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  1. If memory serves, the zombies broke the door down way before I got to that point. This POI seems broken in a couple of ways, the final mob spawner being one, and the zombies waking up when I'm still outside.
  2. Unable to finish trader clear/infestation/fetch and clear quests in this location. The final zombie spawner is not triggering and will not spawn the last zombies that you need to kill in order to finish the quest.
  3. I just upgraded from 19.3 to 19.4. I completely uninstalled 7 Days to Die and deleted all files and folders that were in the folder, then reinstalled the game to ensure a fresh and clean install. I use the Mod Launcher to play various mods so for obvious reasons I prefer playing Darkness Falls from the Mod Launcher and it worked perfectly fine for my playthrough in 19.3. But now, when I am loading the game, during the loading sequence when it says "Initializing World" a pop-up window for Unity Player, and the game crashes to desktop. Anyone have a fix for this or know why it is happening?
  4. Thanks for the response Stallionsden, I appreciate it. I do have a question though. You said that the CP comes with a prefab list that includes the vanilla and the prefabs. Then you say to copy the three txt files into the nitrogen resource folder. Is that correct, or did you mean copy those txt files into the 7 Days to Die resource folder?
  5. I've been using Nitrogen now for about a month and I can't figure out how to make a new map that includes vanilla (Alpha 19.3) POIs as well as PreFabs on the same map. I would really appreciate any help anyone could offer. Thanks in advance!
  6. I would try removing the completion type from the quest and then load up the game. Worst case scenario, it errors out and you need a different idea. Best case scenario, it doesn't give you an error and it works. I guess the actual worst case scenario might be that you get no error, use creative mode to get the quest, do said quest, and get nothing for your efforts. What I like to do is to have a "Test" game save that I hop into and out of as I make changes to my mods to see if they are working, and more importantly, working as I expected them to. Hopefully though, just removing that will do the trick. Though you may need to remove that from all of the challenge quests, I honestly don't have a clue how to use the "contains" parameter in XML yet. I'm pretty new to this myself.
  7. Ok, if I understand you correctly, you want to know how to check all items to see if the 'Material' is 'MMachineGunParts', then, if that check is true, change the item needed to repair it from 'RepairTools' to 'gunMGT1AK47Parts'. Is that correct? Even if I am not understanding you correctly, I do not know how the xml coding would work for that. Sorry. What I would do as an easy fix, though perhaps not an optimal one, is make sure the code I gave you works for one item. Then duplicate it for any weapon that you want to use AK47 Parts as the ingredient to repair it. Again, it may not be the optimal way to do it, but it would at least get it done.
  8. Just figured I would pop back into the thread to let you guys know, I got the display properties working for my new shades! It doesn't list all the stats, but it shows me the important ones so I can tell which pair will be better. The only thing left to confirm is that they are dropping in game. Since I fixed the issues with that block of code I haven't really seen many glasses drop, maybe 2 or 3 total, so we're still testing that. On a side note, anyone have any ideas how I can maybe use creative to spawn in a loot container that has a chance of dropping eyewear? Or know a way that I can maybe force them to spawn so I can verify that they drop?
  9. That worked! Thank you Ricowan for your help. Now the new shades are in the game, they "should" drop in game, I still need to verify that but that could take a while. Now it's just a matter of getting the stats to show up on the shades in game. The stats are applied to the shades just fine, they just are not listed on the display when you look at the shades in game.
  10. Update, changing the root node did fix it, partially. Now I get an error stating that there are multiple instances of groupApparelFaceCover. Just to see if that was going to be the only issue, I commented that block of code out, and it gave the same error, except now it said sportingGoods. I checked through the loot.xml file for the Vanilla game, and there are exactly two groupApparelFaceCover, one that defines <lootgroup name="groupApparelFaceCover"> and one that adds that loot group to <lootgroup name="groupApparelClothes">. It is a similar situation with <lootgroup name="sportingGoods">, there is the block that defines the lootgroup, then there is another block where the lootgroup is added to a loot container. Vanilla loot.xml references: <lootgroup name="groupApparelFaceCover"> Defines the loot group on line 1307 <lootgroup name="groupApparelFaceCover"> Added to loot group on line 1337 <lootgroup name="sportingGoods"> Defines the loot group on line 2868 <lootgroup name="sportingGoods"> Added to loot container on line 3845 Again, I am trying to get my new item to drop in the same loot containers that would drop the other glasses in the game. All of the other glasses are part of three loot groups. <lootgroup name="groupApparelFaceCover"> , <lootgroup name="sportGoods"> and <lootgroup name="clothingTestLoot"> I'm at a loss right now and I assume that without getting this code to work, the only way I will ever see my new shades in the game is by using Creative Mode to get them. I'm sure I am missing something, but I have no idea what it could be.
  11. I'll give that a try when I get home. Thanks for the idea. Will let you know how it pans out.
  12. Thanks Ricowan, I noticed that shortly after I made this post. I fixed the code to be: <SuperShades> <!-- Append loot.xml file to get new Super Shades to drop. Added New Super Shades to all loot groups where other eyewear is located. Presuming that by dong this, the new Super Shades will have the same chance to drop as all other eyewear? --> <append xpath="/loot"> <lootgroup name="groupApparelFaceCover"> <item name="apparelSuperShades" mods="dye" mod_chance="0"/> <!-- Add Super Shades to groupApparelFaceCover lootgroup --> </lootgroup> </append> <append xpath="/loot"> <lootgroup name="sportingGoods"> <item name="apparelSuperShades" prob=".7"/> <!-- Add Super Shades to sportingGoods lootgroup --> </lootgroup> </append> <append xpath="/loot"> <lootgroup name="cothingTestLoot"> <item name="apparelSuperShades" mods="dye" mod_chance="0"/> <!-- Add Super Shades to clothingTestLoot lootgroup --> </lootgroup> </append> </SuperShades> No more errors, but now I get WRN on all three <append xpath="/loot"> lines of code and they do not get applied. So it's "fixed" yet still not working. I'll have to dig deeper into the loot.xml file of the vanilla game to try and figure out what I am doing wrong. I have looked at other mod's xml files for similar stuff, but that's how I got to where we are right now. lmao Thanks again for any help you all can offer.
