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Posts posted by Ramethzer0

  1. 18 hours ago, Slingblade2040 said:

    Can't say I'm shocked but it really is a let down. Seems the only thing we have been getting for the past few alphas have been graphics updates, pointless overhauls to the skills system, nerfs and that's it.


    No new zombies with abilities, no new weapons, no new vehicles, no bandits, no new npcs, no story. I swear the modders for some of the big mods like darkness falls, rebirth and war of the walkers have added in so many fun and exciting things that honestly should be in the vanilla version yet still aren't even in a somewhat basic form like rebirth random events or darkness falls demons or even the weird bandits with weapons from war of the walkers. 


    If these amazing modders can add so much and keep their mods functional then maybe the pimps should either consider getting them on board or ask them for advice because as with Bethesda it seems it's the modding community doing all the heavy lifting to keep their games afloat.


    You know, I've seen the so called 'Bandits' in some of those, and I gotta say I am far from impressed.


    I don't think that's what TFP had in mind for bandits in gold.   With all due to respect to Khaine, I'd rather have bandits that can potentially shoot me from behind cover than to deal with constant waves of demonic rushing with fireball spam.   The difference between these two AI's is going to be wholly different.   I'd rather wait to see it done and implemented properly than suffer it the opposite.

  2. 19 hours ago, Old Crow said:


    Very powerful, or at the very least very helpful. Max out Robotics Expert, Physician, and Electrocutioner, and you've got two turrets and a nice stun baton with a chance of instant kill.


    Not only that, but in late game it gets ridiculously OP.   I did a video of a horde night where I am using 4 turrets working in sync.  When 2 run out of junk rounds, the other two pick right up.   You can also place junk turrets in locations apart from each other in case you have different kill zones.   Run from one set to the other when another section is threatened.   Some time ago in my MP group we will had two people that were hybridized into INT and ran 8 turrets.   We did this once before we all silently concluded it was just too much and turned horde nights into Tea Time while the sounds of active war were going on all around us.


    INT builds are so OP that they had to nerf the hammer turrets already into joke boxes.   I do not have any illusions that junk turrets could be next on the chopping block.


    Lemme also say that you can turn the entire tide of a battle by laying down a claim block, setting up two shotgun turrets outside of a POI just to run in and flush the horde out is incredibly satisfying when done outside of POI's like the Navezgane Prison Complex.   I felt like the gods noticed me that day.

  3. 28 minutes ago, JRaskal said:

    As far as I can tell, the water and recipe system were both changed to slow down progression, especially in the early game. At least that's the effect it definitely had on my games.


    To me it is a questionable decision, to make playthroughs slower, grindier, and more RNG focused.


    Previously to this, it was easier to speed through the early game going right to mid.  Many reported (both new players and veterans) would swear that the survival aspect of the game was somewhat lost.   Now, its a thing you can feel.  In my humble opinion, I felt it was a good change.  It also adds a little bit of weight to the looting perks in the PER tree.


    If you want to combat that change, you could toggle your loot quality/quantity in your options settings, and/or check out what a perception build feels like.

  4. I can stand up to attest for the scarcity of solar panels.  However, it's been mostly a non-issue since its really easy to mine for shale and process it in large amounts.

    That being said, I do hope that there might be more of a use for solar panels in the future.  I never really bothered with them much outside of novelty value in single player mode.   In Co-op, my buddies swear by them, but as stated - fuel has not been an issue.

  5. 7 hours ago, Jack_Z said:

    I'm absolutely sure this has been addressed at least once, but as a single-player, I can't stand the scripted hoards in the level 5 and 6 POIs. I just avoid them, now. Scripting these triggers is just lazy and destroys the fun of using stealth to clear a POI for a mission. Is this the general consensus? Do the devs plan on changing this somehow?


    The general consensus is that you're not meant to rely too much upon any particular play style, and this includes stealth.   The downside of scripting triggers is that yeah, it makes the quest more difficult.  The upside is that once you understand what the triggers are, you can use that to your advantage.


    But, fear not! - In addition to the advice above, i've got tips of my own.   The most number one overlooked aspect of this game is construction.  People only seem to remember this exists when they are constructing/converting a base, but they don't think often about this during POI's.   Mines, wooden spike traps, upgraded blocks, crafted doors, and making your own exits that the zeds can't use all help.    Use the terrain to your advantage, and once you bust up the offending meat grinder, go back to stealth.  This is where builds like INT shine because they are the kings of area denial.


    But shhhhhh, don't tell Scyris or well have another salty 20 page thread about how stealth is broken.

  6. 9 hours ago, Old Crow said:


    Yeah... and that's it. It has no other use.


    I treat it like mineral ores.   You mine the ore, and put it into the forge to make an ingot.  That ingot goes into several other recipes.   The same is said for murky water.   I'm all for coming up with new idea for things like that, but I'm really past the discussion where this suddenly becomes another argument to bring jars back.

