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Posts posted by arramus

  1. 1 hour ago, theworldsaddress said:

    So I just installed the new update (deleted the old files first, just in case) and made a new world. When I try to load a new save with the world and modpack I get this.

    Any help would be great.


    oakraven error.png

    Naturally, it was carefully checked before updating. But I shall double check things are loading up my end to see where the issue may be.

    A first load out on a new World. I shall complete the first steps to trader and then leave and then rejoin on that save.


  2. Here is an update for the Oakraven Forest Modpack.


    - Wasteland Update.

    This update transfers the Wasteland into a 'Dark Forest' Biome.

    It changes biome textures, adds new fauna and flora, and introduces 3 new mining options for Copper, Tin, and Bloodstone. These mining resources can be added to the 'Dark Forest Forge' and converted to ammo resources. These ammo resources can be crafted into new ammo types on the Ammo Table. Here are a few images to demonstrate.


    The Dark Forest showing an example of some new plant life. The Bloodstone Ore can be seen on the ground in front. These 3 resources will be easy to spot on the ground and an Ore 'Boulder' is not necessary.



    Copper Ore is added to the inventory when mining from copper mining blocks. A new resource collected in a familiar way.



    The Dark Forest Forge specialises in these new resources on top of some regular ones.

    Just as a regular forge can make iron arrow heads, the Dark Forest Forge will make Copper and Bloodstone arrow heads.



    A Tool Mold replaces the Anvil but gives the same +50% feature. It can be easily made on the Workbench.



    Oh yes, the new life out there...

    There is more to find in the Dark Forest Biome.


  3. 1 hour ago, tourrop said:

    hello bdubyah,

    tell me, you can answer my com, just above please or at least tell me why you don't answer it, thank you.
    I just want to know when or how supplyrun quests are supposed to be given. the seller gives me the clear radiation quests, but not the supplyrun quests.

    Why are you posting spoilers on how to give yourself quests manually in a public area? Consider etiquette and courtesy for the creator and for other players, please.

    I'm sure it was not the intention of the creator to have these console commands shared in this way...

    There are some things in the xml which are place markers for the future and are not always fully hooked up.


    If you are using console commands to give yourself features which are not the intended way to use the mod, how about hiding the text with the 'spoiler' feature built into the forum. You appear to know how to look around the xml and the spoiler tab feature in this forum shouldn't be a problem for you.

  4. Snufkin Weapons Xpansion has been tested and loaded up and allowed all the regular features (loot, progression, skill hook ups) as normal without any apparent conflict.

    The Snufkins are all added as individual unique items separate from this Modpack or vanilla. Snufkins also come after the Modpack in load order which allows them to be added last. The only issue that may be faced is attempting to use them on an existing world and good to make a back up first.

  5. 1 hour ago, Shemasheko said:

    Is there any way to make concrete to upgrade a base from cobblestone ?




    There is no workstation/cement mixer that allows players to create their own. The only methods are from the stuff the trader sells at much greater amounts than usual and quest rewards. The multi trader is often a very guaranteed way to pick up quite a large amount and was a very big reason to expand the trader to multi trader as that comment has been shared a few times in the past.

  6. 3 hours ago, Jelbee1989 said:

    Some notes (sorry for responding 3 times)

    I have tried closing the game, restarting my computer, and uninstalling and reinstalling the game. I have 7 days set to show game launcher and EAC is turned off. Currently it's the only mod I have installed.

    How about updating to 20.6?


    This issue is caused by running on an earlier build of 7D2D. There was a change in the code where something like onSelfRangedBurstShot was changed to either onSelfRangedBurstShotStart or onSelfRangedBurstShotEnd in the 20.6 code and mods had to match it to remain compatible. It is possible to change any references back to A20.5 code but A20.6 is what the mod was updated to.


    2022-11-20T15:11:59 311.171 ERR XML loader: Loading and parsing 'buffs.xml' failed
    2022-11-20T15:11:59 311.176 EXC Requested value 'onSelfRangedBurstShotStart' was not found.

  7. 15 hours ago, RAGE PVE said:

    Just in snufkins weapon xpansion there is a quad shotgun that is meant to dispense 4 shells at once but its misfiring and its more like 1-3 shells instead is there anything to force the 4 shells to dispense properly?

