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Why 'Just Mod It' Isn't Realistic (Yet)


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This post is meant as a jest. Just something to keep me occupied and maybe add a little levity to others day.



Conspiracy theory ahead...


Modding makes TFP's lives easier.

It gives them breathing room (some anyway)

Explaination below...


Not saying TFP's break mods by choice but it does help them out in the short run.

Modders make all these modlets and full blown mods for the game.

Each alpha it seems something breaks in thems so they have to go over and redo them. The bigger ones taking more time of course.

How does that help TFP's?

Glad you asked. Below are my assumptions. (1. MY 2. ASSUMPTIONS)

Well when a new alpha comes out most times it seems something has changed so most mods don't work. Especially the larger more complicated ones.

That means they have to be fixed.

While being fixed, everyone has to play the vanilla game or use smaller modlets which can be up and running faster. This may go on for a little while so TFP's get a little breathing room.

The more complicated ones take a lot more time so most of us probably play the vanilla game while waiting.

Now hopefully there is not too much wrong in the vanilla version so not much going on in the threads that they have to go over and fix.

Then eventually the modders get their mods working enough to release them to the wild.

As a huge amount of us (this amount is in my head) play mods we download and install them and start our long game until the next alpha release.

The thing is these don't alway work out perfectly so then who do the players go to?

Yup, the modders....not TFP who can now work away on the next alpha without (too much) interruption.

It's now the modders who are on the front lines of all the questions as to why this/that doesn't work.

They are even the ones players go to to get things added or changed, not TFP's.

As all this is going on, modders are still fixing and adding things to their mods.

This sometimes makes having to restart a game from beginning to avoid glitches prolonging the game more.

....and breaking things as some mods don't play well together.

Which leads to modders having more posts aimed at them to fix things (please and thank you ofc)

All the while TFP's get less and less attention until at least a certain amount of time has passed when everyone figures it is long enough that we should have a new alpha.

(Or until MM lets a date slip out and we all focus on that when it passes :D )


Anyway short version. Broken mods keep players off of TFP's backs and adds the brunt of fixing stuff to modders.



Again, the above was just for fun. It kept you occupied for a few minutes didn't it? :D


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