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Everything posted by Bouzouki

  1. Let me begin by saying 7 Days is still my favorite game of all time. And I am old. That Perma Death setting - perfect! If there was anything else I could ask for it would be a Setting to limit the levels of items looted, in trader inventories, and in rewards. I would love to see level 2 or 3 items being the best you can find or buy. The new book lines should be harder to find, and perhaps even require more books to complete. I think, crafting should become more important, and perhaps even randomized between levels 4 - 6. Crafted items should sell to traders better, looted items, not so much. Zeds aren't really that scary once you are in maxed out gear. There's that turning point in the game where you just kind of destroy anything that moves and it gets, for lack of a better word, boring. Low level play is definitely more exciting. Anyway... this is all from the point of view of me, and the gaming group I am in. So... you know what they say about opinions! Still I wanted to throw out my two cents in case it aligned with anyone else's thoughts. Peace out! Looking forward to A22.
  2. Hi and thanks in advance for any info. There was a time I played and firing a weapon meant that Zombies from all around would converge. It made it scary to shoot in a house for fear of getting trapped... we miss that and I cannot figure out how it was even like that to begin with. Did I have a mod? I can't remember. Are there any mods that you know of, or a hint on how to approach making one (I have modded before... but not something like this)? We want stuff to come after us if we were so brash as to discharge a firearm or throw a bomb. 8P
  3. Friend of mine found the answer. It's a DNS problem related to IPV6. It wasn't me who figured it out but I wanted to throw what I knew out so it might help someone else. He's running Linux and got the error you reported. After about 3 hours of trying as many things we he could think of he says 'I wonder if it could be a DNS issue?' So he disabled DNS64 support and it worked. Apparently it wasn't getting an IP and so it 'makes on up' for lack of a better explanation. EOS doesn't like that.
  4. Friend of mine found the answer. It's a DNS problem related to IPV6. It wasn't me who figured it out but I wanted to throw what I knew out so it might help someone else. He's running Linux and got the error you reported. After about 3 hours of trying as many things we he could think of he says 'I wonder if it could be a DNS issue?' So he disabled DNS64 support and it worked. Apparently it wasn't getting an IP and so it 'makes on up' for lack of a better explanation. EOS doesn't like that.
  5. Hi, Thank you for working on KingGen. It is very impressive! This might be a question, or possibly a bug. Could you review this and let me know? I am trying to limit trader_jen to one. The way I understand min/max is that the last positions in the array should accept a number. // What the line looks like in the poislist trader_jen,43,24,41,-1,2,burnt_forest/snow/pine_forest/desert/wasteland,wilderness/city/town/rural,any,, // This would mean, spawn it at least one time trader_jen,43,24,41,-1,2,burnt_forest/snow/pine_forest/desert/wasteland,wilderness/city/town/rural,any,1, // This would mean, spawn it no more than once trader_jen,43,24,41,-1,2,burnt_forest/snow/pine_forest/desert/wasteland,wilderness/city/town/rural,any,,1 This fails with this error: Discarded 1 lines in POIs list: 489 Generating heightmap. Generating biomes. Generating cities. Traceback (most recent call last): File "crash_log.py", line 19, in handle_crash_log File "gui_generation.py", line 27, in generate File "ntime.py", line 11, in ntime File "world.py", line 1301, in run File "world.py", line 265, in generate File "world.py", line 542, in init_cities File "world.py", line 642, in gen_cities File "hub_factory.py", line 32, in gen_random_town File "hub_factory.py", line 59, in gen_random_hub File "city.py", line 46, in __init__ File "city.py", line 61, in generate File "city.py", line 274, in populate_grid File "city.py", line 246, in try_place AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'rotate_to_face' I've tried as many combinations as I could think of including... trader_jen,43,24,41,-1,2,burnt_forest/snow/pine_forest/desert/wasteland,wilderness/city/town/rural,any,1/1, // Just guessing here... trader_jen,43,24,41,-1,2,burnt_forest/snow/pine_forest/desert/wasteland,wilderness/city/town/rural,any,1,1, Am I doing it incorrectly, or does this look like a bug?
