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Everything posted by Khalagar

  1. I 'member back when A20 was going to be a small update that was out before the Christmas sale, as they were going to try for small but frequent updates instead of the slower but bigger updates. Technically they didn't say which Christmas sale, so it's still on track
  2. UnholyPapa: "Son, I love you, I'm so proud of you" Unholychildjoe:
  3. Yep, I honestly just want one gigantic city at this point, where it's basically just a gigantic city biome with each trader spread throughout the city and 1 or 2 of every PoI scattered in it. Since there isn't a Junk Teleporter (hint hint hint) you basically HAVE to build your base next to a trader for easy questing and selling, so you just pick the biggest city you can find and call it good enough. I literally never ever ever see the big Skyscrapper T5 or the construction site jump puzzle t4, I've seen each like 2 or 3 times max in nearly 700 hours. They just don't seem to ever spawn. I saw the new (I assume?) Grocery store T4 for the first time in my current run too. Basically all I see end game is the 6 Story Apartment, Shotgun Messiah, and Shamway. I see the hospital like once every few playthroughs but it doesn't seem to spawn in forest biome There's a ton of PoI that don't even seem to be part of the quests at all, I encounter them while driving around but never ever have quests to go investigate them. Ones like the Post Office / town hall-ish building, school, fire stations etc I don't think I've ever had a quest to go clear. But don't worry, I get Waterworks like 984 times per playthrough and even when I drive to every trader I've met, they all REALLY want the Waterworks building cleared again . . . Edit: What the heck, I just looked on Google and there are two Tier 5's that I've still never even seen a single time after dozens of playthroughs?? Skyscraper_01 (Dishong tower), Skyscraper_02 and Skyscraper_03 (these are Higashi and Crack-a-book tower) I've seen Dishong like 2 times total, and never seen Higashi or Crack a book tower and had to google them to see that they are actually real. What's the point of doing all the work to make those assets and level design if they just flat out don't spawn?
  4. Speaking of vehicle changes, are there any changes to the Bicycle planned? It's pretty counter intuitive ATM and it seems like most people don't actually know how to ride it properly. Instead of holding W and letting off Shift to regain stamina between speed bursts while pedaling, you hold Shift and just pulse press W every 2-4 seconds depending on your stamina regen. If you hold Shift and let off W you maintain your speed FAR longer than if you hold W and let off shift, it's just kind of a wonky experience all around, and with so much focus being shifted to the primitive stage, the bicycle getting a bit of QoL love might be warranted imo Edit: Actually just tested and even the 4x4 behaves the same way. If you hold Shift and let off W you will go WAY further than if you hold W and let off Shift. Letting off shift basically instantly brakes the car and slows you down, holding shift and letting off W lets you coast for a bit
  5. Said Faatal, with a malicious smirk
  6. Shaking that base design up! Zombies just crouch walking through your intended kill boxes will catch a lot of people off guard for sure. One zombie issue I've been struggling with is the vulture change to make them move 900 mph towards vehicles. It makes it basically pointless to even go near a wasteland biome because your gyrocopter will get taken out by a flock and you can barely land in time to kill them before they shred you. Hopefully one of the new vehicle mods is some kind of shock defense for the bird spam! There could be a work around for horde nights so it doesn't let you do the old "drive all night" tactic, but currently . . . screw the Wasteland biome
  7. Faatal is the strongest! While you are being so kind to answer about the drone, can you chime in on whether you have heard if the current iteration of the drone still takes up a turret spot or if it's affected by your Robotic perk line at all?
