherManager: Init 8 weather packages
2023-09-07T14:28:54 150.595 INF createWorld() done
2023-09-07T14:28:54 150.597 INF Loading players.xml
2023-09-07T14:28:54 150.924 INF Created player with id=171
2023-09-07T14:28:54 150.933 INF [PartyQuests] Player registered: [type=EntityPlayerLocal, name=Lucantis, id=171]
2023-09-07T14:28:54 150.942 INF Loaded player
2023-09-07T14:28:55 151.194 INF Setting for 'DayNightLength' does not match the default (server will go to the modded category): current = 90, default = 60
2023-09-07T14:28:55 151.194 INF Setting for 'DropOnDeath' does not match the default (server will go to the modded category): current = 0, default = 1
2023-09-07T14:28:55 151.194 INF Setting for 'BlockDamagePlayer' does not match the default (server will go to the modded category): current = 300, default = 100
2023-09-07T14:28:55 151.194 INF Setting for 'LootAbundance' does not match the default (server will go to the modded category): current = 150, default = 100
2023-09-07T14:28:55 151.194 INF Setting for 'DynamicMeshLandClaimBuffer' not within the default range (server will go to the modded category): current = 6, default = 1 - 5
2023-09-07T14:28:55 151.279 INF [EOS] Registering server
2023-09-07T14:28:55 151.287 INF Starting Fire Manager
2023-09-07T14:28:55 151.288 INF  :: Fire Interval Check time: 20
2023-09-07T14:28:55 151.288 INF Broadcast Manager is disabled.
2023-09-07T14:28:55 151.373 ERR LootContainer 'birdNest' unknown
2023-09-07T14:28:55 151.389 INF [DECO] written 163424, in 55ms
2023-09-07T14:28:55 151.394 INF [DECO] write thread 4ms
2023-09-07T14:28:55 151.415 ERR LootContainer 'birdNest' unknown
2023-09-07T14:28:55 151.451 INF OpenSpawnWindow
2023-09-07T14:28:55 151.510 INF Loading dymesh settings
2023-09-07T14:28:55 151.510 INF Dynamic Mesh Settings
2023-09-07T14:28:55 151.510 INF Use Imposter Values: True
2023-09-07T14:28:55 151.510 INF Only Player Areas: False
2023-09-07T14:28:55 151.510 INF Player Area Buffer: 6
2023-09-07T14:28:55 151.510 INF Max View Distance: 1000
2023-09-07T14:28:55 151.510 INF Regen all on new world: False
2023-09-07T14:28:55 151.513 INF Dynamic mesh disabled on world start
Reading External Particles in ConfigFeatureBlock/ExternalParticles...
Done Reading External Particles.
2023-09-07T14:28:55 151.513 INF StartGame done
2023-09-07T14:28:55 151.523 ERR LootContainer 'birdNest' unknown
2023-09-07T14:28:55 151.548 ERR LootContainer 'birdNest' unknown
2023-09-07T14:28:55 151.557 INF [Steamworks.NET] GameServer.Init successful
2023-09-07T14:28:55 151.575 ERR LootContainer 'birdNest' unknown
2023-09-07T14:28:55 151.747 ERR LootContainer 'cntBackpack' unknown
Calling Animator.GotoState on Synchronize layer
2023-09-07T14:28:55 151.795 ERR LootContainer 'birdNest' unknown
2023-09-07T14:28:55 151.867 INF [EOS] Server registered, session: 097e71b01b414a9f9e6e4da2d965aa70
2023-09-07T14:28:55 151.870 INF [EOS] Session 
2023-09-07T14:28:55 151.875 INF [Steamworks.NET] Trying to create Lobby (visibility: k_ELobbyTypePrivate)
2023-09-07T14:28:55 151.877 ERR LootContainer 'cntBackpack' unknown
