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Everything posted by Matt115

  1. Guys it is started to be mess i rly lose the what is going on now : quests are "limited" by time and it is normal. If you get 200 m treasure hunt it be faster that find courier stuff 2 km away so it is logical. So you can do 4 - 5 " low tier" quest for cans or 1 but big to get purple quality gun. And it is good. I would just reduce exp points for quest. But if you want to get a lot of exp you can get by choose kill zombie boss which can give you a lot of exp. But you can find him somewhere on the map. I agree with @Roland and @Jost Amman that scavenging is "basic" activity and you can get a lot of stuff doing it , so it is possible to find a balance. Just change some stuff like add some MMO-style guards in bases , change quests reward and it will be good enough
  2. Weapons : 1. add fire breath shells to shotgun - when shot there is chance to set up zombie in fire 2 . stationary guns- like browning 0.30 on bipod ( like in l4d2 ) and mortal with HE ammo and frag 3. More unique weapons like colt magnum ( faster reload variant) , katana (better machete) , custom hunting rifle ( bigger dmg and diffrent skin), fabric AK-47 ( bigger durability) etc Tools :concrete mixer lorries - is is bigger and faster that cement mixer . welder - you need to cut fast a locker , steel doors ? this will help ( something like auger but rly bad agaist stone or concrete but op against iron and steel can only be found or bought and it using fuel) POI : trades on boats - like i wrote in topic created by @Crater Creator - add big 3-4 rivers when traders will have boats working as trader post but i will change their location. 1 miltary outpost on road - sandbags , heavy guns , barber wire , military jeeps and trucks and corpses , speakers and spotlights 2. bigger oupost on road - Big concrete baricade two wood guards tower ,hmg bunker and barracks on roads with contamination site and small scientist bunker. 3. Museum - big but empty - some arts , uniques weapons , old west stuff and skeletons boring but you can find books right? 4. forgotten cave - skeleton on desert with wooden chest 5. railroads tracks- well it is simple right? and sometimes you can find destroyed train with random chest 6 railroad tracks on bridge- well bridge was blow up and train fall in to the pit but they this have a something interesting 7. destroyed helicopter - miltary destroyed helicopter but have 2 military chest but zombies are rly in big number nearby 8. broken airplain - typical airplain in 3 parts - maybe you can find something useful. 9. colapsed tunnel - typical tunnel on the road but it blow up to stopped zombies hordes but it imprison some people inside. Now they are just skeletons and weak zombie but you can find a lot parts inside but you need to break throught concrete 10. unfinisher road - workers were doing their job when zombies attacked them. Well now this is good place to find tools and stuff. But they are still there so watch out Zombies - more variants random generate like in L4D2 for " typical zombies" and weak zombies Weak zombies- starving zombie , some of them are heavy decoposed , Some of them were starved surviors some stuck in school or in tunel after became zombie Teens zombie - smaller so harder to hit that normal but weak like well weak zombie. Some of them are high school student , some of them have casual outfit or farm of fiber . Bandit zombies - zombies in steel and iron armor zombie Infestor - zombie who works like splitter from l4d2 but he just splitt a infected split ( it sound rly fun) Riot zombie- harder zombie have two colour variants - black armor in city and grey in prison. Random stuff - 1. Maybe military food rations? - give a lot of hunger and hydration. 2. nightstick- just broke and throw in to the dark. 3. some more painting please 4. more types of dead body - dead soldier , doc in hazmat , skeleton maybe few more "complicated" like sitting bussniess man on leather chair , laying on barber wire soldier, mumnifite student in locker . drowned corpes in caves or near the bridge . 5. drawing on walls like - "dead ahead". "Go away " "We lost NY - they are everywhere " " watch out on screamer!" ,drawned zombie head or skull 6. More wreack cars variants - military , civilan truck , swat truck and police cars
  3. Respawning will be even less immersive and zombie could have reasons like " this is making a noise" Something like pipe bomb or events from l4d2 . And it pretty logical ( I love l4d2 so i will give example using it ) I found how to make a compromise . You want 100% destuctible world? But it is something which can't be destoyed no mater how long you will be hitting it or shooting on it. Water. So my idea is to make bigger rivers ( i thinking it will be not so hard and add bigger bridges like in L4d2 on The Parish or the sacrifise ). And put traders on boat. They put draw bridge at day and in night guards forcing you to go away. Just let zombies drown in water (maybe exception give drowned zombies like dead island) and they will be safe . You want they travell from point to point like bus stop? Just make some ports when they stop there. I thing it the truck is less immersive that boat . Well i know there is not military outpost or traffic but i suggest to add this because it will be just immersive. For example in walking dead , days gone or world war z military tried to cut zombies down by creating barricades on road with barbered wire etc so i thinking in some places it could looks rly cool. well i will do How might it look like later. In l4d2 survivors were forced to left their car because they stuck in traffic. This same problem was i walking dead S2. Well in my opinion more road in 7dtd should have road bariers , tunnels and traffic . Easy to avoid by bike and minibike but you want to go by truck you need to clean road first ( they do it sometimes in walking dead) . And another point : if traders have their "stops" if you are late you can just waite untill they come back or go near the river and you will find it after 1-2 km. And this solution will fix problem with quests. So you can have base near it and have access to it only for some time . When you are far from trader's boat , it will just reset localisation