  8. Int is still pretty easy, junk sledges are literal easy mode after all. It's more just that some parts of it (basically everything but the sledges) are really mediocre like stun baton and the early game void
  9. Perhaps difficulty level is why I have such a different stance than most people do when it comes to the int tree. I play on the second hardest difficulty and stuff like the stun baton and junk turrets are cool but are kind of a liability compared to just using a shotgun and club. Junk Sledges are amazing though
  10. Devs need to do 1 attribute only focused playthroughs lol I'm curious if any devs have actually done an Int build that tries to use only int weapons primarily. You basically couldn't even do it atm since you need 90% of the strength tree to even function because of the insanely high iron demands, but even if you do int + all the mining and utility strength perks, int is still in such a wonky place as always since it doesn't have a t3 weapon and requires way more investment to use than other weapon types I'm just really hoping the devs have discarded the idea of the drone taking up a turret slot. If it does, dear goodness that's gonna be painful. I think a playthrough for each attribute where one of the devs just says "I'm using only perception for the first few weeks this time to see how it feels" would help a lot with the balance and QoL differences between the attributes And yeah yeah yeah, yOU cAN mIX atTRiBUtEs. When playing with friends, you typically have people focus on different stuff to have some build variety and make it easier to allocate resources. So yes, there are many situations where you *don't* want every single build to just be yet another "Shotgun with a steel club and a pocket full of pipe bombs for hordes" build for the millionth time
  11. Gosh dang it, I almost googled to make sure I used the right one, but was too tired
  12. Burnt zombie looking sick! The new models are amazing when you round a corner into the new fat guy and know you are in for a beat down
  13. Performance already drops to a near slide show on horde nights even on high end computers, imagine trying to add so much extra detail when your junk turrets or m60 opened fire into the horde Personally, my biggest thing I would like to get some love graphics wise, would be a TLC pass for the trees and grass and dirt etc. Not sure if the devs have anything planned in that direction atm, or if that's just a 7 Days 2 Die type update My modded skyrim looks about like this and actually runs better than 7 days most of the time (besides Riften obviously). Obviously not to the level shown in Skyrim, but just some general updating of the fauna to get more variance and stuff in it would be pretty nice.
  14. The issue is more that even after speccing into it, you are still weak compared to the alternatives. I tested it with a Shotgun messiah. Clearing it using melee + Junk Turrets used over 10,000 iron worth of junk turret ammo. Clearing it using an autoshotgun used like 100 shotgun shells, and I got more than that back from clearing it, and the shotgun clear was like 3 times faster because I didn't have the turret set up time etc It's the same issue as the "an unperked club is better than a fully perked and kitted out stun baton" thing. Half of it is just that shotgun and club are OP, but even comparing to an M60 and knuckles or something, the int tree just falls behind resource investment to return on investment wise. The junk turret requires 10+ minutes of mining iron and an entire perk line + an entire magazine line + double the resources to run two junk turrets + all of the mining perks which means it needs strength investement too etc, just to actually be usable. A shotgun or m60 build just needs the attribute + gun skill and half the mods of a dual junk turret build Crafting skills have been useless for a few alpha now where it's only good for rushing items the first week and then useless after because you need parts to craft stuff, can't even craft the tier 6 version, you get books that teach you the recipes for free, and you can just buy the workbenches instead of wasting skill points on it. Not even getting into the "Build all your workbenches and then take a respec potion to put the points somewhere else" levels of try hard min maxing. There's no real reason to craft anything since like A17 or which ever added quest rewards. You are way better off just taking the better quest reward perk and spamming quests to get quality 6 gear way faster and easier than a crafting build can, especially since quests give dukes and exp etc too on top of the rewards I don't think int is trash, but it's just in an awkward spot like agility where you can 100% easily play the game without ever touching the entire perk line or weapons from it and you'd . . . probably be an optimal meta build honestly. Better Barter and the better rewards perk are top tier perks, but the rest of Int not so much, just like Parkour being an amazing perk but it's not worth wasting points on the Agility tree for because the weapons are terrible and the other perks aren't worth it
  15. ATM the stun baton is fun but it honestly is essentially useless. It stuns enemies decently well, but a club or handheld junk sledge does that job more than well enough on it's own, so investing so many resources and levels into the stun baton is . . . questionable. Honestly, I often find myself just falling back to using the Fireaxe to 1-3 hit kill the zombies instead of whacking them with the stun baton and then having to chase them around while I ragdoll them around the room not doing damage. My friend even asked me to stop using the stun baton because it just makes it harder to hit the zombies and keeps getting him beat up when he thinks a zombie is dead after seeing it thrown across the room and then it stands back up behind him and starts punching him XD I don't want to use the club or sledge every playthrough but like, it's kind of hard not to when you can just kill the zombie instead of spending 10 minutes doing a Benny Hill skit where you chase the zombies around on a sheet of ice as it flies all over the house with you spanking it with your 1 damage electric fly swatter. I'd honestly say an unperked club is probably more useful than a fully perked and full build stun baton lol
