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Everything posted by Khalagar

  1. Silencer does not work, or rather, not in any way that's useful. From my tests, silencer only works on roaming hordes or zombies that are already awake. Stealth as a whole basically doesn't work, which is why hunting rifle is better than the bow IMO. You won't wake any sleepers if you stand outside their aggro radius with a hunting rifle and just crouch and head shot them. Sleepers only wake when you enter their aggro zone, there's basically a big invisible border denoting where the "sleeper room" starts. Up to that zone, you can literally just take a fire axe to the wall and open a window to shoot through, crouch, and stand there head shotting every single sleeper in the room from outside the room, and the zombies won't wake up. Even when there are two standing side by side, they won't wake up when you kill the one next to them They seem to only wake up if you miss a shot and hit a wall or the floor etc, which probably registers you as being in the room, or if you don't get a one hit kill they will sometimes wake up when the angry sleeper does. Stealth as a whole is in as bad of / worse shape than the Int perk line is imo, as stealth is completely pointless on the most important night of the week, and it doesn't matter against sleepers either. Stealth really only matters against roaming hordes and already awake zombies, which are rarely ever a threat
  2. Sorry, it's strength itself that does Not when I'm doing an int build no. Bows are . . . . okay, kind of. They are pretty outclassed by hunting rifles which will one hit headshot kill with sneak attacks without needing perks, and with better range. Arrows are easier to craft, but you get bullets so commonly in A19 that I almost always have 500+ 7.62mm rounds before I've even found a gun You can obviously use off attribute weapons, but my point was more talking about focused builds like you typically have when playing in coop, where each person specializes in a specific weapon and play style so they don't compete for resources / because it's more fun. Int doesn't have the weapon variety to even *do* a full int focused build for the first few weeks, and even later on it just doesn't work well for it, so you end up just relying on shotguns typically, since most int builds will probably have strength for Miner 69 and Motherlode as those are basically required for the int play style to even work Yeah, I don't like the change either honestly. Mainly because the attribute points are wasted if you are using an off attribute weapon. Like if you really want Parkour but don't even use bows or pistols, every point you sink into Agility doesn't do anything and is just filler. I'd much rather attributes act like, y'know, attributes. Increase strength to get more inventory slots / melee damage, increase agility to increase jump height / run speed, increase endurance to increase stamina regen etc The "asymmetrical play-style" can be kept while also just making the perk line better designed towards that goal. You can still have a defense focused play style that plays different from the others, that's fine and cool. The part that isn't is that the perk line doesn't even work for the first few weeks. That doesn't benefit anyone and just makes the playstyle *less* unique in that you have to just use the same off attribute shotguns and bows like every other build. I wasn't talking about the stun baton perk, I was talking about the robotic perk line. You can buy both the melee / ranged perk starting level 1 in every other tree, but not in the Int tree I have like 500+ hours alone on int builds lol, the only build I've never done is a brawler build based on knuckles, and a full machete only focused build because machete is bad in every test I've tried it with. Nearly every build I do ends up just being strength / int because they fit my playstyle. Your video is likely on a lower difficulty than mine, and you seem to have exp turned up. You used the stun baton against a couple of basic zombies and still had to kite and struggle, spawn those same zombies and try the same test with a fully perked level 6 steel club, you'll 1-2 shot them and be done in a fraction of the time without needing to kite. The baton wasn't really doing anything for you there that a steel axe wouldn't have done, probably done easier as well. Steel axe did pretty well in my tests of all the weapons actually
  3. Well, the argument is just a rehash of one that pops up here all the time, and the tldr is that I think each tree should have it's own viable set of weapons at all stages of the game. Int doesn't have a tier 0 or even tier 1 ranged weapon, nor a tier 3 ranged weapon, and also doesn't have tier 3 melee weapon. It has a wonky design compared to the other attribute trees, that I think would make sense to be codified into actually matching the modern game philosophy they are going for in A20. If you spawn in on day one and go "I want to play a build focusing on int!" you have to spend more points on Int Attribute than the other attributes do, before you can even buy level 1 of your intended perk, because the first level of the int weapon stuff takes 3 or 5 int (can't remember off top of my head) before you can even put 1 point in it. By comparison, the other attributes can just put a point straight into club / shotgun damage right from level 1 without having to raise Strength / Perception / Agility etc And even then, you have no weapon to use, because Int doesn't even have a tier 0 weapon to begin with, so for the entire first week, you literally cant use int. Alpha 20 is adding a tier 0 baton, but that's it. So you'd spend the entire first week using only melee, while everyone else is running around with melee + shotguns and pipe rifles etc. A blow pipe that shoots junk ammo would cover a tier 0 ranged weapon, perhaps an upgraded iron version for tier 1, and they could even do an extra fancy blow pipe for a tier 3 ranged weapon if they wanted to, but just having a tier 0 blowpipe would give int users literally *any* option early game that uses their int point investment. Like wise, Int has junk sledges which are a fantastic melee weapon, but those are usually a week 2+ weapon, and the stun baton is essentially useless. Even for "self defense" a club is just flat out better in every situation because it will stagger more reliably than even a fully perked and modded out stun baton does. The stun baton has AoE, but if you bust out a stun baton against a crowd of zombies they are going to bust your teeth for you right quick because it doesn't proc on every hit and they will give you a purple nurple the second you tink off one and it doesn't proc the shock. Better to just clobber them with a club or fire-axe and 1-2 hit kill them Int isn't exactly bad meta wise, it's just bad design / perk / weapon selection wise because it is janky and feels clunky to spec into compared to every other tree.
