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Everything posted by MechanicalLens

  1. And the floodwaters are starting to recede earlier than expected. Crisis averted. Bring on A20! ...in 5 days.
  2. A small town in Western Canada. I won't go into further detail for obvious reasons. Also @Jost Amman Very funny man...
  3. So I just got a call from the local fire department that my hometown is possibly going to be heavily flooded so a potential evacuation will be in order within the next few days. Nice, perfect timing. I hope the rest of y'all have a great time playing A20 on Monday.
  4. Change loot respawn and sleeper/zombie respawn defaults to 7 days Final one, promise. 😛
  5. I would assume the Living off the Land perk increases this percentage chance?
  6. Crops no longer downgrade to seedlings when harvested Player planted crops now give 2 fruit per harvest with a 50% chance of a seed Huh.
  7. "The biome the player is in, the POI the player is looting, and even the container they are looking at can have a loot stage bonus." Holy sugar honey iced tea...
  8. I thought rivers didn't make it into A20 RWG?
  9. I don't speak for everyone here, but as further evidence for this, I would never be interested in watching a gaming-focused channel that provides zero commentary, outside of tutorial videos.
  10. This is simply a perspective that you will probably never share. I could make the same argument about sports. Taking soccer as an example, in my opinion it's just a childish game about two teams kicking a ball around and sometimes including some immature, violent fans starting fires and riots if their favorite team doesn't win. It's ridiculous in my eyes but that doesn't make it any less valid of a form of entertainment (excluding the last bit I mentioned). If someone can find purpose in an activity, then that activity is worth pursuing, so long as they are not harming themselves or anyone else. Not everyone has to "get it" to make it worthy of existing.
  11. Reminds me of the time one of my former teachers in high school many years ago claimed she banned YouTube from her home because content creators make money off of their videos/streams. *Shrug*
  12. So you have things to see and people to do?
  13. So do I. I wish it were more like Skyrim's system where the higher your rank, the easier it is to break open more advanced locked containers. But alas, even with the perk maxed out, you can still waste 50 lockpicks on a wall safe on occasion.
  14. ...And shortly thereafter you'll gain plenty more subs to replace them. A20 will breathe fresh life into the game, as we can all agree upon.
  15. - Treasure hunter - Treasure chests/buried supplies are so few and far between compared to conventional looting that I cannot justify the purchase - The infiltrator - Iron Gut - Animal Tracker - (I don't want text popping up every time I crouch in-game if there are animals nearby or not... Plus the larger game very spawn these days, and even without them I am swimming in meat) - The Huntsman - Well Insulated - Any of the perks under Agility outside of a stealth build - Pack mule - Master chef - Whatever perk is in the Intellect tree that grants better healing and some medical recipes (blanking out on the name); I just never think to take it, but it's not a bad perk imo
  16. You're right, and I give you apologies. I do not wish for us to be on negative terms with one another, so I retract my previous statement, and any past ones I've made.
  17. Yes, and it was your prerogative to follow suit. That's your responsibility. It's your risk, sure, but if it comes to bite you in the ass...
  18. Do I sense a ban hammer coming their way if they are incorrect?
  19. Thank you. I forgot to mention that they need to be wired up. My bad. @Blake_ Did you experience this issue by simply interacting with the electrical devices instead of having to resort to using the camera? During my tests simply entering the interface of the shotgun turret, SMG turret, spotlight, motion sensor, elec timer relay, or dart trap and then backing out caused interference with placing/picking up frames at most angles. (Note: I relogged after each consecutive test.)
  20. Is it too late to report on the bug tracker? I found an issue where if you enter the interface of a shotgun turret, SMG turret, dart trap, electric timer relay, motion sensor, or spotlight, the ability to nerdpole or pick up frames is severely crippled. In other words, your camera has to be in a very specific position to pick up or place frames, and sometimes it won't let you do this at all. A simple relog fixes this.
  21. The only mods I had installed were a bigger backpack, the inventory slot lock mod, and a different UI. I bounce back and forth between KingGen and vanilla and I've encountered lootable trees in both map generators. I've also found numerous trees where deco (flowers, small rocks, etc.) spawned in the exact same place as them, resulting you in getting that item instead of wood and the tree having 1 HP. I'm honestly impatient so I never look inside a container while looting it. I press the "R" key about 5/6th the way through the loot cycle so that the instant it is completed I'm out of the loot container and the items are already in my inventory. I thought it was going to be another bird's nest tree so I thought nothing of it.
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