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Everything posted by arramus

  1. Personally, I haven't used any programs. Any learning came from analysing the cumulative offerings from the assortment of modders who have shared their techniques and creativity. In all cases I have used base code from the default or modded XML files to achieve things I wanted to do so far. I began last October and am slowly piecing things together. My initial step was to restore a mod from A18 to A19 and this forced me to trawl through the code looking for conflicts based on server error output. It was an intensive introduction but worth it. I am also very fortunate to be supporting oakraven on some fun mods; oakraven has coding depth and I can support with QC and elementary coding. Snufkin and oakraven are sophisticated and talented modders who carefully give credit to their predecessors regardless of how far they have taken a concept away from any originals. The vast majority of modders do the same. There is a section in the forum called Tools and there are a variety of applications to assist us with creating XML files. Unfortunately it's not categorised beyond that and is in date order which means some precious applications are hidden away. In addition the Tutorials & Guides assisted with some of the most important XML commands for allowing mods to take precedence as the game/server loads out. XML has some fixed patterns as well as more flexible ones. The tutorials really help with learning the fixed ones at first.
  2. There are 2 primary zombie types in the Snufkin mod, as examples:- Archon which is zombie wight with some attachments, reskins, buffs, and the ability to fly. Undertaker which has been given its own Archetype of customised clothing, body shape, etc in addition to attachments and buffs. The first thing I did after going through some of the XML tutorials was explore the Snufkin mod Config folder and see what takes care of what. I began with attempting to extract a zombie so it became a standalone mod. I did this for the Scorcher. It was very much trial and error. It was a case of using the mod and seeing if there were any server errors when attempting to bring him into play. There were errors and these were related to changes made in A19 when the Snufkin characters were modelled using A18 code. I did a crash course of both trying to restore the mod and also learn about each character. In your case I would recommend: 1. Examine all of the Snufkin files to learn about what each character depends on. 2. Attempt to extract a single character until it is functional without errors. 3. Attempt to modify that character as much as possible to see where you can customise it to your own specifications. 4. Emulate the coding format with your own ideas to make a completely ground up entity.
  3. The Siren has the potential to spawn at each and every game stage and is not dependent on progress. She is specific to only one spawn group (for the default entitygroups.xml): ZombiesNight - <entity name="zombieSiren" prob="0.01" /> This amounts to a 1 in 100 chance of appearing in the Zombies Night group but that's also in relation to others in that group and their own probabilities. She is not added to the Blood Moon Horde in the default version of the mod.
  4. I believe so. We removed some loot containers which were causing conflict with that mod and there shouldn't be any further issues.
  5. Apocalypse V1.3 is the current version and should be fine. The Snufkin Custom Zombies mod is the A18 version and contains many features which are not compatible with A19. It also contains the Health Modifier and this appears to be the culprit. I recommend that you replace both of these Snufkin mods with: SnufkinCustomZombiesPLUS_A19_2020Dec17.zip and Snufkin_CommunityPack_ServerSideVehicles_A19_2020Dec19.zip
  6. Interesting, that error warning appears to be something related to a non vehicle mod issue such as a health buff where you get attacked and it drains health over time. This used to be a feature in A18 but not A19. It also appears you are using the regular version of the Snufkin Vehicles whereas this thread relates to the Snufkin Community Pack Expansion Version. First of all, delete the version you are using and attempt to use this one: Snufkin_CommunityPack_ServerSideVehicles_A19_2020Dec19.zip If it doesn't resolve the issue the warnings, list all the mods you are currently trying to use to allow others to look for any conflicts.
  7. Can you confirm that you are running the standard Snufkin Zombies version and not the PLUS version? Even with the low probability of the default Snufkin Zombies, this is what is probably happening: 1. A group of 4 is raising your average game stage and increasing spawn probabilities as that feature is built into the Blood Moon horde list. 2. Setting 16 zombies per person is very high. Snufkin planned the probabilities for about 8 per person to reflect default values. 3. At the beginning of a BM, I expect there is a nice balance of Snufkin to default zombies. Maybe 1 in 10 or less. a - However, as the default zombies are much easier to kill in rapid succession, it creates chance for another Snufkin to appear. b - Over time, with 16 per person, the slower elimination of Snufkin Zombies will simply allow them to stack up while the quick dying default zombies are eliminated. c - You can very quickly be overwhelmed. And should too many Geist zombies appear, there is a chance that the server will crash with so many electric particles being processed. Two potential solutions: - If you were to lower 16 per person to 9 or 10, I believe you will still see more than enough Snufkin Zombies to keep the challenge but not be totally overwhelmed. - If you prefer not to lower 16 per person, but were to halve all of the Snufkin Zombie spawn probabilities for the Blood Moon horde it would be more proportional to the original intention based on 8 per person but still keep a high count of default 'easier' zombies. If you need help with this, let us know.
