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Everything posted by ErrorNull

  1. Hi @ZombieMax mods that add a bigger backpack or change loot and add items should not cause any problems with the enZombies mod. if you are getting the red errors called NullReferenceException, then there are a couple POIs that could cause that. Can you let me know which POIs gave you the red errors? Hi @dujinyuan the flying drones (HellFlyer and HellShocker) are part of the Snufkin Zombies addon mod. You probably have not encountered many of the other Snufkin zombies yet because most are even stronger than the Hell Flyers LOL. All of the zombies from that addon are fairly strong actually and I tried to set the spawn probability fairly low. Here is how you can stop the HellFlyer from appearing: - exit from the 7 Days game if it's running - find the file called entitygroups.xml - this file is located in the Mods folder, inside enZombiesAddonSnufin folder, and inside Config folder - using a text editor, open up this file so you can view the contents of the XML code - scroll to the very bottom of that file - you will see the very last line says </configs> - go to a blank line above that </config> line - copy and paste the code below into the blank line - then save the file and start up your game. <set xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup/entity[@name='HellFlyer']/@prob">0</set> In the code above, you can see the number zero. This will prevent the HellFlyer from spawning. If you want to prevent any other Snufkin zombies from spawning, you can just make an exact copy of that code and add it below that current line. Then, replace 'HellFlyer' with a different Snufkin enemy that you want to remove. Below are all the different Snufkin zombie names that you can use in the above code: zombieScorcher zombieBanshee zombieMantis zombieGeist zombieScarecrow zombiePsycho zombieSiren ZombieUndertaker ZombieBomber ZombieJuggernaut zombieCowhead zombieParasite zombieWendigo zombieWrestler ZombieArchon zombieMotorhead Paindeer Mittens HellLion HellBear HellWolf HellBoar HellFlyer HellShocker SharkWFLB ZombieJuggernautGolden zombieGeistArcher zombieHisser zombieTipsySquatch zombieDirewolf zombieTipsyPinkSquatch zombiePsycho ZombieArchon
  2. hi @ZombieMax those warning messages are OK to ignore and will not cause problems to enZombies mod. But, it's interesting that you are getting such warnings in the first place. the warnings mean that my mod cannot find the biome names like "pine_forest", "desert", "snow", etc in the XML code so that it can delete them. but, since they are already deleted, my mod is happy anyway. those biome names are part of the vanilla code so i'm surprised they are not there. do you have any other mods installed along with enZombies?
  3. HOTFIX for the Snufkin Zombies Addon. Please disregard v1.1 and be sure to download v1.1b instead. Click here to download v1.1b (google drive link) I forgot to add the Snufkin Raid quest into the loot table when uploading v1.1. It's now fixed in v1.1b. 😎
  4. That would be an awesome mechanic. Kind of like shooting off limbs, but this time shooting off bits of armor or weapons. Currently by using the UMA models, we can attach certain prefabs and blocks onto the zombies, but those attached objects can only act as dummy visuals. For example, the knives and clubs that you see attached to my Punk zombies. Unfortunately, there does not seem to be a way to really hook any code or functionality to those objects in order to have them react to any sort of physical stimuli ... like bullets or attacks. so any 'disarming' mechanic is not possible via UMA technique. The devs can add this feature the proper way from their end with the new added meshes, animations, and particles, but you might have to stand in line behind all the other feature request that others have posed throughout the years. 😉
