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Everything posted by Khalagar

  1. So far, the only major bug I'm running into in A20 besides performance is the junk turret / sledge falling through the floor A LOT. This is a pretty serious one because it's nearly gotten me killed multiple times now. It happens a lot in the T5 sky scrappers when there are a lot of zombies, and it's very very very very not cool when you are fighting 10 zombies and relying on your turrets only to watch them just no clip through the floor and fall 3-5 floors below, leaving you alone with the mob I tried only placing my turrets on frames I'd placed myself before the fighting starts but it doesn't matter, they will still fall through those too and fall to the floors below
  2. This is shocking to me, I have been finding DOZENS of crucibles for sale at traders, and found the schematic at least once or twice too. I did max out the trader perk, but just driving around to 2-3 traders I will find multiple crucibles. Cigar was the one I absolutely could not find, so I checked all my local traders and found like 5 crucibles lol. I think a crucible costs me like 12k before cigar and sugar butts + the other discount stacking stuff, which isn't too bad. I though they buffed the spawn chance because they are so common for me. I did have a run in A18 though where I was on like day 50 and still couldn't find the crucible or the schematic either one so I know your pain though
  3. You think you're so smart don't you. You're right though and that worked, and it is the drone giving stamina regen
  4. What is this gear icon buff in the bottom left of my HUD? I thought it was the drone but my friend has it too even when he's not near it
  5. Very much agree with this, I had been thinking about mentioning it as well. LoTL 2 is so weak that I don't want to waste points leveling fort to get it, and it makes me not want to progress on to LoTL 3. It could definitely use a rework to make it more appealing One neat idea that League of Legend's TFT balance team just did to make bad augments (basically perks) more appealing was giving free stuff when you picked the augment, which I could honestly see working in 7 Days. It had it's share of forum criers when it was announced, but it's been extremely well received once people actually got a hold of it (kind of like the farming change in 7 days) Things like "Take Living of Land 2 and you get 2 free farm plots / a farm bundle level X", or "Take vehicle crafting perk level 3 and get a free vehicle fuel saver mod / vehicle starter bundle level X" etc. Just minor stuff that isn't game breakingly strong, but are tempting to help make meh options a bit more rewarding when you are like "Hmm I guess if took LoTL 2 right now I could plant those extra corn seeds I found and have those start growing . . ." I don't really feel like the team cares much about "lore breaking", but to avoid the cries of stuff just appearing in your inventory it could arrive via targetted air drop or you get it when you talk to a trader or something. It would open up a lot of options, and the technology is already there in the game with the new bundle systems and air drops etc. Just food for thought, as an alternative to balancing some of the perks in the future if simple number tweaks keeps swinging it between OP and "useless trash not worth taking" nonstop
  6. Yeah atm crafting is basically just for mods for me as well. Mods could have quality / tiers and that would at least give you more things / reasons to craft. Currently once you craft your mods you are basically done with crafting entirely besides just setting your work bench to make junk turret ammo. I don't even craft ammo or explosives anymore, I'm drowning in them in A20. Pretty sure I had well over 500 rounds and 40+ explosives by the end of day 2 lol. I've got nearly a full box filled with ammo at this point (day 19), and haven't crafted a single bullet
  7. Well, slowed horrifically, but then it ends up not mattering lol. My 5am brain was having hard time with words Well to be fair, Halo is split across Gamepass, Steam, Xbox etc. Still a huge leap for 7 Days though, it deserves the recognition for sure Yeah, sadly I skipped the pump shotgun entirely and went straight from double barrel to auto shottie. I almost passed on it just to get to experience the pump shotgun, but it's hard to deny an auto shottie being handed to you lol The trader perks are great for getting to see all the new loot, but crafting perks have never been in a worse spot imo. Even as a crafting character I still don't see any reason to ever take them, especially the vehicle perks. I have a box full of gun and robotic parts and tool parts etc ready to go for when I was going to craft them . . . but there's no point since you just find better ones than you can craft way faster. IMO crafting should be the faster route than looting or buying, since you are sacrificing damage and other perk options specifically to try and craft it, but atm crafting is fairly pointless besides mods or something that RNGesus just refuses to give you but you find a schematic for
  8. I feel like reload on the Auto shottie was slowed down horrifically as well, but maybe it's just my imagination. It needed a nerf either way, although reload speed on it basically doesn't matter because it has like 35 shells with a drum mag, so you only reload after you cleared the entire horde.