  8. Here is a Guard update for the Mod which allows players to place guards as non moveable Turrets. Download: https://github.com/arramus/Pet-Animals-and-Guards-A19-2021Jan01 There are 8 new guards as follows, in no particular order: Sim, Lizzy, Dre, Fox, Bandit, Bandit Foxy, Leader, and Bow Man As each guard remains static, they can be placed strategically when collected. They cannot be purchased from a Trader but can be found in Air Drop Supply Crates. Placement is exactly the same as for any other entity through the quest and reward process. The guards HP is relatively low at only about 150. However, it is possible to heal the guards using bandages or first aid kits by placing the healing tool in your hand and using right click as the images below present. As the HP is relatively low and they will quickly be wiped out if a horde can reach them, they have unlimited ammo. However, they shoot in a conservative and controlled manner and fire a shot every few seconds. They do not replace the power of default turrets at all but will complement your defences. These have been fully tested for stability on dedicated servers but will benefit from feedback to see if the HP or shot damage requires tweaking. This image shows a Supply Crate which contained both Turret Guards and Pet Animals. Thank you to Darjusz and the community at mjota.net who are running a variety of Snufkin Mods as well as this Pet and Guard mod. Their server has seen a new World added and is well worth a visit.
  9. I attempted to match your actions but made the change directly through the game interface when selecting my SP continue. I began as Wendigo and switched back to my regular profile successfully.
  10. I believe it depends on the server host. There is a setting where players are allowed to change their profiles and the server I play on allows that: <property name="PersistentPlayerProfiles" value="false" /> <!-- If disabled a player can join with any selected profile. If true they will join with the last profile they joined with --> Changed to Wendigo Went back to my regular profile.
  11. A posting from a server admin a while ago mentioned players could join his server using the Snufkin character profiles when they select their own players from the existing list. I wonder if your Profile has taken on that character's settings along the way.
  12. Are you referring to melee weapons in general or a specific weapon with a specific mod/buff? I'm just checking what causes fly back. Specific: - Repulsor Mod for the stun batons. - Batter up book 4 and knock down buff. - Skull crusher knockdown skill perk (more stumble than fly back) - Metal chain mod (again, more stumble) Generic: The updated physics system which provides greater probability for more dramatic fly back rag doll effects.
  13. @oxmo For some servers, the zipped folder is uploaded and unzipped to the requisite Mods folder using the server console. If you server has copy/paste capability all the better. For this, I suggest using the second linked file which describes it is for servers that do not like the Github folder due to its extra 'shell' folder. Try to: 1. Upload the zipped folder to your ftp. 2. Unpack into the Mods folder. (or copy/paste what is inside the zipped folder if possible) 3. Run the server and join as admin. 4. Use a console command F1 > dm > Enter to allow you to then use F6 to see if you can spawn a Snufkin Zombie manually.
  14. Once again, thanks for testing to such a degree and sharing your findings. Your conclusion sounds very valid and simply providing as much variety as possible may or may not hold them back but at least has the potential. One other 'trap' I've been trying is oakraven's pets, gaurds, and jeep mod. The latest Dog guards are most effective against 2 legged entities and help to keep them at bay or ultimately eliminate them. Excessive on this occasion to test load, but fun. Previous issues of this nature are often the result of running another mod which is not compatible with a Snufkin Zombie feature. Possibly a duplication or something that changes a default feature that the Snufkin Zombies depend on. If your server environment consists of multiple mods, starting with only the Snufkin Zombies and building up the mods can help to find any conflict. If it's not related to these common issues, further analysis will help through logs and a more detailed description.
  15. Here is an update for the Guards to add 4 types of pet dog. Download here: https://github.com/arramus/Pet-Animals-and-Guards-A19-2020Dec23 Guard Shale Dog, Guard Coal Dog, Guard Nitrate Dog, and Guard Lead Dog. They have a penchant for attacking in a pack and for 2 legged enemy entities this can mean little progress and reduced attack capacity. They were the Juggernaut's Achilles tendon; quite literally. Whereas 4 legged enemy entities tend to get through much better. Paindeer passed through the pack within a few seconds. As with other Guards, these dogs can be purchased from the trader.
