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Posts posted by ErrorNull

  1. On 11/5/2022 at 1:37 AM, Ganeshakw said:

    Bro, what happens to the performance with so many Zs added ?

    good question. i've created 31 farmer zombies, but it doesn't mean that all 31 will be spawning all at once. the pool of total zombie varieties are getting much larger, but the actual number of zombies that the game spawns in-game does not increase. for example for these farmer zombies, the individual farm and barn POI's control how many farmer zombies actually spawn.... and i have not changed or increased that value.


    i think that there's probably an increase in pc ram memory needed to preload the increasing variety of zombies as the game initially loads up, but i don't believe it will impact the game performance during play. there are currently over 200 unique zombie varieties in enZombies mod (if you count the feral and radiated ones it would be close to 600), and the archetypes.xml file that is responsible for defining them is only around 1.5MB in size to load in to ram memory.

  2. enZombies v2.8 Progress:

    26 new farmer zombies are now completed. add that to my existing 5 farmer zombies and that totals 31 farmers. this should now be adequate to provide enough variety to the farm and barm POIs out there.




    these farmers were designed for 3 different scenarios:


    - farm workers, spawns outside in the fields or in the barns. can wield farm tools like hoes, shovel, buckets, etc.

    - farm dwellers, spawns inside the homes. empty handed residents.

    - farm brutes, stronger farmers that spawn primarily near the main loot/stash rooms. big and wields weapons.


    they will also often carry farm related resources as body loot - like seeds, crops, clay, and small stones.


    at this point, pending tasks are creating the feral and radiated versions, actually adding them into all the spawning groups (biomes, wandering horde, screamer horde, sleeper POIs, bloodmoon horde, etc), adding unique names to the localization.txt, and finally customizing all the prefab/POIs to spawn in these new farmer groups.


    i have also been busy making my enZombies code more modular and efficient so i can pump out a higher volume of zombies more frequently in the future. hese farmer zombies are the first batch in my plans to add populations of themed zombies into existing POIs - like shop worker in stores, wait staff in restaurants, students in schools, experimental freak zombies in laboratories, etc.


    Biome Bosses Progress:

    my biome bosses have been put on the backburner, until alpha 21 is released.




    their entity code will be completed and functional for v2.8, but they will not spawn in game on their own. you can manually spawn them in creative mode or as server admin of course to test them out. the reason is that currently i do not want them to spawn randomly in the biome wilderness without consideration to player level/gamestage, since these bosses will be tough. as an alternative, the existing XML will only then allow me to integrate them into the existing horde groups (like screamers, sleeper zombies, bloodmoon horde), which are gamestaged. however these bosses are not appropriate for these scenarios either. alpha 21 will make new xml code avail to allow me to create my own gamestaged spawning groups. this way my bosses can spawn only within specific biomes, outside in the wilderness, and only when players reach a certain level/gamestage. stay tuned!

  3. On 11/1/2022 at 4:40 PM, Numairus said:

    Ah, so they're Frankenstein zombies. I sometimes have issues with server side vehicles not replacing the base mesh properly and I was wondering if the invisible zombies were the result of a similar issue, but it doesn't seem like it.


    I've been running Sorcery on my server and I'm about to wipe it and run Darkness Falls in addition to Sorcery. After a short look into the files it looks like the names of some of the creatures were changed which means the patches wouldn't work on them any more. I've been going through and slowly, but surely making mods play nice with each other. So far I've been doing it mostly by editing files directly and commenting out parts that throw warnings due to DF changing things just so I can clean up the piles of warnings you get when you throw 100+ mods together.

    sounds like fun. 😀 one suggestion is to create one mod that loads last on the stack, and then aggregate all your tweaks into that mod.... instead of making the changes directly within each individual mod. that way it's so much easier to keep track, and when a particular mod releases a new version, you don't have to try and redo whatever changes that you did directly in that updated mod. your special last-loading mod will likely keep working without much changes.

  4. On 10/28/2022 at 3:35 PM, Numairus said:

    You don't have to be lonely, at FarmersOnly.


    If we're using the Darkness Falls mod can we just toss in the patches for the enemies that it includes? It has spiders and the behemoth at least. Not sure what else since I haven't played it or dug through the files yet.