  4. Nah, just have a weapon that can be used for clearing rooms would be nice. Like, I usually just use a Fire-axe powered by Miner 69 only and that's more than enough for a non raid boss level room, so something on par with that as a t3 int weapon would be nice. Int struggles really hard when there's a room with 3 normal zombies in it and you don't want to set down sledges and wait for 50 seconds while they ragdoll them around, and also don't want to set down your turrets and chew through 200 iron to kill 3 fodder zombies that you could kill with a wrench. You pretty much just have to carry off perk weapons with you to use as your actual primary weapon, and only use your intended build focused weapons for big rooms with 10+ zombies Honestly, I haven't even ranted about the thing that's *most* in need of balancing for Int, the shotgun turret shells. Holy crap are those B A D. Like, "how did this even make it past QA" levels of badly balanced. Instead of making a real shotgun shell, you spend it making a shotgun turret shell, but the turret will rapid fire them out and burn through 25+ shells in a single fight against a fodder zombie shambling towards you from across a room. You are legit vastly better off carrying an unperked level 1 double barrel shotgun to use for your shotgun needs instead of packing shotgun shells into a junk turret because of how bad the return on investment is
  5. For offense and clearing PoI rather than for defense like the shown one. Int is good for defending on a horde night, but when it comes to actually clearing a PoI and doing quests you don't really have many options besides to set up a bunker and go aggro stuff and lead it back to your sledges / turrets and then fight in front of them etc. It does work, it just takes like 12 times longer than just sprinting through with a club and shotgun and clearing everything lol. I'll usually set up my bunker before big infestation rooms with lots of zombies, but int is at it's weakest when it comes to clearing small rooms that aren't worth setting up a bunker on. If you don't use an off attribute weapon, it will take you ages to clear even a small PoI, or you'll drain your entire iron supply using turrets that can chew through a thousand iron in 30 seconds A t3 baton might actually make the baton useful / competitive too. I did a whole run focusing on using the stun baton and it's mods etc instead of just using a club / fire axe like I typically do , and boy howdy was it an asymmetrical playstyle! Those symmetical ones are all about just killing things that are dangerous to you and your friends, so it was a very experiencing experience to fight zombies with a wiffle ball bat on a sheet of ice. I think I've got a video somewhere of me fighting one single non irradiated soldier for like 65 seconds while I chased him all over the house ragdoll sliding him while I beat on him with a maxxed out stun baton, until he finally died. I should have added some benny hill music to it
  6. Yep they just go through it if it's in their path. They can't attack the turret directly / won't unless you made your walls out of them or something, they just path around / over them normally. Not that they get much chance when getting flung back down the stairs. Zombies jump so slowly that they don't get time to finish their animation to jump to the block the turret is on before getting yeeted. Very few zombies make it to the second turret, and literally like 1 out of 500 makes it past the second turret, more just from some weird fluke or physics exploit than anything. I've used the staircase of doom design on like a dozen horde nights as a test, and only had to shotgun a single zombie that made it through I think
