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(1.0/A21) bdubyah's modlets


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Alright, currently pushing the newest update to The Wasteland.



-Added Wild Wasteland and White River Survival Guide magazines

-Added Power Armor (by Snufkin <3)

-Power Armor Mods

-Power Armor Stand

-Added Soldier NPCs

-Added Mutants NPCs with new sounds

-Added Feral Ghoul with new sounds

-More edited vanilla POIs

-Added Behemoth's Abode POI (by arramus <3)

-Icon changes to be more uniform

-Fixed small mistakes in entitygroups

-Fixed fire effects not showing on custom entities

-Reworked Cryolator crit -Updated incorrect POI imposters


Should be on Git and the mod launcher in an hour or so. I'll post it on Nexus in the morning.










Edited by bdubyah (see edit history)
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Few things...


I would need to see the whole log, as it seems there was an error before this that caused what I can see.


And two, I doubt my mod works with DF out of the box due to all the changes DF makes. You'd have to see what all you need to change to make it work.

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Alright, just pushed a quick update for The Wasteland:


-Fixed Nitrogen POI list offsets(Thanks for the assist Beardman)

-Fixed Mutants spawning with 2 weapons

-Fixed missing Alien Blaster projectile


Will be on Git and the mod launcher in a few minutes, Nexus in the morning.

Edited by bdubyah (see edit history)
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Love the vehicle mod! The dirt bike is game changing! 



However, I was just flying the MD500 and then froze mid air and now the game won't load at all. 


I believe this is when it happened: 

021-01-29T23:37:42 220.516 INF VehicleManager saving 1 (1 / 0)
2021-01-29T23:38:00 238.225 INF Time: 3.71m FPS: 42.73 Heap: 1534.3MB Max: 1675.4MB Chunks: 306 CGO: 240 Ply: 1 Zom: 0 Ent: 2 (2) Items: 0 CO: 1 RSS: 6802.1MB
2021-01-29T23:38:05 242.774 INF SectionType change from None to HomeDay
2021-01-29T23:38:05 242.775 INF Played HomeDay
2021-01-29T23:38:05 242.775 INF Fading in HomeDay
2021-01-29T23:38:05 242.776 INF Notified SectionSelector that music played
2021-01-29T23:38:22 259.889 INF SectionType change from HomeDay to Exploration
2021-01-29T23:38:22 259.890 INF Fading out HomeDay
2021-01-29T23:38:22 259.891 INF Played Exploration
2021-01-29T23:38:22 259.891 INF Fading in Exploration
2021-01-29T23:38:25 262.932 INF Paused HomeDay
2021-01-29T23:38:30 268.240 INF Time: 4.21m FPS: 56.70 Heap: 1604.5MB Max: 1675.4MB Chunks: 306 CGO: 255 Ply: 1 Zom: 0 Ent: 2 (2) Items: 0 CO: 1 RSS: 6886.9MB
2021-01-29T23:38:31 269.274 WRN Spawned entity with wrong pos: [type=EntityLootContainer, name=EntityLootContainerRegular_7573] id=7573 pos=(-15.6, -9334.1, 834.7)
2021-01-29T23:38:31 269.274 WRN Spawned entity with wrong pos: [type=EntityLootContainer, name=EntityLootContainerRegular_7873] id=7873 pos=(-15.8, -8818.8, 832.8)
2021-01-29T23:39:00 298.245 INF Time: 4.71m FPS: 57.99 Heap: 1578.5MB Max: 1675.4MB Chunks: 306 CGO: 225 Ply: 1 Zom: 4 Ent: 9 (18) Items: 7 CO: 1 RSS: 7019.3MB
2021-01-29T23:39:04 302.319 INF SectionType change from Exploration to Suspense
2021-01-29T23:39:04 302.319 INF Fading out Exploration
2021-01-29T23:39:04 302.319 INF Played Suspense
2021-01-29T23:39:04 302.319 INF Fading in Suspense
2021-01-29T23:39:07 305.339 INF Paused Exploration
2021-01-29T23:39:09 307.314 INF Entity zombieBurnt 6016 killed
2021-01-29T23:39:10 308.536 INF Origin Reposition (-16.0, 80.0, 1152.0) to (0.0, 144.0, 144.0)
2021-01-29T23:39:12 310.058 INF Entity zombieBurnt 6005 killed
2021-01-29T23:39:25 322.940 INF Stopped HomeDay
2021-01-29T23:39:30 328.246 INF Time: 5.21m FPS: 58.03 Heap: 1616.3MB Max: 1675.4MB Chunks: 306 CGO: 244 Ply: 1 Zom: 2 Ent: 5 (42) Items: 11 CO: 1 RSS: 7133.2MB
2021-01-29T23:39:40 338.277 ERR Exception in thread ChunkCalc:
2021-01-29T23:39:40 338.277 EXC Object reference not set to an instance of an object
NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object



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Looks like the game pooped itself. Could be a corrupt chunk. I'm not too familiar with that sort of stuff, but I think you could delete the chunk you were in and it might fix it. You'll have to search for how to do that and how to find what chunk you were in, which will just have to be a guess unless you know exactly where you were when it froze.


