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Posts posted by CrazyAluminum

  1. 12 hours ago, Dr. VonDuck said:

    so i looked at the vanilla loot xml, and maybe im just too much of a noob at this but i cant clearly see any value that states what size the various loot capacities are and am a bit lost... 

    Just so i can make sure im understanding you correctly: I need to change the LootListAlive value to the one that i want? is that an ID? is that a calculation? does 931 mean 9 slots 3 rows 1 time? did you mean for me to change that to 10,9? (it broke when i did that last one, probably for reasons that are obvious to many others)

    Also on my previous question about vehicle sounds: i had tried to copy the buggy sounds over to a few other vehicles that were glitching for me but im not sure if i did it right since it made all of the vehicles unusable and have obscenely bright lights... again i have reverted everything to where they were before but what lines in the XML do you mean when you said "gear nodes" and where should i copy from and paste to for other vehicles? is there a reason why some have accell and decell commands and others do not?

    what are the parts for the BDRM? i tried crafting one but i havent been able to find the recipies, i have grease monkey 5 so it should be unlocked if its craftable

    The fastest way to get the BRDM-2 recipe is the Grease Monkey 5. If you have nothing unlocked because of this perk then try the last version of the mod. In progression.xml after this line should be vehicleBRDM2chassis and vehicleBRDM2accessories

    <append xpath="/progression/perks/perk[@name='perkGreaseMonkey']/effect_group/passive_effect[@level='5']/@tags">

    Just checked Bdubs Vehicles version 3.5 personally and BRDM-2 can be crafted if you have Grease Monkey 5

  2. 6 hours ago, corvo404 said:

    Can someone help me? I installed the mod and gavin11489's fixes but the icons are not working. Everything related to this mod has no icons.
    The only thing related to UI i have is Riles-HUDPLus1.07

    Update: Just noticed that the mod isnt working. I installed it on my server only and it gives and error stating that it couldnt find the unity3d files.

    All mods that have something more than .xml files - must be installed on client

    My version of the mod, items.xml fixes ak101 and m1p-carbine: Vanilla Firearms Extended Patch by Craluminum.zip


    From your side you need to rename ak74.unity3d to ak101.unity3d.

    I don't recommend to use my loot.xml, sorry, but it have all my changes from items.xml

  3. 5 minutes ago, Lostyouthkhat said:

    I started using the military Cars and they look awesome :)

    To me the sounds are very silent for the MRAP and BRDM2, compared to the willyjeep.  


    Was this done on purpose or is this still updating?


    Also BRDM-2 floats on water

  4. 1 hour ago, doughphunghus said:


    Give it a shot and let me know if it works as desired: Doughs-UI-Add-2ModSlots

    Direct download: v0.0.1.zip


    Check out the docs.  Tier 1 and 2 items still have 1,2 slots.  !f an item has 0 slots or an odd slot config)in vanilla it will get 0 slots or keep its odd slot config.

    If an item was modified for 8 slots, the "item tier -> slots available" is:

    1,2,3,4,5,6 -> 1,2,4,5,7,8


    Here's a screenshot of a tier 6 sniper rifle, with vanilla mods only


    Let me know if this works like you were imagining/needing or if tweaks are needed!  Currently I'm considering it "beta" until I get some user/player feedback as its not a mod I plan on using for my personal games.



    I've got some stuff I'm trying but it's still failing. If you can find something that works, let me know and I'll add it to the mod.


    FYI: I have a pipe bomb modlet that one of its' purposes (side effects?) is that you can easy and relatively cheaply (materials wise) craft "plastic" pipe bombs for luring zeds out of houses (they don't do much damage) however, every one blowing up adds 5% to the heat map, so another side effect is you can call screamers with them and not waste bullets or have to have forges nearby.

    It cannot fail to work, I use 1,2,3,4,5,6 -> 8,8,8,8,8,8A19.2_2020-10-24_09-20-34.thumb.jpg.ecc5506c42fe2994cb13757a413d1ef5.jpg

  5. 6 hours ago, doughphunghus said:

    @CrazyAluminum = 8 mod slot, 'initial test"...

    So, I was able to get 8 slots "there" and I hacked at it until I found a way to get the crossbow string to be a "gun" mod, just to prove it would install and show up in the 7the slot.  However, a lot of things are coming to mind and I'm not sure that any? weapons would accept > 6 mods in vanilla with vanilla mods.  And would their effects actually work? I don't know...But... to add more mods to the extra slots you'd have to:

    - Mod the gun/item to have 8 slots.

