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Posts posted by CrazyAluminum

  1. 6 hours ago, Faith_Of_Sin said:


    I found this mod in the 7 days Alpha19 mod section.

    I downloaded and tested it, but sadly the most lights aren´t working. I can place them, but they are off.

    Can you please help me?
    Thank you!

    Are you blind? Even there it says that the mod is only for A17/A18!

  2. 21 minutes ago, NobleMatrix said:

    It is, to the best of my knowledge. I have it in Mods folder in both places but I think its the server side that is messing up. Using the FTP there isnt a clear place to put the Mods folder and so I put it in the 7dtd one....

    Don't create any folders besides "Mods" folder, only ONE Mods folder needed! Like this

    It can't install mods, if it isn't in Mods folder


  3. 3 hours ago, NobleMatrix said:

    In need of help please. Iv downloaded the mod for Chicken Coop, unzipped onto my computer, used FTP to move it over to the server I rent using Filezilla and added it to the 7dtd folder in a created folder named "Mods". Then made a folder in the location mentioned in the How to Install section and placed the entire folder in there also for clent side. Restarted my server and cannot find the chicken coop anywhere. TIA

    Must be installed on client side and server side

  4. 39 minutes ago, Sirillion said:

    Doesn't answer the question. I don't have any lag when looting so it would be hard for me to do that check.

    But I am quite interested in knowing what it is as I make a HUD myself and when you make such a claim I am interested in knowing the details behind the claim so that I can investigate and make corrections if needed based upon your findings that lead you to conclude that is a reason for lag when looting.

    I heard it in the last posts here


  5. On 9/8/2020 at 7:33 AM, fabulux said:

    I think my main concern is that there is too much information and too much "weight" in the bottom left corner. There is nothing in the top left now and that adds to the off-balance feeling. I like the XP bar above or below the tool belt. Maybe above or below the compass.


    Next, I don't really like the changes in size of the stamina and food/water bars. I am checking my stamina, food and water bars much more often than my health bar. That's why I like them to be the same size as the health bar.


    I also prefer the previous compass direction indicator. It was simple, effective and felt more natural.


    I do like the idea of moving information to the sides of the compass, but would prefer temperature and elevation to be where deaths, kills and pvp are currently. I think those bars (deaths, kills, pvp) work better in the top left corner.


    Or maybe kills, deaths and pvp down by the ammo. Have temp and elevation in the top left; day on the left of the compass and time on the right of the compass. Kills, deaths and especially pvp aren't very important to me.


    Anyway, that's just my thoughts. Thanks for the mod! I still use 1.04 in my personal game and we use it on our dedicated server.

    moving information to the sides of the compass IS THE REASON LAGGING WHEN LOOTING

  6. sneakpeak said this in the fpsHUD Mod (by Oof) thread, maybe this information will be useful for you:

    In windows.xml if you move the code below from "windowCompass" to "HUDLeftStatBars" and reposition the hud elements again, that will get rid of the 'Calling Animator.GotoState on Synchronize layer' error that pops up everytime someone opens a container and seems to create a lot of lag in multiplayer games.



    just of example

    <rect name="playerInfo" size="700,100" depth="99" pos="500,0" controller="CharacterFrameWindow"> <sprite depth="3" pos="-40,4" height="20" width="150" color="[darkGrey]" foregroundlayer="true" type="sliced"/> <sprite depth="4" pos="-40,4" height="20" width="150" color="{xpcolor}" sprite="menu_empty3px" type="filled" fill="{xp}" globalopacitymod="1.5" controller="ToolbeltWindow" standard_xp_color="85,125,180,200" updating_xp_color="[green]" deficit_xp_color="[red]" xp_fill_speed="3.5"/> <rect> <panel name="header" height="15" depth="1" pos="9999,9999" backgroundspritename="ui_game_panel_header"> <label depth="2" name="characterName" pos="42,-6" width="150" height="32" text="" font_size="32"/> <label depth="2" name="levelNumber" pos="240,-10" width="80" height="28" text="" color="[lightGrey]"/> </panel> <rect visible="{showcharacter}" pos="9999,9999" > <panel name="previewFrame" depth="0" pos="0,0" width="10" on_press="true" on_hover="true" disableautobackground="true" snap="false"> <rect> <texture depth="2" name="playerPreview" material="Materials/Transparent Colored" size="8,8" globalopacity="false"/> </rect> </panel> </rect> <label depth="5" name="TextContent" pos="-35,4" font_size="18" color="[white]" justify="left" pivot="topleft" text="Level: {playerlevel} - {playerxptonextlevel}" controller="PlayerStatsWindow"/> <label name="playerXP" font_size="18" pos="135,4" controller="PlayerStatsWindow" color="[white]" depth="5" effect="outline" text="KDZ - {playerpvpkills} | {playerdeaths} | {playerzombiekills}" justify="left"/> </rect> </rect>


  7. 3 minutes ago, LunariusH said:

    I love this mod, but I have one concern.  How would I set it so no functioning cars spawn?  I'd still like obtaining a vehicle to be an achievement rather than random chance.

    Accidents are not accidental

  8. 9 hours ago, Ericbeaudoin said:

    When you load your game, you should see somthing like this in the log (or by pressing F1 while the game is loading):

    2020-09-15T22:22:51 11.172 INF [MODS] Trying to load from folder: MoreContainers
    2020-09-15T22:22:51 11.198 INF [MODS] Loaded Mod: MoreContainers (1.4)

    If you don't see this message, something went wrong with the installating. I have more detail instructions here: https://github.com/Laotseu/7dtdMods/blob/master/Modlet Installation.md


    To use the new containers, craft a Wooden Storage / Furniture:


    Put the storage box on your tool belt and press R to choose the new designs:

    The link to all my mods is in the first post.



    I answered Belenos (I'm using your MoreContainers, PaintJob and StorageSize)

  9. 1 hour ago, Belenos said:

    @Ericbeaudoin I installed your mod but it does not come up as installed when I started my game. I placed it in my "mods" folders, along with other mods an it's the only one not working.. I also could not see any error message in the console. Is there anything you could advise I might have done wrong? Thanks!

    That's nice you should release it, 'd be interested myself ;)

    What mods do you have besides this?

  10. 1 hour ago, Silveressa said:

    So how do you use the working stoves upgrade kit? I have the kit in my inventory (I even tried placing it inside the stove) and a hammer (and a nail gun) but trying to use either of them on a stove by right clicking does nothing? Is it specific stoves in the world?

    You can only upgrade an open oven


  11. Buff Ambiance - Darker Nights and Buff Ambiance - Darker Inside already looks like as 0/black, so there is nowhere to decrease. Lighting switching between outdoor and indoor is done specifically for optimization purposes.

  12. 35 minutes ago, Teacyn said:

    It seems to work fine! Thanks to you and the others who pointed it out.


    EDIT: I do have one more feature request. Would it be possible to turn the "Untouched" text on containers green, and the "Empty" text on empty, searched containers red? It helps a lot with quick visual identification. imageproxy.php?img=&key=39d1d7f5e2929937imageproxy.php?img=&key=39d1d7f5e2929937imageproxy.php?img=&key=39d1d7f5e2929937imageproxy.php?img=&key=39d1d7f5e2929937


    It is already existing

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