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(1.0/A21) bdubyah's modlets


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Hi I love your mods and am a huge fan of the Fallout series.... well except for 4.  Anyways I must have done something wrong when I installed the mod because I have zero creatures of any kind, no rabbits, deer, mutants, zombies anything well I do have the trader.... I did a mission for said trader to clear the area and I went to the spot activated it and went to the yellow dot.  Nothing was there and the mission completed.  I so want to make this mod work please any would be so appreciated.


sorry I noticed in some of the other posts that you need the logs... where do I find those?

Edited by kildich (see edit history)
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I encountered a game-breaking mod conflict. I'm not very savvy on this but I'll explain it best I can in hopes someone can assist.
I'm not even sure where to post this since it involves different modders.
I'm playing Vanilla 7DTD,  A20.5, local game.
There are 4 mods in this conversation:
Truck Elevator from War3zuk (couldn't find that one in this forum)
More Containers: community.7daystodie.com/topic/21570-morecontainers-v18-alpha-20/
A van, UAZ452: community.7daystodie.com/topic/11875-a20a19-bdubyahs-modlets/
Bdubyahs Vehicles: community.7daystodie.com/topic/11875-a20a19-bdubyahs-modlets/


I've played many hours with the truck elevator and container mods with no issue. I found the UAZ452 van mod and thought it looked interesting so I installed it. Played a few days with it with no issue. I then decided to try the 'all vehicles' from same person (bdubyahs). Removed the 'UAZ452' folder, dropped in the 'Bdubs Vehicles', and at first it seemed ok. Then I went to the spot in my base where my truck elevator was supposed to be and found it was replaced with a storage container!? Specifically 'Halfblock Auto Parts Storage Box' which is from the 'More Containers' modlet. My first thought was that since that container name had 'auto' in it's name perhaps there was a name conflict in the code of one the all vehicles mod. So I removed Bdubyahs Vehicles and put UAZ452 back. No good. Issue remained. No truck lift. In fact after messing with it I've found that if I have the 'Bdubs Vehicles' folder removed and approach the lift area the game locks up with console errors. I have to use 'shutdown' console command. Below is a sample from the log file of what it spams (I was going to attach the log file but it seems I can only attach images?) :


2022-06-10T16:47:01 85.912 INF Bad ChunkCacheNeighborBlocks index (-1, 32, 0),
Exception: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  at Chunk.IsWater (System.Int32 _x, System.Int32 _y, System.Int32 _z) [0x0000d] in <6a01347f98174dbdb41cb4a4eedf5af7>:0
  at ChunkCacheNeighborBlocks.IsWater (System.Int32 relx, System.Int32 absy, System.Int32 relz) [0x00008] in <6a01347f98174dbdb41cb4a4eedf5af7>:0
NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  at Chunk.IsWater (System.Int32 _x, System.Int32 _y, System.Int32 _z) [0x0000d] in <6a01347f98174dbdb41cb4a4eedf5af7>:0
  at World.IsWater (System.Int32 _x, System.Int32 _y, System.Int32 _z) [0x0002a] in <6a01347f98174dbdb41cb4a4eedf5af7>:0
  at World.IsWater (Vector3i _pos) [0x00000] in <6a01347f98174dbdb41cb4a4eedf5af7>:0
  at EntityPlayerLocal.doHeadUnderwaterCheck (System.Single posY, Vector3i blockPos) [0x00017] in <6a01347f98174dbdb41cb4a4eedf5af7>:0
  at EntityPlayerLocal.isHeadUnderwater (System.Single shift) [0x00092] in <6a01347f98174dbdb41cb4a4eedf5af7>:0
  at Audio.Manager.UpdateAudioData () [0x003bb] in <6a01347f98174dbdb41cb4a4eedf5af7>:0
  at GameManager.gmUpdate () [0x00202] in <6a01347f98174dbdb41cb4a4eedf5af7>:0
  at GameManager.Update () [0x00000] in <6a01347f98174dbdb41cb4a4eedf5af7>:0

At first glance it seems jibberish since it is referring to 'water' and nothing about the vehicle mod. However after thinking about it, it occurs to me that perhaps the elevator is using some in-game physics for a player swimming and that is how it 'lifts' the player.
It seems that perhaps a name conflict between Bdubs Vehicles, More Containers, and Truck Elevator mods somehow transformed my lift into a storage container. In consequence, the missing lift triggers the (water/swimming) errors and game freeze since it is now mismatched in some config file somewhere.