  7. Welcome to the forums, first time poster!     *cold soulless stare*   😐


    There are a number of threads already dedicated to this topic, and yes - the fact that water takes a little more effort to loot does exist.

    However, its been proven (even by me) that this water shortage is not really a problem if you know what you are doing.  Water, while

    not stupidly plentiful, is not difficult to find.   There are also many more ways to get it other than toilet looting.


    Happy Hunting.

  8. I know this might not entirely be related to the topic at hand, but does anyone else get a tickle of happy when they loot pies in cupboards?

    Even if I am getting better and more consistent food items from cooking, it always makes me smile.




  9. In a matter of perspective, wasn't there a big discussion about random loot generation being somewhat key to the disparity between now and

    the days of the good ol' Alpha 16.4?    I recall big random wins were somewhat critical for progression (thinking mostly about the AK, Pump shotty and the minibike specifically) and the argument about how thinning that loot table became in the time since.


    Currently, we have the best of both of those worlds.   I think some folks may have forgotten that.   I'm not against rethinking loot, but I want people

    to know there's a reason we got to this point in the first place.

  10. On 10/10/2023 at 8:47 AM, FranticDan said:

    The rebalance TFP made for A21, regarding the mod slots and damage. The shells have 10 projectiles while slugs are only 1, therefore, shells benefits 10x more dmg with the Pump and Auto shotguns. Pump has +5 dmg bonus so shells get 50 and slugs get 5. Auto has a +10 dmg bonus, so shells get 100 extra base dmg while slugs only get 10.

    The Pipe has a -2 dmg debuff, so shells are super weak, losing 20 dmg, while slugs only lose 2 dmg, therefore, slugs absolutely WRECK with a Pipe shotgun when compared to shells.

    You can see the results clear as day with a Q6 Pipe/Auto comparison when you look at the stats for each ammo type


    *kisses his backup dubby*

  11. I once jumped off of the Dishong Tower after swearing to god I swallowed an Oh @%$#z candy.   I  didn't.   And, I absolutely deserved this death.

    The best part?   Just as I leapt from the roof, I cried out "I REGRET NOTHIIIIING" in Discord, and then SPLAT.    I got roasted pretty good by my friends after.


    Turns out, I did have a regret.

  12. 22 hours ago, Roland said:

    3. Resource Scarcity: Reducing the availability of glass jars could encourage players to prioritize the use of other containers or methods for storing and transporting liquids, adding complexity to resource management in the game.


    If I were to make the argument we can use alternative methods - since glass jars are rare in this narrative - why not metal, plastic, or leather canteens?  These things could be readily available and make the storage of water stupid easy.   Anyone who's been to a military surplus store or survival depot could tell you how common they are there.   Or even more common would be the plasticware isle in Target, Walmart, Meijers, etc.


    Did anyone in this thread mention plastic bottles from pretty much everywhere?   Isn't there a mountain of them in India?

  13. 8 minutes ago, meganoth said:

    Practically any meaningful suggestion is forcing a concequence on others. And it isn't the first time this suggestion was made without being considered rude.


    I can agree with the spirit of what you put forth.  I did not read the OP and see any specific language about it being a suggestion.  I read it as a very specific consequence to behaviour that the OP found objectionable.   These things do not look the same to me.

  14. I don't think your posts are offensive per se.   I don't think most people want to actually come off as being offensive in particular.


    That being said, I am agreeing quite a bit with what @Pernicious has stated.   It's hard to address groups of people.  It's even harder to address

    them in a format where context and subtext may not be readily understandable.  Don't take this me chastizing you either, because were all

    people and we all got our own things to work on.   It's encouraging to see that you're seeing this effect in action and communicating your pitfalls.


    When I was at university, I minored in Linguistics and Communications.  Believe me, being precise with language and its underlying savvy is

    something I've struggled with my entire life.  Its difficult, especially when casually addressing large groups accustomed to a different tone or more

    professional style of speaking.   It's something I feel I never quite master, but I do try.


    I hope you manage to work this out in your own time.

  15. Some people don't like double looting.

    Some people do.


    I prefer to think that If I am going to do the work of looting a POI, then its location and its potential for being a quest location is not a consideration for me.   I also would caution you to remember that looting in the wild is perfectly logical and worthwhile, and that the loot can still be RNG no matter what.   The fact that the same POI in the same location is not objectionable to me, considering if the same POI were across the street, and the same on the other is the quest POI, then the only difference is that one offers a trader reward and the other does not.  


    Again, and I can't stress this enough - try not to go out on a limb and suggest changes that are universal when there's plenty of people that are just as happy to leave things alone.  You can have an opinion about something, but don't go forcing a consequence on others because of that opinion.  Based upon your posting history, I don't think you've realized yet how rude that is.


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