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Posts posted by Ramethzer0

  1. On 11/24/2023 at 7:21 PM, gfoster610 said:

    I just find it to be a shame that the updates are mainly lateral improvements and that's it. No real progress towards a finished project and lots of these improvements could simply be update tweaks as the game goes on. Sad to see this still in EA when plenty of other games in the same/similar genre have been fully released.


    I find it a shame to so grossly oversimplify the effort that has been made by the devs.  Other indie games of the same/similar genre that have been fully released are terribly few, and almost all of them can't hold a candle to previous versions of this game (many of which are inspired by this one!).   So I got nothing for ya, my dude.

  2. 2 hours ago, tominkuwait said:

    My questions to players and TFP are the following:

    1.  Anyone else to "run and gun" and have found ways to make that work better or make it more challenging?

    2.  To TFP, have you considered a separate solo player settings setup to allow solo players the time to gather stuff while still doing jobs etc.???

    3.  Besides sitting in a horde base or "run and gun", any other ways to handle horde night?



    !.   I love run and gun, but i do it in spurts.  It's not something that I would stick to full time or long term.   That being said, you don't necessarily need a horde base, but some sort of sprawl helps break up the hordes using topography and obstacles, similar in theme like a paint ball/airsoft type staging area.


    2.  Not sure what specifically you meant by this.   Do you mean like autocollectors like in No Man's Sky?


    3.  There have been a couple of early horde nights where I've realized I didn't get enough resources in time.   This has been especially true if you plop down in a MP public server and I'll just hop on top of a sturdy multi-celled building of some kind that is/was the equivalent of cobble and up.    Although I don't approve, there are a number of players that may opt into just running around in their vehicles on short horde nights.   kudos to modders who saw through that ploy.

  3. You know, you could save yourself a lot of stress and irritation by keeping up with the changes instead of learning about them

    through percussion.   There have been threads upon threads of these things being discussed and most of them are still recent.



  4. 1 hour ago, Old Crow said:

    I was considering making some mines for horde night, but decided against it. It's just an oddity I noticed while looking at the recipes.


    As someone that has used mines extensively in creating killing fields, they aren't very effective when tightly packed.

    I've seen one zed run across 5 of them before blowing up an entire row.  The best way to make them work is in

    staggered rows.   But I am going to agree that pipe bombs seem way more effective, and that has a lot to do with

    the fact that i can chow down on explosive candy and put the pipe bombs right where i need them instead of

    some kind of static defense screen that may or may not get tripped.


    But, if you have mines and want to use them maybe just to get rid of them, there's some fun things you can do.

    like placing them in front of approaching zeds much like the way you would spike traps.    Every now and then

    I'll get nutty and accept mines as quest rewards and use them like that when im bored.   I'm sure this will go

    without saying but make sure you've given yourself some room between you and the approaching zed.  

    They can also be useful as a low cost warning noise if you get a micro horde approaching your crafting base

    and you are fairly certain which way they may path through.


    They can be somewhat niche, not worth making yourself most of the time unless you have specific ideas.

  5. On 11/18/2023 at 1:58 AM, ungkor said:

    Anyway, I'll check back on the status of the game if it moves to Beta.  Which I don't think will ever happen, but we will see.  Take care everyone


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  6. 6 hours ago, POCKET951 said:

    how do assault rifle players use the tactical AR over the Ak47? the stats are better but the white tape on the handguard and the canned silencer with white tape just make the gun unusable for me because I can't stand the looks of it visually.



    I can mod the TAR for sniping, breaching, and/or general use.   The AK-47 is not as versatile as the TAR when similarly modded for specific tasks.

  7. 6 hours ago, pApA^LeGBa said:


    I know there will be a steaming pile of posts about the game never leaving early access and beeing a scam. Telling TFP to release and keep updating the game. To this day none of those people could ever explain why it is important that the game counts as released if it is still beeing worked on....

    From first time posters no less.

  8. I'm of the opposite mind to @Riamus about this.  I actually enjoy the first several hours of the game the most because fresh starts with nothing are literally how I gauge my progress.   I dropped in with nothing and had to use clever and unorthodox measures to defeat enemies when I chose to engage them.  Resources are at a premium and making that one item that is going to influence the move forward.  I get proud of these little things.  I smile when I loot my first wrench because its the gateway to so many other things.  I know its just a matter of time, but I've learned to treasure the little things.


    Concerning the OP's post:  I think the word Drastic means similar but not always the same thing to everyone.  I consider the change from A16 to A17 to be drastic.  A17 to A18 was less so.   19 and 20 felt more like the a deeper fine tuning to the game concept than drastic change.  I think TFP have really tried to adopt solutions that kept things similar but presenting differently.   We don't have to loot explicit parts so its all just 'parts' now.  Assembling a gun still feels good, its just the packaging of that solution looks different.   It might seem drastic to some but i just see it as a different representation of the same thing.   Maybe I'm just weird like that, but that's how its always felt.


  9. In their respective files, most of them have names already.


    But, if you follow any streamers or letsplayers, many of them have a sort of collective view on them and

    they are popularized based upon the recognition from other formats.  For example, the dogs from Resident

    Evil and Big Momma (and to a lesser extent) the Twitcher from the Dawn of the Dead remake.


    But aside from that, I don't personally give them my own pet names.

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