  4. There is something like that in The forest . HEY TFP , PLIS MAKE CROSSOVER WITH ENDNIGHT GAMES PLIS !
  5. Well dante from dmc using demons teeth as ammo so..
  6. I hope the will show them fast : but did they say it will be new variants or just HD model like cop?
  7. i didn't know it when i was writing these post . But i can't agree : automatic pistol , semi-auto like garand , 3 or 5 round burst assult rifle or granda launcher like M79 could change a lot. Melee weapons like katana ( a lot of better machete) or crowbar (better bat) could be rly nice
  8. Yeah limit is stupid too, but i would left this quest but change "place " in ladder like : Did you make a fiber clothes? good now you target is to make forge . You made it ? good 1000 exp for you! Now make a worbench. Great job +1 perk point for you. Now find a gun and 10 bullets . Nice, now do bicycle! YEAH! now go to trader. You find him! another point is goint to you account! And now do whatevere you want i don;t care XD
  9. Well one time after we destroyed stairs they and everything on lower floor in skyscraper they just... collapsed buliding at least highter floors
  10. Have you any info about new zombies variants?
  11. I forget about something - well zombies offten climing each other and we were making a 5-6 layers of brick and steel plate outside side of wall but it were just 3-4 tall so that's was a bigger problem that gamestage. i play only with my friend and he is litteraly a dwarf : he just sitting in mine grinding a iron , coal , sometimes he go outside to smellt stuff and takes potato , corn etc cuting trees . I in this time going to random POI , making some quest ( it depand when trader is and what interesting he have) , making electricity and working stations etc So this depands of game style. But in my opinion "wandering" traders are less immersive that "stationary" of course well protected land is unrealistic but it is better that some random guy destroy post because he like to trolling on server or be destroy by zombies. Ofc in 7dtd their protection are from mechanic point poorly but from immersive point bases look rly good - they are setted on open field good view what is going on outside, enought light with solar panel, tall enought to be protection against snaipers , have field etc
  12. Well game stage is important right but it is rly hard to survive blood moon without at least shotgun and 50+ ammo , yeah you can find guns in random POI but it is usually not enough, and cutting down trees consuming a lot of time to create defens. So maybe i accelarating gamestage but i have enought defense to counter it
  13. I think it better to first add a lot of stuff : guns , armors type of zombies etc , in next alpha bandits and focus what players saying like : katanas are too op on zombies but it so bad against bandits etc. And focuse on balance in next alpha ( something like betatesting ) knowing what is wrong, When they add bandits first and more weapons next this forcing them to make balansce twice
  14. Yeah , i play sometimes in at least before achivments but it was sometimes but when zombie knew were i was all time at night make annoying. I can agree we will still be scavenging POI'S but there is small diffrent . For example - in cities there is 30-40 houses with random variants . I get quest to find item . Another house but i found bunker in basement. If i would find it without quest? Maybe yes maybe not , it was just another house. Some POI's are too risky because you will find only junk and if swarmed with zombie dogs. It looks rly interesting good design but i never would go there without quest etc Making quest is good option to get coins right? I remember when i was playing with my friens and we just coudn't find beaker. Trader have it but we hadn't cash for it ( he was pretty far away from our base) . Sometimes we have situation like : it was pointless to scanvergers POI's because in most houses we don't find nothing interesitng so we focused on the 3 things : military bases hospitals and shops, doing quest and cutting tree with mining to make a defens ( well making 1000 wood spikes with steel axe take a lot of times ). If you want to make a bike or truck you need to focus on this types of perks , if you want to make turrets lights everywhere you need perks i electricity and salvage operations. So make 2 stages like - nomad lifestyle - you are going around doing quests scanvenging everything etc and settlement stage- you focus on defenss workstations, farming , making better stuff with doing quest with ocassionaly going something for parts sound better that going everywhere just to go everywhere