No guarantees it will work, and everything in the chunk will be reset, so hopefully it wasn't near your base or anything. Doesn't seem to be mod related, but sorry it happened. :(

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7 hours ago, bdubyah said:

Looks like the game pooped itself. Could be a corrupt chunk. I'm not too familiar with that sort of stuff, but I think you could delete the chunk you were in and it might fix it. You'll have to search for how to do that and how to find what chunk you were in, which will just have to be a guess unless you know exactly where you were when it froze.


No guarantees it will work, and everything in the chunk will be reset, so hopefully it wasn't near your base or anything. Doesn't seem to be mod related, but sorry it happened. :(

I was far away so I'll look into it.  Hopefully it works out as I had just built a glorious heli pad..  ;) 


As I can't get into that saved game I don't know if any of the chunk reset options I've looked into will work. 

Appreciate the help.

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1 hour ago, gnarcore said:

I was far away so I'll look into it.  Hopefully it works out as I had just built a glorious heli pad..  ;) 


As I can't get into that saved game I don't know if any of the chunk reset options I've looked into will work. 

Appreciate the help.

You can go into the world's save folder and find the regions. Just have to figure out which ones to delete. Lol.

Edited by bdubyah (see edit history)
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I got The Wasteland Mod installed and running, a custom Nitrogen World with The Wasteland POIs, Ztensity's Creature Renaming Modlet so I can learn all of the new character's names, and some decent mod beverages and explosives to help me along my way at such a low level. I have learned to be very very careful around the new custom POIs until I pick up some better weaponry. It runs buttery smooth and it's going to be a real adventure :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Здравствуйте, а есть ли отдельный воздушный транспорт? Меня особенно интересует вертолет MD-500 (https://imgur.com/wzHfhfL). Можно ли сделать его модом отдельно?.. Я хотел бы установить его на свой сервер но не знаю как это сделать) Я был бы очень признателен вам за помощь!

Edited by egik152 (see edit history)
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2 hours ago, egik152 said:

Здравствуйте, а есть ли отдельный воздушный транспорт? Меня особенно интересует вертолет MD-500 (https://imgur.com/wzHfhfL). Можно ли сделать его модом отдельно?.. Я хотел бы установить его на свой сервер но не знаю как это сделать) Я был бы очень признателен вам за помощь!

https://github.com/bdubyah/Mods---A19 качаешь архив, там уже всё по папкам разложено, извлекаешь необходимый тебе верт (папку). 


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This was just a quick mod for someone here on the forums that was deaf. It simply adds a few buffs that activate when animals and enemies are within 25 blocks of you. Once the buff fires it will adds compass nav objects to show enemies are close. I've reworked this from the a19 version as for some reason it was interfering with XP gain on some kills.


This should work fine as a serverside only mod.




Git: Click Here

Nexus: Click Here


Edited by bdubyah (see edit history)
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Alright, pushed a small update to The Wasteland. Already on Git, will upload it to Nexus in the morning.


The Wasteland (1.8)

-Added missing Laser Shotgun recipe

-Added the new books to the loot pool

-Small tweaks to loot overall, mostly making Nukas a bit more rare

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Correction. I just cheated in all the weapons in the mod and it's actually the 10mm Pistol, Revolver. SMG, Cryolater and the Service Rifle. Everything else seems to work fine. Can you fix this? -assuming it isn't just my issue.


One other request... can you let the laser & plasma weapons accept the oil filter silencer, please? If I remember correctly the laser and plasma weapons would be silenced in Fallout 4.


Sorry for DP. Couldn't edit it for some reason.

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I haven't messed with those in a bit, and they seem fine on my end. Gonna need to see your output log to see what it might be.


And that's gonna be a no on the oil filter. Would look pretty dumb having one hanging off of a laser or plasma weapon. Also not sure how much good having it fire more quietly when you're shooting a very visible red/green beam at something. Lol.