  5. Version 1.9 Released! (Updated download link on original post) - added all KHzMuzik UMA zomies into enZombies. spawns only in wandering horde for now. Thanks @khzmusik for your permission. 😎 - added 4 male and 4 female weapon-wielding punk zombies (spawns only in wandering horde for now) - created Snufkin 'mad scientist' boss. spawns only in challenge quest when using Snufkin Zombies addon. (refer below) - updated localization.txt to give all enZombies new on-screen names - updated localization.txt to display cleaner on-screan names for all vanilla zombies - ensured any weapon-wielding zombies do not have crawlers - slightly increased bears and zombie bears spawning in forest - removed flame effects (on some torches and bodies) when zombies are killed - updated wandering horde to include feral zombies - removed from wandering horde any zombies that don't make sense for all biomes: burnt zombies, snow zombies, vultures, etc. - ensured the lab creatures also spawn within wandering hordes Snufkin Zombies Addon Update: (updated Addons section on original post) Version 1.1b Update: ** be sure the .zip file is enZombiesAddonSnufkin1_1b.zip ** - added a chain quest that showcases all Snufkin zombies and the 'mad scientist' Snufkin as the final boss! 😲 - ensure Snufkin, KHzmuzik, enZombies, and vanilla zombies can all spawn together within wandering hordes - added on-screen description of Parasite's health drain buff, and increased health drain from 15 to 25 - added on-screen description of Wrestler's taunt buff - improved positioning of undertaker's shovel and motorhead's axe to look better during swing - added localization.txt to allow cleaner in-game display of all snufkin zombie names - made bigger zombies have farther reach to be more consistent with reach proportion of enZombies - made weapon-wielding zombies have higher chance of injury buffs (bleeding, lacerations, etc) Plans for next update: - challenge quests for punk zombies - challenge quests for KHZMuzik zombies - more challenge quests for Snufkin zombies - goblins and giants appear in special waves in horde night - snufkin zombies appear in special waves in horde night - new addon to allow harvesting zombie bodies Any errors or bugs, let me know. Enjoy!
  6. i see yea. in my goblin raid quests, i use wolves, direwolves and coyotes that fight alongside the goblins. in version 1.7, i made special versions of the wolf, direwolf, and coyote specifically for the goblin raid quests - so that they do not run away when injured and do not attack the other goblins. this certainly does sounds like a big boss level battle.. and would certainly make a nice challenge for a single player raid. aside from making these challenges unsharable, which i have already done for all the existing goblin raid quests, i wish there was a way to scale the difficulty (or say the number of spawned enemies) based on gamestage. when other players happen to free-ride on the quest it makes the raid less challenging.
  7. Pretty neat idea. 👍 Just to be sure i get it though: Challenge quest spawns: - 3 forest giants - 3 snow giants - 2 wasteland giants Challenge quest completion goal: - kill both wasteland giants You mentioned aggressive animals. Which animals were you thinking to also spawn? What would you say is a fair reward for completing this quest? Just for reference, current completion rewards for the existing goblin quests: Goblin Raid: 1,000 coins / 1,500 XP Forest Goblin Raid: 7,500 coins / 8,800 XP Desert Goblin Raid: 7,700 coins / 8,900 XP Snow Goblin Raid: 8,000 coins / 9,000 XP Red Goblin Raid: 8,500 coins / 9,900 XP Wasteland Goblin Raid: 9,500 coins / 10,500 XP I can add this to the next update.
