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(1.0/A21) bdubyah's modlets


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The Wasteland
Updated to 1.9, for A19.3
Download at GitHub or Nexus

-Added: Power Armor magazine series
-Added: Minigun
-Added: Katana
-Added: M79 with AP, HE and Smoke grenades
-Added: 1918 BAR Rifle
-Added: Scrap Laser Pistol
-Added: Vertibird
-Changed: 10mm Revolver recipe to be more in line with the others
-Changed: Pew Pew can use laser mods now
-Changed: Restricted some pipe weapon mods on their legendary counterpart(long barrel)
-Fixed: Oil filter suppressor sounds and placements on several weapons
-Fixed: Homemade flashlight attachment placements on several weapons
-Fixed: 10mm SMG fire sound loop
-Fixed: Legendary laser rifle scope placement
-Fixed: Laser mod placements
-Fixed: Laser Shotgun iron sights
-Fixed: Auger/Chainsaw knockdown MP bug
-Fixed: Pipe weapon extended mag reload animations

On Git and the launcher now, Nexus in the morning.

Edited by bdubyah (see edit history)
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@bdubyah If you prefer this isn't in your mod thread just say the word and I'll edit it with just a nice picture or two.

I'm running a demo server for a while to give The Wasteland Mod a good run through and server Admin and players are very welcome to see what it's all about. It will only over ever require The Wasteland Mod as a prerequisite download and anything else that follows will just be server side only quality of life additions. At present though it's just pure 'The Wasteland' 1.9 with a Nitrogen 4K World along with The Wasteland POIs added onto the  generation list running on stable Alpha 19.4 (b7). If anyone wants to test out the mod you're welcome to visit. The server is in the Asia Pacific region though; West Coast Americas and Australasia will be fine, East Coast will notice some lag, and the EU will not be the most pleasant experience.


The server IP changes from time to time as it's running from home and I'll try to update this post if it changes. Just give a nudge if I forget.

It's running on an old refurbished business computer with an i7 4770, 16GB Ram, and an SSD on a 1Gbps up/down potential. The 4K World is set to max download speed and will typically require 3-4 minutes.


The IP address is currently:


There is only 1 spawn point and you receive a starter pack which is quite helpful should you come across 3 armed NPCs waiting in a residential garage within the first 10 minutes. There are plenty of The Wasteland custom POIs scattered around the map in a balanced manner and it's an adventure in the making.




Edited by arramus
Changed specs for joiners (see edit history)
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Adding the mod to an ongoing game can potentially cause some issues. It can change some things in your inventory together items, but that's usually the worst of it I believe. If anything, empty your inventory out, make a backup of your save and try it out. It should be fine.

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Raiders, they are tough.  I've changed the health of each 1-5 and leader, but their shots are pretty brutal.  I was about to ask where to adjust it down, but I think I just figured it out.  I'll come back if I'm wrong.  Don't want to waste your time :)

Found it.  I was looking per raider not at the meleeBanditCrowbar_b for example.  Thanks for the mod!

Edited by sloggoth
accidental enter (see edit history)
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The Wasteland
Updated to 2.0, for A19.4
Download at GitHub or Nexus

-Added: Tooltip for laser shotgun and AER when trying to use it with insufficient ammo amount
-Changed: Power Armor stats and loot
-Fixed: Power Armor durability
-Fixed: Vault 101 book pile
-Fixed: AER negative ammo issue
-Fixed: Vertibird unlocking/crafting errors


Edited by bdubyah (see edit history)
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Day 14 Horde Night with the update to 2.0 felt seamless and it was a great opportunity to try the Triple Shotty and Cleaver with a close range set up initiated by Darkstar. It was a very pleasant night with a bit of clawing here and there. Day 15 just began for anyone who would like a gentle few days to test out The Wasteland and join in our battle for survival :)









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Just gonna throw this out there for anyone who wants to join up.