  15. <sigh> it good but it is still have a lot of problems : - balance - some perks working good some is worthless - small number of armors - they will add more in A20 but if it will be enough? Idk Conan have 30+ armors etc You can say : dude there is a small number of armor in real life. And it will be not true . So you can add PMC armor ( slighty diffrent that milltary like is lighter but have smaller bullet protection but this same melee protection) , police/guard vest , riot police armor, biological hazard hazmat ( did you play in l4d2? something like that) , reinforced lether jacket ( in some countries skins , punks etc just sew in thin sheet of metal) , Hispanic conquistador armor( well this have sens ; in museum you can find it and medival melee/ primitive blackpowder guns right? rich people sometime have medival armors , historical weapons etc) , hockey oufit etc so it have a big potential - small number of weapons - a lot of people have katana right? or crowbar ( and it can work like worst wrench ) , in museaum you can find swords or medival spear ( we have spear now so add new variant wil be easier ) or halabard. We have ghost town so find indian tomahawk ( dmg like machete but you can throw it like spear ) , good old remington ( better hunting rifle ) or colt (worst magnum). Another smg like uzi , 2-3 more pistols ( like in resident evil or dying light) , snipers ( my tier idea : hunting rifle, springfield, winchester , garand , miltary rifle ( something like awp from CS GO or Tundra from cod bo) , automatic military rifle( well actually sniper rifle but with better shot speed) , more heavy guns with bipods : we have m60 so it can be added something like RPD or SAW too. You can say that small number of weapons is easier to "organize" but for example L4D2 have small number of weapons but added CSS weapons was so good - Small number of bigger POI - museum , small air port or big miltary base with destored tanks a lot of small bunkers , rail station with trains , destoyed military convoi , military post on road. I know they are still doing it but i give a example what is missing. - it rly need to be more variants of zombie and maybe random variants like in L4D2 - Now i feel like i play in serious sam , ofc dying light have small number of models but have diffrents variants : green , yellow , black outfit of workers, a lot of difftents coulur of thirts , police military and Raise( i forget how he have a name) zombies have diffrent versions, even special zombies have difrents zombies like goon or demolisher. I played a few time ago in L4D2 and small change will do a lot like : blood sight of head, some zombies have two or one ey, difftent wounds , or something even smaller like diffrent colour of mud on clother or if zombie is barefoot have dirty or clean feet . Small detail? yeah but you can see it when you get down and there is no living zombie nearby to shoot. in 7DTD screamers can have diffrent dress - more or less damage with diffrent coulur and dirt on it. Soldiers can have diffrent camo or have berets or wounds etc - no bandit npc - only one unique weapon So they have a lot to do
  16. Yeah and no. They are like field upgrades in cod or granades in bordelands . You don't need use it but it is the best way to get parts books or mods. So it will be hard to survive without them
  17. i think it is terrible idea and i will write some reasons why : 1. trades cant't be destructible because... zombie will attack it because AI programing so it will be frustrating if trader just died because can screamer respawn somewhere near of them right? 2. Do you know STALKER? Sidrovicz sitting in his bunker, docs have bunkers to, rest is sitting in faction bases. It will be rly hard to create " protection" against zombie using npc. Traders in 7DTD are working like in stalker or mmo. And it totally logical. They have place to keep stuff ,field when they grow food etc. Just add guards on few npc ( a made topic about how I see this ). So this is logic that they siting if safe place and just sending their mans to get stuff and sell to others. Stupid is that zombie can destroy stone, brick etc. Zombies are not Tank from l4d2 or fatanic from NZA. Tanks have big mussle and fantaic is half inteligent and explosive . So zombie destroying everything is less immersive but "mechanic" logical . Traders'bases are " immersive" logical but not "mechanic" logical. If we accept that zombies can destroy everything that would mean.. 7DTD coudn't have people because they will be wiped out in 99% 1-2 days after day 0 ( people need to sleep , plains fuel, so who will survive? People living on small islands ) . This is stupid so we can give away this idea. Zombies can only destroy windows , doors , mesh and everything that normal people can destroy with bare hands and time? Players will just making a stone or brick everywhere "exploiting" system. Track are even stuppider idea. Ofc cars like "Dawn of the dead" have sens... for the while. They just wanted to get into ships. Near they have a lot of fuel right? But in long term it is just stupid as resident evil films. Trucks burns a lot , can be easy stopped by wrecks , terrain mines or zombies or by bandits. So fuel will end rly soon or something will stop them. So "stationary" bases are more logical just put guard on wall and near the gate. So yeah teleportation is stupid and can be make better like - guard will shooting to you when you attacked a base or start shouting to go away and night and if you don't do this , they will start shooting. 