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Posts posted by Ramethzer0

  1. 14 hours ago, Banginurz said:

    While I don't disagree, I think everyone should play how they  want to.  IMHO, though, my no trader play through has stuck with me the most as a survival-style of game.  I progressed much slower, so things I took for granted in a regular playthrough meant much more.  Such as pocket mods, crucible and any ammo I found.  Just my 2 cents.

    You'll hear no argument from me about people playing how they want to play.


    But I did kinda internalize a few things regarding the OP's experiences at first, so I'll add a little bit of context here:  I get a strange dual edged chuckle when people 'discover' a thing that's definitely been around before and presents it as news.  On one hand, I am happy they found something that gives them joy (whether its recapturing the challenge in 7 days or discovering music from the 80's for example) but I also cant help but the chuckle that comes when people say 'Oh, you gotta try this!'


    I also couldn't help but notice that the OP also included their experience of water scarcity as well, which is a thing I have been advocating for quite a while now.  To which I too share the opinion that water scarcity is just a matter of bad luck, or a lack of knowledge as to where to actually loot water.

    So, I am absolutely going to link this thread to any others where those sort of complaints start to rapidly accumulate.

  2. 15 hours ago, meilodasreh said:

    So yes, the decision that TFP decided to get rid of emtpy containers does work gameplay wise, but with said downside.

    Making water scarce is...questionable and may still be subject to further balancing.


    You know, no one complained that we could loot gas without the benefit of a Jerry Can.

    But, we let go of water jars - and now its grown into so many threads that just have gotten repetitive.


    And I want to be clear and re-iterate for those that haven't seen the other threads that water is not nearly

    as scarce as people make it out to be.   I know because I've tested this over and over again, and I've

    really no interest in ruining someone's day by stating so.


    If you make a concerted effort to seek out water, its not so bad.   I say this in lieu of 'Git gud',

    but I'd be lying if that's not what the issue actually is.  People want water, but they want it easy.  Unfortunately,

    some folks always want something easy.  I've read so many hardcores kicking this can around, waxing poetic about

    how hard is water to come by in the same thread they talk about playing on higher difficulties with lower

    loot percentages and it's like watching people kicking themselves in the shins and blaming TFP for it.


    Early game water is an absolutely solvable problem, but it IS a problem.  There's meant to be meaning in that problem.

    I mean I empathize that some folks could have a really bad go at it, if RNG goes bad - but that also adds to the

    desperation of survival.  I'm kinda over the idea that some folks think this is not a survival game.  Water scarcity is

    a defining characteristic of survival gameplay.

  3. 3 hours ago, meganoth said:


    I see I couldn't explain it for you to understand: For me the water changes we are talking about are two distinct changes with two distinct main reasons:


    1) Removing jars from the game. Reason: TFP wanted all containers equally gone, no-shows, not simulated. A clean-up


    2) Preventing the player from getting water from lakes except by drinking with heavy side effects. Reason: They wanted water to be scarce in early game and for the player to overcome this shortage over some time.


    Note that each one of the changes is independent enough to be realized without the other:


    1) You could have jars removed but using E on a lake would create say 10 units of water in your inventory. Just like E on a gasoline pump gives you a few units of gasoline.

    2) Or the other way round you could have unlimited water jars like in A20 and just not be able to fill them from lakes or snow (in this case the dew collector would be slightly different, it would need you to insert empty jars to be filled).


    I was talking about the first change and it clearly is not unrealistic but just leaving the details to your imagination. Many of you want to talk about the second change because it irks you, but then you pounce on the vanishing jars instead. That will only muddy the issues and not help you.


    This is as if I wanted to have a broken thermometer fixed but complained about the bad weather.





    Now, if only we would be willing to pin this statement at the top of the forums as a scarecrow to prevent more threads on the same issue, we'd be set!

  4. 40 minutes ago, Stranded_Napkin said:

    Zombies can't be smart. A thinking zombie isn't a zombie at all.


    I kinda concur with this notion.  I think their AI has gotten better at being scary, part of which has a lot to do with their "Find it.  Kill it.  Eat it.  Can't find it? DESTROY EVERYTHING."  While it seems formulaic in shorthand, I find myself a bit surprised when they do stuff I don't expect.   For example, when zombies duck my shots or melee swings and instantly get a shot at my knees at close range.


    Now, my opinion of that AI behaviour is literally couched in a coding issue that has been left to fix later, so naturally I hate it.  It's not the way its supposed to be!

    But, what I love about it is the impact it has on my psyche lol.  It's an insult that can only be responded to with pixel violence, which i'm more than happy to dish out to the offending zed.


    The opposing discussion is how easy it is to manipulate the zeds into doing precisely what you expect them to do. 


    Despite all this, I'm happy that the OP is happy with the state of things.  I remember when this game used to scare the @%$# outta me, and I kinda miss that sometimes.

  5. 13 minutes ago, Stranded_Napkin said:

    7 Days to Die is played in the Southwest. LA and Seattle have needle problems. Who's to say that Navezgane isn't the same? Just a bunch of junkies dropping used syringes everywhere.