    Do the UMA zombies work like the server side vehicles where it spawns with the model of an existing asset, attaches a new model, then hides the original?

    all the zombie mod patches in my "Patches" section have not been tested with Darkness Falls, so it's possible will result in some errors or unexpected behavior. i would like to make a patch for it in the future though. DF appears to be a very popular overhaul mod.


    the UMA zombies do not use any of the vanilla zombie 3d meshes (like for boe, darlene, soldier, screamer, etc). instead, it constructs the zombies from the UMA body mechanics that players use to create/customize their player avatars. as a matter of fact, if you go into the player profiles screen, you will actually see all the UMA zombies listed there which you can choose to act as you player avatar. and so all the clothing, skin and body shape variations you see for the UMA zombies are simply existing different combinations of player assets (hair, skin, clothing) that are re-colorized or resized. then those completed 'zombies' borrow the built in zombie animations and AI to act as zombies.

  5. On 10/15/2022 at 10:22 PM, Numairus said:

    Ok, I wasn't sure if they were finished and just not implemented or still a work in progress. I was considering making a quest chain (or multiple) for my server to kill each biome boss then the final.

    that's cool. you're welcome to do whatever to the xml and put them into your own quest chain. once i'm done with those bosses, i have a specific sequence for players to encounter, defeat, and loot them for materials to progress to the final boss.


    21 hours ago, Ganeshakw said:

    Hey EN, these single single Zs, like Zulk, Queen Athena, Dimond Something etc ; cant they directly be a part of Enzombies team rather than creating patches for them ?

    those mods are not my creation, and i only create patches for them so that they can spawn using my own biome rules and allow optional body harvest. other than that, i don't touch any of the those zombie characteristics, like HP, XP, attack strength, or what not. when i keep them separate with a patch, it makes it easier for players to choose which zombies they want (and don't want) and only install the patch they use. otherwise they will need to ask me to create special versions of enZombies for whichever combinations zombies they want or don't want. it also makes it easier on me so when the original mod author updates their mod and makes changes to their zombies, i don't need to constantly duplicate those change inside enZombies code if i had combined their code with enZombies. the player just downloads the latest version of that original zombie mod, and can use the existing patch that i have for it.

  6. 19 hours ago, AndrewT said:

    ok why is it that i cant road kill enZombies with the vehicles

    yea it's a shortcoming of the UMA system unfortunately. below are other bugs with UMA type zombies that i listed on my main mod page in case you weren't aware:

    • UMA zombies fly amazing distances when struck with a powerful attack. Their physics seem to be more 'floaty' compared to the vanilla zombies. This also results in the occasional zombie getting stuck into nearby walls and bars when explosions and powerful attacks send them rag-dolling overhead. To some this is a bug, to others this is a feature.
    • UMA zombies do not collide with player vehicles whether driven or parked. So the zombies will simply walk right through them. This behavior does not occur with the abandoned POI vehicles that litter the landscape. UMA zombies interact with them like normal. When zombie vehicle collision was added to the vanilla zombies, the devs did not add that feature to the UMA system.
    • UMA zombies don't get shocked when walking into electric fence traps.. not really, at least. It seems that if they are knocked down while on the fence, they will occasionally get shocked! Stun batons behave normally and shock the zombies just fine.
    • UMA zombies do not show the crawling animations when they crawl through the 1 bock spaces. The ability for zombies to crawl through 1 block spaces is fairly recent, but the devs did not implement that update for the UMA system.
    • UMA zombies appear to cause a 'micro-freeze' or stutter in the game each time a set number of them are spawned. This was not the case (or it was very insignificant) in Alpha 19. The number of zombies that trigger this stutter seem to range from 5 to 8. Thus, while exploring POIs and encountering sleeper zombies, or fighting through horde night, there will be a short stutter when every 5th to 8th UMA zombie is spawned in. The severity of the micro-freeze might depend on your system specs, but it's not completely certain at this point.
    • There is a NullReferenceException error that can occur when sleepers are spawning inside POIs. Majority of the incidents are occurring during trader Clear or Fetch quest, and can sometimes even result in a sleeper zombie being spawned invisible - which can be a vanilla or UMA zombie. They can still be killed with traps, grenades, and turrets, and with the right mods installed you can sense their location when crouching. So far, these NRE errors seems to be intermittent and not tied to a specific POI or zombie type. If you encounter this NRE error please take a screenshot, or send me the log, with the POI name and if the error was repeatable later at the same POI. This will help with investigating further.