    - Make a item_modifier (a mod) that somehow fits into the gun that already has all its "parts" filled.  I'm not sure how easy this is, but something like "burning bullets" or better aiming or something might be doable, but I don't think "visually" you'll be able to add a mod to a gun ( so like a handgun has a tripod or 2 lasers or something).  But that's just me thinking about vanilla guns only allowing a certain number of items to occupy space on the gun (visually)


    Anyway, without trying to make it look "good", or even knowing if it works at all, here's what it looks like on screen.  Still interested?  I might be able to throw together a mod that would just "allow" 8 mod slots (with the wonky pop out on the right for every item?  I believe I could only have 6 slots in the top part and it would be ok, just a visual thing (mod 7 + 8 would exist you just couldn't see them), and when you mod the item it would go into the extra slots on the left side), and then leave it up to you/others to make mods to fit into them/test/etc as I'm not sure what mods would/could be made. I don't think there's going to be a good way to get the extra slots to "fit" in the vanilla UI.



    I have a 96 slot backpack and 80% UI size

  6. 23 minutes ago, nightshade said:

    Anyone else having issues with the AK-101?? For some reason its throwing up an error and the asset is missing


    I have

    <property name="Meshfile" value="#@modfolder:Resources/ak101.unity3d?ak74"/>

    and ak101 works

  7. 2 minutes ago, gavin11489 said:


    The way I see it is any updates / changes / fixes or whatever are fine so long as they are posted here for everyone to use, and no one starts re-packing parts of other peoples mods/changes etc..


    Saying that, if you know how to update the textures, I say go for it dude! I'd do it myself if I knew how.. 

    There are only models, no textures

  8. 10 hours ago, Dr. VonDuck said:

    @bdubyah Sorry if this has been covered before, but I am experiencing (as well as all of the players on my server) a couple of bugs with the vehicles mod pack.

    1. bug with the audio on the Hotrod. it sounds like it is Idling the whole time it is being driven. Is there a fix for this?

    2. if you pick up the hostess truck it deletes the gas it has in the tank.

    Running an alpha 19 dedicated server on g-portal

    Thanks for your time on this.


    What other mods do you still have installed?

  9. 10 minutes ago, X_Misterys_X said:

    It seems as if the error is only with you others have no problems Fix 1 the number 10 has been replaced by the 0 then the bar moved further rounder the event are no longer over-smoothed

    What error and what others are you talking about?

  10. 2 hours ago, raxell said:

    "Conversion recipe"? What does it mean?

    How can i get "vanilla engines" to craft cement mixer, electricity,...?

    Recipe, when you make vanilla engines from modded engines

  11. 2 hours ago, danielspoa said:

    guys, are we allowed to modify the textures? would have to work on adapting those to PBR, at least at a basic level

    It's written somewhere that this can only be done on condition that it isn't will published as a separate modlet and only for personal use

  12. 7 hours ago, raxell said:

    Hi! thanks for your work, i like this mod.


    But it is impossible for me to find "vanilla engines". I only have found 1 after looking at almost 100 cars.


    My favorite vehicle is the quad!

    Because this is how it should be, if you need an engine for something else, then you can make a conversion recipe. It's so hard to be an independent person...

  13. For anyone who noticed the wrong place for level kdz, just put it under the compass in windows.xml

                <rect name="playerInfo" size="700,100" depth="99" pos="500,0" controller="CharacterFrameWindow">
                    <sprite depth="3" pos="-40,4" size="150,20" color="[darkGrey]" foregroundlayer="true" type="sliced"/>
                    <sprite depth="4" pos="-40,4" size="150,20" color="{xpcolor}" sprite="menu_empty3px" type="filled" fill="{xp}" globalopacitymod="1.5"
                            controller="ToolbeltWindow" standard_xp_color="85,125,180,200" updating_xp_color="[green]"
                            deficit_xp_color="[red]" xp_fill_speed="3.5"/>
                        <panel name="header" height="15" depth="1" pos="9999,9999" backgroundspritename="ui_game_panel_header">
                            <label depth="2" name="characterName" pos="42,-6" size="150,32" text="" font_size="32"/>
                            <label depth="2" name="levelNumber" pos="240,-10" size="80,28" text="" color="[lightGrey]"/>
                        <rect visible="{showcharacter}" pos="9999,9999" >
                            <panel name="previewFrame" depth="0" pos="0,0" width="10" on_press="true" on_hover="true" disableautobackground="true" snap="false">
                                    <texture depth="2" name="playerPreview" material="Materials/Transparent Colored" size="8,8" globalopacity="false"/>
                        <label depth="5" name="TextContent" pos="-35,4" font_size="18" color="[white]" justify="left" pivot="topleft" text="Level: {playerlevel} - {playerxptonextlevel}" controller="PlayerStatsWindow"/>
                        <label name="playerXP" font_size="18" pos="135,4" controller="PlayerStatsWindow" color="[white]" depth="5" effect="outline" text="KDZ - {playerpvpkills} | {playerdeaths} | {playerzombiekills}" justify="left"/>




