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Uncle Al

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Uncle Al last won the day on October 17 2023

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  1. It's going to depend a lot if scrapping a Q6 item gives you the legendary part back.
  2. I find 'time limited survival resource' to be a good concept generally. Similar to 'going underwater' as you neatly described the concept. I'm very hopeful that the weather rework makes the more difficult biomes require a bit more than just 'get the gear and you're fine'. Cold/heat that can only be managed for a period of time without requiring access to a campfire and shelter, or shade and maybe even a water pool, would make the desert and frozen biomes more interesting. There would be an element of gradually pushing in from the temperate borders and constructing shelters, not to mention pushing to complete a quest before your freeze/succumb to heatstroke. Sure, end game appropriate clothing might still let you run around without a care, but it will be a shame if it's just 'get the right clothing set and forget about weather' from the very beginning. Radiation kind of behaves this way naturally, I'd think, although maybe you could need something a little rarer than a campfire and a shelter to supplement your anti-rad gear. Craftable consumable drugs seem a natural fit.
  3. And in the UK it's a Benny Hat. Confusingly, despite the close pronouciation, this has nothing to do with 'beanie'. There was a character in a hugely popular 70s Sitcom (Crossroads) called Benny who always wore a plain knitted cap...
  4. Zombison does trip nicely off the tongue. I'd expect a special event where carrying Taza's stone axe causes regular Zombison attacks. Not native to the region, but Zombeavers are already enshrined in legend from their movie appearance. They would also provide both a water threat and some serious block damage potential.
  5. You deal with snakebite simply by announcing 'I'm a man. I can handle it.' https://darwinawards.com/darwin/darwin1997-02.html
  6. The jars logical disconnect goes away if you can accept that ground water is dirty enough so that it can never be effectively purified with what you have available, but still potable enough to be drinkable in an emergency. Sure it would be more 'realistic' if you could collect 'really, really murky water' (that can't be purified) from water sources, but the gameplay doesn't really need it. A lot of the grumbles I see come from folks who are fundamentally irked by 'game not being close enough to RL', who don't recognise that deviating from 'realism' in order to foster good gameplay is a good thing. Yes we could 'not need a skillup to put meat on a grill' but then we'd need more low tier, useless when you get past them, cooking recipes and more 'don't exist in the real world' high tier recipes. If you can cook grilled meat on day one, then grilled meat would be a low fullness/costs hydration recipe like all the other 'starter' foods, and we'd need something else to replace it as the 'decent fullness, doesn't cost hydration' option that rewards skilling up cooking. Weapons are the same. Yes we could have 100 weapon variants, but TFP seem (wisely) wedded to the idea that a weapon choice is seriously impactful in game terms. Using a shotgun plays very differently to a sniper rifle. How would using an FN FAL or a Steyr AUG be fundamentally different to the TAC rifle? It wouldn't be, so TFP don't bother putting such variants into the game.
  7. The trader tier progression hasn't changed. New traders never used to offer higher tier quests when you first meet them, and they still don't. The way it works is you do X Tier 1 quests (7 I believe) and get an 'Opening Trade Routes' quest to find a new trader. The trader you've been working with will also increase to Tier 2, but will only start offering Tier 2 quests the next day. You can shortcut this if you really want to by logging out and back in again. The new trader will start at Tier 1, unless it's the same trader as one you've already worked with. Traders only have one progression, so if there are 3 Jens on the map, and you've unlocked Jen up to Tier 3, ALL the Jen traders will offer tier 3 quests, even if you've only just discovered their location.
  8. Sounds like just a side effect of random loot. I'm pretty sure Home Cooking Weekly is the ONLY magazine that's in the cupboard loot table, so having maxed the series won't actually affect your rolls. If you roll a magazine it's going to be home cooking.
  9. That's exactly what I was thinking. I will try and put one in, but it's a bit of a (totally understandable) faff as I'll need to create a game just to have a log file, or it won't pass the acceptance process and the report will never actually get accepted.
  10. Yeah I was kind of reaching, because it really seems to me that this is a bug/oversight. It's reasonable that slugs might have lower total damage, compared to a shell where every pellet hits, but the proportion by which that damage is lower should be the same across all weapon tiers. The fact that the disparity is due to shotgun damage being increased, but not scaled for slugs, reinforces this. Has anyone put a bug report in on this, and if so, did it come back 'working as intended'?
  11. Because the transition animations between standing and crawling aren't in game yet, zombies can flick between standing and crawling instantaneously. This can look like they're ducking, and cause attacks to miss. They also get an instant attack when changing stance, which can catch you off guard. I tend to avoid fighting anywhere there's a low ceiling. Doorways and the edges of attics with peaked roofs can be particularly bad.
  12. I'm sure I didn't have a full set of Magnum Enforcer on that playthrough. I found a magnum suprisingly early. You could well be right though. That would explain it.
  13. Is it possible slugs got tweaked in other ways, when they didn't get a proportional damage increase? I only noticed recently that the .44 magnum penetrates one target when using normal ammunition. That's a huge bonus to what would otherwise be an unremarkable weapon, for its tier, and it doesn't appear to be documented anywhere at all.
  14. I'm fairly sure that since the last Alpha, traders attempt to avoid offering a quest again until they've offered all the other quests of that tier within their range. That tends to make quest distances go up rapidly once you've done all the nearby quests of a particular tier. I believe the quest list resets every three days, when the trader resets their inventory. So you can reset the quests offered list just by logging out and back in, but you may find you still only get long distance quests (because you've done all the close ones) until the trader does their three day reset.
  15. 70 Million Years to Die, Revenge of the Necrosaurs might have potential as a follow up game. Toxic waste spill in a natural history museum...you know how these things happen.
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