    19 hours ago, Numairus said:

    Is the final boss supposed to be harder than the others? It seemed rather easy to me, but that could be because of mods that I'm running. I have extra healing and armor. In terms of HP though the wasteland boss seems to have a lot more. Haven't poked around the files yet to verify any of this.

    the biome bosses and final boss is not complete yet, which is why they do not spawn in the game. you're welcome to experiment with them in dm mode, but their attack strength, attack effects, HP, Experience, body loot, body harvest items, buff effects and special weapon buffs are not implemented yet. these will change once they are ready.

  7. 3 hours ago, doughphunghus said:

    Actually... an interesting idea. I haven't seen anyone publish a "no swimming" mod, though a long time ago i saw a "rain is acid" mod where getting wet hurt you.  I wonder if there would be a way to mod it swimming was just not feasible for anything but a swimming pool.  Like:

    - water is "radioactive" and getting in it will kill you if in longer than a few minutes

    - swimming is simply slowed down, like crawling through molasses


    If these things could be added in, yeah player progression could kinda be controlled with water.... and maybe a radiation overlay for the land areas if you wanted land direction/control.  He boating mod would take that away a little but might be a lot of fun if you amped up how hard it was to get a boat (like it was endgame content, like the gyrocopter)

    there are several buff triggers that can be used like onSelfSwimStart or onSelfWaterSubmerge to check if the player is submerged in the water. then a buff can activate that slows, damages, or blinds the player... and work in the explanation that the player is deathly afraid of water due to some past trauma. or that water is lava 😄

    or, maybe even easier just modify the existing buff that controls water breathing so that the player always has zero oxygen and starts losing health immediately when submerged.

  8. 8 minutes ago, Huie said:

    Cuz my map is not default but made by other modders, in which many new prefabs exists.

    And it really turns out in the new map, the problem occurs, but it won't happen in a default map.

    i see. does the new custom map have traders? maybe my raider quest is having issue with how the traders are setup in the new map. but you're right, if the issue does not happen on the default maps, then it could be related to how the custom map is setup somehow.

  9. 26 minutes ago, Huie said:

    Hi ErrorNull, I've met a problem in which all raid quests show no distance and other information (for example, the distance is 0.0m, and there's no exclamation point on the map).

    Hope you can see my reply and maybe enlighten me somehow.

    thanks for letting me know. a few things to check:

    - when you load the game do you see any warning or error messages?

    - were you able to play the raid quests ok during some earlier time?

    - what mods do you have that load after enZombies mod?

    - if you are able to share the quests.xml from your configsDump folder, that could also give us hints on what is wrong. the configsDump folder is located here:

    on Windows - \AppData\Roaming\7DaysToDie\Saves\NAME_OF_YOUR_MAP\nameOfYourSaveGame\ConfigsDump\quests.xml

  10. On 10/12/2022 at 5:32 PM, Numairus said:

    I just tried to spawn them again through the F6 menu and got the object reference error. I removed all mods and did a fresh copy of enZombies to remove any chance of me meddling around and messing something up. You said the items.xml file, I can see the boss hand items in the entityclasses file, but only the businessman and scientist boss hands are in my items file. I have version 2.7 of the mod and version a20.6(b9) of the game. I'm assuming the hand items are supposed to be in the items file and it's throwing errors at me because the zombies are trying to spawn in with non-existent items?

    I just went to the main page and saw that version 2.71 is out. I downloaded that, verified that the hand items are in the items file, and I can spawn in the bosses now. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction to figure that out.


    On an unrelated note, is there a good discord around for general modder questions? I'm interested in doing a bit of modding and I'm sure I'll run into some issues.

    awesome yes, the v2.71 will do it. Guppy has his well known discord server. i ask questions there all the time.. and it's where pretty much most all the modders hang out and do their work. i'll dm you an invite.

  11. On 10/9/2022 at 4:35 AM, Weazelsun said:

    lol, its funny seeing the zombies being knocked back by the wandering trader. Saw the trader in the downtown of city while I was in godmode. Just bam! Zombie goes flying. 

    hehe yes. zombies better not mess with those wandering traders.. for now. at least until alpha 21 when the traders will be able take damage and die.... 😅


    On 10/11/2022 at 2:53 AM, Ganeshakw said:

    Hey EN, since there is a lot of silence here since a few days, I thought of reminding you that you need to look your screamers look evil (If possible) and I have a suggestion for your Z group. A devil looking big Z, throws a chain at the player and pulls the player towards him. I dont know if it is possible though. 

