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Posts posted by Ramethzer0

  1. Last I understand it, its not the particle effects or the players or the builds that players have.

    It's usually about the sheer amount of voxels rendered to create massive cities.  You may need

    to generate a smaller map with smaller cities.  This will help you out massively on the server


  2. I've done this a few times, and there's a couple of caveats here.


    The first being is that heat can still be calculated I assume, but it matters little because once you leave the area at enough distance all spawning seems to stop.

    But, if you wish to leave you should definitely get rid of any local pest zeds that might cause you some damage.   This is tested in both crafting bases, dew

    collector fields, and horde bases that generate heat.


    I do not know how much specific distance you need before this happens.   I've left an area and come back and found things dead, but this has been mostly

    when the sun comes up.  Remains and bags left behind, but not in any huge quantity.   I've also had people wander close enough to a dew collector field,

    which then a quick spawn in that someone could easily miss could do some damage once you've continued past.


    In multiplayer, our collector fields can be fully loaded (up to 30 some times), often on top of cobble foundations that are typically 3 blocks high.

    I'll surround those structures with wood traps, and a raised staircase that ends in a jump to reach the top of the structure.  I've yet to see a single zed get on top

    and do any damage, but I have definitely seen evidence of trap destruction and cracks in the foundations.  We set them up away from any other structure

    we build up.  if one side of that structure faces really close to a trader, then no spawns at all will happen on that side.

  3. yeah between .44 mag and buckshot, im always sitting pretty.


    I've always loved the idea of having a .44 mag rifle of some kind, but that continues to skew the weapon lines requiring the same ammo across the board.

    And this stays in place until we get to pistols, which require both 9mm and .44 mag.

  4. 5 hours ago, Javabean867 said:

    You can still throw rocks to distract zombies.  

    And rocks can damage them.  you just need to tie them to sticks and hit them with it. lol

    I thought they got rid of that a long while ago.


    TESTED EDIT:  It seems this still works, but it has a limited range and there's no sound effect.   I was able to lead a zombie moe around a farm making him go anywhere I wanted with about 90% effectiveness so long as I stayed in stealth and at a certain distance.

  5. 4 hours ago, Greatest Olelko said:

    That's the thing tho, it doesn't really matter whether you perk into stealth or not if by shooting smg just once, even tho you'll most likely will kill one zombie with all of the sneak damage bonuses, you'll find yourself surrounded by others and if it's high-tier poi, youll have to run and parkour yourself out of mess and this is where m60 stamina and accuracy perks kick in. I mean I could sneak kill one zombie with my m60 and 1.5 sneak bonus just as well

    I meant it's the most universal one, you don't need to wait for reload that often, you can shoot quick if something goes wrong, it uses cheapest ammo. Also only hunting rifle is suitable for stealth as it's suppressed noise level is 18 and other ones are 34, if im not mistaken, which is considerably lower than updated smg's, but still pretty loud


    I think you're a over-appreciating the function of noise level when it comes to stealth and PVP.  Without knowing your pattern in how you deal with or hunt other players nor your server settings, I'd also add in sometimes the silencer doesn't matter.   A head shot is still a head shot and in a one on one situation, you're good with just about any rifle or crossbow, silenced or otherwise.  The mods in your armour may or may not matter much either.


    If you're up against multiple people, or are raiding a base, then in those situations they shouldn't matter much either, as you'll be ground pounding most of the time anyway.  Use what feels right to you.   I've been blasted at point blank range with a shotgun before because they caught me entirely flat footed.    I you're a total solo, then you don't want to ignore any one particular class of weapons.  Prepare yourself for the notion that the game isn't balanced around PVP.  However, on vanilla setting It's not hard to kill people, even fully geared ones.

  6. 2 hours ago, Greatest Olelko said:

    I don't know if those are only news for me, but they changed silenced value of SMG-5, which was like tha best stealth weapon.


