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Everything posted by playlessNamer

  1. Exactly but actually they are on a pretty good way. There are tons of options to improve the diversity of zombies and zombietypes without crazy stuff outside any zombielore. Spiderzombie: small, very agil, can jump and climb, fits perfect. fat zombie: much HP, exploding is nice (seen in dozeens of Z-games, they just explode) burned zombie: can ignite you fat mama zombie: tons of hp crawler: crawling! demolisher: no zombiebreaking lore, he has just a bomb on. screamer: very nice! army zombie: headshot resistance. football zombie: faster or perma running There are allready a lot of different styles based on the type of zombie. There couldt be easy much more: stripper zombie: long nails do scratch/bleed dmg muscle zombie: very strong, has a short range charge attack. bulldozer zombie: fat and fast. accelerate and wanna crash into you. half mutated zombie, infection not completed: can use weapons, has creepy voicelines because he can still barely talk. the doctor or scientist: still as zombie more clever than the rest, he can open doors and acts smarter in any way. police zombie: bulletproof jacket, aim to other bodyparts. nurse zombie: care for infections feral wight: running at night (see below) This are just the ones without crazy stuff. Spitting zombies, poison aura or any other superpowers are possible too. When there are all different zombies, different strenght and weaks, different movespeeds, behaviour and special abillitys you can finally reduce the green horde to a minimum and get rid of this "running at night" feature because its all coded on the zombies. Mayby some spawn only night, hide at day. Some mods out there made allready epic stuff with the new debuffs.
  2. The gunplay is for sure not on a Battlefield, CoD or Division Level but who would really compare a voxelbased game with a triple A shooter? I played a lot of Empyrion, in this comparsion the gunplay is golden! Without comparing it to a better or worse example the gunplay in 7days is pretty good. The different reactions of zombies getting hit in different bodyparts gives a lot of immersion. Hitting zombies walking sideways feels often weird, mostly you wait for them walking straight into your direction. Some zombieanimations are to fast or to frantic. There is sure potential to improve a lot but the actual state is enjoyable. The critics to the reload animations... i dont know what to say.. never thought about it...i like them...no problem with them.
  3. Problem is the twisted gamessense of difficulty in this game. Usually a game should start easy and getting harder until the endboss. 7days starts with the endboss and getting more and more easy with every day ingame until the lategame has a difficultyniveau like a tutorial level. General lategame content like endless building for fun or collecting the perfect rolled item or just duckshoot some zeds for relaxing is just one side of it. I would like anything that scales in diffculty in the right direction. Maybe something banal stupid like Diablo3 greater rifts. The trader couldt give away legendary Quets with endless scaling difficulty until it gets unbeatable.
  4. In the last 3 patches the corefeature was canceled. The content was announced but close to release of the patch comes a message it wont be in it. The giant zombieboss, the bandits, the flying drone. Additional awaited NPC system and pets/follower, survivor rescues, build a NPC village... Can you give a sneak preview to any of this contents? Will any of this things be in A20? The last patches are pretty good but the gigantic cherry on the cake was stolen! What happend to it?
  5. The core gameplay is really fun in this game, thats a very important point. Why are ppl playing Assasins Creed? Because its fun to use the same combos and moves over and over again. A simple funny mechanic. Best part is in early game with low to medium weapons and not much green zombies. Very enjoyable to just shoot some zeds like in a simple duckshot game. They improved the animations and movement a lot. I remember times when zeds had only instant 90 degree turn "animations" and they are so fast they couldnt even hit you because they are to fast and running crazy around without sense and reason. Now they have several ragdolls and react to hitzones, awesome! Still lot of potential to improve. A worthy part of the game to use ressources on. When its fun to shoot and punch zeds the game has allready won. The arsenal of weapontypes is awesome. I dont like the running zombies, it makes it so uncontrolled and force spamfire, also green ones are to much but i think this will improve "soon" when more different zeds come on the stage. My fav is early weapons, bows, sledge hammer. Sadly its not worth to skill into it because they get so fast dramatically worse then bulletweapons. Its more a lategamefun for later to use the early weapons.