  6. Nerf Them All: The Mod That Saved 7 Days To Die For Us First let me clarify so I don’t sound judgmental; mods have introduced a plethora of ways to enjoy 7 Days and all of them are valid if you are having fun. This review is from the point of view of three particular people who were in the process of looking for a new game when Robeloto’s Nerf Them All Mod was found. We are still playing 7 Days because of it. Secondly, if you enjoyed the version of the game where the ‘search for the garden hoe’ was much like the search for the holy grail, then this may be of particular interest to you. Lastly, if you like the feeling of ‘we’re going to die’ and eventually you do, Cthulhu style, then that can be part of it too. We do use a few other mods which I will mention, but Robeloto’s Nerf Them All is at the heart of it. We aren’t done exploring combinations of mods either, but this is where we’re at. You need to use Nitrogen to get the full benefit. Heck use it even if you don’t use anything else from this. It’s awesome. I’ve found that 10240 maps that are light on cities and roads seem to perform the best. We put 0 traders on our maps. The second thing we do is that we do not spec into Advanced Engineering or Grease Monkey. Our next game we’re not spec’ing into Master Chef or Physician either for extra cruelty. Robeloto is looking into a modification that would suppress unwanted spec lines, but it was more complex than met the eye. Removing the Advanced Engineering tree also removed the ability to create a workstation if/when you were lucky enough to find the schematic. But, we’re a group of friends who can agree not to, so we don’t. This means you have to find every schematic (did I mention the search for the garden hoe?). The outright need to loot remains for a long, long time. Food. Ya. The gardening nerf puts a whole new spin on things. A garden becomes an investment that hopefully you can build large enough, and live long enough, to see a return from. Plus, we don’t spec beyond level 1 in Master Chef so we need those recipes too. (As previously mentioned, I want to not even use Master Chef at all. Live off cans, charred meat, snow berries, and yucca until you loot those cookbooks). This does a few things. Some skill lines that I think aren’t often used become quite important. Like Living Off The Land since you can get three snow-berries at a time to stuff in your pie hole while you are running around trying to kill chickens and rabbits. Lucky Looter, definitely. Iron Gut to preserve the food, especially if you are burning calories trying to mine. Archery… bullets aren’t that easy to come by. Finding a level 6 blunderbuss actually is a good thing. Red nights. We start the game with the Difficulty at 0, day timers walk, everything else sprints. After each red night we increment the difficulty in one of four ways. Difficulty, Number of Zeds per man at Red Night, AI Block Damage, and then day time Speed. When speed reaches Sprint, then night time gets bumped, then day, until everything eventually is moving at nightmare and doing a much damage to your precious hiding spot/base. You have to rethink red night defenses. Creating kill pits, being prepared to abandon ship for a back up defense location. We run our own Linux server which gives us some extra freedom. I created a shell script (you could write it in powershell I bet, though) that will back up a player’s files then delete the original ttp and map file. So, perma-death is a thing we implemented. Currently we are allowing 2 deaths past level 5, then getting a free life every 25 levels. But, that was before the convenience of being able to trash a player via the terminal. Die, and you get wiped. Which also adds group consequences. Were you the Miner? The Chef? Someone who had those recipes the group was relying on to survive? Too bad you can’t replace those dart traps now! As for other mods we use, it’s a matter of taste. We have one that increases (by a ton) the number of Zombies in the wilderness biome, and one that increases the wandering horde sizes. Those are from Jaxteller. The impact of those is that you fight A LOT thus you level quickly. Yay! But game stage also rises quickly. When you are running around like a fool trying not to starve and praying for a forge schematic, rising game stage makes red night more and more challenging. I have a single player game where I am level 40 and all I have is a cement mixer. I did find a usable workbench and chem station, but… no sign of a forge. I sense impending doom. A few things I can think of that would make the survival experience more brutal than what we do; no usable workstations anywhere in the world. You have to find the schematic. Since those seem to be relative to POI’s maybe that’s not possible. The second thing is larger swarms of dogs/vultures. I’ve seen up to 6, pretty scary, but not ‘poop my pants’ scary. Somewhere you asked if there was perhaps a better name for the mod, if I named it I would call it something like 'Survivalist'. It has a ton of upside and room to get grittier for players who want a more brutal experience. In conclusion. Thank you Robeloto. We look forward to our game night because of your work. I’ll try to keep offering feedback as we play. Thanks for reading. Have an awesome day. Peace, Bouzouki
  7. Hi Jax. We've stated using Increased Wandering Horde Size and the Increased Wilderness Zombies x8 and its been really fun. One of our group suggested a mod that destroyed half your inventory randomly upon death. Oh the pain to lose that modded level 6 weapon, or your stack of food, or armor O_O. Not sure how many people would be willing to do that but we would. The early game stress is the part that keeps us coming back to play, and we re-start quite a bit looking for the best way to extend that early game feeling of 'we might be screwed'. We'll continue to check out your other mods. Thanks!
  8. Ahhhh! Got ya. Thank you. 🙂 Hopefully in the next couple of weeks we'll be giving it a go. I will report back and let you know how it goes.
  9. Heyas. Thanks for the work on all this. I am probably doing something wrong, but I've placed the Nerf Them All mod like I would any modlet by dropping it in the mods directory. C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\7 Days To Die\Mods\Robeloto_NerfThemAll\Config <-- XML files within. The starter quest still kicks off upon login. Does it install differently? Thanks in advance.
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