  16. Can any dev comment on the QoL changes or changes in general for Stun Baton? Are any even on the table? As someone who started a new A19.5 run with the explicit intention to do a Stun Baton character . . . yeah . . . IMO, you shouldn't need to have candy + a book only mod + an entire perk line + your junk turrets going all combined to basically just let the junk turrets do what they would already have done anyway. I couldn't even get a single stun baton for the entire first week, which made the build very sad as well, so I'm hoping it gets some drop rate changes to actually be usable as a starting weapon as I'm pretty sure damage wise it's out damaged by a stone axe rofl
  17. +1 Devs pls respond I would absolutely LOVE any info you guys are willing to disclose on the Int tree changes. I just started a new A19.5 run yesterday, and I'm having the same issue as always where you can't even invest in INT for the first week because you quite literally don't have a weapon you can even use. It's day 6 and I have found iron sledges and spears etc, but still haven't seen a SINGLE junk sledge or stun baton or anything. For some reason everything INT related seems to be iron age + and rare even at that stage I still think the INT line should have a primitive Blowgun that uses junk ammo for early game, so you can at least get *some* value out of INT tree, and it would fit the theme of the other pipe weapons using the same ammo as the later stage weapons Like, it's literally just a hollow stick that shoots darts, it would fit perfectly with the other other stone age weapons (nudity warning for tribal people using a blowgun)
  18. Hmm just starting an RWG instead of one of the presets fixed the issue, odd
  19. Anyone else having issues with getting a trader to spawn in A19.5? I've started multiple worlds and even had a friend start one, and in all of them, there is no trader spawn
  20. Yep, I personally love the Early Access model for stuff like this, Rimworld, Factorio etc. You play the game for a couple hundred hours, take a break for a few months and come back when the next batch of content comes out and play for another couple hundred hours and repeat. It's literally free expansion level DLC
  21. Yessss I really hope there's some more features to bring back that "new to the game" horror. I still vividly remember the first time I played the game and was holed up in a PoI absolutely TERRIFIED at the sounds of the zombies outside the walls trying to find me as I cooked my meat and light was shining through the windows because I didn't cover them up well enough etc. They of course ripped through the walls while I was crapping my pants and trying to hide on the stairs and break the stairs so they couldn't chase me up. Literally spent every night in that crappy half ripped down PoI crouch walking and hiding in absolute terror Now days I just go do quests at night even with running zombies since they just don't seem to aggro or group up in enough numbers to be a major threat even early game. They just don't seem to have anywhere near the aggro radius they used to even when I've got forges and campfires going in what should be open sight Honestly, I would really like if there was just a feature to make the zombie senses SUPER sharp at night. It would be great if nights were absolutely horrifying and dangerous to go out in. Gimme dem roaming hordes that spawn in massively increased frequency at night and can sense noise / heatmap / cooking meat from hundreds of blocks away. Mini horde night every night!
  22. My only qualm with the building block change is the removal of Rebar frames. They were better than wood frames for building out a design because they have a higher structural integrity and can build further. Not having that will make it much harder to layout your buildings before you commit to building it
  23. Yes you can, and you are also not nearly as effective with it, which was my point. Having some build diversity is nice when playing in a group of friends so you can actually cover different niches. Every single player will carry a drone for the storage, so it would be nice if the player who actually spec'd into the tree had a drone that's actually better than the unspec'd ones You say you don't care what other trees do, but you probably would if you were playing coop and your friend was completely spec'd into strength while you were focused completely on the m60, and then you realized that because of a bug they could use the M60 and do the exact same damage you could. It would just make you want to respec and get your points back
  24. Roland's reaction when he wakes up and sees people talking in the main thread That would just give Int builds the same drone everyone else gets, when the drone is supposed to be the T3 Int item. It would be like if a shotgun build could use an m60 exactly as effectively as a fort build could and do the same damage etc. It'd be nice if they would elaborate on what makes the Drone actually match the other T3 weapons and what makes it unique for people with the full set of junk turret related skills compared to a level 1 character who was handed one by another player
  25. I wish they'd elaborate more on this, as they haven't really explained how they are going to make the drone appeal to Int builds and not just be a staple in every build. If you can just throw the drone down like a junk turret, there's zero chance that every single build isn't going to carry one just for the storage capacity alone. Clear PoI --> Throw down drone and load it with your crap --> Carry 2x more stuff than usual and head back to the base The original plan mentioned was that junk drone would take a turret spot . . . which would be awful for int builds, so I'm hoping they have been theory crafting some kind of way for the drone to be improved by your intellect perks so at the very least it's better than someone with 0 int using one. If it competes for a turret spot it's going to be . . . ouch
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