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Posts posted by ErrorNull

  1. On 7/7/2022 at 8:06 PM, AndrewT said:

    Actually ErrorNull i got the perfect idea for the mega boss if you still haven't decided on it yet. the final boss should be a huge wolf at x3 size thats void black with the green radiated glow and that should be named "skinwalker" I had this idea because in Navajo legend a heavily decayed wolf is is the most common form a skinwalker takes another good reason for this idea is the fact that the forest biome is the biome most commonly used by players when building bases.

    sounds like a great idea for a 'final' boss for the forest biome. actually using @magejosh buffs suggestion, i may just create a higher tier of bosses for each biome.


  2. 18 hours ago, magejosh said:

    Oh, no, using a game event you can define as many different game stage events as you want so only the particular minions and bosses spawn at that gamestage, and then you can duplicate the event for each biome. then use the buff that gives the game event to separate out using the biome requirement for the triggered effect which does the callGameEvent and make one for each biome with the biome requirement for that line. If i get some time tomorrow i'll try to write out a template example of the method to better illustrate what i'm trying to say here. I'm not good at explaining my thoughts on these chain event type things. Wait, i have an example sorta, though the hook is buffswhenwalked on it does illustrate the game events well and how to game stage them. 
    This mod requires 0-SCore and the 1-NPCXSpiderPack mods to run. But you don't need to run it to look at the methods used in the xml. Now keep in mind you will be calling on the spawning buff/gameevent differently to achieve what you want, but this could at least show the gameevent side of this equation for now. 


    As for how to hook into buffStatusCheck01 and track cvars for a purpose the best example i can think of is Jaxteller's action skills mod. Though in that case instead of putting the cvar tracker trigger on the items, you would need to put it on playermale entityclass because your trigger needs to be onselfKilledOther with a tag requirment on other being unique to the boss minions. 

    ok this is good. i will definitely need to review those examples. 👍


    10 hours ago, dujinyuan said:

    oh!~god! I can't take this anymore!~~~~~This Screamer girl is killing me! She screaming~!And here comes another Screamer...Just like that!~They are too many....They will kill me!And i can't do anything ....eh.....hey man...just help...SOS.......Can i just left the Screaming girl alone?

    oops yea. be sure to kill the screamers as soon as you hear them, or they can call other screamers too.. and start pounding on your base. don't forget to turn off forges, campfires and other heat sources if you don't need them at that moment. i've been in situations where i got overrun by the screamer horde and it was almost like a bloodmoon horde during the day lol. i would run away from the area and try to just kill off the screamers first.

  3. 34 minutes ago, magejosh said:

    Or, as a suggestion you could look at this other option. PM if you have questions or issues with it and i'd be happy to help.


    8.) Spawning via GameEvent called on by buffStatusCheck01 because it noticed you have killed enough boss minions that your xBiomeBossMinionCount cvar is GTE10.


    The advantage here is it reacts to wherever the player is, and you can utilize the gave event mechanics to make the boss immortal until all minions are killed or vice versa, and you can spawn random minions to scale up in number relative to GS.


    hmm that's a very interesting idea. with this method i can still have the biome boss spawn to a specific biome because i can currently force the boss minions to only spawn in certain boimes by way of the random wilderness biome groups. i like the idea. unfortunately, the wilderness biome groups don't scale with GS. however, there are entitygroups that do scale with GS, like the wandering horde (only goes up to GS 50), bloodmoon (goes GS 4000+) and screamer horde (goes up to 5700+). but, these are not specific to certain biomes... which means my snow boss minion might spawn in the desert, or wasteland boss minion will spawn in the forest. :(  any other ideas you know of that can work around that?


    regardless though, i'll look into the buffStatusCheck01 mechanic. i can still create some general purpose minions and bosses that is not specific to certain biomes.