    The SMG is by far not the best stealth weapon at all.  To the best of my knowledge, the best weapons I've used were the silenced sniper, the silenced 9mm, and the knife.   If you have to go inside a POI to hunt someone down, then any of the shotguns (double barrel and up) aren't a bad choice.


  7. I've had this exact same issue, and I gave up before I was able to find a usable solution to this problem.

    As in:  Everything that could change the landscape was extreme and could make things worse.


    I'm not saying there's no solution, but I am saying be prepared to hear answers that might not be suitable to fix a very local problem.

  8. Despite the amount of empty space that map has had, and continues to - I'd welcome anyone to confirm that it contains all of them.

    But I don't hold much hope for that.  I think it would struggle to contain them all.  Luckily, it only needs one of each, whereas the

    full range of RWG I've seen multiples across entire quadrants of the map.


    Would be interesting for sure if true.

  9. 2 hours ago, JRaskal said:

    So you're saying i just need to have 3 stats maxed (PER for LL, STR for PP and INT for LP + Eng) to have a somewhat better chance to someday have both the skills needed to build something decent AND the means to craft the required ingredients? That doesn't strike you as exactly what I was describing was wrong with the system?


    You can try and deny it all you want, but the new system just makes the game progression slower and more frustrating, because it's designed to that end. It's not the first time I've seen developers try and make game progression slower, so the game would last longer, but it never ever worked and always ended up in the game losing public appeal. Just look at what happened to Diablo 4.



    No, that's not what he said at all.   It's not what either of us said.    You lept so far past the goalpost it confirmed my suspicions.

  10. 16 hours ago, Old Crow said:


    That is epic. You were truly shiny and chrome.


    Well, previous to that outcome that POI became the bane of my 7 Days existence.   I've failed it more than a few times and eventually one of my MP buddies said he finally managed to solo it.  He also said it required him to change builds.   After getting my butt kicked more times than I care to speak for, I had to declare war.



  11. 15 hours ago, JRaskal said:

    There was always luck involved in the loot system. That's at the core of the game. But until now you could make up for bad luck by choosing the right talents.


    Now you're completely at the mercy of the RNG. If you can't find the right books you might not even be able to build a forge or a workbench, let alone a vehicle of some kind. You can try and focus on looking for books, but if you don't find the right ones, you're stuck hitting demolisher zombies with level 2 wooden clubs and there's nothing you can do against that.


    I've never been in a situation where I had to smack a demo with a wooden club, lol.    That just sounds ridiculous.   Also, the crafting books you find are contextual to the perks you have already filled in.


    I don't even think were playing the same game at this point.   It feels like you're just repeating your argument without taking anything into consideration.


  12. 15 minutes ago, JRaskal said:


    Not my experience. I'm not saying the old system was perfect, but the new one is just tedious and boring and adds nothing really in terms of game play. It doesn't require skill, it's just purely based on luck. Same with the new progression system. if you can't find the right books, you just not progress. No furnace, no vehicles, no food no nothing.


    While I wont challenge your opinion, I would challenge that it did bring back a focus on older gameplay that needed fine tuning.  For instance, with the water scarcity and combat wounds, I have to be a lot more wary of wellness again.   This was something that was very much lost in A17 when the old perk system went away.


    And the skill versus luck thing is a complex issue.   Skill is something that feels more applicable to the efficiency in killing zeds, and the hoarding resources.  It doesn't really have much effect outside of that.  Everything else is about familiarity and game knowledge.   If you're a veteran and you find that you're constantly running a treadmill of similar and familiar content, then of course its going to feel boring.   Luck seems to apply more to loot and its quality, and while that can be a harsh mistress, there are plenty of examples of folks that have found the opposite to be true.   Case in point, the guy who ran around and focused entirely on looting books so they could skip the early game gear crunch.   It goes both ways.


    I mean you pick and choose your battles still, and that is the essence of action.  And if you feel if that is still tedious and boring maybe its time to move on?

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