  7. I'm surprised how many people massively over think / over design their horde base lol. I use my main base as my horde base for the first couple of weeks, then usually just build my "horde base" like 30 feet away and just walk over to it on a horde night, and the only reason I build it there instead of using my main base, is just for cheaper repairs / easier to design two instead of smash two designs together It's like, the simplest base design possible but will handle at least up to like day 28 lol If you want an essentially unbeatable horde base, you can just build a staircase with a platform at the top lol. Literally just a stair case + 2 junk sledges + you standing there throwing molotovs / pipebombs at the "catching area" will solo late game stage hordes on the max difficulty with 16+ zombies per person. You can basically fight an infinite amount of zombies as long as you don't hit the junk sledges with an explosive, you just gotta watch for cop spit and vultures. Even demolishers usually get punched before they get to chest level / even if they blow up they blow up in the part I don't care about
  8. Adding on to this, did they ever update the heat map similar to how it used to be? I know cooking meat / carrying meat etc used to trigger zombies, I could have sworn light shining through windows would draw them in. Anymore I don't even have windows, I build a beacon for all to see within miles around, with forges and vampires roaring and torches lighting it up from the inside and outside like a Christmas tree, and zombies don't care
  9. I don't know if there's any dev that's as actually good at the game as Madmole, and basically any min maxer at this game knows strength is OP AF including Madmole lol. Many devs don't really play their own game that much / aren't very good at them, like last stream where they didn't even know what perk tree spears were under, so comparing someone like Madmole to them is cheating There's not really a way to play the game for long without strength imo. Food, sex rex, miner 69, motherlode etc alone justify the strength investment to at least 5 or 6, but it also has what is undeniably the best ranged and melee weapon in the game if you are going for a try hard run. Basically any build has to go 5 strength just for sex rex and miner 69 and at least 2 points of food crafting Strength has the best non combat perks, on top of the best weapons in the game. The other trees barely have 1 good perk each, if even that. All Perception has is the wrench perk which is far from mandatory, lucky looter which is a noob trap, and then the rest are just optional. Agility basically only has Parkour and nothing else that's even good since stealth is so bad / doesn't even work on the most important day of the week. Int is the only one close to strength imo, with robotic sledges and the quest reward perk and better barter
  10. On the iron tool thing, there for quite a while, I had a rachet that was FAR better than any impact driver I could find. It took hilariously less stamina, and when tested side by side, it would break down a car much faster for less stamina, despite both being level 6. I think it's an issue of RNG on item stats being a thing. So a super well rolled rachet was better than a terribly rolled impact. I actually don't remember if I ever found a better impact that run Iron tools are pretty trash imo, and even steel ones because of the absurd stamina drain even with sex rex. I pretty much just dont' mine anymore until I can get an auger because you'll obliterate your entire food and coffee supply in 10 minutes of mining, and nothing really *needs* mining anymore. Bullets are so common that I don't even craft them, cobblestone and concrete are better gotten from bags in PoI, gas is easily gotten from just wrenching down cars etc. I used to be someone who *always* lived at bedrock, usually having a bedrock base within like 3 days of spawning in. Anymore there's no point so I just build above ground and just rush an Auger before I even consider doing any real mining or digging. Cheap stone tools suffice until then
  11. It's fun watching non programmers mention "how many bugs are left" as if that is a number that even exists lol. Probably before you even finish compiling the list of current build bugs, there's been 12 more discovered, 18 more created, 4 fixed, and so many undiscovered that the developer lays awake at night shuddering. Better to just say "Is A20 stable enough yet where you can play without a royally game breaking bug or giant purple missing textures yet?"