  4. On 6/30/2022 at 9:28 PM, AndrewT said:

    my idea is a new set of quests for each biome where your tasked with killing several giants of each biome (the giants serving as the bosses minions) which after a few rounds of giant massacres u eventually encounter the boss itself with what you already said ErrorNull all I can say when encountering these bosses have high quality guns and tons of ammo.

    i like the idea of boss minions. now how players will actually encounter these minions (as well as my main bosses) themselves is something else that needs to be decided. below are how i see it so far. option 2 and 3 will not be practical for zombies that are very large


    1) spawning outside by way of random wilderness spawn, wandering horde, or screamer horde

    2) spawning inside POIs by way of random sleepers

    3) spawning inside POIs during clear/retrieve/restore trader quests

    4) spawning outside during during buried treasure trader quests

    5) spawning outside by reading/activating a zombie kill challenge quest

    6) spawning outside after open chest from treasure map

    7) spawning during bloodmoon horde night

  5. 8 hours ago, RAGE PVE said:

    Like Whitewalkers in snow, desert maybe zombie Mad Max??  I saw Freddy Kruger I'm sure in a pack of zombies, that one yours? 

    i may play around with the GoT whitewalkers and Mad Max ideas. loved GoT and mad max series. the trick is whether or not the built-in 7days will have the textures, clothing, and items i can choose from to mimic those styles. since i'm only using UMA elements, i can't create any new textures or items. whitewalkers should be fairly easy as they pretty much are zombies and i can just tint all their textures a bluish white. the mad max style zombies will be fun and challenging.. i'm picturing lots of goggles, blades, clubs, shirtless or lightly clothed zombies, and clothing that's predominantly gray, blacks and browns. too bad zombies can't drive vehicles, or spawn in them, it would be hilarious to see the mad max horde charging you with snufkin server side vehicles. 🙃

  6. here is the rough draft of the first set of biome bosses so far. made some changes and may tweak again down the line. Mr Boe and Ms Stripper included to show size scale. from left to right:


    forest biome - freak radiated stag (skinwalker?). charges at you and attacks with antlers.

    desert biome - radiated stone elemental. showers boulders with instant knockdown.

    snow biome - radiated snowman (should i add a santa hat?). casts a flurry of snowballs that freeze you stiff

    burnt biome - radiated fire elemental. sends a barrage of fireballs that bursts into more flames and smoke upon impact.

    wasteland biome - radiated metal-infused rocket demo. sends lots and lots of rockets your way..

    final game boss: not sure yet...




    all biome bosses will have that radiated aura which allows players to easily spot them and keep a distance... which is good, since the radiation will inflict damage if players get too close. ranged weapons are also extremely nurfed against them, which force players into challenging hand-to-hand, or must craft or use the special gear/consumables only obtainable from defeating the easier biome bosses.


    the 2nd set of biome bosses will compliment each of these five. i'm thinking about focusing on more flying type enemies..

  7. enZombies v2.8 Progress:


    working on biome bosses! for a while now i wanted to have a way to motivate players to explore all biomes. sometimes there's a tendency to just find a comfortable spot in the easy forest biome, setup of a base by the nearest trader and just do quests and play through horde nights until day 7000, within the same 500m radius.


    now, each biome will have one (or possibly two?) very tough boss-level enemies that will spawn randomly, but very very rarely outside in the wilderness. they will not spawn inside POIs, or during any type of horde. only outside, randomly, on their own -- and most likely only at night. so there is a chance these boss level enemies will spawn during beginning game stages, so players should stay away from them.

    the motivation for hunting down and killing a biome boss will be to obtain ingredients (by way of body harvesting or loot bag) to craft unique items (weapon/armor/ammo/consumables) needed to defeat the next biome boss. the idea is that as players defeat and re-defeat these biome bosses, players can accumulate enough equipment upgrades and consumables to even stand a chance against the final end boss... which must be summoned using ingredients obtained from defeating all biome bosses. not sure what the final boss will be nor what these unique equipment upgrades will actually be... still work in progress. 😎

    below are the biome bosses i've thought of so far. they stand next to their vanilla counterparts to show their size scale. from left to right: forest, desert, and snow.