  8. Version 1.8 Released! (Updated download link on original post) - code cleanup and fixed a number of inconsistencies - re-calibrate HP and XP of all zombies to be more consistent - zombies of each biome have attack stats and buffs that are more unique - added lab creatures that spawn only in some of the glass pods - increased spawning of animals in all biomes - increase spawning of giants in all biomes - removed flamer zombies from screamer scout hordes As I get a better understanding of all this XML, I am better organizing my code and cleaning up redundant and unneeded XML. This update contains those improvements. I also tweaked HP and XP parameters of all the enZombies. For example, since females generally have less HP then the male zombies, they now provide less XP. Biome zombies also have unique attack buff characteristics below: FOREST ZOMBIES are 2x more infectious as vanilla. This is because the forest climate is more hospital for life and so more alive with bugs, creatures, and germs. DESERT ZOMBIES are half as infectious as vanilla. This is because the hot sand and dry climate tend to make it harder for bugs and germs to spread. SNOW ZOMBIES have slightly more HP, slightly stronger attacks, and 2x more chance to cause fatigue and stun. This is because the numbing cold makes you easier to tire during a fight, and the frozen flesh of the zombies make them tougher to 'hurt'. BURNT ZOMBIES are 3x more infectious and 2x more likely to cause abrasions and lacerations. This is because the combination of burnt and charred flesh of zombies and warm surroundings make infections easier. The burned fingers of these zombies often exposed to the bone and can more easily claw at your skin. WASTELAND ZOMBIES are 5x more infectious, 2x more likely to cause abrasions/lacerations/bleeding, and have stronger attacks. This is because... it's the wasteland. LOL. This should compliment nicely with the goal of upcoming Alpha 20 to be a more challenging biome. In addition, strippers are more infectious, zombies that wield weapons or are generally taller have farther reach, etc. Lastly, I discovered the SleeperTestChamberGSList spawner which spawns the zombies inside those glass test chamber pods located in the skyscrapers. I felt this was a great chance to have another unique zombie. So I created male and female test chamber Lab Creatures. In the vanilla game, one possible narrative is that the mad scientists pulled random zombies off the street, threw them in the glass pods, and irradiate them to make them a weapon. In my story, the mad scientists have cloned and grown new humanoid creatures in the lab, in order to create an ultimate weapon. I think it'll work. These lab creatures have pale skin because they've never seen the sunlight, and they have enlarged heads which help in their special abilities. As your gamestage increases, stronger and bigger versions of the lab creatures will appear. Unfortunately, the only POI that uses uses the SleeperTestChamberGSList in the vanilla game is the skyscraper_03 POI. Ah well. Zombies that do not appear as frequently have a bit more novelty to them. Let me know if you encounter any errors with this latest update. Enjoy!
  9. unfortunately a complete listing of all the XML attributes, properties, and their values (that the game uses) does not exist.. or, i'm not aware of it. The most you can do to, as @khzmusik has alluded to is to read the bits and pieces accumulated here on the forum and to open up an XML file in the game and eyeball through it. it would certainly make the xpath modders' lives easier to have an XML reference bible for the game, but the devs likely don't have the time/resources to maintain that for us... as it would need be updated with each new game version release since new attributes/properties/values are often added and removed for the game. there is a tool called the 7D2D Mod Creator by @wrathmaniac which is a windows application that reads in the games' XML files and let's you point and click your way into creating xpath mods. one feature is that it aggregates all the attribute/property/values for your chosen XML file in the game, and it presents it as a convenient drop down list. even though there is no explanation as to what each attribute/property/value means (nor does it know if one particular value is valid when paired to a particular attribute or property), at least the modder can see the full range of existing attribute/property/value that is available.. and have a solid base to start experimenting. this tool is certainly very useful, but unfortunately it has no way of knowing of any unused XML attributes/properties/values that the devs use but are still valid. to be fair, no modder has any way of knowing this - otherwise it would already be pinned on this forum. ha. in addition to 7D2D, i've done lots of modding with Minetest. The modding community for that game spoiled me, as they do in fact have a comprehensive mod programming reference detailing each attributes/properties/values that the modder can use. every modding community is different, and the one we have here for 7D2D just requires you roll up your sleeves and get your hands dirtier. it's the apocalypse afterall. 😁
  10. ah ok. that's what i figured. thanks for the clarification @khzmusik i'm avoiding any modification method that requires the client player to manually download files.. so doing the above will be set aside for next time. there's plenty of server side only changes that i can play with.
  11. interesting. thanks for the insight. so i experimented with creating a new mod called "enPrefabs". i created the folder called enPrefabs in the Mods folder. Within enPrefabs folder i created the required ModInfo.xml and created another folder called "Prefabs". Within that folder I created a file called abandoned_house_01.xml. my intention is to make some zombie spawning tweaks for that POI. So the file path is: Mods / enPrefabs / Prefabs / abandoned_house_01.xml within that xml file i entered the following and nothing more: <ErrorNull> <set xpath="/prefab/property[@name='SleeperVolumeGroup']/@value">S_-S_Zom_Businessman,1,1,S_-S_Zom_Businessman,1,1,S_-S_Zom_Businessman,1,1</set> </ErrorNull> when i run the game, the sleepers within this POI did not change to that businessman group. it simply remained the default assigned zombies for that POI. so is what i'm attempting possible?