I'm at a loss on how to fix this one.
(But the UAZ452 van was cool. A beat-up old van fits in the backstory well.)

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Yeah, adding/removing mods to an ongoing save is a real bad idea. It shifts id's around and can break things, as you've seen. Sounds like maybe a corrupt chunk. So can either look up how to try to fix that, or make a new game.

On 6/9/2022 at 1:11 PM, kildich said:

Hi I love your mods and am a huge fan of the Fallout series.... well except for 4.  Anyways I must have done something wrong when I installed the mod because I have zero creatures of any kind, no rabbits, deer, mutants, zombies anything well I do have the trader.... I did a mission for said trader to clear the area and I went to the spot activated it and went to the yellow dot.  Nothing was there and the mission completed.  I so want to make this mod work please any would be so appreciated.


sorry I noticed in some of the other posts that you need the logs... where do I find those?



Only thing other than some error is to make sure you didn't somehow turn off Enemy Spawning in the game options.

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  • 2 weeks later...

How is the braking distance of vehicles controlled? Specifically I'm thinking of the buggy, it seems to go from 60 to zero in a second. This is in DF so maybe that has altered it but I'd like to adjust it some. I've compared the xml of the buggy vs some of the cars that have terrible brakes but I don't really see a difference in the settings that appear to relate to brakes.

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Thanks for the tip. So the settings are in the unity 3d files? I was wondering how vehicles with the same brake settings in the xml could have such different braking distances. So, that gave me the answer. If I change the brakeTorque setting in the xml it does change how strong the brakes are. Changing from default of 4000 to 1000 for example makes a full speed brake distance of about a car length increase to several car lengths. Much more realistic. I haven't tested much to see if the change affects handling in other ways, but so far I like this better. And maybe I'll try some of the other vehicles again that have almost no brakes, might make them drivable.

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  • 2 weeks later...
6 hours ago, LeadHail said:

I am trying to Reduce the size of the Buggy Inventory for the Use of my server but I cant seem to figure it out, any help would be appreciated.

That is set in its entityclasses.xml entry. The loot name used there is defined in loot.xml. You can look at the vanilla minibike or whatever vehicle you want it to match and just use the loot list that vehicle uses. 

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14 hours ago, bdubyah said:

That is set in its entityclasses.xml entry. The loot name used there is defined in loot.xml. You can look at the vanilla minibike or whatever vehicle you want it to match and just use the loot list that vehicle uses. 

So I should change the lootlistalive from vehicle 4x4 to somethingike minibike and then make sure that the loot.xml matches?

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6 hours ago, LeadHail said:

So I should change the lootlistalive from vehicle 4x4 to somethingike minibike and then make sure that the loot.xml matches?

Just change the lootlistalive to the same as the minibike and it should be fine. You won't need to edit anything in loot.xml as long as you are using one that already exists. 

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Hello, I'm not sure if this would be the proper place to ask this, but I've been thinking about modding in a trailer for the truck or other vehicles, maybe make the vehicle have a tow hitch attachment to be able to carry the trailer? I'm posting this here because you're the best vehicle modder I know of.

7 minutes ago, LeadHail said:

Hello, I'm not sure if this would be the proper place to ask this, but I've been thinking about modding in a trailer for the truck or other vehicles, maybe make the vehicle have a tow hitch attachment to be able to carry the trailer? I'm posting this here because you're the best vehicle modder I know of.

I know how to add in new items and their recipes, but I don't understand the gears of vehicles or adding textures or anything about the mechanic that would need to be used for it to work properly 

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Hi, I'm getting the following issue in regards to entities when trying to load the game. Here's part of the log 

022-07-12T21:20:44 167.516 ERR XML loader: Loading and parsing 'entityclasses.xml' failed
2022-07-12T21:20:44 167.539 EXC Did not find 'extends' entity 'npcAdvancedBatTemplate'
  at EntityClassesFromXml+<LoadEntityClasses>d__0.MoveNext () [0x00166] in <6a01347f98174dbdb41cb4a4eedf5af7>:0 
  at ThreadManager+<CoroutineWrapperWithExceptionCallback>d__48.MoveNext () [0x00044] in <6a01347f98174dbdb41cb4a4eedf5af7>:0 