  8. Reduce enZombie Spawn during Bloodmoon Horde Night by 50%

    i've uploaded a modified entitygroups.xml file to my github page that anyone can use which reduces enZombie spawning by 50% during bloodmoon horde night. this was created for @RAGE PVE, but might as well anyone use this if you want to have more vanilla zombies (or zombies from other mods) appear over the enZombies. here's the github link: https://github.com/ErrorNull0/enZombies


    all you need to download is the entitygroups_50.xml -- no need to reinstall the entire enZombies mod. be sure to follow the readme file which explains how to install.

  9. 3 hours ago, SavageBread said:

    ErrorNull do you happen to have a full entity list?(enDesertFemale3, enDesertMale1, etc.) I have been grabbing from code and parsing manually.
    More than happy to give it to you as an add on.

    yes. i have a python program that scans through any of the xml files and pulls the tags and attributes i need into a txt file. 😎


    and just fyi to anyone. enZombies by itself don't have harvestable or lootable zombies. that comes only if you install the enZombiesHarvest mod too, then you can harvest and loot all enZombies and vanilla zombies. for those who use the Snufkin or Robeloto zombie patch mods that i created, by default it doesn't let you harvest those zombies, but you can enable that behavior. any other mods which add more custom zombies that i haven't made a patch for, will not be harvestable/lootable... you will need to rely on other mods to add that capability.

  10. Hi @Onoes and @ParanoiAndroid - double-check the folder names of the mods. when downloading from github, i know it would sometimes add "-main" on the end of the folder names. be sure to remove that word so that it allows enZombies and its related mods to load in the proper order. so, be sure that enZombies always comes first before enZombiesHarvest in the Mods folder. let me know if that helps.



  11. 1 hour ago, DefiantDucky said:

    they always know where you are regardless of being at night silent or inside your base or deep underground. Almost as if they just have feral sense always on (it's turned off on the server) or their detection range is too high or something. Would you know how to modify or what to modify to make it so they spawn and wander around first and not just instantly come after you from 10 meters away?


    interesting. inside entityclasses.xml of the main vanilla code, it defines several properties relating to zombie sense and seeking behavior:


    <property name="AIFeralSense" value="1.5"/>
    <property name="AINoiseSeekDist" value="8"/>


    none of the enZombies alter the default value for AIFeralSense, but i do have all spider zombies and the santa helper gal set AINoiseSeekDistance to a much shorter value of 3 instead of 8.  no other enZombie has this change. to see this you would go into entityclasses.xml from within the enZombies mod files, and look for the entity_class for EN_Zombie_Template_Spider and enSnowSantaHelper1.


    entityclasses.xml of the main vanilla code also define other zombie characteristics that are related to stealth scenarios (below). none of the enZombies have these properties modified except for two -- the scientist boss zombie and the businessman boss zombie. they both have MaxViewAngle = 200, and SightRange value = 100. no other zombies have this change. to see these two modifications, refer to the entityclasses.xml inside the enZombies mod files and look for the entity_class for enScientistBoss1 and enBusinessmanBoss.


    	<!-- Stealth -->
    <property name="MaxViewAngle" value="180"/>
    <property name="SightRange" value="30"/> <!-- distance in m -->
    <property name="SightLightThreshold" value="-2,150"/> <!-- how well lit you have to be for the zombie to see you at min,max range -->
    <property name="SleeperWakeupSightDetectionMin" value="-40,5"/> <!-- Indiv.Random. sight capability - "I see you" light value at point blank -->
    <property name="SleeperWakeupSightDetectionMax" value="340,480"/> <!-- Indiv.Random. "I see you" light value at "SightRange" -->
    <property name="SleeperSenseSightDetectionMin" value="-10,0"/> <!-- same for groaning, not waking -->
    <property name="SleeperSenseSightDetectionMax" value="200,300"/>
    <property name="SleeperNoiseSenseThreshold" value="3,8"/> <!-- Indiv.Random. hearing capability - "I hear something" noise value -->
    <property name="SleeperNoiseWakeThreshold" value="9,12"/>
    <property name="SleeperSmellSenseThreshold" value="20,50"/> <!-- Indiv.Random. smell capability - "I smell something" player smell value -->
    <property name="SoundSleeperSenseChance" value=".5"/> <!-- the chance to play "SoundSleeperSense" when "SleeperSmellSenseThreshold" is triggered -->
    <property name="SleeperSmellWakeThreshold" value="40,100"/>
    <property name="NoiseAlertThreshold" value="30"/> <!-- DEPRECATED; an awake zombie triggers instantly if touched by the sound range/volume -->
    <property name="SmellAlertThreshold" value="40"/> <!-- for awake zombies -->