2023-09-07T14:28:55 151.882 ERR LootContainer 'birdNest' unknown
2023-09-07T14:28:55 151.882 ERR LootContainer 'birdNest' unknown
2023-09-07T14:28:55 151.898 ERR LootContainer 'birdNest' unknown
2023-09-07T14:28:55 151.903 ERR LootContainer 'birdNest' unknown
2023-09-07T14:28:55 151.922 ERR LootContainer 'birdNest' unknown
2023-09-07T14:28:55 151.942 ERR LootContainer 'junk' unknown
2023-09-07T14:28:55 151.970 ERR LootContainer 'birdNest' unknown
2023-09-07T14:28:55 152.020 ERR LootContainer 'birdNest' unknown
2023-09-07T14:28:56 152.053 ERR LootContainer 'birdNest' unknown
2023-09-07T14:28:56 152.059 ERR LootContainer 'birdNest' unknown
2023-09-07T14:28:56 152.091 ERR LootContainer 'junk' unknown
2023-09-07T14:28:56 152.097 INF [Steamworks.NET] 
2023-09-07T14:28:56 152.114 ERR LootContainer 'birdNest' unknown
2023-09-07T14:28:56 152.115 ERR LootContainer 'birdNest' unknown
2023-09-07T14:28:56 152.129 INF [Steamworks.NET] Lobby entered: 
2023-09-07T14:28:56 152.131 WRN [Steam] Tick took exceptionally long: 40 ms
2023-09-07T14:28:56 152.136 ERR LootContainer 'birdNest' unknown
2023-09-07T14:28:56 152.142 ERR LootContainer 'birdNest' unknown
2023-09-07T14:28:56 152.148 ERR LootContainer 'birdNest' unknown
2023-09-07T14:28:56 152.163 ERR LootContainer 'junk' unknown
2023-09-07T14:28:56 152.270 ERR LootContainer 'junk' unknown
2023-09-07T14:28:56 152.298 INF [Steamworks.NET] GameServer.LogOn successful, 
2023-09-07T14:28:56 152.301 INF [Steamworks.NET] Exiting Lobby
2023-09-07T14:28:56 152.301 INF [Steamworks.NET] Trying to create Lobby (visibility: k_ELobbyTypePrivate)
2023-09-07T14:28:56 152.302 ERR LootContainer 'birdNest' unknown
2023-09-07T14:28:56 152.362 ERR LootContainer 'birdNest' unknown
2023-09-07T14:28:56 152.373 ERR LootContainer 'birdNest' unknown
2023-09-07T14:28:56 152.390 ERR LootContainer 'birdNest' unknown
2023-09-07T14:28:56 152.550 ERR LootContainer 'birdNest' unknown
2023-09-07T14:28:56 152.562 INF [Steamworks.NET] Lobby creation succeeded, 
2023-09-07T14:28:56 152.565 INF [Steamworks.NET] Lobby entered: 109775244646010882
2023-09-07T14:28:56 152.579 ERR LootContainer 'birdNest' unknown
2023-09-07T14:28:56 152.616 ERR LootContainer 'birdNest' unknown
2023-09-07T14:28:56 152.651 ERR LootContainer 'birdNest' unknown
2023-09-07T14:28:56 152.656 ERR LootContainer 'junk' unknown
2023-09-07T14:28:56 152.675 ERR LootContainer 'birdNest' unknown
2023-09-07T14:28:56 152.675 ERR LootContainer 'birdNest' unknown
2023-09-07T14:28:56 152.685 ERR LootContainer 'birdNest' unknown
2023-09-07T14:28:56 152.690 ERR LootContainer 'junk' unknown
2023-09-07T14:28:57 153.265 INF Respawn almost done
2023-09-07T14:28:57 153.272 INF PlayerSpawnedInWorld (reason: NewGame, position: -1921, 39, 1079): localplayer
2023-09-07T14:28:57 153.311 INF Checking for Stale Hires
2023-09-07T14:28:57 153.328 INF 4964+1 Origin Reposition (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) to (-1936.0, 32.0, 1072.0)
2023-09-07T14:28:57 153.927 INF Executing command 'weather fogcolor .25 .25 .25'