  6. I was getting raided and i raided several bases (its not about beeing pis.ed about anything) but you are interpreting way to much into it. 90% is just to wait them to go offline, ye you should know who lives there to see when they are offline, thats no gameplay, and then you take for sure the most likely efficient way (not really gameplay too) then its just the claimhealthmodifier/time to break in. Usually you know allready exactly before when players usually go offline because they have a job or other life and leave the server every day at this time. The only option is claimhealth 4 (useless), 8 (useless), 24 (useless, just hours), 40+ (getting started be usefull but allready close to impossible for humans with a life/brain) The rest of the "gameplay" you list is just in the imagination or at least very unlikely. There is nothing to know about it expect the 3-4 obvious things. Reminds me of some DayZ player stealthing around every corner like James Bond in Mission Impossible even there is no one other in 10km range but he feels like a superagent stealthy imba player. For me, i raided several bases and the longest one took about 12 hours with 3 mates. Wasnt even fun once and will for sure never ever do it again, not even on drugs and the game should not support this. Turn raiding on with a 10-24 multiplier or turn it off. End of the story. Thinking about claimheathsettings is waste of time. Game doesnt support it and living underground like a rat... is this funny? Getting found by glitch only? Hitting a block 15 minutes, 30 minutes, 1hour, and more.... seriously? Pls remove from game, makes the game look really bad!
  7. I suggest this a long time ago allready: The idea is based on the mental state of the character. Living in a zombieapocalypse can drain your mental condition. Seeing friends die, get beaten or die by zeds, long time no good food, scrappy clothings,... In PvP apocalypse you have to kill humans from time to time, this has massive impact on your mental condition. 1. killing a naked Lv.1 players makes your char feels like a a.hole and gives him pangs of remorse. 2. killing a players same or higher level has still decent noticeable impact. 3. when you get shot first then its always self-defence without any punishment. So the player has to decide if its worth to kill another player based on his level he look like. You know you get the punishment anyway but ponder if its worth the loot. The mental state couldt give buffs and debuffs over days/weeks, marking you as a killer and let other player hear your steps louder or at latest mark you on the minimap. There is a difference between just PvP players and pure Ego-Shooter players in this game. Some ppl shoot on everything thats moves and some think about if they kill or not, using ingame voice and such things. As secondary and this is extreme important: Reduce the damage dealt from player to player by 75% or more. The fights are way to fast to give both players a chance, a reaction time, a chance to run away and flee or at least every players has to hit some more shots what brings skill into it. Even the Guns and Armor are more important and little differences can decide it after 15-20 hits. The movement, the moment of reloading, the positioning and the aiming while evading hits,... that makes all no sense when the fight takes 1-3 seconds. Players are like Heros in this game and zombies are just creeps. Fighting a player should always be a epic fight or least anyway a fight. Sometimes you loose everything you have to a death, this must be more worth. Getting a headshot while standing still with open inventory is bllsht! Maybe give 50% damagereduction when your inventory is open, you are standing still anyway. Raiding a base is a hard topic. In my opinion the base, the creative build of a player is untouchable but its a interesting part of the game wich is sadly not proper supported with more defenses, turrets and some alternatives to spikes and pits. There are options: low claimhealth: easy to raid everything medium: the same like low but it takes some hours and many players have to much time. high: it takes 1-2 complete reallife day with some mates hitting, hitting, hitting, repairing axe, hitting, hitting, hitting, repairing axe, hitting, hitting, hitting, repairing axe,.. this is no gameplay in my opinion and should not be supported by the game. Dont mislead players to do such things. over high till untouchable: Deaktivates the raiding feature and take the PvP out to the streets/towns. Additionally you can take a rest from PvP in your base. Baseraiding is nothing more than hitting endless amounts of time to blocks and doors. There is no gameplay included, no brain, no game, nothing, ... just hitting thousands over thousands of block hp down. Think about this pls, this is no gameplay! This is putting a weight on your left mousebutton and go afk or at least switch your brain off meanwhile raiding or it couldt be damaged eventually!
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