  9. Yessssss. Trader Jen you Tig Biddy Nurse GF, you finally found me one!! Maxed out better barter FTW. Too bad I spent too much money buying random crap before checking her secret stash and realizing I'm 2K short, but that's not problem for someone with maxed out Daring Adventurer! I rant about Int being janky because 70% of the perks are mediocre at best or don't work right, but by golly those remaining 30% are some of the best perks in the game Edit: Siiiiccccccc, the drone tells you when zombies are sneaking up on you!! I never saw a streamer use the drone beyond simple tests, so I didn't know it would do that. Neato, that could even be something that could scale with int to make the drone an int item, enemy detection range or something, maybe at max level it could even ping your radar in a small radius? Dunno, I mostly just love that warning it gives for mining, don't think it would be overly OP for PoI clearing if the warning didn't detect / mark sleepers (since quests mark enrage zombies anyway)
  10. Can confirm this still happens in A20 with the Robotic Turret. Mine did it to me last night at a really bad time. The going got tough and 15 zombies showed up, so my turret got going and decided to fall through the floor to the floor below and I had to go back downstairs to get it We also had a really weird bug where we drove from the PoI to the trader to turn it in, and when my friend got off his minibike it teleported the minibike back to the PoI where he got on it, so he had to drive mine all the way back and pick his up
  11. Yep, was betrayed with a horde of zombies bearing down on me lol. If Pipe Baton accepted more mods and just scaled with the club perk, I'd use it lol Very much hope this is the case, me and a friend had sub 15 fps lag trying to do a quest in a big city earlier. He was getting under 9 fps with a 1080ti and task manager saying his GPU was maxed out, and my 6900xt was barely keeping above 30fps with drops to 24 sometimes. Gotta say, if a $1600 GPU is getting sub 30fps drops, something is really really wrong haha
  12. I take it back, I think the issue is the repulsor mod is a trap and a DPS loss it seems. Adding that and it suddenly made it much harder to use the baton again. I'm honestly not sure if it's even worth using that repulsor mod on it, repulsor should probably just do what the shock kandy does instead. I could have swore you used to be able to use the burning shaft mod on it as well, but I can't now. If you could bleed / burn / shock them with the baton would help on those stronger zombies
  13. Was Stun Baton stealth buffed / hotfixed and nobody mentioned it in the patch notes? I feel like in A19 the perks didn't work at all and they suddenly do now, that's how much better Stun Baton is lol. It's actually a fairly viable mid game weapon now. I've been testing it vs Pipe Baton and it does way less damage but the shock seems to do some unspecified amount of DoT that feels way higher than it was in A19 so it ends up with the stun baton being able to actually kill stuff after enough whacks Bigger issue is the animations, pipe baton is so beautiful I want to marry it and be beaten by it every day, the stun baton animations and model can't compare
  14. I agree and disagree on the injuries carrying over. I know what you mean about about losing that sense of progress when you are starving / dying of injuries etc and are trying to solve the issue, then it gets "taken away" when you die and you are stronger than ever. I'd be fine with injuries carrying over after deaths, if all of the injuries were fun / not anti fun. Infection and abrasion etc are not a game breaker, it's mostly just concussion and broken leg that are really annoying because they basically remove player agency. Deaths should probably matter more, but they don't want to create death loops. It's hard to think up ideas that would be fun punishments, without them causing death loops. Things like your respawn location summoning a roaming horde that targets you would be a neat challenge and make you think twice about "spawn on my bed or near it", but then it's death loopy. Same with something like "dying causes your armor to take X damage". Would make you have to use repair kits and think twice about dying, but then it makes you more likely to die again
  15. Strength is OP I don't think anyone including the devs deny that. Fortitude is solid, but not sure I'd say it's OP. Currently the Pipe machine gun is blatantly OP and better than all other pipe weapons, but it evens out later on where shotguns >>>> machine guns. An auto shottie with a drum mag has some ridiculous number of shells and will clear an entire blood moon horde on it's own, and shells are way cheaper to craft than bullets and do more per shell Bows were bad because they sucked, lol. They didn't do enough damage to justify, and there was no point in using one when you could just use a hunting rifle and still do the same thing. They are better in A20 but I still wouldn't say they are OP at all. Lately I've just been using my double barrel as a stealth weapon, lol. Even with feral senses on, sleepers won't wake up, so I'll usually clear like half of a room with my double barrel from like 20+ feet away while not even in the sleeper aggro zone yet, and the zombies don't wake up while I'm just sitting there crouching and shooting their friends with a loud unsilenced shotgun The main reason bows feel better now is they actually get kills from stealth, and because the pipe rifle doesn't do enough damage to one hit kill with a stealth headshot without perks. A19 the hunting rifle did, so it out classed the bow in 98.9% of situations I def think this should be addressed. The power quest is the hardest one by far, but rewards seem the same as fetch / clear which are far easier. For added dev cruelty, you guys should turn on mandatory feral senses during power quests lol, that's what makes the power quest so much more fun