  12. https://www.nexusmods.com/7daystodie/mods/1310?tab=description That mod adds a lot more zombies in roving hordes etc for people who want more zombies. I actually like it and look forward to it with the heightened senses settings
  13. I mean, I barely put points into weapons early game too, I almost always rush Miner 69 and the Quest Trader perk. Usually getting 5 strength is priority because it gives sex rex, miner 69, motherlode, Pummel Pete, Shotgun perk, cooking etc, which are all top tier. As others said, not playing strength is hard mode lol. I'll usually get a point or two of the better quest reward while working on strength, then switch from strength to Int after I get strength to 5 since that gets *most* of the bang for buck from strength I don't even think Int is all *that bad*, I think people are misunderstanding me. It's not really that it's bad, it's more that it's wonky and inconsistent, and there's literally no reason for it. People keep saying "But it's support!" except it's not any more support than Strength is, and "But it's asymmetrical!" to which the reply is "Why is that better?" especially when you say "It's asymmetrical, so use a shotgun and club to fill in Ints weak spots!" which is just . . . a bad argument My point still stands, "What of value would be lost by int having a tier 0 ranged weapon, a tier 3 stun baton?" Having a crappy blow pipe that worked similar to a crappy bow where you could craft ammo for it yourself without relying on bullets would give int an early game option for mediocre damage in return for less scare ammo type, and int just having a tier 3 stun baton type weapon would just give it a more interesting late game, since late game is just "Use a club + shotgun + junk sledges"
  14. I agree with that, but it's mostly just the inconsistent design philosophy that I think makes it seem wonky, especially because . . . there's no reason for it to be wonky besides just "It is the way it is" Like, what exactly is lost by Int having a tier 0 blow pipe you can make out of a pipe, that shoots junk ammo? What detriment to the int class, other players, and game as a whole, is there for the Int to fall in line with the others and have a week 1 melee and ranged weapon combo that actually scales with their point investment? Strength is also where most of the "support" perks are, including the entire cooking and mining line, but . . . it also just has a functional weapon combo at all stages of the game
  15. Int perk line has several issues. The critics raise valid points pointing out inconsistencies where it doesn't make sense / doesn't match the other trees, the defenders just go "Yeah but you can just use a shotgun lol" and "yeah but that makes it different from the other perk lines, which is better for some reason!" basically as their only defense. Int isn't awful or anything, but it does need a bit of tender love and care imo because it's just not consistent with the design logic of the other trees. The TLDR; of issues for me at least is * No tier 0 or even tier 1 ranged int weapon like every other tree has, so you have no use for junk ammo until way into the game, since the tier 1 int weapon can't use it either, so you don't even have your only ranged weapon until the steel age * No tier 3 weapon at all for the baton or robotic line. When your friends are running around clearing entire bloodmoon hordes with M60s and Autoshotguns you are . . . . also using those and competing with them for ammo * Expensive perk line. You can't invest into the robotic perk line until 5 int I believe, so even if you did have a robotic sledge in the first day somehow you wouldn't even be able to build around it until you had invested a lot of points into int Int basically doesn't have an early game weapon or late game weapon, it's only got mid game stuff. Late game I don't even really bother with robotic turrets and just use sledges, because the turrets will drain tens of thousands of iron to do the same thing that an unperked molotov and unperked autoshotgun can do, and early game you quite literally don't even *have* an option. Unless you plan to play the entire first week using a pipe baton and nothing else, int users just have to shrug and invest in a different tree and use a club and shotgun like everyone else
  16. As someone who primiarily uses INT build, INT is both amazing and absolutely terrible IMO. Junk Sledge + Trader price perk + Quest reward perk are 3 of the best S tier perks in the game, everything else is pretty much bad Stun baton is pretty mediocre but I've used it for my last couple of builds for fun, but it's just objectively worse than the club most of the time, and in multiplayer it gets your friends killed because you ragdoll zombies to them that aren't dead, and people walk past and then get clobbered when the zombie stands back up. It's better than the Machete and about as good as the spear though, so not worst in game Junk Sledge is amazing and one of the best weapons in the entire game when used right, and 70% of the reason to even go into the int tree at all Junk Turret is honestly pretty bad now because it uses an absolutely absurd amount of iron. It took me well over ten thousand iron to clear a Shotgun Messiah using dual junk turrets compared to me clearing it with about 80-90 shotgun shells with my autoshotgun, and then the loot along the way and at the end replaced those shotgun shells anyway. Using dual junk turrets even just for big hordes will easily eat right through hundreds of iron, compared to just throwing your two junk sledges down in a door way or using a shotgun + club. Junk Turret Shotgun Ammo is also pretty awful because the turret will rapid fire out your entire stockpile in 0.234 seconds to do what you could have done with a single shotgun shell with an unperked double barrel Int doesn't even have a tier 3 weapon, and anyone can pick up and use the drone and no dev has commented AFAIK if the robotic perk line even changes the drone in any way at all. A single autoshottie with no perks absolutely smokes the fully perked dual junk turrets in terms of cost and overall efficiency The rest of the perks are pretty bad besides the trader one and quest reward one. You can find schematics / buy the entire item from traders for all the craftables or just make your benches and then buy a respect potion and put the points somewhere else, and none of the crafting bonuses from the perks are worth it. Junk Sledge is so good that it keeps the int tree relevant weapon wise, and any good horde base relies 90% on the existence of dual junk sledges, but outside of the sledge, the rest of the int weapons are pretty power crept compared to the other trees. I still say that the Int line should have gotten a "Blowpipe" tier 0 int weapon that uses junk ammo. In the rework they wanted to give everyone a weapon for each type that uses the correct ammo right from the start, but Int got kinda left high and dry, and only got a tier 0 melee weapon and no tier 3 one for the stun baton line "Just use a shotgun and a club lol" isn't really a good reason why the int tree can't just be balanced like every other tree
  17. Poor Faatal, can't even chill on the company forums without having to turn in a job completion summary every night. Already stressful enough when the bosses are micromanaging you, but even worse when the (non)paying customers are doing it en masse too!