2022-07-12T21:20:47 170.243 WRN XML patch for "entitygroups.xml" from mod "The Wasteland" did not apply: <set xpath="//entitygroup[contains(@name, 'Zombie') or (contains(@name, 'npc'))]/entity[ starts-with(@name, 'npcBaker')]/@prob"  (line 3 at pos 3)
2022-07-12T21:20:47 170.246 WRN XML patch for "entitygroups.xml" from mod "The Wasteland" did not apply: <set xpath="//entitygroup[contains(@name, 'Zombie') or (contains(@name, 'npc'))]/entity[ starts-with(@name, 'npcNurse')]/@prob"  (line 4 at pos 3)
2022-07-12T21:20:47 170.249 WRN XML patch for "entitygroups.xml" from mod "The Wasteland" did not apply: <set xpath="//entitygroup[contains(@name, 'Zombie') or (contains(@name, 'npc'))]/entity[ starts-with(@name, 'npcHarley')]/@prob"  (line 5 at pos 3)
2022-07-12T21:20:47 170.252 WRN XML patch for "entitygroups.xml" from mod "The Wasteland" did not apply: <set xpath="//entitygroup[contains(@name, 'Zombie') or (contains(@name, 'npc'))]/entity[ starts-with(@name, 'npcAnimalFox')]/@prob"  (line 6 at pos 3)
2022-07-12T21:20:47 170.748 ERR XML loader: Loading and parsing 'entitygroups.xml' failed
2022-07-12T21:20:47 170.748 EXC Entity with name 'zombieArmySoldier1s' not found

2022-07-12T21:20:53 176.464 ERR XML loader: Loading and parsing 'spawning.xml' failed
2022-07-12T21:20:53 176.464 EXC Entity spawner 'Dog_Sm_Territorial' contains invalid group ZombieDogGroup

I'm not sure what's happening here, I just extracted the wasteland mod folder and all the mods listed as dependencies in the "Mods" folder. 

Let me know if you need anything more to help..

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2 hours ago, Callarea said:

Hi, I'm getting the following issue in regards to entities when trying to load the game. Here's part of the log 

022-07-12T21:20:44 167.516 ERR XML loader: Loading and parsing 'entityclasses.xml' failed
2022-07-12T21:20:44 167.539 EXC Did not find 'extends' entity 'npcAdvancedBatTemplate'
  at EntityClassesFromXml+<LoadEntityClasses>d__0.MoveNext () [0x00166] in <6a01347f98174dbdb41cb4a4eedf5af7>:0 
  at ThreadManager+<CoroutineWrapperWithExceptionCallback>d__48.MoveNext () [0x00044] in <6a01347f98174dbdb41cb4a4eedf5af7>:0 

2022-07-12T21:20:47 170.243 WRN XML patch for "entitygroups.xml" from mod "The Wasteland" did not apply: <set xpath="//entitygroup[contains(@name, 'Zombie') or (contains(@name, 'npc'))]/entity[ starts-with(@name, 'npcBaker')]/@prob"  (line 3 at pos 3)
2022-07-12T21:20:47 170.246 WRN XML patch for "entitygroups.xml" from mod "The Wasteland" did not apply: <set xpath="//entitygroup[contains(@name, 'Zombie') or (contains(@name, 'npc'))]/entity[ starts-with(@name, 'npcNurse')]/@prob"  (line 4 at pos 3)
2022-07-12T21:20:47 170.249 WRN XML patch for "entitygroups.xml" from mod "The Wasteland" did not apply: <set xpath="//entitygroup[contains(@name, 'Zombie') or (contains(@name, 'npc'))]/entity[ starts-with(@name, 'npcHarley')]/@prob"  (line 5 at pos 3)
2022-07-12T21:20:47 170.252 WRN XML patch for "entitygroups.xml" from mod "The Wasteland" did not apply: <set xpath="//entitygroup[contains(@name, 'Zombie') or (contains(@name, 'npc'))]/entity[ starts-with(@name, 'npcAnimalFox')]/@prob"  (line 6 at pos 3)
2022-07-12T21:20:47 170.748 ERR XML loader: Loading and parsing 'entitygroups.xml' failed
2022-07-12T21:20:47 170.748 EXC Entity with name 'zombieArmySoldier1s' not found

2022-07-12T21:20:53 176.464 ERR XML loader: Loading and parsing 'spawning.xml' failed
2022-07-12T21:20:53 176.464 EXC Entity spawner 'Dog_Sm_Territorial' contains invalid group ZombieDogGroup

I'm not sure what's happening here, I just extracted the wasteland mod folder and all the mods listed as dependencies in the "Mods" folder. 