  16. Hmm I noticed it showing the terrain but didn't notice city placement. For some reason I thought there was a tool where you could just give it your seed and it would tell spit out results
  17. Where do you preview city placement for your seed? I've been having to bike around trying to find a decent base spot on my current one
  18. I think it's to stop players building next to the trader and using the trader as a shield / building a walk way that goes up and over the trader's compound Bigger issue to me is you can't place your land claim block near a trader so I always accidentally put my house too close to the traders
  19. pathfinding is fairly fubar ATM, faatal seems aware so I guess it is just a matter of him putting in a few thousand man hours of fun work to adapt the AI to the new shape menu. I think he's very excited for the new challenge adding some spice to his life
  20. Yeah that's definitely another issue with the baton that needs to be addressed, it can't use Club or Stun Baton mods, so it's in a wonky spot. I'm pretty sure I have a weighted head mod in mine though. It can use the generic boring ones like structural brace and ergonomic grip, but yeah it is one of the most mod limited weapons in the game to the point I haven't even found enough mods to fill all my slots for it lol
  21. I must become the bastion of defending the int tree or get banned from the forum for it one, it is destiny! I actually did struggle hard to get acid last night, then found that book where wrenching cars down gives acid and now have a lot of it. If only the salvager perk was in the int tree with the rest of the crafting and vehicle perks instead of randomly in perception, I would take it in a heartbeat.
  22. They have a point though, the mechanic skill is useless. It seems the way to get my precious intellect tree buffed is to convince Madmole to do an intellect focused run. It feels bad man when you waste a bunch of perk points learning to craft a bike or forge etc then just find the recipe or one for sale or get one free from trader etc. Those skills need to offer way more than they do. Why would I waste so many points to spec into the vehicle perk line when the trader literally gave me 80% of a motorcyle as a quest reward day 9? Even if I rushed to try to craft it, I can't because you can't make steel without a crucible And then even if you get the perk, they barely offer anything after you do your initial craft of the item compared to just finding a book / buying the item. Oh boy, 20% faster crafting time on the forge, whoo! You know what crafts 100% faster? Building a second forge / campfire / etc. Might as well just take the perk, craft 10 forges or your 1 motorcycle or w/e and drink a respec potion and put points elsewhere
  23. Acid is super rare but I am getting tons now that I have the book that lets me wrench acid from cars Take that literally like 15 people who argued with me until they were blue in the face in A19 that the bow wasn't terribly under powered! Now just make them make the Pipe Baton scale better with electrocute and have a t3 version of it and I can stop complaining about it!! Fun fact for those curious, I checked and the stun baton is indeed weaker than the pipe baton, so you literally downgrade to go the next item tier in the weapon line lol. Yes you gain a chance to stun the enemy and even surrounding enemies if you have all the mods and candy etc, but you also lose damage so you can't actually kill the enemy. Y'know what's better than spending 40 seconds ragdolling an enemy while they are elecrocuted? Just killing them with a pipe baton >_> I need to record one of the videos of me playing a Benny Hill skit with a zombie while I chase it around whacking it with the 2 damage stun baton and keep it perma tazed but don't do enough damage to actually kill it. I legit fought a feral soldier for at least 50 seconds, with me just standing there whacking him while he ragdolled around on the floor like he was on ice
  24. Oh yeah, @MisutoM I asked you in chat but you weren't the right build to test it, but I can confirm, maxing the quest rewards perk *does* let you take two options for the trader tier upgrade rewards too and it's awesome. I rushed to max out the trader reward quest and it's very nice to get to pick between two to see what they give
  25. No my dead horse is objectively the most important to be beat into glue
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