    it's possible you might have some mods installed that modify these values in a more universal scale, by modifying the entity_class called zombieTemplateMale. all zombies inherit properties from that classes. one way to find out is to check the files within each mod and see if they have an entityclasses.xml file and if it alters anything for class zombieTemplateMale, or alters values for any of the above properties. hope that helps.

  12. Updated the Attack Range settings mod


    Download from GitHub here:



    How to use:

    - Drop this mod into your Mods folder (just like any other mod) to activate it.




    - Go into the items.xml file and find the line representing the zombie you want to modify

    - modify the range Value ... increase value to give zombie further reach, or decrease value to shorten zombie's reach

    - Exit and re-run the game.


    This mod only allows modifying the attack range of enZombies and not any vanilla zombies.


    Any issues or errors, let me know. 😎




  13. 5 hours ago, CanaMwd said:

    just get this error, did I do something wrong

    hmm.. are you trying to install the mod on a server or just as single-player game? below is the folder path that i have that mod installed. hope that helps.



  14. 6 hours ago, CanaMwd said:

    the Localization.Txt file which is in the folder "7D2D_A20_Modlets-master" I have to place it somewhere?

    i am not sure about that. usually files like the localization.txt and entitygroups.xml should already be inside the folder called CONFIG that is inside each mod folder. not sure why it's outside there. i'm sure there is a reason, that Robeloto will be best to answer.

  15. 18 hours ago, CanaMwd said:

    Do I have to take the folders in the "7D2D_A20_Modlets-master" file and place them manually in "Mods"

    yes, you need to pull out each individual "robloto_" folder and place them into the MODs folder.


    the one exception is the folder called CustomZombies Alternate versions. there are three mods inside there that does not activate unless you follow the instructions and move those files to the correct places. also, you only use Robeloto_CustomZombies_XML_VERSION if you do not to use Robeloto_CustomZombies. you should not use both at the same time. hope that helps.

  16. On 6/4/2022 at 2:20 PM, AndrewT said:

    glad to hear that as my friends new gaming PC has just arrived a couple days ago and as of now he and his brother are setting it up as we have plans for a massive cinematic gameplay series for 7Days that will include your mod along with a few others. we dont have an official title for the series yet as we still have lots of other work to do but we have lots of details already set up such as how myself and my friend are both partially German in real life so we'll be playing a pair of custom German characters with full accents. and we'll be joind by a pair of mexican friends of ours (4 of us in total) one of them has stuck around with us since high school. now when I say cinematic series its a cinematic gameplay that will be far better than literally everything neebs gaming has done as we have plans for more cinematic details than just cinematic camera angles. when we begin work on the series my friend will upload an announcement video to his channel where he will go over many details of everything we have planned. however we are extremely unapologetic so we will be found on a different video site rather than YouTube as they now have policies regarding everything offensive and violent that are too much for us to handle so Vimeo is the likely site to find our content.

    looking forward to see your 7Days series. sounds pretty cool. 👍

  17. Version 2.7 Released!

    (Updated download link on original post)


    Wow so that took a while. Thanks for waiting folks.


    So first we have the elemental zombies. The moldy green one will appear mostly in the forest, while the stone and sand ones will spawn mostly in the desert, and the iron elemental will show in the wasteland. The sand, stone and iron elementals are immune to bleeding damage and are buffed against ranged attacks. But, take out your shovel and pickaxe and you'll have a better chance! The super radiated one is tough as nails and will irradiate you if you get too close.




    Next we have our hospital zombies. These poor folks got turned while waiting for the operating table. They are highly infectious and the nurse and lab female zombies will try try to stab you!



    Here are two more lumberjacks to join the earlier two. However, they got the wood-cutting tools on them, and will use them on you without hesitation! They spawn in the forest and snow biomes.