    This is on action 1 - tried various numbers but same result, any ideas how to force 4 shots at one like it should? If you hold the button down it does dispense but not only on one button press 


     <item name="QuadShotgun"><!--Shotgun with secondary ability to fire 4 shots at once (entire magazine). Big kick when firing.-->
          <property name="ItemTypeIcon" value="star"/>
          <property name="CustomIcon" value="gunShotgunT1DoubleBarrel"/>
          <property name="CustomIconTint" value="180,180,255"/>
          <property name="DescriptionKey" value="QuadShotgunDesc"/>
          <property name="Tags" value="weapon,ranged,holdBreathAiming,reloadPenalty,gun,shotgun,shortRange,barrelAttachments,noSilencer,sideAttachments,stock,bottomAttachments,attStrength,perkBoomstick,doubleBarrel,canHaveCosmetic"/>
          <property name="DisplayType" value="rangedShotgun"/>
          <property name="HoldType" value="56"/>
          <property name="Meshfile" value="#Other/Items?Weapons/Ranged/DoubleBarrelShotgun/doubleBarrelShotgunPrefab.prefab"/>
          <property name="Material" value="MShotgunParts"/>
          <property name="Weight" value="4"/>
          <property name="RepairTools" value="resourceRepairKit"/>
          <property name="DegradationBreaksAfter" value="false"/>
          <property name="SoundJammed" value="weapon_jam"/>
          <property name="Attachments" value="meleeToolFlashlight02"/>
          <property name="CrosshairOnAim" value="false"/>
          <property name="CrosshairUpAfterShot" value="true"/>
          <property name="Sound_Sight_In" value="rifle_sight_in"/>
          <property name="Sound_Sight_Out" value="rifle_sight_out"/>
          <property name="LightSource" value="lightSource"/>
          <property name="ActivateObject" value="Attachments/flashlight/lightSource"/>
          <property name="AttachmentFlashlight" value="meleeToolFlashlight02"/>
          <property name="Group" value="Ammo/Weapons"/>
          <property name="RepairExpMultiplier" value="10.8"/>
          <property name="LightValue" value=".45"/>
          <property name="EconomicValue" value="500"/>
          <!--<property name="UnlockedBy" value="perkBoomstick"/>-->
          <property name="ShowQuality" value="true"/>
            <property name="SellableToTrader" value="false"/>
          <property class="Action0">
            <property name="Class" value="Ranged"/>
            <property name="Delay" value=".5"/>
            <property name="Magazine_items" value="ammoShotgunShell,ammoShotgunSlug,ammoShotgunBreachingSlug"/>
            <property name="Reload_time" value="2.6"/>
            <property name="Sound_start" value="shotgundb_fire"/>
            <property name="Sound_repeat" value=""/>
            <property name="Sound_end" value=""/>
            <property name="Sound_empty" value="dryfire"/>
            <property name="Particles_muzzle_fire" value="gunfire_doublebarrel"/>
            <property name="Particles_muzzle_fire_fpv" value="gunfire_doublebarrel_fpv"/>
            <property name="Particles_muzzle_smoke" value="gunfire_smoke"/>
            <property name="Particles_muzzle_smoke_fpv" value="gunfire_smoke_fpv"/>
            <property name="ScopeOffset" value="-.00062,.088,.065"/>
            <property name="SideOffset" value="0,0,0"/>
            <property name="BarrelOffset" value="0,0,0"/>
            <requirement name="CVarCompare" cvar="_underwater" operation="LT" value=".98"/>


    In Single Player all 4 shots are being fired in a burst. This is the Action 1 mechanism the original creator opted to use with a Cvar triggered effect.

    This was consistent on about 60 attempts.

    				<triggered_effect trigger="onSelfPrimaryActionStart" action="ModifyCVar" cvar="$quadburst" operation="set" value="1"/>
    				<triggered_effect trigger="onSelfSecondaryActionStart" action="ModifyCVar" cvar="$quadburst" operation="set" value="4"/>
    				<passive_effect name="BurstRoundCount" operation="base_set" value="@$quadburst"/>
    				<passive_effect name="MagazineSize" operation="base_set" value="4"/>


    I went from 750 shells to 492 with a few single shell shots in there for comparison. It was possible to see the count down for shells to drop from 4 to 0 sequentially which infers that burst is being fired individually rather than all 4 at once. There were no misfires. This may well be an issue with online game play due to syncing and netcoding.


