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(1.0/A21) bdubyah's modlets


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There's a problem with the mod!
Huge mutants with weapons, from which bags of loot fall out, do not want to attack me, when I shoot them they walk, turn, but do not attack! Tell me more, I have a lot of blue books (intelligence, dexterity, and so on) I read it once and when you can again! And how to pump perks and skills, it's just not clear? I need to upgrade my automatic weapons. But it is not active, what should I do?

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Help who knows what to do!
The huge turtle mutants and now the NPS, the military, stopped attacking me, the impression I'm invisible! How to fix this situation!
I met a huge spider once, tried to shoot all the weapons that were, the knot was zero!
Then I got a plasma from the creativity and only she could kill! Is this a malfunction or should it be?

How do you put on a strong armor, I've found all the parts and how to wear it?

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I've gotten some random reports of people coming across an NPC they can't damage, but I haven't seen it myself and I usually don't get much info from them on it.


I don't understand how nothing you tried would damage it, but a plasma weapon would. Very odd. Also, spiders aren't in my mod. Wondering if there's some conflict with another NPC pack, but not sure how that would be since they just add more NPCs afaik. Might have to go grab them all and test it out.


I assume by strong armor you mean power armor? If so, there are parts called frames. You equip those like normal armor pieces, and then add the power armor piece itself into the cosmetic slot of the frame.

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15 minutes ago, bdubyah said:

I've seen that complaint about even vanilla vehicles for a while now. I have no idea what the fix for that would be. 

On vanilla vehicles in 200 hours with 2 different servers never happened to me and 8 other friends I play with 🤔

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When I added all the custom vehicle sounds I had them all working great in my tests I did. Then I hopped on my dedicated server and they all cut out for some reason, even for the driver. I fiddled around and got that kind of fixed. I'm not that happy with them but I figure they're still better than the god awful 4x4 sounds. But as to why they aren't heard by passengers, I have no idea. If and when that is figured out, I'll fix it. But it's not really a priority to me. 

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11 hours ago, bdubyah said:

When I added all the custom vehicle sounds I had them all working great in my tests I did. Then I hopped on my dedicated server and they all cut out for some reason, even for the driver. I fiddled around and got that kind of fixed. I'm not that happy with them but I figure they're still better than the god awful 4x4 sounds. But as to why they aren't heard by passengers, I have no idea. If and when that is figured out, I'll fix it. But it's not really a priority to me. 

However, if you brake or decelerate, you hear. Strange things 😂

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Please help! How to upgrade skills in this mod? At the beginning of the game, I read the Yu re SPECIAL! (Reception) Those skills that have opened I can pump, but how to pump the rest? Yu!re SPECIAL! (Reception) can no longer read, with the help of the accumulated skill points, they also do not open! Please tell me what should be done?

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18 minutes ago, Alan Lau said:

I'm playing the latest version of this mod, and I'm on day 17 and my character level is 51.  I haven't run into any hireable NPC characters yet.  Is this normal?

This is normal when using only the Wasteland Mod and its dependencies. Trying looking out for a Big Rocket Trader in a suburban/countryside town type of location. It is possible there can also be a regular trader in the vicinity, and on occasion even next door. Bring some of those Star bottle caps with you as well. Lots of them. ^^

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Yeah, the friendly spawns outside of that POI is pretty rare at the moment. They can spawn in the wilderness but I don't want them to be common at all that way. I plan to introduce more POIs to find that can have friendly NPCs in them. 

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On 4/19/2022 at 6:23 AM, User2010w said:

Please help! How to upgrade skills in this mod? At the beginning of the game, I read the Yu re SPECIAL! (Reception) Those skills that have opened I can pump, but how to pump the rest? Yu!re SPECIAL! (Reception) can no longer read, with the help of the accumulated skill points, they also do not open! Please tell me what should be done?

Надеюсь, это понятно, я использую переводчик DeepL. https://www.deepl.com

Мод Wasteland создает опыт, более похожий на игры Fallout, которыми мы наслаждаемся.  Книги SPIFSAL используются в самом начале, как SPECIAL в начале игры Fallout.  Книги могут быть прочитаны только один раз.  Вы должны выбрать, на какие перки вы хотите потратить эти 21 очко атрибутов: Сила, Восприятие, Интеллект, Стойкость, Выживание, Ловкость, Удача.  Все атрибуты начинаются с базового значения 1, поэтому первый перк в атрибуте всегда разблокирован.


Прочтение 2 книг о силе разблокирует первые три перка силы.  Прочтение 4 книг о ловкости откроет первые пять перков ловкости, и так далее.  Эти атрибуты и перки не меняются во время игры.  Они постоянны, за исключением использования статуэтки, которую можно найти для каждого атрибута, которая добавит одно постоянное очко перка к этому атрибуту, а также использования лекарств или предметов одежды, которые добавляют временный бонус.