Bdub's Wasteland Server (TX,US):
16k RWG world(Chance Island)(I would advise installing it beforehand. I doubt you'll ever get it downloaded from the server itself.)
75 minute days
100% XP
100% Loot


The Wasteland (using the version from the Testing repo, not the public version.)
Bdub's Vehicles AIO

2x Biome Zombies

EpicSpire's Trader Tier Reward System

Khaine's Lockable Inv Slots

Khaine's 60 slot backpack


Just a chill server I'm going to play on to help test/balance my stuff.

Edited by bdubyah (see edit history)
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13 hours ago, bdubyah said:

Just a chill server..

As in I was shivering in fear through the nights.... lol


I could play a 3 hour session and had great connection throughout and the mod felt very stable with the updates. Thanks for putting it up.

I'm good to team up with anyone who joins for questing and looting and such as I'm not so good at going solo.

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Might be a bit of a long question...  I am trying my hand at creating a more Fallout-ish experience, and have added radiation zones to some areas of the map (generated with Nitrogen using The Wasteland prefabs and manually added radiation areas).  I want to add a Lead Lining mod to the Power Armor sets to remove the low level radiation damage. 

In the item_modifiers.xml, using your existing mods as a format, I think the mods should look like this:

<!-- Adding Lead Liner to Power Armor -->
        <item_modifier name="modPowerArmorHelmetLeadLining" installable_tags="powerarmorHead" modifier_tags="PAhelmet" blocked_tags="noMods,clothing" type="attachment">
            <property name="UnlockedBy" value=""/>
            <property name="CustomIcon" value="modPowerArmor"/>
            <property name="CustomIcon" value="modPowerArmor"/>
            <property name="Stacknumber" value="1"/>
            <property name="Group" value="Mods"/>
            <property name="DropMeshfile" value="#Other/Items?Misc/sack_droppedPrefab.prefab"/>
            <property name="Material" value="Mlead_scrap"/>
            <effect_group tiered="false">
                <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfItemActivate" action="AddBuff" buff="buffPAhelmetLead"/>
                <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfItemDeactivate" action="RemoveBuff" buff="buffPAhelmetLead"/>

And I think, maybe, kinda, sorta that in the buffs.xml making the whole set of Power Armor required should look like this:

<!-- Add low level radiation buff to player's update buff status check -->
    <append xpath="/buffs/buff[@name='buffStatusCheck01']/effect_group">
        <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfBuffUpdate" action="AddBuff" buff="buffRadiation01">
            <requirement name="NotHasBuff" buff="god"/>
            <!-- Radiation level must be 1.0 for buff to be given to player. -->
            <requirement name="CVarCompare" cvar="_biomeradiation" operation="Equals" value="1"/>

        <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfBuffUpdate" action="AddBuff" target="self" buff="buffPAset">
            <requirement name="HasBuff" buff="buffPAhelmetLead"/>
            <requirement name="HasBuff" buff="buffPAarmsLead"/>
            <requirement name="HasBuff" buff="buffPAchestLead"/>
            <requirement name="HasBuff" buff="buffPAlegsLead"/>
            <requirement name="HasBuff" buff="buffPAbootsLead"/>
and then

        <buff name="buffPAhelmetLead" hidden="true"></buff>
        <buff name="buffPAarmsLead" hidden="true"></buff>
        <buff name="buffPAchestLead" hidden="true"></buff>
        <buff name="buffPAlegsLead" hidden="true"></buff>
        <buff name="buffPAbootsLead" hidden="true"></buff>

        <buff name="buffPAset" name_key="buffPAsetName" description_key="buffPAsetDesc" tooltip_key="buffPAsetTooltip" icon="ui_game_symbol_radiation" icon_color="255,255,0">
            <stack_type value="ignore"/>
                <passive_effect name="BuffResistance" operation="base_add" value="1" tags="buffRadiation01"/>

The rad zones work.  The buffs.xml code is based on a radiation suit that works.  Am I on the right track for the power armor?  Or am I off base with what I've got going on?  Do you see anything there that would totally bork a game?


Edited by Evil_Geoff
Clarification (see edit history)
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Well the above didn't crash the game, but because it was a mod for each individual piece of the PA set it added 5 mods to the list.