Edited by bdubyah (see edit history)
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About the oil filter: It was more so the being able to use the laser/plasma weapons without drawing lots of attention. I know it makes no real-world sense to have a suppressor on a laser rifle (makes even less sense that a laser weapon makes a gunshot-like sound).


About the other bit: I will post the log here in a bit. I am going to try 7 Days with no other mods/tweaks active when I get back to my PC to ensure it's not another mod conflict first then I will post it (it likely is since it works on your end but I am curious to know which mod). Thanks.

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bdubyah, this is an amazing amount of work here, commendable to be certain.  Okay enough kissing up ;) (but honestly, your brain must be either a steel trap or oatmeal trying to work with this many moving targets), I went into entityclasses.xml and changed raider/soldier and leader health from 400 and 750 to 200 and 450 respectively.  Now, when I go in, F6 and spawn raiders, they fall an inch to the ground then collapse dead.  Do you know what might be happening?

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Hey, i love the mod! Its adds to the difficulty and diversity of the game. However i get errors with some weapons, in my case the pew pew and the ?arx? prototype dont load a 3d model, and when de equipping it generates a ball of fire on my weapons. I have pictures but notice i cant send them.


The red errors are as following:

ERR Transform Attachments not found in weapon prefab for leather(clone)


NullReferenceExeption object reference not set to an instance of an object.


These were the errors i got when trying to equip the prototype

Edited by mrjaj (see edit history)
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I'd try downloading the mod again, just to be sure. I'll double check it when I get home to make sure something isn't missing. I just tested Pew Pew the other night when I added attachments to it and it was fine. But with some of the issues I've been fixing I'm starting to think I got some versions mixed up at some point. 


@sloggothNot sure really. You aren't spawning them near a trader are you? That's the only thing I could think of. 

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This is the error i'm seeing when I try and run The Wasteland  and SoDead_FarmLifeExpanded mods together - no other mods present.



2021-03-04T20:51:25 80.710 ERR XML loader: Loading and parsing 'progression.xml' failed
2021-03-04T20:51:25 80.710 EXC An item with the same key has already been added. Key: perkwildwastelandheavyhands
ArgumentException: An item with the same key has already been added. Key: perkwildwastelandheavyhands
  at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[TKey,TValue].TryInsert (TKey key, TValue value, System.Collections.Generic.InsertionBehavior behavior) [0x000c1] in <567df3e0919241ba98db88bec4c6696f>:0
  at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[TKey,TValue].Add (TKey key, TValue value) [0x00000] in <567df3e0919241ba98db88bec4c6696f>:0
  at ProgressionFromXml.parseProgressionItem (System.Xml.XmlElement childElement, System.Int32 max_level, System.Int32 min_level, System.Int32 base_cost, System.Single cost_multiplier_per_level, System.Single max_level_ratio_to_parent, System.Single& order) [0x003ae] in <e9521218400243e9ac8c145545b586cf>:0
  at ProgressionFromXml.parseProgressionItems (System.Xml.XmlElement element) [0x0018c] in <e9521218400243e9ac8c145545b586cf>:0
  at ProgressionFromXml+<Load>d__3.MoveNext () [0x000d1] in <e9521218400243e9ac8c145545b586cf>:0
  at ThreadManager+<CoroutineWrapperWithExceptionCallback>d__40.MoveNext () [0x00044] in <e9521218400243e9ac8c145545b586cf>:0
UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_LogException(Exception, Object)
UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
UnityEngine.Logger:LogException(Exception, Object)
UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr)


The effect of this is that all the sets of Perk Books show as -1/-1 instead of 0/7 and no longer work.  Everything else appears to be functional.  What I don't understand is that I don't see the SoDead_FarmLifeExpanded mod making any changes to the Perk Books.  The Wasteland adds 2 sets of Perk Books to be collected and the SoDead_FarmLifeExpanded mod adds a Perk category for Farming, which is present and appears usable.   Both mods work fine on their own.

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It must change something my mod looks for in some way. Could try changing its mod folder name and the mod name in the modinfo.xml and add a "Z" in front so it loads after my mod. It *might* fix it. Otherwise you'll have to compare between the mods and see what the issue is.

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Good deal. :)


And just a heads up, I will hopefully be updating The Wasteland either tomorrow night, or sometime Saturday. Several attachment fixes, some new weapons, and the first vehicle specific to this mod. I also should have the MP auger/chainsaw knockdown bug fixed as well.

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