    oh like this?


    unfortunately the uma archetypes i use the create the zombies only has available what is already built into the game. so since there are no chain weapons in 7 days, i have no such weapons to add to the zombies..... . oh and yes, i'm looking into more screamers that can look scarier. have you seen the Queen Athena zombie @arramus made recently for his Snufkin zombies mod? look very cool. you can use that as a screamer. 😎


    8 hours ago, Numairus said:

    First off, love the mod, all the creative names, and sending zombies flying. Besides when I send them off the roof and out of the quest area at least. Gotta pull my punches there.

    lol yeah you gotta watch that. i've been looking into ways to reduce the super soaring effects and seems like there might be at least some way with the explosives. unfortunately it may be a dead end with most other weapons.


    8 hours ago, Numairus said:

    The only other issue I've run into is that neither the biome bosses nor the final boss will spawn for me when attempting to manually spawn them.

    the biome and bosses and final boss is actually not ready for showtime and not assigned to any spawning code. but those hand items (referred to by your errors) do exist and you should be able to manually spawn them in DM mode via F6 menu. i'm currently able to spawn those bosses in ok. do you have any other mods that make any changes to the items.xml file?

  12. that's a pretty good translation to UMA. genius with using the knuckles. if you don't mind swapping her underwear for a bikini bottom/thong, you can then independantly change its color to red.. or whichever color that is needed:


    <part slot="legs" layer="base" mesh="female_base_legs" >
    	<texture name="female_legs_nude" color="skin" />
    	<texture name="female_bikini_bottom" color="180,20,20"/>


    or... maybe the booty shorts?


    <part slot="legs" layer="base" mesh="female_base_legs">
    	<texture name="female_legs" color="skin"/>
    	<texture name="female_shorts" color="128,30,30"/>


    now pump up that hp and damage and let's battle this boss lady....

  13. Guppy A20 Zombies Patch 1.1 Released

    (Updated download link on front page)


    👉 direct github download link here 👈


    this update adds the following changes to the patch mod. reminder - you need to have the main enZombies mod and the main Guppy A20 Zombies mod installed.


    version 1.1 update: made patch mod compatible with latest Guppy A20 Zombies update (on Sept 30 2022 by Glisp) that included completed/improved entity definitions, zombie hand items, and defined entitygroup spawning.


    Any issues, let me know!

  14. enZombie Survival Addon 1.1 Released

    (Updated download link on original post)


    👉 direct github download link here 👈


    this update adds the following changes to this survival addon mod. reminder - you need to have the main enZombies mod installed.


    version 1.1 update:
    - removes all trader POIs when new RWG map is created
    - removed initial popup message from Duke on new game
    - initial survival quest stops at stone axe, and only get 1 skill point
    - removed new game Newbie coat protection
    - reduce safe fall distance from 6m to 4m

    ** recommend to have wandering traders installed. github download - https://github.com/ErrorNull0/enZombiesTraders


    version 1.0

    - reduces bird nests from forest biome by 10x
    - reduces cotton plants in forest biome in half
    - reduces yucca and aloe plants in desert biome in half
    - reduces bird nests from desert biome by 10x
    - removes all boulders, small stones, and bird nests from snow biome
    - reduces bird nests from burt forest biome in half
    - reduces boulders from wasteland biome in half
    - increase small stones in desert biome by double
    - increase small stones in wasteland biome by double

    - added chance to get nuts and eggs when detroying medium to large trees
    - added ability to make nuts from pine and oak seeds
    - added chance to get eggs from fridges
    - added 10% dysentery chance when eating raw eggs

    - made night time slightly darker
    - made inside ambient light slightly darker

    - reduce damage done by player on zombies by 75%
    - increased EXP deficit amount from 25% to 33%
    - increased max EXP deficit amount from 50% to 100%
    - set food and water value to 20 after death respawn
    - reduce max health by 10 after death respawn

    - initial survival quest ends after crafting stone axe
    - completing initial survival quest provides only 1 skill point
    - removed trader locate from initial survival quest

  15. 27 minutes ago, DefiantDucky said:

    @ErrorNull Hope this helps but if yourself or anyone downloads or wants to use Mickpewpews Zombies packs, they'll have to deleted physicsbodies.xml in both otherwise it will spam red errors claiming duplicate files of the physicsbodies.xml in both packs. Deleting them seems to fix this and still runs great with no errors. 

    very good point. both of the main mickkpewpew mods use the same "nolegsUMA" definition inside their physicsbodies.xml file. as a matter of fact, snufkin server side zombies does too. so you should keep the nolegsUMA code from whichever mod you have running first in the mod order, and delete nolegsUMA from any other mods that run after it.