  16. @Howlune Thank you. It appears we are using the same method of rip > Unity > Trawl the xmls. There are a few useful tools in the tools section; one aids the search by looking at all xml files at the same time and another supports modders with the most commonly used code for appending, setting, and other additions. I need to trawl through those posts at some point as there are some useful things hidden away in the archives that are probably still viable. My challenge has been attempting to find pathways to things that are not in the xml such as the Santa hat so it can go on a deer as an attached prefab. Sharing your method is very helpful for the community so thanks for that.
  17. Here is a small update that ensures the Automatic Turrets are not attacking the Guard Animals due to their hostile class settings. Download: https://github.com/arramus/Pet_Animals_and_Guards_A19_2020Dec21 (If your server has trouble with Github due to it creating an additional shell folder, here is a single layer version - Pet_Animals_and_Guards_A19_2020Dec21.zip) Not part of the update, and just a vision of the calm before the storm.
  18. It was a real pleasure to watch it go through the creation and tweaking process and now we can enjoy it.
  19. A small update for the Community Pack Vehicles from oakraven; Hell Piggy Download here: https://github.com/arramus/Snufkin-CommunityPack-ServerSideVehicles-A19-2020Dec19 Hell Piggy is a ride-able Boar that performs like a 4x4 beyond its own quirks. Hogging the road. We were struck by a Drone.
  20. Here is a quality of life 'server side only' mod called 'Oak's Pet Animals and Guards by oak @oakraven with kind assistance from Dayhawk Mod. Thank you also to @Dre for giving it a good run through to check for functionality and potential issues. 1. Download: https://github.com/arramus/ServerSideOnly-Oaks-Pets-and-Guards This download contains A21 A20 and A19 versions. 2. Wild West Mod Version for A20: It provides just the NPC humans and 'rabbit' guards. They can be found in Air Balloon drops and the Traders. https://github.com/arramus/Oaks-Wild-West-Mod-Guards (These Pet Animals and Guards will not be hurt by Electric Turrets. However, just as the Junk Turret will attack regular animals, it will also attack your Pet Animals. Please do not place a Junk Turret within attack range of your Pet Animals unless you purposely want to eliminate them) A21 NPC Mod Compatibility For anyone wanting to use the NPC Mod and Oak's Pet Animals and Guards for A21, it is necessary to make a small change to match the NPC Mod since it overwrites base files. NPC Mod uses its own ai package. Go to A21-ServerSideOnly-Oaks-Pets-and-Guards/Config/utilityai.xml and change from: <insertBefore xpath="/utility_ai/ai_packages/ai_package[@name='Zombie_Dumb']" > to <insertBefore xpath="/utility_ai/ai_packages/ai_package[@name='NPCModCore']" > This will allow compatibility. Human Guard Update for A21: The Human Guards do not have a collision on their mesh. It means they are basically immortal. This is a TFP asset and things changed for A21. If this is a problem for your server, they can be removed from the loot.xml airdrops and removed from game. We will explore this issue for another way around once the experimental and stable loop cycle 'stabilises'. 'killall all' console command to remove Human Guards If you have added the Human Guards and they are being a problem, it is possible to eliminate them. This may be something Admin would like to do where it is becoming a problem for your server. Login to the 'dm' debugmenu in the F1 console, and go to the area where the problem Human Guards are located. Type 'killall all' and enter in the console and the Human Guards and a few other things in the surrounding area will be eliminated. A post showing some images of this being activated is here. Vehicle Update for A20 and A21: The Farm Jeep is no longer viable because it is a scaled down version of a jeep, and when a player enters the vehicle they are permanently scaled down by the same amount (40% of original). This is cumulative for each and every time the player enters the vehicle. Again, the developer will reintroduce the Farm Jeep at the first opportunity. It still functions just fine for A19 version. This mod provides: 1) 9 Pet Animals - These include Boar, Rabbit, Stag, Chicken, Pig, mini Bear, Wolf, Coyote, and Doe. (These animals show no fear when approached and will stay within their confines. It is strongly recommended to always have 3 blocks above the highest perimeter point because the animals can climb up onto objects and each other and will be over the wall before you can notice.) 7 are purchasable from the Trader's with a starting base price of 800 or found in plane supply drop crates and use the Quest system to switch to a place-able animal. These include Boar, Stag, Pig, mini Bear, Wolf, Coyote, and Doe. 2 are only found by using a Coop for the chickens or a Trap for the rabbits. The rabbit trap will also provide a small amount of seeds on the principle that they will be trapped in rabbit paws and fur. 2) 5 Animal Guards - Guard Hell Bear, Guard Hell Boar, Guard Hell Wolf, Guard Hell Lion, and Guard Rabbit. All 5 are purchasable from the Traders with a starting base price of 800. They can also be found in Air Supply Drops. 3) 12 Human Guards. All 8 can be found in Air Supply Drops. 