  18. No plan survives first contact with Madmole
  19. Same, super hyped for A20 Also Lathan has some amazing reaction faces
  20. Dude you wouldn't believe how many people unironically act like that. You'll be in the deepest turbo nerd obscure hobby, and mention anime and you'll still have people start screeching about anime being too much. I'd say trying to coax some of the Vtubers into playing would be a solid move for TFP because the viewer base is ultra dedicated and will watch them play literally anything and then go buy it, and several of the members are already interested in the game so a chance to stream A20 before it releases would probably be cool with them as long as they were told far enough in advance to fit their schedule. From what I remember from A19, most of the streams were around 600-1800 viewers max, so getting someone like Pekora who averages like 25,000+ live viewers would be pretty huge imo
  21. I keep telling 'em, if you want to get a HUGE marketing boost, try and get some of the Hololive girls to play. Several of them have played it in the past, and they have a very dedicated and massive following. You can go read the Steam reviews for a game after one of them streams it a single time, and there will be a bunch of reviews just saying "I saw a shark play this and so I bought it. great game" IRyS has talked about 7 Days to Die before and was going to stream A19 once but had a schedule conflict, and several of the JP members still actively play it. If you guys reached out to try and get some of the English members to showcase A20, I'd say several would be willing, and if you want to hit the over seas market, Pekora (like the third biggest vtuber in the world and second most viewed female streamer globally across all platforms) has actually played 7Days in the past quite a bit. Gura (biggest Vtuber in the world) plays horror games a lot and would probably be open to playing, although she'd be bad and die a lot I'm not saying you guys should do this, I'm only heavily implying it
  22. Wut? They aren't infinite, there's a setting when you launch the game to set how many zombies per player on bloodmoons. Change that if you find it too hard, I think default is pretty low, and it only spawns a few waves of however many you set the spawner too Bloodmoon is the best source of exp in the game, it's hardly a waste of resources lol. You can make AFK bases just using junksledges and stairs, but the simplest and easiest by far is to just make a big pillar and throw pipe bombs or molotovs down on them. Make a 7x7 box that's 5-10 blocks tall, make some wooden bars and use them as flooring and have some over hanging on the sides as walkways, leave spots or use hatches so you can drop explosives down to horde, profit Even on the higher difficulties with like 16+ zombies per player, you can wipe a horde pretty easily and cheaply with the above concrete explosive box, and pipe bombs are dirt cheap to craft and you don't have to waste point investement on the perks since they are OP AF by default You'll get several levels (and more building and repairing your death box) and will clear the horde within an hour or two of it spawning. It takes like 10 minutes IRL time to mine a near infinite supply of mats for pipe bombs
  23. Breaking news, Faatal denies that it's a date, but does admit we are getting closer to each other. Reports are coming in that passersby heard Faatal saying "I-i-it's not like I l-l-like you or anything, baka!"
  24. My component is greater than your component
  25. Possible yes. Probable? No They've talked about bosses before, I'm not sure what they ever decided. I think they have said we will see The Duke, but any other bosses would probably just be stat buffed normal zombies / irradiated ones with triple stats and a size increase or something. It's probably a 7 Days 2 Die thing like legendary / unique weapons and stuff where it would be cool, but requires too much work / balancing for first game. Not sure what you mean by boss helicopter, but they have said it would be neat to work on the Gyrocopter some more, but it's not really a high priority. ATM they have said many times their goal on the first game is basically to get everything currently in the game to a good state, add bandits and get them to a good state, make sure everything is polished and feature complete, and then go gold. From there, they will start working on the next game or maybe expansions or DLC etc, but last I heard, they are trying to avoid adding a tremendous amount of new workload like bosses or sharks with lasers on their head, as it just delays them being able to wrap the game up and start work on the sequel. I don't know that they've said no to DLC entirely, but a sequel is a good idea for them since basically everyone who is interested in this type of game already owns it, so it's hard to keep a good revenue stream when your customer base isn't generating any revenue at all and the ever shrinking untapped market just buys it for $7 on a Steam sale
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