2023-09-07T14:28:58 154.418 INF Executing command 'weather fogcolor .255 .255 .255'
2023-09-07T14:28:58 154.921 INF Executing command 'weather fogcolor .26 .26 .26'
2023-09-07T14:28:59 155.421 INF Executing command 'weather fogcolor .27 .27 .27'
2023-09-07T14:28:59 155.421 INF MinEventLogMessage: XP gained during the last level:
2023-09-07T14:28:59 155.421 INF CVarLogValue: $xpFromLootThisLevel == 0
2023-09-07T14:28:59 155.421 INF CVarLogValue: $xpFromHarvestingThisLevel == 0
2023-09-07T14:28:59 155.421 INF CVarLogValue: $xpFromKillThisLevel == 0
2023-09-07T14:28:59 155.921 INF Executing command 'weather fogcolor .28 .28 .28'
2023-09-07T14:29:00 156.421 INF Executing command 'weather fogcolor .29 .29 .29'
2023-09-07T14:29:00 156.922 INF Executing command 'weather fogcolor .3 .3 .3'
2023-09-07T14:29:01 157.413 INF Executing command 'weather fogcolor .305 .305 .305'
2023-09-07T14:29:01 157.913 INF Executing command 'weather fogcolor .31 .31 .31'
2023-09-07T14:29:02 158.414 INF Executing command 'weather fogcolor .315 .315 .315'
2023-09-07T14:29:02 158.922 INF Executing command 'weather fogcolor .32 .32 .32'
2023-09-07T14:29:03 159.422 INF Executing command 'weather fogcolor .325 .325 .325'
 Checking if Entity has Buff: buffSPIFSALComplete
 Buffs: BuffValue[]
2023-09-07T14:29:03 159.924 INF Executing command 'weather fogcolor .33 .33 .33'
2023-09-07T14:29:04 160.422 INF Executing command 'weather fogcolor .34 .34 .34'
2023-09-07T14:29:04 160.922 INF Executing command 'weather fogcolor .35 .35 .35'
2023-09-07T14:29:05 161.423 INF Executing command 'weather fogcolor .36 .36 .36'
2023-09-07T14:29:05 161.923 INF Executing command 'weather fogcolor .37 .37 .37'
2023-09-07T14:29:06 162.423 INF Executing command 'weather fogcolor .385 .385 .385'
2023-09-07T14:29:06 163.009 INF Executing command 'weather fogcolor .39 .39 .39'
2023-09-07T14:29:07 163.509 INF Executing command 'weather fogcolor .4 .4 .4'
 Checking if Entity has Buff: buffSPIFSALComplete
 Buffs: BuffValue[]
2023-09-07T14:29:21 177.679 ERR LootContainer 'birdNest' unknown
2023-09-07T14:29:21 177.693 ERR LootContainer 'junk' unknown
2023-09-07T14:29:21 177.693 ERR LootContainer 'birdNest' unknown
2023-09-07T14:29:24 180.263 ERR LootContainer 'birdNest' unknown
2023-09-07T14:29:24 180.282 ERR LootContainer 'junk' unknown
2023-09-07T14:29:24 180.282 ERR LootContainer 'birdNest' unknown
2023-09-07T14:29:24 180.585 ERR LootContainer 'birdNest' unknown
2023-09-07T14:29:24 180.597 ERR LootContainer 'junk' unknown
2023-09-07T14:29:24 180.597 ERR LootContainer 'junk' unknown
2023-09-07T14:29:25 181.245 INF Time: 2.09m FPS: 57.08 Heap: 2147.6MB Max: 2147.6MB Chunks: 236 CGO: 130 Ply: 1 Zom: 0 Ent: 3 (3) Items: 0 CO: 1 RSS: 6249.9MB
2023-09-07T14:29:26 182.802 ERR LootContainer 'junk' unknown
2023-09-07T14:29:32 188.075 ERR LootContainer 'cntBackpack' unknown
2023-09-07T14:29:32 188.075 ERR LootContainer 'birdNest' unknown
2023-09-07T14:29:32 188.080 ERR LootContainer 'birdNest' unknown
2023-09-07T14:29:32 188.092 ERR LootContainer 'birdNest' unknown
2023-09-07T14:29:35 191.222 ERR LootContainer 'junk' unknown