    I have realized that the people on these forums can't do a mix of realism along with their fantasy. Either everything is fantasy or everything is hyper realistic. Y'all need to figure out how to do both.


    *intenalizing doomerism intensifies*



    I rather enjoy certain nuances, and I have my picky bits that I wrestle with too.   I just don't see the need to force a fruitless war of head canons, as I've never seen any good come from them.  Usually, the one person that considers themselves a 'winner' of such battles is 100% the last person I'd ever want to dictate to me what my head canons should be.  Ergo, my reaction.  One person's immersion can often be another's torture.   This is why mod options exist, to scratch that itch.

  6. On 12/7/2023 at 7:11 PM, Riamus said:

    More than that... It is actually possible to be at max length and not close enough to have the tool tip appear over the item you want to connect and you can still sometimes make that connection.  Even so, I'll be increasing the max length in my games going forward.


    And that's fair to say too.  I guess just speaking for me I more inclined to just craft and use another connector to lengthen the circuit.  I'm not confident enough to meddle with code for the same reason.  I'll likely shoot my eye out.

  7. On 12/7/2023 at 2:37 AM, Hellox said:

    Intelligence aww the red headed step child. To strong , to weak, to doesn't know what it wants to be.

    Engineering has always been a *invest just now and respec later* skill giving very little benefit from having points in it long term where you could invest
    those points into harvesting more resources faster instead. Once you have the magazines using the weight system no need for points here.
    The baton on paper works the damage scales , with a lacking tier 3 "progression" and only melee weapon needing 4 (argue 5 with gut for nerd candy) skill investment you are left feeling no progression and huge investment to achieve what can be achieved with many many less points.
    The robotics still feels bad for exploring, which again many hoped a "following" turret (drone) with gun would have fixed giving intelligence POI range tree.
    But since they are not going that direction robotics is left in a semi useful category mostly for hordes where it shines or alternative to 5 wood and making drop box.
    Its utility is strong with trader skill line. Than a odd team buff skill out of nowhere which is actually strong, but feels like another tree skill (charisma? lol)
    not intelligence.


    As someone who plays a lot of INT and subsequent hybridizations of INT, I couldn't disagree with you more.  Your examples are consistent with a very narrow view of what INT is capable of.  But, this attitude is not that uncommon.  Plenty of people familiar with FPS style gameplay simply do not want to spend more time than they feel they need to in order to clear a structure.


    INT builds are cohesion builds, that focus upon improving quality of life in game, have group establishing methodologies, and the lions share of area denial combat gameplay.  There are lots of little features as well, to mitigate what it looses out by not being a harvesting spec.   You make it up by the cost reduction of processing materials to a certain extent.  The concept of exploring Robotics is also not entirely true.  It's been thoroughly explored, but it needs to be re-balanced.   Many have made videos (including myself) where properly placed turrets and traps absolutely wreck and in some cases are VERY OP.   Just because you didn't find it useful, doesn't mean others haven't.   When using any attribute build you are not just simply bound to the weapons of any given perk tree.  I've employed non perked rifles, shotguns, and explosives to devastating effect when required to make up for a loss in crowd control.   A side by side comparison shows that the other perk lines do share a little bit of overlap, whereas none of them can do what INT does.  That makes it pretty unique.

  8. 7 hours ago, Wave said:

    Hey guys,
    I understand to yours argumentation but apparently you did not get the point I am trying to explain. I love playing games on hard mode, especially survival games like this one. I set looting to 33% for example.

    Is it clear? Is it enough of explanation that I am not crying but just suggesting more logic to survival mechanism?


    You absolutely lost me again with these two critically opposed viewpoints.    Also, I didn't read anywhere about you crying about it specifically.  It's just an ongoing thing where you choose the unpopular opinion.


    I'm going to give you a wordy monologue to help you settle this internally if you need it:  The Fun Pimps have a track record of never moving backwards on this game.   The most of us often hear the constant thrum of posts saying much of what you have said, "This is logical, why is it not in game!?"   And the gist of those discussions always seem to return to the same square in recognition that LOTS of things are logical, but the ones that have been chosen are in play for a reason, even if you don't understand why that reason doesn't resemble yours or mine.   So naturally, many of these sort of threads come off as some sort of ill-informed projection of player expectations and frustration.   I'll even go so far as to say some of their viewpoints actually make sense, and I wouldn't necessarily disagree with them on paper.  That doesn't always mean its worthwhile to implement due to a host of factors that can be elusive to us as players.  Some things seem easy on the outside, but on the inside it could be a nightmare in waiting, or worse yet... a nightmare that unfolds down the line and one might not have the ability to put out that fire.  Compromises sometimes have to made.

  9. 13 hours ago, RStarphoenix said:

    I get the feeling the crying about jars/cans isn't because of mechanics, it's because people lost easy-mode survival with infinite water.
    The more I hear justifications about why they should exist, the less reason they should exist. And we never needed them based on how the

    game plays now. Water is still way too easy to collect & produce.


    %1000 agree with this.

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