    And, here are two more biker zombies - that are a bit bigger than the prior two and are wearing their protective gear... helmets! They are happy to start a bar fight with you anytime.




    Among many other things, this update also includes some new loading screen tips. This will provide more descriptions and tips regarding unique enZombies. I've only added a few for now, but more are planned since there are lots of good info about my enZombies.




    Below are all the specific details of the v2.7 update.

    (Download link to my github is on the main page.)


    -removed ability for any zombies that wear hats/helmets, holding items/weapons, or are giants, from becoming crawlers
    -removed all custom zombie crawlers to simplify code. existing zombies (that are not mentioned above) can still be crawlers if they are crippled.
    -added elemental zombies: enElementalOrganicCrawler, enElementalSandCrawler, enElementalStoneCrawler, enElementalIronCrawler, enElementalSandWalker, enElementalStoneWalker, enElementalIronWalker, enElementalRadiatedWalker
    -added custom characteristics to elemental zombies: nerfed ranged weapons against them, bonus to mining tools against them, they do not bleed, they have increased entity and block damage
    -redid wandering horde code to use vanilla groups and progression. should make more mods (like UL) no need for patch
    -renamed enSnufkinBoss to enScientistBoss1
    -added feral versions of khzAiden and khzChang
    -added hospital zombies: patientFemale1, patientFemale2, and patientFemale3, patientMale1 and patientMale2, labFemale1, nurseHD
    -added more existing zombies: biker3 and biker4, lumberjack3 and lumberjack4
    -renamed and streamlined all enemy handitems
    -added louder swoosh sounds to the larger weapons carried by zombies: clubs, shovels, pickaxes, stun baton, etc
    -updated all entitygroups/spawning code to be more compatible with mods that rely on vanilla zombie groups
    -removed game animals from spawning in wasteland (since it was removed from vanilla game)
    -added loadingscreen tips specific to enZombies


    The following mods have also been updated for use with enZombies v2.7.  So if you are using these add-on mods, please go to my github and download the latest one. The readme file within each add-on mod will show what changes have been made.


    - enZombieHarvest

    - enZombiesSettings01NoNudes

    - enZombiesSettings03WildernessSpawn

    - enZombiesSettings04WanderingSpawn

    - RobelotoZombiePatch

    - SnufkinZombiePatch

    - ZulkZombiePatch


    I have also added another settings mod that allows you to remove any specific enZombie from spawning anywhere. Go to my github page here that lists all the current 'settings' mods - https://github.com/ErrorNull0/enZombiesSettings  . Note: if you are using other zombie mods like Snufkins or Robelotto, this settings mod cannot control their existence.


    For the next update i will spend more time on compatibility with other zombie mods (NPCMod and Darkness Falls), and ability to modify attack reach of any enZombie, and modify HP and XP of any enZombie, etc. Of course i'll throw in a couple more new zombies too --- i still want to add some shopkeeper zombies, normal cops, and more zombies that fly and attack with projectiles...


    As always please let me know if you see any errors or bugs. Enjoy!



    @ktrain I noticed that in the zulk mod, the green giant's feet is slightly floating above the ground. To fix this you can do the following:


    - go into the file entityclasses.xml

    - look for the section entity_class name="Zulk"

    - within all the "property" tags, create another property tag like below:

    <property name="SizeScale" value="0.97"/>


    Now the giant looks much better on the ground. 😎

  18. On 5/20/2022 at 12:24 PM, AndrewT said:

    I cant wait. I bet that fat guy with the chainsaw will be a "pain" to fight get it because his chainsaw will hurt.

    yep that chainsaw and axe wielding lumberjack have increased reach, so watch out. updating the snufkin and robeloto patches now.. and taking care of some bugs.....

  19. enZombies v2.7 Progress:


    done with all feral and radiated variations for the upcoming new zombies. also updated the zombiesHarvest add-on mod for the new zombies so you can loot and harvest their corpses. now i just need to add them all to the spawning groups, update the Snufkin and Robeloto patch mods, and take care of some other minor bugs. almost there! 😎



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