Simplifying it to model the armor plating format:

<item_modifier name="modPowerArmorLeadLining" installable_tags="armor" modifier_tags="resistance" blocked_tags="noMods,clothing" type="attachment">
        <property name="UnlockedBy" value="modPowerArmorLeadLiningSchematic"/>
        <property name="DisplayType" value="modArmor"/>
        <property name="Stacknumber" value="1"/> <property name="Group" value="Mods"/>
        <property name="DropMeshfile" value="#Other/Items?Misc/sack_droppedPrefab.prefab"/>
        <property name="DescriptionKey" value="modPowerArmorLeadLiningDesc"/>
        <effect_group tiered="false">
              <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfItemActivate" action="AddBuff" buff="buffPAsetLead"/>
              <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfItemDeactivate" action="RemoveBuff" buff="buffPAsetLead"/>

reduced the 5 in the list to one Lead Lining Mod.

I'm still trying to figure out getting the buff check to each piece and then requiring the entire set to get the radiation protection buff.  As an alternative, would there be a way to make each piece provide a 20% reduction, so the whole set adds up to 100% radiation resistance?


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Yeah, you could use a passive effect on each piece that gives 20%. 


They way you were doing it would also work. Just need so the mod applies a trigger buff, that does a check the for paset buff. If you have it, it fires the rad resistance buff. 


Either way works, really. Just depends if you want it as a passive effect or a mod you have to find/craft. 

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5 minutes ago, bdubyah said:

Yeah, you could use a passive effect on each piece that gives 20%. 


They way you were doing it would also work. Just need so the mod applies a trigger buff, that does a check the for paset buff. If you have it, it fires the rad resistance buff. 


Either way works, really. Just depends if you want it as a passive effect or a mod you have to find/craft. 

My thought was that the lead lining mod was a "field modification" - something troops added when they found that the stock power armor was not rad resistant.  I figured out how to add a lead lining schematic, and would add a workbench recipe (I'm thinking 20 lead, 5 scrap polymers, 5 clay and 2 electrical for each piece would be fair).   The more I think about it, the more I like the idea of each modified piece adding a -.2 radiation reduction.

Basically I'm kind of learning by doing and reverse-engineering what modders have done in mods I like and then copying/tweaking what works to be more in line with how I want to play. 

Until 7 Days to Die came along, Fallout 4 was my all-time favorite game.  Fallout 76 was such a disappointment.  I had anticipated Fallout 4 multiplayer, and what we got was a screaming hot mess that didn't do co-op, team, or solo play worth a damn.  But The Wasteland mod for 7Days has been a delight!  Major kudos for putting this together.  And I appreciate the nudges in the direction to go.

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Making sure I understand how the resistance would work.   A 20% reduction for the the Lead Lining modification looks like this:

    <!-- Adding Lead Liner to Power Armor -->
        <item_modifier name="modPowerArmorLeadLining" installable_tags="powerarmorHead,powerarmorChest,powerarmorArms,powerarmorLegs,powerarmorBoots" modifier_tags="PAhelmet,PAchest,PAarms,PAlegs,PAboots,PAboots" blocked_tags="noMods,clothing" type="attachment">
            <property name="UnlockedBy" value="modPowerArmorLeadLiningSchematic"/>
            <property name="CustomIcon" value="modPowerArmor"/>
            <property name="CustomIcon" value="modPowerArmor"/>
            <property name="Stacknumber" value="1"/>
            <property name="Group" value="Mods"/>
            <property name="DropMeshfile" value="#Other/Items?Misc/sack_droppedPrefab.prefab"/>
            <property name="Material" value="Mlead_scrap"/>
            <effect_group tiered="false">
                <passive_effect name="BuffResistance" operation="base_add" value=".2" tags="buffRadiation01"/>

So the total effect would be 1, with 5 liners installed, correct?  Or do I need <the effect_group tiered="true"> because the effect accumulates?



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The schematic is there, the recipe works, and lo, and behold!  When equipped on all 5 pieces of Power Armor, you don't take damage from the low level radiation zones!

I posted pics on the Nexus because the 7D2D forums were not liking my links.


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