  12. thanks @SideShow_Bob and @Blue mame for the complimenets. 😎 FYI - i am currently working on code cleanup and a number of under-the-hood improvements which will allow me to more efficiently customize zombie attributes like HP, XP, and attack ability (handItems) for new zombies down the line. planning to post an update in a few days.
  13. Is it possible to make a mod that is completely server side for the XML files within the PREFABS folder? I am interested in modifying the XML files related to a number of POI/prefabs and hope to not require friends who join my server to have to do any legwork to see the modification. Possible?
  14. UPDATE: hey sorry I misspoke.. I meant to say EntityDamage and not DamageEntity. It was the EntityDamage attribute that I had varied within one of my UMA zombies... and it did not make any difference in the damage I received. I was a fresh level 1 player with no clothing or armor worn. I also tested modifying EntityDamage for the vanilla businessman zombie (varied it from 1 to 100) and also no change in inflicted damage i received. The labels are a bit confusing. LOL. It's like calling one item ChestArmor and another ArmorChest.
  15. hmmm... when i get a chance i will definitely test more. i had only tested with my UMA zombies. after seeing your linked post, likely could be that DamageEntity indeed impacts vanillas.
  16. Thanks @meganoth! I was able to do a test and found that modifying the DamageEntity value within the zombie handItem code does not change the attack damage they inflict. So i'll be removing them from my zombies.
  17. ok awesome! thanks @meganoth for the clarification. I have only been modifying DamageEntity and not EntityDamage in order to vary attack strength of my enZombies. If I alter both attributes, do they just multiply each other? What's the difference between the two? Below is the code for ZombieHanditem01: <item name="meleeHandZombie01"> <property name="Extends" value="meleeHandMaster"/> <property name="CreativeMode" value="None"/> <property class="Action0"> <property name="DamageEntity" value="10"/> <property name="DamageBlock" value="8"/> </property> <effect_group name="meleeHandZombie01" tiered="false"> <passive_effect name="ModSlots" operation="base_set" value="0"/> <passive_effect name="EntityDamage" operation="base_set" value="10"/> <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfAttackedOther" action="AddBuff" target="other" fireOneBuff="true" buff="buffFatiguedTrigger,buffArmSprainedCHTrigger,buffLegSprainedCHTrigger,buffLaceration,buffAbrasionCatch,buffInjuryStunned01CHTrigger,buffInjuryBleedingTwo" weights=".11,.07,.07,.05,.29,.36,.11"/> <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfAttackedOther" action="ModifyCVar" target="other" cvar="infectionCounter" operation="add" value="10"><!--InfectionRegular--> <requirement name="CVarCompare" target="other" cvar="infectionCounter" operation="GT" value="0"/></triggered_effect> <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfAttackedOther" action="ModifyCVar" target="other" cvar="abrasionZombieHit" operation="set" value="1800"/><!--AbrasionRegular--> </effect_group> </item>
  18. i would love for UMA to stay. But, unless sentiments have changed by TFP from last year, UMA will no longer function by alpha 21. kebab39: If UMA is going away, are we still going to be able to create and use varied archetypes with new system? Some of us would rather have 30+ variations of zombies than just boring moe, boe, fat momma copied and pasted everywhere. Special modeled zombies should be bosses with unique powers or something, so mixed between not-so-special looking UMA zombies they would invoke "oh @%$# a boss" reaction instead. Or at least give moes and boes etc. randomized clothes, hair and skin colors. madmole: UMA will be gone and no UMA code will work. If you want to add new zombies you model and texture them just like we do.