Let me know if you need anything more to help..

Need the full log. I'd guess either SCore or NPCmod isn't loading.

On 7/11/2022 at 3:14 PM, LeadHail said:

Hello, I'm not sure if this would be the proper place to ask this, but I've been thinking about modding in a trailer for the truck or other vehicles, maybe make the vehicle have a tow hitch attachment to be able to carry the trailer? I'm posting this here because you're the best vehicle modder I know of.

I know how to add in new items and their recipes, but I don't understand the gears of vehicles or adding textures or anything about the mechanic that would need to be used for it to work properly 

I'm not sure how possible that would be. Especially one that would need to pivot and turn separately from the main vehicle. Not saying it's impossible, but I'm not sure how to do it. Maybe with some C# magic it could be made to work, but that is over my head.

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14 hours ago, bdubyah said:

Need the full log. I'd guess either SCore or NPCmod isn't loading.

I'm not sure how possible that would be. Especially one that would need to pivot and turn separately from the main vehicle. Not saying it's impossible, but I'm not sure how to do it. Maybe with some C# magic it could be made to work, but that is over my head.

Thank you very much, I shall poke around and if I find anything out I'll let you know so that it can be used to enhance the game and mods

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
14 minutes ago, SilverveinsGaming said:

Is there any way to add a couple more rows of storage and a couple more mod slots on the UH 60 Helo since it is bigger than the MD-500 and the 500 has more storage.  Just a suggestion, not trying to be difficult and we really do appreciate your work on this mod.

Are you using my mods directly, or in a pack or overhaul? In both my AIO and the 2 separate mods for those helis, the MD-500 has the gyro storage and the UH-60 has the 4x4 storage, which is bigger.

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Hi there! Thanks so much for really bringing 7DTD to the next level with your The Wasteland mod, its really something else and you truly are a legend! Unfortunately I seem to be having Issues running the latest version, and I wondered if you could take a look? I'm only running The Wasteland and its requirements. The issue seems to be that some blocks aren't loading but I'm not much of a pro so I can't be sure.


Anyways here's 2 logs, first one's where I just load in a new RNG world, and then exit, and the second is where I do the same but fly around using shift+Q a little before exiting again.

Log 1



Log 2



  1. 2022-08-10T00:57:24 644.717 WRN No chunk for position 2944, 37, 1112, can not add childs to pos 2943, 37, 1114! Block semiFlatbedMiddle
  2. 2022-08-10T00:57:24 644.864 WRN No chunk for position 2928, 38, 1093, can not add childs to pos 2926, 37, 1093! Block cntCar03SedanDamage2v05
  3. 2022-08-10T00:57:24 645.218 WRN No chunk for position 2933, 44, 1023, can not add childs to pos 2933, 44, 1024! Block bed02
  4. 2022-08-10T00:57:24 645.313 WRN No chunk for position 2884, 40, 1073, can not add childs to pos 2883, 37, 1070! Block cntBusSchoolShort
  5. 2022-08-10T00:57:25 645.579 WRN No chunk for position 2959, 37, 959, can not add childs to pos 2959, 37, 960! Block hayBaleSquare
  6. 2022-08-10T00:57:25 645.579 WRN No chunk for position 2960, 38, 960, can not add childs to pos 2959, 38, 960! Block hayBaleSquare
  7. 2022-08-10T00:57:25 645.579 WRN No chunk for position 2959, 42, 959, can not add childs to pos 2959, 42, 960! Block hayBaleSquare
  8. 2022-08-10T00:57:25 645.586 WRN No chunk for position 2965, 37, 959, can not add childs to pos 2965, 37, 960! Block hayBaleSquare
  9. 2022-08-10T00:57:25 645.586 WRN No chunk for position 2966, 37, 959, can not add childs to pos 2966, 37, 960! Block hayBaleSquare
  10. 2022-08-10T00:57:25 645.732 WRN No chunk for position 2863, 35, 958, can not add childs to pos 2866, 34, 958! Block cntCar03SedanDamage0v03
  11. 2022-08-10T00:57:25 645.732 WRN No chunk for position 2879, 42, 960, can not add childs to pos 2879, 42, 959! Block ceilingLight01_2x2
  12. 2022-08-10T00:57:25 645.776 WRN No chunk for position 2878, 40, 1073, can not add childs to pos 2877, 37, 1070! Block cntBusSchoolShort
  13. 2022-08-10T00:57:25 645.840 WRN No chunk for position 2963, 43, 927, can not add childs to pos 2963, 43, 928! Block bunkBedMessy
  14. 2022-08-10T00:57:25 645.955 WRN No chunk for position 2849, 38, 1073, can not add childs to pos 2849, 37, 1071! Block cntVan
  15. 2022-08-10T00:57:25 645.955 WRN No chunk for position 2856, 40, 1073, can not add childs to pos 2855, 37, 1071! Block cntRV1
  16. 2022-08-10T00:57:25 645.968 WRN No chunk for position 2849, 38, 1104, can not add childs to pos 2850, 37, 1103! Block cntDumpster
  17. 2022-08-10T00:57:25 645.974 WRN No chunk for position 2847, 40, 1109, can not add childs to pos 2849, 37, 1110! Block cntBusSchool
  18. 2022-08-10T00:57:25 645.980 WRN No chunk for position 2847, 37, 1122, can not add childs to pos 2848, 37, 1123! Block decoPicnicTable
These are some examples of the yellow error messages that I'm getting. Oh and I think I have have done all the usual troubleshooting steps, (redownloading and installing all mods, verifying gamefiles). Thanks again!
Edited by ZaraEatsRainbows (see edit history)
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4 hours ago, ZaraEatsRainbows said:
These are some examples of the yellow error messages that I'm getting. Oh and I think I have have done all the usual troubleshooting steps, (redownloading and installing all mods, verifying gamefiles). Thanks again!