4) Mushroom Planter that requires Mushroom Mycelium to begin the fruiting process. Here are some pictures to show you how things work: PET ANIMALS Purchasing and Supply Drops Visit the trader and check the traps and tools section. On this occasion the trader was very generous with offerings and the animal icons have a description of what animal is being offered. The pet animals have been integrated into a default group and on some occasions you will get a lot of choice and on other occasions nothing. The base price of 800 has been lowered to reflect skill and buffs. Here is how I place a Pet Boar I purchased at a later time using the Quest feature. First, perform a 'Read'. Accept to Release the Pet Boar for Placement. A Quest Started prompt will appear and it will automatically be completed. Check you inventory for a 'dog house' icon and the name of the animal available. Place the animal on ground just as you would a vehicle and stand back. Incorporating a feature found in the Dayhawk Mod (thank you), a tile will appear on the ground which in turn will spawn the animal placed. If the animal drops onto the tile, the tile will break and a cobweb will appear to finalise the process. If the animal doesn't drop onto the tile, you can always walk on it and it will break. There are occasions where you may get lucky and a second animal will spawn. You may also get unlucky and nothing spawns; however this is incredibly rare and based on what we have experienced so far, blanks are less than 1 in 50, whereas doubles, and even triples on one occasion occur 1 in 10. I expect this depends on netcoding, latency, or any other factor relating to server processes. You can either harvest the animal for meat and other resources, or simply allow it to have a sedate life of roaming. Pet animals have been integrated into default supply drop settings and will be chosen from a select list of supply drop groups. Upon finding a Supply Drop Crate, you may get lucky and find a pet animal. Or more. There are also 2 Pet Animals that cannot be purchased or found. These include the Pet Chicken and the Pet Rabbit. oakraven introduces a method using default features in a novel way as follows: a) Construct a Rabbit Cage Trap or Chicken Coop and place them. The Chicken Coops can be placed next to each other but the Rabbit Traps need some spacing. b) Make some Chicken Feed and Rabbit Feed in your campfire and take them to your Chicken Coop and Rabbit Trap respectively. In this case, right mouse click and it will change the Chicken Coop status. Once receiving Chicken Feed the Chicken Coop moves to its Nesting Stage. And finally it is time to harvest. We can always receive feathers and eggs and regularly receive Pet Chickens. Pet Chickens are placed exactly the same as other Pet Animals. The chickens are prone to resting on ledges above the ground and your imagination can take that wherever you want it to. Pet Rabbits follow the same system beyond the reward and housing. Make some Rabbit Feed. Take it to your Rabbit Trap and right click. The Rabbit Cage Trap is Baited and Set. Here's one we trapped earlier. Activate and Release as with other animals. And should you ever lose your pets and have the skill in place, crouch. GUARD ANIMALS Purchasing Just as with the Pet Animals, the Traders will stock Guard Animals. The Guard Animals can be purchased for the same price and placed exactly the same as Pet Animals using the quest system. The Guard Animals will remain passive in the spot you place them until a Zombie gets to close. The guard animals can be used to protect your Pet Animals, general base protection, or even during a Blood Moon event. An unwelcome guest. 2 Animals Guards; Guard Hell Wolf and Guard Rabbit are released using the tile placement system and very quickly recognise the threat. After opening the shutter, the zombies attempt to enter the farm compound and are met by the Guard Animals. I got lucky on this occasion and 2 Hell Wolves spawned from a single tile. The skirmish ensues. One of the Hell Wolves was overcome and is ready to be harvested. The Guard Animals that survived will see their health restored. The Guard Animals also fare well during a Blood Moon event. Four Guard Animals remained until first light. Players will receive no XP for Guard Animal kills. There are 4 additional human Guards that are currently being tweaked for a future build. There was an issue with the Trader compound causing NRE for certain classes and that needs to be tweaked to ensure they function well with the few classes that are compatible. VEHICLE - CURRENT UNAVAILABLE Farm Jeep The farm jeep is your tractor. It is pretty slow but will get you from A to B without running down your stamina. It fits the concept and can be constructed on the Workbench with less resource demand than a regular vehicle due to its limited functionality. It's just a bit of fun. And is scaled to match pathways. Carries 2 players... There will undoubtedly be updates in time, but this is a fully functional 'farming' mod and may serve you well as a break from looting, questing, and skirmishing. Installation If you've never installed a mod before it is necessary to create a mod folder in the main directory or in an area suggested by your server host if they have modified the installation. Simply make a new folder called Mods (with a capital M to reflect standard nomenclature). If you drag the mod folder directly out of the zipped file it can be placed directly into the Mods folder and the game will look in there as you launch your World. If you allow your unzip function to extract the folder, it may make another unnecessary folder and place the mod inside it. This will not be recognised by the game/server if you place it in the Mods folder like this. Please take it out of the extra folder level. The top layer will be a single folder and in the second layer you will see a ModInfo.xml file with or without additional folders depending on the mod. This will become elementary once you've launched a few mods. Does this Mod need to be installed in the server/client host? = YES Do players also need to install this Mod? = NO The magic of this mod is that is only needs to be installed in the server/person who has launched the main environment that others join. It is a technical work of art. Enjoy. 👍 Hog Riding! but that's another mod.