  16. 4 hours ago, DefiantDucky said:

    can you use both Mickpewpews serverside zombies and Serverside zombies 20.5 together?

    yes, now that the older one is updated, both should be able to run together.


    hi @Wolves Hero - War3zuk AIO Overhaul mod is not compatible with enZombies so there could be errors. and as @Artemisia mentioned, the NPCMod core mod and the expansion packs all require my patch mods to be installed:


    based on the  mods you listed on the screenshot, you will need these patch mods from my gitgub https://github.com/ErrorNull0/enZombiesPatches




    i see that you also have enZombiesHavest mod installed. this will give you option for body harvest of vanilla and enZombies. but if you want to have body harvest with the above NPCMod packs, be sure to enable that behavior too. you need to go into the entityclasses.xml file for each one of the above NPCMod packs and enable.


    lastly, i have not yet created a mod patch for the 2-SummonFoxFriend expansion mod. so you might see some errors because of that. i'll create the mod patch for that soon.

  17. MickPewPew Server Side Zeds Patch Released

    (Updated download link on original post)


    This update adds some very high HP boss zombies from an older mod by MickkPewPew from 2020. Specifically, this patch mod does the following:

    • Fixed references to outdated meshes, and removed references to undefined custom items.

    • Allows the MickPewPews ServerSide Zeds mod to work with enZombies. It appends the new spawning groups for outside wilderness spawning that is required by enZombies into the entitygroups.xml file. This mod also adds spawning of these zombies in the screamer scout hordes and bloodmoon horde.

    • Provides the option to enable zombie body harvesting for the MickkPewPew entities. Go to the entityclassses.xml file to enable this.


    mickkpewpew main mod link -- https://7daystodiemods.com/mickkpewpews-server-side-zombies-and-bosses/

    enZombies mod patch link -- https://github.com/ErrorNull0/enZombiesPatches/tree/main/MickPewPewsServerSideZedsPatch




    FYI There was another patch I released last month for a newer zombie mod by MickkPewPew in 2022 for Alpha 20.5. You can check out that one below:

    mickkpewpew main mod link -- https://7daystodiemods.com/mickkpewpews-server-side-zeds-20-5/

    enzombies mod patch link -- https://github.com/ErrorNull0/enZombiesPatches/tree/main/Mickkpewpew2022Patch


    Any issues or errors, let me know. Enjoy.

  18. i've completed the patch mod that allows these nice Guppy zombies to spawn along with my enZombies. here's my post for anyone interested.


    @Guppycur i did notice something when playtesting them. it seems their attacks don't often connect... and that the only strike that does hit is then one with them swiping up with their left hand. and with that, there's a delay of about 1-2 sec before player receives damage. is this something that happens for you too? and can be fixed from within the physicsbody file?

  19. Guppy A20 Zombies Patch Released

    (Updated download link on original post)


    This update adds the numerous custom zombie models from the Guppy A20 Zombies mod into enZombies. Specifically, this patch mod does the following:

    • Modifies the Guppy zombies to spawn along with enZombies, by appending the former into the custom enZombies spawning groups.
    • Provides the option to enable zombie body harvesting for the Guppy zombies. Go to the entityclassses.xml file to enable this.
    • The main Guppy A20 zombies mod did not include any spawning behavior, so this patch mod adds the spawning code to biome wilderness spawning, screamer scout hordes, POI sleepers, bloodmoon horde, and some of the wandering hordes.
    • The main Guppy A20 zombies mod used the same generic values on all zombies for health, exp gain, attack damage, and damage resist. And, all zombies used that same male zombie voice. This patch mod adds variations to these aspects where it makes sense for each zombie and also ensures that female zombies use famale zombie voices and use the female dance type.




    Reminder - this patch mod requires the following mods installed:

    Any issues, let me know. Enjoy!

  20. 3 hours ago, DefiantDucky said:

    I have the whiteriver quest mod for traders and also a mod that makes each trader specialise in specific items. Wondering if it is possible for compatability? 

    if you can get me the links to those mods, i can check out the code and see what i can do to update my trader mod to be compatible with those..

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