Those are normal. You'll get them in plain vanilla as well. They can be safely ignored. :)

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Really? The chunks aren't corrupted? Okay well thanks!


Edit: well I'll be damned... haha haven't played since A19 so I had no idea thats happening, did TFP break the RWG? Anyways sorry for wasting your time, but since I'm here can I suggest eyebot drone reskin & maybe a lazer mod for it? I'd love to have EDE with me again. You can tell me to F off if you like of course though as you've already done plenty haha.



Edited by ZaraEatsRainbows (see edit history)
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On 3/17/2022 at 5:08 PM, OroTheVillain said:

Hello im not sure exactly what it is im doing wrong but whenever i add in this mod i get the error EXC NullReferenceException and im not sure whats causing it, ive done fresh installs and things work until i add this mod both the 19 and 20 version, idk what to do




Edited by Kilroy5150 (see edit history)
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Hy together, I am new here. First I have to thank for such a great "The Wasteland mod". My children and I find it amazing. Please forgive me if I ask if it is possible than you can make a version without the Skillbooks and the Skillversion. We love the mod very much but preffer the free of the Vanilla Skill system and we love your Weapons like the Laser guns, too. Is it possible to make a version without the new Skilltrees? Best regards. K.S. 

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4 hours ago, Ru Melin said:

Hy together, I am new here. First I have to thank for such a great "The Wasteland mod". My children and I find it amazing. Please forgive me if I ask if it is possible than you can make a version without the Skillbooks and the Skillversion. We love the mod very much but preffer the free of the Vanilla Skill system and we love your Weapons like the Laser guns, too. Is it possible to make a version without the new Skilltrees? Best regards. K.S. 

The SPIFSAL attributes and books are integrated into The Wasteland to make the attributes system act in a manner that closely resembles the SPECIAL system of Fallouts 3, New Vegas, and 4.  The SPIFSAL attributes are very tightly worked into the perks and buffs associated with Fallout related weapons, the Power Armor, and everything else.

Basically, what you are asking for, is for bdubyah to completely re-write The Wasteland to where it was with A19.  It might be possible to just use the blocks, items, and loot, but crafting the weapons (and pretty much anything else Fallout themed) without the Attributes and Perks to enable the crafting skills will become impossible.  The only way to learn how to craft those items would be to get the schematics for them.

If you want to roll back to 7DtD A19, you can still download The Wasteland versions 2.3 or 2.4 from Nexus Mods.

But the older versions compatible with A20 will still have the SPIFSAL system, and will be needed to use the tiles, blocks, and parts that A20 added or changed in the update from A19.

Edit to add:  The A19 versions, 2.3 & 2.4, will probably work for the items like the Nuka-Colas, and the weapons, maybe the power armor too.  But the NPCs, prefabs, and other things that are in 2.75 or 2.98 may cause serious problems because of the differences made in A20 .

Edited by Evil_Geoff
Clarification (see edit history)
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