2023-09-07T14:29:35 191.226 ERR LootContainer 'birdNest' unknown
2023-09-07T14:29:35 191.255 ERR LootContainer 'cntBackpack' unknown
2023-09-07T14:29:35 191.255 ERR LootContainer 'junk' unknown
2023-09-07T14:29:38 194.527 ERR LootContainer 'cntBackpack' unknown
2023-09-07T14:29:38 194.541 ERR LootContainer 'junk' unknown
2023-09-07T14:29:38 194.572 WRN AddDecorationAt id=22026 r=25 d=0 m=0 m2=0 m3=0, -1768, 35, 973 replacing
2023-09-07T14:29:38 194.572 WRN AddDecorationAt id=22014 r=1 d=0 m=0 m2=0 m3=0, -1774, 35, 978 replacing
2023-09-07T14:29:38 194.572 WRN AddDecorationAt id=22031 r=2 d=0 m=0 m2=0 m3=0, -1770, 35, 991 replacing
2023-09-07T14:29:41 197.041 ERR LootContainer 'junk' unknown
2023-09-07T14:29:41 197.054 ERR LootContainer 'birdNest' unknown
2023-09-07T14:29:41 197.065 ERR LootContainer 'sinks' unknown
2023-09-07T14:29:41 197.065 ERR LootContainer 'refrigerator' unknown
2023-09-07T14:29:41 197.065 ERR LootContainer 'reinforcedChestT3' unknown
2023-09-07T14:29:41 197.065 ERR Exception in thread GenerateChunks:
2023-09-07T14:29:41 197.066 EXC Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  at BlockSecureLoot.OnBlockAdded (WorldBase world, Chunk _chunk, Vector3i _blockPos, BlockValue _blockValue) [0x00055] in <d7dcfa4979674f179c13273f8b30b551>:0 
  at Chunk.SetBlock (WorldBase _world, System.Int32 x, System.Int32 y, System.Int32 z, System.Int32 _clrIdx, BlockValue _blockValue, System.Boolean _notifyAddChange, System.Boolean _notifyRemove, System.Boolean _fromReset) [0x000b3] in <d7dcfa4979674f179c13273f8b30b551>:0 
  at Chunk.SetBlock (WorldBase _world, System.Int32 x, System.Int32 y, System.Int32 z, BlockValue _blockValue, System.Boolean _notifyAddChange, System.Boolean _fromReset) [0x00000] in <d7dcfa4979674f179c13273f8b30b551>:0 
  at Prefab.CopyBlocksIntoChunkNoEntities (World _world, Chunk _chunk, Vector3i _prefabTargetPos, System.Boolean _bForceOverwriteBlocks) [0x005a8] in <d7dcfa4979674f179c13273f8b30b551>:0 
  at PrefabInstance.CopyIntoChunk (World _world, Chunk _chunk, System.Boolean _bForceOverwriteBlocks) [0x00000] in <d7dcfa4979674f179c13273f8b30b551>:0 
  at (wrapper dynamic-method) DynamicPrefabDecorator.DMD<DynamicPrefabDecorator::DecorateChunk>(DynamicPrefabDecorator,World,Chunk,bool)
  at DynamicPrefabDecorator.DecorateChunk (World _world, Chunk _chunk) [0x00000] in <d7dcfa4979674f179c13273f8b30b551>:0 
  at ChunkProviderGenerateWorld.GenerateSingleChunk (ChunkCluster cc, System.Int64 key, System.Boolean _forceRebuild) [0x00103] in <d7dcfa4979674f179c13273f8b30b551>:0 
  at ChunkProviderGenerateWorld.GenerateChunksThread (ThreadManager+ThreadInfo _threadInfo) [0x0004c] in <d7dcfa4979674f179c13273f8b30b551>:0 
  at ThreadManager.myThreadInvoke (System.Object _threadInfo) [0x0005d] in <d7dcfa4979674f179c13273f8b30b551>:0 
System.Threading.ExecutionContext:RunInternal(ExecutionContext, ContextCallback, Object, Boolean)
System.Threading.ExecutionContext:Run(ExecutionContext, ContextCallback, Object, Boolean)
System.Threading.ExecutionContext:Run(ExecutionContext, ContextCallback, Object)