    The more orthodox method for burst fire would be to replace the above with:


            <passive_effect name="BurstRoundCount" operation="base_set" value="1" tags="perkBoomstick"/>

            <passive_effect name="MagazineSize" operation="base_set" value="4" tags="perkBoomstick"/>

    with the perkBoomstick tags removed or left depending on preference. I am not sure why the creator opted for using the CVar method. Something your community may want to test as an alternative.

    It's always very helpful to refer to existing possibilities, as with the double barrel on occasions like this where they exist as an alternative.

  8. 3 hours ago, Nepharyel said:

    Hello! When i want to use the Oakraven stone oven in the console stands this message:

    EXC NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object


    so it goes on, its burning, but as soon i choose a receipe and want to cook it, this message appears and its not cooking. What can be the issue?


    Edit: ok find out its the "ZMXuiCP" Mod in the Mod folder that blocks the Oakraven Stuff. Any possible to make this work together? Oakraven Forge Wide 3 is working normally for example

    Rename a Forest Collection mod with ZZ at the front in order to let it load after ZMXuiCP to see if that allows the Cooking Stations to function appropriately. If that fails, this is something for the UI team to consider although they have already stated other mods are not supported.

  9. 6 hours ago, Jelbee1989 said:

    I've tried using this mod a few times over the last month but the game just won't load once installed. The loading screen comes up and looks like the mod is active but then even if I generate a new world it freezes on "creating player" and sits there for hours until I give up and close the game.

    If you are able to share your log it would give some insight to what is happening as the game attempts to load the mod and start the world. It can be found at AppData\Roaming\7DaysToDie\logs. To access this area, it's possible to select 'Show game launcher' when starting up 7D2D. This brings up a menu with 'Run' choices. Click on the Tools tab and 'Open savegame folder'. The logs folder will be in there. The most recent log file uploaded to pastebin will allow it to be copied and pasted and shared.

  10. A small update.


    There is now an options folder bundled with the Old West Migration modlet as follows:


    The folder is called OldWestMigration - Options Folder.

    It contains 3 expansion mods that can change the regular Old West tiling system. Two have been posted about already but required manually setting them up. These mods will do that automatically when taken out of the Options Folder and placed in the Mods folder so it can launch.


    1. OldWestMigration-Outskirt (Adds another Old West around the Old West)
    2. OldWestMigration-RailtrackOutskirt (Adds another Old West around the Old West but this one has a rail track)
    3. OldWestMigration-RuralOutskirt (Adds the TFP rural tiling system around the Old West for a farming suburb)


    Pictures for 1. and 2. are already in the thread. Here is a pikkie for 3.

    The central road is for the base Old West and the surrounding tiles are for the Outskirt Old West. It is a convenient way to grow the town using a nice feature of the tiling system.


  11. A small update for the Modpack.


    Added a station 02 for T1 to the Old West tiling system.



    There are also a few more decorative spawning mini POIs spawning in the desert to offer a watering hole.

    One is made by animals digging into the land, another is a natural spring, and the last is a human made simple well.


    As this update has a new POI, the sample World was also updated to bring it into the spawns.

  12. 2 hours ago, RAGE PVE said:

    I made some buffed ammo with shock and fire and they connect every time as such, could this buff not also be used to create a type of trap to deliver the same results?

    Also I wanted to ask, how can we adapt the Golden Juggernaught to fly and fire rockets?

    It could be added to the dart box with the same shock and fire or even expanded with slow down or knock down features.

    Flight is governed by changing the entity class to vulture.
    It is easier to copy and adapt the regular Juggernaut to the Golden Juggernaut by switching its archetype and scale. A more efficient workflow as adding decorative attachments can be a lengthy process.

  13. 8 minutes ago, The1And0nlyKirito said:

    not trouble shooting this time, its working thanks. but out of curiosity out of ~160 wilderness POIs how many would be from the Wastedand?

