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Everything posted by Subquake

  1. @modtillitbreaks how much system memory (RAM) your computer has?
  2. @BrillOpen up steam and make sure it doesn't say "NO CONNECTION" at the bottom, you have to have steam running and connected
  3. Thanks, I've been sending the link to the post for people in need for a mac guide, but yeah, I should probably update it on the site too!
  4. More sniper rifles are coming in next update as well
  5. Bundles are removed in UL and those books currently don't do anything and are placeholders for something else
  6. I'd be happy if I could get it ready sometime this month, but don't get your hopes up, there's quite a bit of labor intensive work with this one, plus some bugs took longer than expected to fix =/
  7. That's a great suggestion! Will add it to my to do list
  8. No, it's hard coded and I need it for troubleshooting, it's very important to have that when people send screenshots with problems
  9. Whatever setting makes you enjoy the game is a good enough setting. I myself play with 90 min days, zombies on Survivalist, run on day, sprint on night, Feral sense always on, everything else is more or less on default, but I know that kind of settings aren't gonna be for everyone and that's totally fine. If it feels too easy, tweak the settings to be harder, if it's too hard, dial them down a bit.
  10. Currently it's not possible, vehicle slots behave very differently to the players, and container slots work even more different than that lol ... and don't get me started on Drone Slots 😄
  11. No, you cannot edit the radius, it's currently hard coded to 10 meters and there are technical limitations as to why it is such
  12. Undead Legacy does not alter how AI works, it should work just like in vanilla
  13. Need to use run_bepinex.sh for MacOS (included in the zip) and if it doesn't work as is, you might have to look inside the script and update it or something, I don't have a Mac, so I can't really help much with troubleshooting
  14. At this moment in time yes, you cannot craft jars or bottles
  15. Same as vanilla, though torches and candles don't produce heat
  16. Maintenance Station - upgrade tab, that's the only way how to 'craft' better quality stuff. If you craft something from scratch, it always will be lowest quality.
  17. It's a 2.X mod launcher problem, there's a 3.x mod launcher already available and sphereii is working on 4.x mod launcher already, those should for the most part work and install UL correctly
  18. Not at the moment, no, it's hard coded that way and I forgot to add option to toggle that, maybe in a future update.
  19. You should not be getting these errors, if Undead Legacy was installed on a clean and unmodified version of A20.5b2, something is wrong with your installation of UL/Game or both. To troubleshoot this issue, join UL discord and ask for further assistance there. If you used Mod Launcher to install Undead Legacy, ask ML assistance for troubleshooting installation issues.
  20. Wrench fuse boxes?
  21. Yes, but was it 2.X mod launcher? or the new 3.x or 4.x mod launcher, big difference in all of them! 2.x doesn't install UL correctly.
  22. It does not have it included no, but if you would play with it, remove all trader from compo pack, though I highly recommend playing UL as is for the first time.
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