  19. Hello. I'm trying to better understand the various zombie handItems that are defined in ITEMS.XML. I see two attributes called ModSlots and EntityDmage that frequently appear. Anyone have some info on what they do or how they impact the zombies' attacks? <passive_effect name="ModSlots" operation="base_set" value="0"/> <passive_effect name="EntityDamage" operation="base_set" value="10"/> These attributes have many different values when it comes to tools and weapons, which makes sense. But, for the zombie handItems, these values don't seem to differ and typically are zero and 10, respectively. If a create a new handItem, can I leave those out? Any clarification much appreciated.
  20. @InsKill it sounds like your game setup still wants to use the "ZombiesAll" group that I have purposed disabled in my mod. definitely let me know after you have deleted those lines and tried again. i also wonder if you still get the green zombies if you try a new map with no forest, but with only desert, or only snow. good luck.
  21. yea.. i knew the UMA system was being thrown out when i started my enZombies mod. it's too bad mad mole said mods represent only 1% of the player base so removing UMA was the best choice. i can understand where he comes from. once UMA is removed with alpha 21... then alpha 20 will be the version i will continue to play and create my zombies for. i can't wait to check out the 100+ new POIs.. and the improved city layout of alpha 20. i'm no 3D artist, so i'm unable to create the completely new models that other modders can do.. and i'll be interested to see what 3d models they can create for alpha 21 and beyond. i played alpha 14.7 for the first time last week and i really like the simple zombie style and general gloomier feel and atmosphere back then. updated HD zombies and fancier landscapes are nice but not that important to me. maybe i'm in the minority, but i'd rather see 200 to 300 zombie variations that spawn in unique groups and circumstances, than 30 shiny high definition zombies that are reused everywhere. fortunately alpha 20 will still have UMA and since this is a zombie horde game, i'll just be focusing on making hordes of zombies thankyouverymuch.
  22. i wasn't aware that teen zombies were frowned upon in the game? if the devs have explicitly stated teenage zombies are not permitted, then i have no problems dropping the idea. it's fairly challenging to work the UMA zombie bodies into a realistically proportioned younger adult look... and maybe for good reason.
  23. Hi Everyone! Are you seeing any of these test color zombies? YELLOW, RED, GREEN, BLUE, or BLACK? This should not be happening if enZombies and the supported add-ons are the only mods you are using. Currently the only supported add-ons are: No Nudes Mod v1.1 and Snufkin Zombies Plus v1.0. If you are using any other mods aside from this, then those unexpected test zombies can spawn. If you are seeing these color zombies spawn, please find out the following: 1) what biome did the test zombie spawn in? 2) was it day or night when the test zombie spawned? 3) was it outside in the wilderness? or inside a POI? 4) if inside a POI, let me know the name of the POI. * * You can do this by activating DM mode from the console, exit the console, then press F3. The POI name will show on the upper left. If you are not familiar with these steps you can also just send me a screenshot or explain as best as you can on your comment. When these test zombies spawn, the game is using the below entitygroups, which it should not. Or, at least that is not my expectation: ZombiesAll ZombiesNight ZombiesBurntForest ZombiesWastelandNight GREEN zombies will spawn if the game is using the ZombiesAll group. RED zombies will spawn if the game is using the ZombiesBurntForest group. BLACK zombies will spawn if the game is using the ZombiesNight group. PURPLE zombies will spawn if the game is using the ZombiesWastelandNight group. The purple zombies look very similar to RED ones. I have not commented out this code since I'm curious to see if this situation happens, which shouldn't... but seeing that a few of you are experiencing this, I'd like to troubleshoot further. Answering the above 4 questions will help much. Thanks!
  24. i had the same thing happen, and it also impacted the core interior of my base. it was reset to the original terrain blocks. meanwhile all other adjacent checks are just fine like nothing happened. if there's a way to restore those chuck backup files into the game that would be awesome.
  25. fantastic. for now your UMA zombies will cameo in the wandering hordes and some future challenge quests I'm planning.they have a nice color theme and i prefer to exemplify that by having them spawn together in a deliberate way (with a bit of lore) and not simply scattered and random with the vanillas. will try a few ideas. thanks! @khzmusik.
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