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LAME mods by stasis78


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LAME mods (Lazy At Mining Everything) is a very basic set of mods that I always previously manually applied to each update. Well xpath has solved my whoas!


Mod Info:



Makes the auger one shot stone after you get some strength and/or miner69 perks. Increases wood damage so you can 1-2 shot trees. Also increases the gas tank to a reasonable size.



Removes kickback from auger.



This just replaces the loud parts of the auger with a quiet sound. The idle sound is still there which isn't annoying. Probably breaks a lot of the sound based heat map stuff...



3 points for perks per level.



Stack size changes/remaps the following:

1000 -> 10,000 (i.e. gas cans)

6000 -> 10,000 (i.e. wood stacks)

iron frags -> 10,000



Add more strippers to some of the game. You will see them more often. :lulz:



Its just a stone axe that attacks really fast and far away...



Not really a completely flat world. It just makes things "a bit more flat".



Gives brass, lead, oil shale, potassium, and coal from stone blocks.



Make steel lighter and stronger. Still can't overcome the 15 block SI limit..



You'll move really really fast now.



Start with: auger, chainsaw, machete! and some other stuff.



Infinite fall height onto hay bale with no damage.



Adds recipes for existing items to the game. Contains examples of how to require a crafting tool or crafting area for these recipes.



Add rabbits that are hostile and will attack you. Custom attack sound (lulz)



Increases all vehicle movement to lots faster.



Increases the Crossbow reload speed.



This mod increases the nailgun build speed, alot.



Triples max stam and water values :D



Reduces player craft times once Int has been taken.



Increase damage to wood. Double wood harvest amount. Massive increase to entity damage. Saw up those zeds.



Adds a new steel tier to garage door with 3 levels, just like the iron version. Simply build a regular metal garage door and upgrade it. Inherits the Msteel material so it is very strong like the vault doors and stuff.



Lets you pick up seeds, instead of punching them on accident.



Made to compliment PickupSeedsMod. The hoe now has a much smaller attack range, but attacks much faster. With this change you can simply walk along with left mouse button down, and harvest crops without damaging the soil.


When used with PickupSeedsMod, you never have to worry about seeds being removed :)



For debugging farming, accelerates plant growth timer.



Adds some extra recipes for alternate sources.


Duct Tape (Tar cloth)

Tar (Pine Resin) chemistry station required

Torch (coal cloth wood) workbench required

Questionable Meat (meatx2) 15% chance of sickness but gain more health and stam

Iron Arrow (scrap iron, wood, feather) workbench required

Military Fiber (cloth) workbench required

Early forge (a lot more stone and clay) workbench required


Get Pine Resin from any "Pine" tree in the game.





Adds growable plants and new recipes to craft.




Strippers now give wayyyyy to much experience points. But its worth it when they haven't brought home that dough.




Gives you 5x forged iron/steel when crafting at the forge.




This is not a cheat mod! Adds recipes for cement, cobblestone, concrete mix, crushed sand, gun powder. They are balanced identically to vanilla recipes. They take 100 times the materials and create 100 times the output. End server lag!




Adds a bunch of stainless steel upgrades to steel blocks and downgrade stainless steel to steel. Not my fault if pimps remove stainless steel blocks in a future release and this break s***.




Add the following new items:


Railgun (uses AK texture for now)

Superconductor (turns Railgun into a fully automatic weapon)

Railgun Battery Pack (required to craft railgun, increase weapon durability, can stack more than one)

Rapid Recharger (required to repair the railgun)

Caseless Round (ammo for the railgun)




Changes Slow Metabolism perk to instead of slow food/water loss to give max health. Perk levels give 10, 33, 55, 87, 100 percent boost to max health. At level 10 fort you can have 400 hp. This is more important late game than eating and drinking.




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Not really a completely flat world. It just makes things "a bit more flat".



Gives brass, lead, oil shale, potassium, and coal from stone blocks.



Make steel lighter and stronger. Still can't overcome the 15 block SI limit..



You'll move really really fast now.



Start with: auger, chainsaw, machete! and some other stuff.

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Updated with ThreadMasterMod.


Add recipes for in game clothing that isn't craftable by default. Enjoy.




This mod is setup to be easy to adjust and modify groups of items based on custom tag info. Additionally it contains examples of how to gate items by tool or crafting area (disclaimer I did not test the gating yet ).


I plan to add another mod that will allow these clothes to be gated by perks and attribute levels.

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I use it daily for testing. However the latest version has changes for FarmLifeMod and may cause issues with out it. I can test later after work :)


Ok thanks. I was asking because before the crops would grow with in 15 minutes or so real time but now they don't even grow one stage.

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You can try deleting these 2 lines if you aren’t using FarmLifeMod


<set xpath="/blocks/block[@name=fruitTreeGrowingMaster]/property[@name=PlantGrowing.GrowthRate]/@value">2</set>

<set xpath="/blocks/block[contains(@modTag,'growingPen')]/property[@name=UpgradeRated.Rate]/@value">2</set>


You will probably have to replant the seeds for it to work.

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You can try deleting these 2 lines if you aren’t using FarmLifeMod


<set xpath="/blocks/block[@name=fruitTreeGrowingMaster]/property[@name=PlantGrowing.GrowthRate]/@value">2</set>

<set xpath="/blocks/block[contains(@modTag,'growingPen')]/property[@name=UpgradeRated.Rate]/@value">2</set>


You will probably have to replant the seeds for it to work.


Ok I am using FarmlifeMod, which is AWESOME btw. So I don't need to delete those?

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Hmm should work then.


Make sure you don’t don’t have any warnings or errors on the console. F1


- - - Updated - - -


I just was testing last night and it definitively was fast growing for me on Pens. I’ll check plants again soon.


Approximately how much real time should pass between full growths?

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It should be maybe 5-10 minutes max.


- - - Updated - - -


I just tested, and it works on vanilla seeds and FarmLife seeds.


Approximately how much real time should pass between full growths?


Zy try picking up the seeds and replanting them. You do have my better seeds mod right? ;)


- - - Updated - - -


I just tested, and it works on vanilla seeds and FarmLife seeds.


That apparently was outdated by experimantal b238. Plus that method reduces the amount you get from scrapping by half aswell. But I am planning to do one today or tomorrow, that reduces the time it takes but not the amount you get in return.


Thanks quas!

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