  21. Excellent, and feel free to share your method as there probably plenty of other modders, myself included who are unfamiliar with a) the best or most suitable current extractor out there and b) how to locate/deduce the exact pathways they are looking for. This will open up a whole heap of modding potential. I was able to use the Unity software to find the model rigging for vehicles to allow attachments or hiding certain features but am still far from in the know for finding pathways for things like the Santa hat for bypassing the archetype settings. There are some great tutorials in here but this fundamental one is lacking. And, we're looking forward to seeing what creations you come up with in time.
  22. Hahahaha, sounds like a lot of difficult fun but something will be possible. Changing the vehicles.xml settings will change how it works. Best to compare the differences between motorcycle and gyroscope settings and combine the two.....somehow.
  23. It has been a few weeks now without any major issues being presented and here is a Stable version. https://github.com/arramus/SnufkinCustomZombiesPLUS-A19-2020Dec17 For players who are having trouble with the Github version adding a shell layer to the zip, here is a simpler version. SnufkinCustomZombiesPLUS_A19_2020Dec17.zip (Please try to utilise the Github version where possible to reduce load on the forum) Feedback that has been acted on: - Reduced the probability ratios from the default as this was a 'touch' on the high side for brand new worlds which didn't have a distribution of zombies over multiple regions but instead concentrated them all into a few open regions. It was no fun for new players. - Reduced HP and XP on a few zombies which will spawn more frequently. This will ensure XP remains higher for rarer and more challenging entities but the HP tweak still allows lower level players a fighting chance should they spawn in frequent repetition which can sometimes happen and appears to be a netcoding feature.
  24. Thank you. That will help a lot as well. Those that get shocked that don't show it and on the other extreme those that show it but don't take damage. Ruling these in or out will be allow for further tweaks.
  25. Hi supercioni. I checked a few of the Snufkin zombies from the original and some from the new Plus version to see what traps are triggering and what are not for a few of the entities. I am not going to go through every single zombie because it will be a long task. I hope this is something that the players you feel 'voice their concerns' are willing to do. Here are the limited findings. Wendigo and Undertaker are certainly impervious to electric shock. Scorcher is not and gets shocked. Cowhead and Siren do not get shocked. However they get ripped apart by blades. As does Parasite. Scarecrow is impervious to flat blades and electric. But not vertical blades or spikes. Scarecrow is also hurt by darts. As is Psycho. There are a lot of Snufkin Zombies and quite a lot of combinations of traps. I'm afraid I cannot test all zombies and all combinations in detail. The Snufkin Zombies mod was restored to functional for A19 and I am unfamiliar with how the traps impacted the Zombies in A18. However, I don't recall any major changes in traps or the zombies beyond some updates and changes for compatibility and this may not have changed so much. There is the Snufkin Zombies Plus mod which is an expansion of this original which can receive further updates where possible to provide greater trap impact on those that are impervious. However, to do that I hope you can ask the players who voice their concerns to: - Comprehensively test each trap in every format from horizontal, vertical, and at foot, leg, waist, head height for every single Snufkin Zombie and report back their findings. If that is a task they do not feel they are willing to undertake, I suggest: - Creating more variety of traps which cover as many variations as possible. - Getting a level 6 Auto Shotgun or M60 with mod attachments and some throwable incendiary or explosive devices as backup. All the best with discussing this with them.
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