3. Okay. If you want to make them respawning l sometimes on the map can... crash a server with collisions XD Yep bugs - respawining on brick - crash. In water- crash , on grass? crash. So You have two options :1- trader truck is something like truck or bike . it is good idea because it will not spawn in something ( in 75% cases) but what if you respawn it in air? Well they can fall on something physic get crazy = booom or crash. 2. Is respawining like Terraria "meteor " or "corruption" well it will be safer but it will be programing hell 4. Okay. You manage to create how to make them without blowing up you PC? Cool. Now will be problem with "where". It will be stupid if they respawning on edge of bridge or minefield right? In cites too because they are zombies everywhere so Boom. Dessert? vultures = boom . Wastelands? dogs = boom 5. Okay. You manage to make a "rules" when they can respawining. Cool but it can broke quest. Like - you are going somewhere 2 km and back. You have only 2 km to bring a quest item. You are going back 250 meters left... and puf despawining . Now you go 4 km to the snow biom having hope this time he will not despawn again or something kill you making quest a failure. So just traders in bases just add some npc , small changes like they forcing you to go away and everything will be okay. Yeah you can't destroy it , zombies too but it have more sens that zombie make world flat right? @Crater Creator If you have ideas how to make it logical and "programming" possible ( it don't need to spend a year making it and don't have big bugs) just write it.
  18. I will make it in parts 1. Stealth- I thinking they want to make it something like - way to fast kiling zombie on road and hard hit one near POI something like suprise attack and go hard that elimante all zombie in POI. 2. Reload - yeah but it is rly hard to make it logical . I trying to support this by MARVEL style of thinking - Cpt shield is so stong because powerful metal , iron man armor is powered by some types of particle etc You can try do it in for example cod on zombie- you can reload faster because you drink fast cola . But how it make in 7DTD? Ofc you can train in real life reloading faster but you can be 5-15% faster that before. So the best way in my opinon is ... weapons mods and new types of weapons . Just add bigger mags mode and for example find new gun like : Smg can have two versions : MP5 and P90 . P90 is faster of reload because counstruction but have smaller dmg . Hunting rifle is 1 bullet so find Springfield so you have 5 bullets in magasine right? And If you add bullet cartige you can reload faster. AK can taped mags, M60 can have diffrents size of magasine but 100 bullets give better handling that 1000 etc . Problem solved in diffrent way 3. I think Back to weapons parts like handling barrel etc with diffrent quality will be better, Tools just left unchange - just add more variants like - primitiv stone axe, smooth stone axe , primitiv iron axe , iron axe , modern iron axe, steel axe , modern steel axe, chainsaw delux 130, chainsaw premium 130super . 4. Yeah but you forgett one thing - zombies have armors too and it will break system. And another "Variable in formula" - bandits . They will be someday so it will be rly hard to balance . And quality is rly good idea - mosin nagats , k98 , m16 etc have a lot of versions . So it can be "translate" in game like - 1 rust 2 early model 3 civilian version 3 police version 4 military version 5 spec ops version. Better versions = some stats like handling recoil dmg is better
  19. There is a boss - Demolisher - Official 7 Days to Die Wiki (fandom.com) ( link about it) They just need time , know we have something like 1 year terraria . They need first to make early and medium stage "stable" <sight> nope , 7dtd is more F76 that F4. 7DTD have PVP system so i will just broke balance. 7dtd is somthing betwenn DayZ and minecraft, Ofc we have trades but they are MMO-style npc And we have NPC now - traders are Npc . In Mmo style but they made their promise right?