  14. But I still don't understand, is it possible to change yellowish to violet if reddish is bluish?



    <item name="gunMGT1AK47">
        <property name="Material" value="MMachineGunParts"/>

        <property name="RepairTools" value="resourceRepairKit"/>



    As example, I wanna replace:


    <property name="RepairTools" value="resourceRepairKit"/>



    <property name="RepairTools" value="gunMGT1AK47Parts"/>

    ONLY if items contains:


    <property name="Material" value="MMachineGunParts"/>

    And so for each item!

  15. 57 minutes ago, Ananais said:

    Hi Folks, trying out the vehicle pack mod and encountering something I cant figure out, the vehicles work perfectly (Really nice work!), but I cannot get the mechanic trader POI to load in as it is using a block named "spawnTJ2" which is unknown.


    Cant find anything googling this, and I am not long back to the game so figured it may be something that changed between 19.0 and 19.1?


    If anyone has an idea, let me know, the POI looks like fun but this one is over my head ^_^

    The block named "spawnTJ2" has been removed from this mod, most likely you need a new save and the latest update of the mod


  16. 11 minutes ago, PewP3r said:

    First of all, absolutely amazed by the quality of these generated maps! Kudos.


    Question: I ticked the "random start location" option in my new map, but every time I start a new game I end up in the same place 😕 Is there a bug with this option or am I not doing it right?

    If the map has the one coordinate in spawnpoints.xml in own folder then you have selected "one spawn point"

  17. 9 minutes ago, saminal said:

    Hi @Riles, I use your HUD mod on my dedi server and I love the look of the extra blocks in this mod. However, I already have a bunch of other block changes in my own mods and I would need to avoid compatibility issues.. Would you mind if I pull some of this mod out to take only the bits I would like to add? I'm more than happy to provide credit. I'll understand if you'd rather keep your work in its original form.

    I think this one can't claim authorship because this "modlet" has no assets and these are purely xml changes according to the author's fantasy

  18. 4 minutes ago, Riles said:

    I just tested it out. After I click on the link, for me at least, there is a download option in the top right corner of the window? I am using Chrome though. If you are still having trouble, I can try something else for ya?

    You can upload it to mediafire like many modders do (10GB is enough for you)

  19. On 10/15/2020 at 9:54 PM, PrimalCarnage said:

    Ok, if I understand you correctly, you want to know how to check all items to see if the 'Material' is 'MMachineGunParts', then, if that check is true, change the item needed to repair it from 'RepairTools' to 'gunMGT1AK47Parts'.  Is that correct?

    Even if I am not understanding you correctly, I do not know how the xml coding would work for that.  Sorry.  
    What I would do as an easy fix, though perhaps not an optimal one, is make sure the code I gave you works for one item.  Then duplicate it for any weapon that you want to use AK47 Parts as the ingredient to repair it.  Again, it may not be the optimal way to do it, but it would at least get it done.


    I came here precisely to find out whether it can be done or not.

    Just example:

    <!--rickyalph Guns-->
    	<set xpath="/items/item[@name='gunHandgunT1FN57']/property[@name='RepairTools']/@value">gunHandgunT1PistolParts</set>
    	<set xpath="/items/item[@name='gunHandgunT1FN57']/effect_group[@name='gunHandgunT1FN57']/passive_effect[@name='DegradationPerUse'][@operation='base_set']/@value">0.4</set>
    	<set xpath="/items/item[@name='gunHandgunT2M1911']/property[@name='RepairTools']/@value">gunHandgunT1PistolParts</set>
    	<set xpath="/items/item[@name='gunHandgunT2M1911']/effect_group[@name='gunHandgunT2M1911']/passive_effect[@name='DegradationPerUse'][@operation='base_set']/@value">0.4</set>
    	<set xpath="/items/item[@name='gunMGT2M4A1']/property[@name='RepairTools']/@value">gunMGT1AK47Parts</set>
    	<set xpath="/items/item[@name='gunMGT2M4A1']/effect_group[@name='gunMGT2M4A1']/passive_effect[@name='DegradationPerUse'][@operation='base_set']/@value">0.4</set>
    	<set xpath="/items/item[@name='gunRifleT3SCARH']/property[@name='RepairTools']/@value">gunRifleT1HuntingRifleParts</set>
    	<set xpath="/items/item[@name='gunRifleT3SCARH']/effect_group[@name='gunRifleT3SCARH']/passive_effect[@name='DegradationPerUse'][@operation='base_set']/@value">0.4</set>
    <!--Sykriss VFX-->
    	<set xpath="/items/item[@name='gun1911']/property[@name='RepairTools']/@value">gunHandgunT1PistolParts</set>
    	<set xpath="/items/item[@name='gun1911']/effect_group[@name='gunPistol']/passive_effect[@name='DegradationPerUse'][@operation='base_set']/@value">0.4</set>
    	<set xpath="/items/item[@name='gun45revolver']/property[@name='RepairTools']/@value">gunHandgunT1PistolParts</set>
    	<set xpath="/items/item[@name='gun45revolver']/effect_group[@name='gun44Magnum']/passive_effect[@name='DegradationPerUse'][@operation='base_set']/@value">0.4</set>
    	<set xpath="/items/item[@name='gun556rifle']/property[@name='RepairTools']/@value">gunRifleT1HuntingRifleParts</set>
    	<set xpath="/items/item[@name='gun556rifle']/effect_group[@name='gunHuntingRifle']/passive_effect[@name='DegradationPerUse'][@operation='base_set']/@value">0.4</set>
    	<set xpath="/items/item[@name='gun9mmrevolver']/property[@name='RepairTools']/@value">gunHandgunT1PistolParts</set>
    	<set xpath="/items/item[@name='gun9mmrevolver']/effect_group[@name='gun44Magnum']/passive_effect[@name='DegradationPerUse'][@operation='base_set']/@value">0.4</set>
    	<set xpath="/items/item[@name='gun9mmrifle']/property[@name='RepairTools']/@value">gunRifleT1HuntingRifleParts</set>
    	<set xpath="/items/item[@name='gun9mmrifle']/effect_group[@name='gunHuntingRifle']/passive_effect[@name='DegradationPerUse'][@operation='base_set']/@value">0.4</set>
    	<set xpath="/items/item[@name='gunGlock17']/property[@name='RepairTools']/@value">gunHandgunT1PistolParts</set>
    	<set xpath="/items/item[@name='gunGlock17']/effect_group[@name='gunPistol']/passive_effect[@name='DegradationPerUse'][@operation='base_set']/@value">0.4</set>
    	<set xpath="/items/item[@name='gunak101']/property[@name='RepairTools']/@value">gunMGT1AK47Parts</set>
    	<set xpath="/items/item[@name='gunak101']/effect_group[@name='gunAK47']/passive_effect[@name='DegradationPerUse'][@operation='base_set']/@value">0.4</set>
    	<set xpath="/items/item[@name='gunaks74u']/property[@name='RepairTools']/@value">gunMGT1AK47Parts</set>
    	<set xpath="/items/item[@name='gunaks74u']/effect_group[@name='gunAK47']/passive_effect[@name='DegradationPerUse'][@operation='base_set']/@value">0.4</set>
    	<set xpath="/items/item[@name='gunar15']/property[@name='RepairTools']/@value">gunRifleT1HuntingRifleParts</set>
    	<set xpath="/items/item[@name='gunar15']/effect_group[@name='gunAK47']/passive_effect[@name='DegradationPerUse'][@operation='base_set']/@value">0.4</set>
    	<set xpath="/items/item[@name='gundeserteagle']/property[@name='RepairTools']/@value">gunHandgunT1PistolParts</set>
    	<set xpath="/items/item[@name='gundeserteagle']/effect_group[@name='gunPistol']/passive_effect[@name='DegradationPerUse'][@operation='base_set']/@value">0.4</set>
    	<set xpath="/items/item[@name='gundoublebarrelproper']/property[@name='RepairTools']/@value">gunShotgunT1DoubleBarrelParts</set>
    	<set xpath="/items/item[@name='gundoublebarrelproper']/effect_group[@name='gunDoubleBarrelShotgun']/passive_effect[@name='DegradationPerUse'][@operation='base_set']/@value">0.4</set>
    	<set xpath="/items/item[@name='gung36c']/property[@name='RepairTools']/@value">gunRifleT1HuntingRifleParts</set>
    	<set xpath="/items/item[@name='gung36c']/effect_group[@name='gunAK47']/passive_effect[@name='DegradationPerUse'][@operation='base_set']/@value">0.4</set>
    	<set xpath="/items/item[@name='gunhk416']/property[@name='RepairTools']/@value">gunRifleT1HuntingRifleParts</set>
    	<set xpath="/items/item[@name='gunhk416']/effect_group[@name='gunAK47']/passive_effect[@name='DegradationPerUse'][@operation='base_set']/@value">0.4</set>
    	<set xpath="/items/item[@name='gunm1pcarbine']/property[@name='RepairTools']/@value">gunHandgunT1PistolParts</set>
    	<set xpath="/items/item[@name='gunm1pcarbine']/effect_group[@name='gunAK47']/passive_effect[@name='DegradationPerUse'][@operation='base_set']/@value">0.4</set>