  13. Ok, need some help ironing out a couple of issues with a mod I created. Basically, I made an item called SuperShades that combines all of the eyewear except the Night Vision Goggles into one set of glasses. They work, I can get a pair through the creative menu, but nothing shows up on the display to tell you what stats they effect or by how much. Also, the name that pops up in game when hovering over these shades is apparelsupershades instead of Super Shades. Here is the code for it. Would greatly appreciate any assistance with this. <SuperShades> <!-- Create NEW Super Shades! In-Game icon will be the same as "Shades". To be put in items.xml --> <append xpath="items"> <item name="SuperShades"> <property name="Extends" value="apparelShades"/> <property name="DisplayType" value="apparelSuperShades"/> <property name="CustomIcon" value="apparelShades"/> <property name="EconomicValue" value="1500"/> <property name="CustomIconTint" value="30,30,30"/> <property name="Tags" value="head,clothing,canHaveCosmetic,noMods"/> <property class="UMA"> <property name="Overlay0Tint" value="30,30,30"/> </property> <effect_group tiered="false"> <passive_effect name="ModSlots" operation="base_set" value="0"/> <passive_effect name="AttributeLevel" operation="base_add" value="1" tags="attIntellect"/> <display_value name="dIntellect" value="+1"/> <passive_effect name="AttributeLevel" tags="attFortitude" operation="base_add" value="1"/> <display_value name="dFortitude" value="+1"/> <passive_effect name="AttributeLevel" tags="attPerception" operation="base_add" value="1"/> <display_value name="dPerception" value="+1"/> <passive_effect name="AttributeLevel" tags="attAgility" operation="base_add" value="1"/> <display_value name="dAgility" value="+1"/> <passive_effect name="AttributeLevel" tags="attStrength" operation="base_add" value="1"/> <display_value name="dStrength" value="+1"/> <passive_effect name="CraftingTime" operation="perc_add" value="-.2"/> <passive_effect name="PlayerExpGain" operation="perc_add" value=".15"/> <display_value name="dCraftingTime" value="-.2"/> <display_value name="dPlayerExpGain" value=".15"/> <passive_effect name="LootGamestage" operation="base_add" value="3,5.2"/> <passive_effect name="TreasureBlocksPerReduction" operation="base_add" value="-1"/> <display_value name="dTreasureBlocksPerReduction" value="-1"/> <passive_effect name="BarteringBuying" operation="base_add" value=".2"/> <passive_effect name="BarteringSelling" operation="base_add" value=".2"/> </effect_group> </item> </append> </SuperShades> Second half of my issue is the loot.xml file I created to, in theory, allow the new shades to drop in game like the rest of the eyewear. For that, I get an error code with the following xml file: <SuperShades> <!-- Append loot.xml file to get new Super Shades to drop. Added New Super Shades to all loot groups where other eyewear is located. Presuming that by dong this, the new Super Shades will have the same chance to drop as all other eyewear? --> <append xpath="/loot"> <lootgroup name="groupApparelFaceCover"> <item name="apparelSuperShades" mods="dye" mod_chance="0"/> <!-- Add Super Shades to groupApparelFaceCover lootgroup --> </append> <append xpath="/loot"> <lootgroup name="sportingGoods"> <item name="apparelSuperShades" prob=".7"/> <!-- Add Super Shades to sportingGoods lootgroup --> </append> <append xpath="/loot"> <lootgroup name="cothingTestLoot"> <item name="apparelSuperShades" mods="dye" mod_chance="0"/> <!-- Add Super Shades to clothingTestLoot lootgroup --> </append> </SuperShades> The error states that the lootgroup on line 3 does not match the closing /append. I tried changing line 3 to be <lootgroup name="groupApparelFaceCover"/> fixes the error, but I get three WRN messages, each one stating that the <append xpath="/loot"> was not applied. I'm guessing I get 3 warning since I actually changed lines 3, 8, and 13 since I figured all 3 would error out. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  14. I'm not sure where to begin for the next thing I want to tweak. If you guys might be able to point me in the right direction, I would appreciate it. First, some quick backstory. While raiding POIs I'll go from room to room doing my best to clear each room with stealth attacks. With alpha 19 and 19.1 though, there are times when the zombies do not spawn until you are inside the room. Its as though there spawn isn't being triggered when it should be. This issue is especially prevalent when dropping into a room from the floor above. For instance, I will use arrows to open the zombie cabinets and the cabinet will be empty. The room containing the cabinet will not have any zombies in it either. As soon as I land in the room, the zombies spawn. Where would I start looking to modify this so that I can make sure the zombies spawn into a POI before I walk in? Basically, I want the whole POI to spawn its zombie inhabitants all at once instead of room by room. Or at the very least increase the distance that the spawn spot triggers at and spawns in the zombie.
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