Навыки в списке перков могут быть увеличены за счет очков, полученных за опыт.  Вы можете разблокировать навыки временно, используя лекарства или баффы предметов одежды.  Вы можете добавить одно новое умение навсегда, когда найдете статуэтку для этого атрибута.  Вы не можете добавить заблокированные навыки навсегда.  Временный бафф, например, сигара, добавляющая +1 к силе, отображается как ЗЕЛЕНАЯ корзина для перка, который вы теперь можете использовать, и вы можете добавить очки навыков к этому разблокированному перку.

Надеюсь, это объяснение поможет вам лучше понять, как работает система SPIFSAL в Пустоши.


Переведено с помощью www.DeepL.com/Translator (бесплатная версия)

The original answer, as given in English: 

I hope this is understandable, I am using the DeepL translator.  https://www.deepl.com

The Wasteland mod creates an experience more like the Fallout games we enjoy.  The SPIFSAL books are used at the start, like the SPECIAL start up at the beginning of a Fallout game.  The books may only be read once.  You must choose which Perks you want to put those 21 points for Attributes: Strength, Perception, Intelligence, Fortitude, Survival, Agility, Luck.  All Attributes start with a base of 1, so the first Perk in that attribute is always unlocked.

Reading 2 Strength books will unlock the first three Strength perks.  Reading 4 Agility books will unlock the first five Agility perks, and so on.  Those attributes and Perks will not change during the game.  They are permanent, except by using a statue that can be found for each attribute that will add one permanent Perk point to that Attribute, and by using drugs or clothing items that add a temporary bonus.

Skills in the Perk list may be increased with the points earned through experience.  You can unlock skills temporarily, by using drugs or clothing item buffs.  You can add one new skill permanently when you find the statue for that attribute.  You can not add locked skills permanently.  A temporary buff, like a cigar adding +1 for Strength, will show as a GREEN shopping cart for the perk that you can now use, and you can add skill points to that unlocked perk.

I hope this explanation helps you better understand how the SPIFSAL system works in The Wasteland.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Pushed out Wasteland v2.97:



-Mod Dependencies: 
SCore v.
NPCmod v.
FullautoLauncher v.1.1.2
RandomMainmenuBackground v1.0.1

-Added: New T4 Mutant settlement POI (From arramus <3)
-Added: Cursed Manor POI (From arramus and WildPig <3)
-Added: Gauss Rifle and 2mm EC ammo
-Added: Gauss Rifle mods
-Added: R75 motorcycle with sidecar variant(can use all but the seat mod)
-Added: Lots of gore deco stuff (Available in Dev mode in the POI editor)
-Added: Several new fence/wall pieces (Can craft the variant blocks)
-Changed: Hopefully last few items should now use their parts for repair
-Changed: Now have a small chance to harvest goodies from the claw machine :)
-Changed: Swapped the Early Bird perk to give bonuses to Agility instead of Fortitude as it made no sense boosting Fortitude when it was already maxed (Shouldn't break saves)
-Fixed: Added missing Scorpfly Filet recipe
-Fixed: Power Armor statues found placed in the world would give wrong item when picked up
-Fixed: Survival Machete missing mesh
-Fixed: Snowberry Smoothie not showing Heat Resist properly
-Fixed: Reflex sight being way off on several weapons
-Fixed: Vanilla flashlight mod being positioned wrong on some weapons


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I'm unsure if any of this has already been covered or posted, but we've encountered a number of issues in our playthrough using this mod. The experience has been great otherwise.


1. After a recent minor patch for vanilla occurring around 4/20/22, ADS was no longer working correctly. This was rectified by deleting the "Full-auto Launcher" file, which does not seem to have impacted anything.

2. Rad Cats Trader does not seem to be affected by bartering at all, whether that is from perks (Better Barter), books (.44), items (cigar), or consumables (Awesome sauce, sugar butts).

3. Perk "Night Owl" does not seem to be working properly at all, but it has worked before. I am unsure if it is completely broken or if it just has to do with how I have the skill points for it. When I tried to use Night Owl, (gives +3 Per and +3 Int at night) I tried activating the line by wearing +1 perception glasses. The +3 to Per and Int was not given, however the minor nightvision buff did appear.


Great mod, and I hope that these issues have solutions soon (if they don't already).

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1. Is fixed, you need to grab the latest version of the FAL mod. Removing it will break all energy weapons.


2. I'll have to look into that. He isn't a Trader class, which might be the issue. Not sure how easily that can be fixed.


3. Will test it out. Probably the reqs causing issues.

39 minutes ago, ghostalker15 said:

3. Perk "Night Owl" does not seem to be working properly at all, but it has worked before. I am unsure if it is completely broken or if it just has to do with how I have the skill points for it. When I tried to use Night Owl, (gives +3 Per and +3 Int at night) I tried activating the line by wearing +1 perception glasses. The +3 to Per and Int was not given, however the minor nightvision buff did appear.

So you didn't have Night Owl unlocked using SPIFSAL points? Using the glasses to unlock it, right?

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