    	<set xpath="/items/item[@name='gunmac11']/property[@name='RepairTools']/@value">gunHandgunT1PistolParts</set>
    	<set xpath="/items/item[@name='gunmac11']/effect_group[@name='gunPistol']/passive_effect[@name='DegradationPerUse'][@operation='base_set']/@value">0.4</set>
    	<set xpath="/items/item[@name='gunmakarov']/property[@name='RepairTools']/@value">gunHandgunT1PistolParts</set>
    	<set xpath="/items/item[@name='gunmakarov']/effect_group[@name='gunPistol']/passive_effect[@name='DegradationPerUse'][@operation='base_set']/@value">0.4</set>
    	<set xpath="/items/item[@name='gunmicrouzi']/property[@name='RepairTools']/@value">gunHandgunT1PistolParts</set>
    	<set xpath="/items/item[@name='gunmicrouzi']/effect_group[@name='gunPistol']/passive_effect[@name='DegradationPerUse'][@operation='base_set']/@value">0.4</set>
    	<set xpath="/items/item[@name='gunmk23']/property[@name='RepairTools']/@value">gunHandgunT1PistolParts</set>
    	<set xpath="/items/item[@name='gunmk23']/effect_group[@name='gunPistol']/passive_effect[@name='DegradationPerUse'][@operation='base_set']/@value">0.4</set>
    	<set xpath="/items/item[@name='gunp250']/property[@name='RepairTools']/@value">gunHandgunT1PistolParts</set>
    	<set xpath="/items/item[@name='gunp250']/effect_group[@name='gunPistol']/passive_effect[@name='DegradationPerUse'][@operation='base_set']/@value">0.4</set>
    	<set xpath="/items/item[@name='gunp99']/property[@name='RepairTools']/@value">gunHandgunT1PistolParts</set>
    	<set xpath="/items/item[@name='gunp99']/effect_group[@name='gunPistol']/passive_effect[@name='DegradationPerUse'][@operation='base_set']/@value">0.4</set>
    	<set xpath="/items/item[@name='gunpp19']/property[@name='RepairTools']/@value">gunMGT1AK47Parts</set>
    	<set xpath="/items/item[@name='gunpp19']/effect_group[@name='gunSMG5']/passive_effect[@name='DegradationPerUse'][@operation='base_set']/@value">0.4</set>
    	<set xpath="/items/item[@name='gunrsx1']/property[@name='RepairTools']/@value">gunShotgunT1DoubleBarrelParts</set>
    	<set xpath="/items/item[@name='gunrsx1']/effect_group[@name='gunPumpShotgun']/passive_effect[@name='DegradationPerUse'][@operation='base_set']/@value">0.4</set>
    	<set xpath="/items/item[@name='gunscarh']/property[@name='RepairTools']/@value">gunMGT1AK47Parts</set>
    	<set xpath="/items/item[@name='gunscarh']/effect_group[@name='gunAK47']/passive_effect[@name='DegradationPerUse'][@operation='base_set']/@value">0.4</set>
    	<set xpath="/items/item[@name='gunscarl']/property[@name='RepairTools']/@value">gunRifleT1HuntingRifleParts</set>
    	<set xpath="/items/item[@name='gunscarl']/effect_group[@name='gunAK47']/passive_effect[@name='DegradationPerUse'][@operation='base_set']/@value">0.4</set>
    	<set xpath="/items/item[@name='gunsg553']/property[@name='RepairTools']/@value">gunRifleT1HuntingRifleParts</set>
    	<set xpath="/items/item[@name='gunsg553']/effect_group[@name='gunAK47']/passive_effect[@name='DegradationPerUse'][@operation='base_set']/@value">0.4</set>
    	<set xpath="/items/item[@name='gunsinglebarrelshotgun']/property[@name='RepairTools']/@value">gunShotgunT1DoubleBarrelParts</set>
    	<set xpath="/items/item[@name='gunsinglebarrelshotgun']/effect_group[@name='gunDoubleBarrelShotgun']/passive_effect[@name='DegradationPerUse'][@operation='base_set']/@value">0.4</set>
    	<set xpath="/items/item[@name='gunskorpion']/property[@name='RepairTools']/@value">gunHandgunT1PistolParts</set>
    	<set xpath="/items/item[@name='gunskorpion']/effect_group[@name='gunPistol']/passive_effect[@name='DegradationPerUse'][@operation='base_set']/@value">0.4</set>
    	<set xpath="/items/item[@name='gunsks']/property[@name='RepairTools']/@value">gunMGT1AK47Parts</set>
    	<set xpath="/items/item[@name='gunsks']/effect_group[@name='gunAK47']/passive_effect[@name='DegradationPerUse'][@operation='base_set']/@value">0.4</set>
    	<set xpath="/items/item[@name='gunsvd']/property[@name='RepairTools']/@value">gunRifleT1HuntingRifleParts</set>
    	<set xpath="/items/item[@name='gunsvd']/effect_group[@name='gunAK47']/passive_effect[@name='DegradationPerUse'][@operation='base_set']/@value">0.4</set>
    	<set xpath="/items/item[@name='guntec9']/property[@name='RepairTools']/@value">gunHandgunT1PistolParts</set>
    	<set xpath="/items/item[@name='guntec9']/effect_group[@name='gunPistol']/passive_effect[@name='DegradationPerUse'][@operation='base_set']/@value">0.4</set>
    	<set xpath="/items/item[@name='guntoz34']/property[@name='RepairTools']/@value">gunShotgunT1DoubleBarrelParts</set>
    	<set xpath="/items/item[@name='guntoz34']/effect_group[@name='gunDoubleBarrelShotgun']/passive_effect[@name='DegradationPerUse'][@operation='base_set']/@value">0.4</set>
    	<set xpath="/items/item[@name='gunump45']/property[@name='RepairTools']/@value">gunHandgunT1PistolParts</set>
    	<set xpath="/items/item[@name='gunump45']/effect_group[@name='gunSMG5']/passive_effect[@name='DegradationPerUse'][@operation='base_set']/@value">0.4</set>
    	<set xpath="/items/item[@name='gunusp']/property[@name='RepairTools']/@value">gunHandgunT1PistolParts</set>
    	<set xpath="/items/item[@name='gunusp']/effect_group[@name='gunPistol']/passive_effect[@name='DegradationPerUse'][@operation='base_set']/@value">0.4</set>

