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Everything posted by wolfbain5

  1. hmmm, with these new armor sets, how are we offsetting weather and temp, not like I can put on a jacket when its cold anymore
  2. story progression... Roland, we have been waiting on tidbits of what the story might be for years and you are calling for progression! Gawds what a tease.
  3. well, remember trader spawns are biome based now, an if you dont have all the biomes, trader quest progression will be off
  4. part of this is hard coded. central biome for advanced gen and the like
  5. have it as the active quest, it will show you what it will allow. so far it has only been the blue plastic barrels
  6. its the modinfo.xml needs to be updated to v2 name with no spaces <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <xml> <Name value=" " /> <DisplayName value=" " /> <Description value=" " /> <Author value=" " /> <Version value="" /> <Website value=" " /> </xml>
  7. updated most already, will wait for 1.0 to get out of experimental to do too much, but will kick it off with the starter kit Wolfbain5 Starter Kit https://www.nexusmods.com/7daystodie/mods/4927/ the basic materials for the original start quests.
  8. well one thing I noticed. they were tracking the challenges, harvest 50 polymers with a stone axe, he cut up tires, car bumpers, car seats, got polymers, but the challenge never progressed
  9. I blame this on the "challenges" instead of a little food or ammo or mats, they just gave a lot of xp out. this raises levels faster without benefits. so GS goes up, but no gameplay parts like loot or money to back that boost with. needs a rethink
  10. well, this happened around halloween supposedly from back stories around a9 time. so football season, depending on the time of day, how many high school, college, pro and semi pro games happen at that time and what are they wearing, including fans?
  11. mining cave system, or animal den cave system with bears and wolves or mountain lions and perhaps a few pit traps with spikes that are covered and fall into? or perhaps an abandoned resource mine that go converted into a survivalists bunker before the bombs dropped. brought his family in and still got infected?
  12. auger is controlled by the same stat as the rest of the mining tools. it isnt under a different tree
  13. these numbers are tested on a t5 quality steel pick axe vs a t5 quality auger. both with bunker buster, iron breaker, and grave digger mods installed. t1 of the next tier of almost any weapon/tool/armor will always be worse than a t5 of the previous. they need to be staggered better. pistols as an example pipe pistol t1,t2,t3, 9mm pistol t1, pipe t4, 9mm t2,... etc would make for better mix and balancing
  14. on the auger for any future updates. with maxed mining skills, the steel pick axe out strips the auger making it irrelevant used to be, having the full set of mining books, you had a 10% chance to 1 shot ores and stone blocks. that made the auger with its high hit speed but low damage value out mine pick axes. but the current way it is, I can 1 shot stone, gravel, coal, shale, and nitrate and 2 shot iron and lead with a steel pick axe, but takes 4 hits to take out stone, and 6 to take out the others with the auger. This drastically slows down mining, wastes gas, and is so far noisier than any other method of mining. It makes the auger for practical purposes obsolete. with auger supposedly meant to be the top end mining tool, the current abilities and costs make it only better than stone tools. I am not sure how to make it the top end with fuel costs, low block damage and heat accumulation, but I do think this is something that needs to be addressed going forward.
  15. tested, works with latest stable 21.2
  16. tested, All works in A21.1 exp
  17. use a repair tool like a hammer or stone axe. a wrench is a salvage tool.
  18. for those who have visual problems like I do or just cant differentiate the desert sandstone from the sand, <set xpath="/blocks/block[@name='terrSandStone']/property[@name='Texture']/@value">1</set> this will make sandstone look like regular stone
  19. no updates needed for B323. already tested
  20. lol you are usually so attentive to details. looking forward to your overhaul later
  21. yes I know it needs 100%. you didnt add very well did you. the current map with in game settings only went to 99 and not to 10% each... to the 10's% you are better than this Dwall
  22. Can we get these set to accept text in the number section instead of just the clunky arrows. Trying to get biome placements to the 10's % for any of them is rather cumbersome in its current form
  23. That's good to hear, I am receiving reports from players in discord saying that they are finding tons of empty book stands and book piles after completing magazine collections. they are most likely using mods as well. As long as the possibility remains, thats all that matters. I am barely looking into that aspect. I want to get a feel for vanilla before modding to seriously
  24. please set the last rank of any skill magazine back to default instead of 0 for those in mp games can share them.
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