  20. <Sight> nope . Guys, did you play in Bioshock 2 in multiplayer welder were the best character . How if everymodel had this same speed hp etc? Because he had smaller hitbox. M&b have something like older 7dtd system but in warband only concected with weapons skill. In Banerlord it rly hard to grow for example trade but easy cunning. Older system was unbalanced. If you have low skill in medicine you are trying to don't get hit so you don't medical items = dead end. Mining in some ways let you make everywhere barber wire and steel walls. So actuall system isn't ideal but it it better that old one
  21. okay i will write in parts . 1. Not rly because it can make game to easy and it is rly hard to implement ( bugs) 2. IDK 3. Well , running and reloading is hard in real life right? In L4d2 you can't run and moving is slow right? 7 dtd is trying to be more "realistic" like l4d2 or NZA. Ofc you can reload when going but when going nope. OFC cod have it with speed cola perk on zombies but it was neccesary on outbreak (bigger maps that normal). 4. You know that a lot of people find a way to fast grind skills in previous versions ? I prefered tools like 1 -100 and if you make them more you will do it better - it was cool but balance is more important . 5 balance is conected more with blood moon zombies that pvp . If you want to PvP better play conan or rust. 7DTD is more PVE with added PVP . It sound "easy" but zombies like soldier have armor too right? So it will be less bug if will be like it is now. 6. Ammo - Did you see Walking dead or play in resident evil? Ammo is rly worthy right? So it must be hard to get. More ammo = less demaged base. You survived? Good, now you have another 7 days to fix base , make better defens and get better stuff. And repeat and repeat . There is a lot of types of traps so use them. If guns have a lot of ammo you propably spend less time cutting a tree to create them. So i my opionion they decide to focus on system based on " passive defence" . 7 it need time. Just look at the diffrents in 15 and 16 and now in 19. Creating models textures. polishing things create effect programing needs time. I personaly want to implement L4D2-Rng zombie models. But if for example "important" members of this community decided to support this idea and convice a TFP they will impelment it in alpha 24 0r 25 in 2024 . So just waiting for it. Ofc they can add footprint in sand and mud conected with how heavy shoes are you wearing or add 124 models of books but is not important as for example elimating bugs or make more POI variants
  22. I don't remembered this , Obsidian made kotor 2 , fallout nv and neverwinter so i remember them .
  23. That's okay , well if it a only concept phase they are "safe" . Well some studios tried make 2-3 games in this same time so it doesn't ended good 😕 Well big gap sometimes is nothing wrong if they older games are still bringing profits. Well making a 7dtd "realistic" alternative for minecraft could be good option ( i mean minecraft gets still new big upgrades ) Yeah but Cd Projekt is pretty big and well have a lot of money right? Witcher 1 was made when they were Cd projekt red { red was part of cd projekt group and they have " monopoly" for distribiushing games ( long story well in Poland we were creating @%$#ty games most of them ended in small shops between cola and newspapers XD ). I understand your point. Ofc doing only "concept " is good and logical way . But making ( i mean programing , making models which can;t be use on both etc) is risky . I used to read a lot of gamers newspaper and sometimes was situation like : studio made a good game. They were trying to make 2- 3 ambitious games in next 2-3 years. And something go wrong and they became became bankrupt . Obsidian was bought by microsoft btw but i have hope. And rly i don't "complain" like most i'm trying to say something constructive like : i know it is hard to make a good working npc so i "suggest" to make them in MMO -style in trades outpost . I know it is hard to make a good looking model of zombie and i know "clarity" in gameplay but make them in L4D2 or nza style could be good idea right because rng will and them more diffrent look . I know people can be rly toxic so i'm trying to say what can be useful. Ofc i know i can be wrong but i'm trying to be construktive, not be guy who just complain ( btw sorry for grama mistakes a have some problems and i don't see mistake when i'm writing 😅)
  24. They are not lazy - I agree with you. But 2 new projects? this rly bad idea. This is bad for cd projekt or CI . TFP is small studio. Making a few project at this same time is good for EA or SEGA ( well prop for saga - they can use assest from previouse games.) Even Call of duty is creating by 3 studios - 1 game one studio ( with small examples sometimes even 3 was working one game) . In Poland we have for example for example TV GRY channel and TFP have opinion that they make game forever and can't go even to beta. So another 2 project in my opionion can be PR mistake. What I suggest? Just make alpha 20 last alpha , make 2 - 3 beta in 3 years and then - 1.0 . And only then started making new idea. Ofc have ideas for future is good , but first just end with one game . Or do something like with Conan Exiles - alpha 20 change into 1.0 - do 2 big 5 $ DLC and start making something new In my opinion make something like 7dtd with diffrent setting can make a profit - for example. Fantasy - some mechanic can just be pasted. Zombies in both games etc. Another idea could be something like A plague tale or Paradise lost ( NOT A POSTAL DLC I MEAN ALTWW2 GAME) - 2 teens try go somewhere in 7dtd universum. It will allow to save time to making assets and some animations right?
  25. Shame i can't draw but maybe someone it talented enough to create some concept art to keep this idea
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