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3 hours ago, Lucantis said:

Hello everyone,


I also have had the same issue, but with any object, I also have several errors when loading into a new world. 

I have no other mods loaded, I recreated the map several times, and copied a clean version of the main install game files with no change in the results. 

Also, the terrain does not properly load. I am playing on my desktop solo and not hosting on a server, if that needs to be stated. 

Some highlights from the log file with a full link to the log file.


You're at least missing the FullAutoLauncher mod. 


12 hours ago, tyabu6789 said:

i can't loot anything, and when i try to loot a zombie corpse i got stuck, can't move but still can press Tab or M. 

I need a log to help. 

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First off, let me say I appreciate you taking the time to help me out on this matter. 

I had deleted and redone that file structure so many times I didn't see what was missing. I added it back and launched the previous save, which was from the start, and it didn't load properly, so I created a new game, and the objects are now working correctly, which is great progress. 

The only error I see, and it could be nothing to worry about, which happens, but I am unfamiliar with this mod, is when it's trying to load a Prefab Trader_Mechanic.

It shows up on the prefabs.xml when the map was generated, and it appears not to be a special one from the mod, so it should be fine. Or maybe I should generate another random one? 


2023-09-07T20:20:37 86.923 INF createWorld: Old Gecidaha Territory, NukaCola2, GameModeSurvival
2023-09-07T20:20:37 86.924 INF Occlusion: Enabled
2023-09-07T20:20:37 86.958 INF Started thread ChunkRegeneration
2023-09-07T20:20:37 86.959 INF Started thread ChunkCalc
2023-09-07T20:20:37 86.959 INF Started thread ChunkMeshBake
2023-09-07T20:20:37 86.978 INF [XUi] Parsing all window groups completed in 581 ms total.
2023-09-07T20:20:37 87.064 INF World.Load: Old Gecidaha Territory
2023-09-07T20:20:37 87.071 INF BloodMoon SetDay: day 7, last day 0, freq 7, range 0
2023-09-07T20:20:37 87.116 INF Started thread WaterSimulationApplyChanges
2023-09-07T20:20:38 88.310 INF ShapeControllers: 96
2023-09-07T20:20:39 89.418 INF [XUi] Initialized all window groups completed in 929 ms total.
2023-09-07T20:20:42 92.899 ERR Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'Trader_Mechanic' does not exist!
2023-09-07T20:20:42 92.899 WRN Could not load prefab 'Trader_Mechanic'. Skipping it
2023-09-07T20:20:43 92.924 ERR Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'Trader_Mechanic' does not exist!
2023-09-07T20:20:43 92.924 WRN Could not load prefab 'Trader_Mechanic'. Skipping it

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43 minutes ago, Lucantis said:

First off, let me say I appreciate you taking the time to help me out on this matter. 

I had deleted and redone that file structure so many times I didn't see what was missing. I added it back and launched the previous save, which was from the start, and it didn't load properly, so I created a new game, and the objects are now working correctly, which is great progress. 

The only error I see, and it could be nothing to worry about, which happens, but I am unfamiliar with this mod, is when it's trying to load a Prefab Trader_Mechanic.

It shows up on the prefabs.xml when the map was generated, and it appears not to be a special one from the mod, so it should be fine. Or maybe I should generate another random one? 


2023-09-07T20:20:37 86.923 INF createWorld: Old Gecidaha Territory, NukaCola2, GameModeSurvival
2023-09-07T20:20:37 86.924 INF Occlusion: Enabled
2023-09-07T20:20:37 86.958 INF Started thread ChunkRegeneration
2023-09-07T20:20:37 86.959 INF Started thread ChunkCalc
2023-09-07T20:20:37 86.959 INF Started thread ChunkMeshBake
2023-09-07T20:20:37 86.978 INF [XUi] Parsing all window groups completed in 581 ms total.
2023-09-07T20:20:37 87.064 INF World.Load: Old Gecidaha Territory
2023-09-07T20:20:37 87.071 INF BloodMoon SetDay: day 7, last day 0, freq 7, range 0
2023-09-07T20:20:37 87.116 INF Started thread WaterSimulationApplyChanges
2023-09-07T20:20:38 88.310 INF ShapeControllers: 96
2023-09-07T20:20:39 89.418 INF [XUi] Initialized all window groups completed in 929 ms total.
2023-09-07T20:20:42 92.899 ERR Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'Trader_Mechanic' does not exist!
2023-09-07T20:20:42 92.899 WRN Could not load prefab 'Trader_Mechanic'. Skipping it
2023-09-07T20:20:43 92.924 ERR Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'Trader_Mechanic' does not exist!
2023-09-07T20:20:43 92.924 WRN Could not load prefab 'Trader_Mechanic'. Skipping it

That's a POI from my vehicle mod. Not sure how that got there unless you were using it before. But shouldn't be on a newly created world unless you reused one or something. Either way, that shouldn't really cause any issues. 

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