    Edited: I understood how. Need to change names to apply something like

    <set xpath="//item[contains(@name,'gunHandgunT') or contains(@name,'gunShotgunT') or contains(@name,'gunRifleT') or contains(@name,'gunMGT') and not(contains(@name,'gunShotgunT0'))]/effect_group/passive_effect[@name='DegradationPerUse'][@operation='base_set']/@value">0.4</set>
    <set xpath="//item[contains(@name,'gunExplosivesT') or contains(@name,'gunBowT') and not(contains(@name,'gunBowT0'))]/effect_group/passive_effect[@name='DegradationPerUse'][@operation='base_set']/@value">0.4</set>
    <set xpath="//item[@name='meleeWpnClubT3SteelClub' or @name='meleeWpnSledgeT3SteelSledgehammer']/effect_group/passive_effect[@name='DegradationPerUse'][@operation='base_set']/@value">0.4</set>
    <set xpath="//item[@name='meleeToolPickT3Auger' or @name='meleeToolAxeT3Chainsaw' or @name='meleeToolSalvageT3ImpactDriver']/effect_group/passive_effect[@name='DegradationPerUse'][@operation='base_set']/@value">0.3</set>


  20. 1 hour ago, PrimalCarnage said:


    I meant to change at once every <item /> that contains such Material property inside itself.

    So that when adding a mod for a gigantic number of weapons, this all overlaps when it goes next (and it wasn't necessary to add mini-fixes, due to which hundreds of "yellow errors" appear)

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