    Oooh you're going to find over 20 unique Wilderness POIs that are either variants of something you may be familiar with or totally unique to the Wasteland. The largest ones will typically spawn only once due to the RWG algorithm on the custom world you make for it using the RWG. But in recent tests, they have all spawned at least once. There'll be some duplication for the smaller ones though so the potential for more than 20 Wilderness Wasteland POI interactions is a certainty. There'll be some very pleasant surprises out there for sure.

  14. Pushed a small update to the horses:


    - Changed loot group rottenFood to groupFoodTrash as rottenFood is not hooked up to any containers.
    groupFoodTrash is for the trash bags/box/kitchen container type locations and will ensure Apples are more available.

  15. On 11/15/2022 at 9:29 AM, The1And0nlyKirito said:

    the logs were too big for pastebin so i hope you can view a google doc. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1YPfXSuyq__j71b30YChvtBX4QxZ4hFUzeiVhlKZ7Z5o/edit

    The log is referencing for Score and spewing the ClockDMT, Score being in conflict. An update is in order on the Score installation. The last few posts are all related to this issue where the new working clock is in the Wasteland Mod but not in that earlier version of Score.


    Installing the version in the linky 2 posts up should resolve this issue.

  16. A Quality of Life update for the modpack:


    - Information Panel for the 'Esc' menu

    This highlights some of the main features since the modpack incorporates quite a collection and it can be a bit of a learning experience for new players.


  17. 6 hours ago, sandpaper600 said:

    I am using the NPC mod on my single player game, along with most of the mod packs. It seems to work great and I'm having a great time! Thanks for that.


    My issue is with my dedi server (through HostHavoc). I installed the score and the game starts fine. So I stop the server and install the NPC mod. Opening the in-game  console I see the lobby created and entered, but nothing else ever happens. I let it sit for over 15 minutes, but nothing.


    No red errors, no yellow warnings, no other mods used.


    Any insight?



    I am also using Host Havoc. It is currently running the Wasteland Mod which uses Score, NPCCore, a multitude of NPCs which take things beyond the NPCCore base due to a custom class for melee types. It has loaded up first time every time so far without issue. Please share the server logs to show what is happening. If you were also able to share what you have installed and your IP address, we can attempt to pay a visit and experience the situation.

  18. A small update for Chickens and Rabbits:


    - Chickens and Rabbits now harvest their own meat types.

    - The parts (wing, leg, breast for chickens and whole body for rabbits) can be grilled but there is also a Chicken or Rabbit stew at Skill 2 unlock.




    They are hooked up to both cooking station types.

    The Coop chickens have also been hooked up to the new chicken harvest ingredients.


    Oakraven also wanted to test out the Score feature that allows resources to be pulled automatically from storage within 10 blocks of a workstation that is crafting an item. Score suggests this is experimental but Oakraven could test it succesfully in trials and we'll monitor that. For players that prefer not to use this system, it can be set to 'false' in Line 10 and 11 of the blocks.xml in 1-OakModpack folder.

  19. A small update for the Chicken Coops mod.


    - Coop harvested chickens will provide chicken pieces in the form of breast, leg, and wing meat. These can be grilled as they are and eaten as snacks. However, the chicken breast can be added to a Chicken Stew type dish.


    Harvest your raised chickens.



    Cook your stew in the pot or grill the pieces for a quick snack on the grill.





  20. 36 minutes ago, paul cornwall said:

    would enZombies work with this i would like loads  of different zombies

    Actually, Errornull released a patch a few weeks ago to allow the enZombies to work with the NPC Mod zombies. I believe as long as you use the NPC Mod versions of enZombies there should be compatability.


    This modpack contains the following from the NPC Mod collection:

    - 1-SurvivorzPack
    - 1-OrczPackAlpha and 2-OrczPackBeta
    - 1-khzmusik_Zombies
    - 1-ZombiezPack
    - 1-GansSpecialZombies
    - 1-NPCXSpiderPack and 2-NPCXSpiderPack-ColonyExpansion
    - 1-FantasticBeastz
    - 1-YeOldeUndeadPack

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