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Posts posted by meilodasreh

  1. 6 hours ago, Adam the Waster said:

    But drinking a jar of water and eatting the jar


    ...is absolutely the same logic as with health and mana potions in all roleplay games.


    Damn if I got an empty flask back for every potion I consumed in DiabloII I guess the internet itself would have crashed by now...oh wait, it did a few times 🤔


    I'm sure everybody knows that classic, but here it is again, as it never gets old:


  2. it is a long known bug that's apparently still not completely fixed, that the vehicles you have placed in the world can get lost,

    when you log out of the game and then later relog in to continue.


    Doesn't happen with "stored" vehicles though.

    So just make sure you have your vehicle(s) picked up and safely stored in your inventory (hotbar, backpack, or inside one of your storage boxes) when you log out.


    If your game crashed, then it could also be that you lose stuff (not only vehicles), but this is not a thing the game can be blamed for, or let's say it like this: no game can properly handle unexpected crashes and you can just continue at the exact point the crash happened. If so, you got lucky, but don't expect it to be like this every time. 

  3. 43 minutes ago, Krougal said:

    Don't forget that fossil fuels will go bad in a couple years too.


    For consistency and also immersion/realism reasons fuel should be "murky" if you find it and it has to be boiled redestilled to get clean/usable fuel again.

    Also you shouldn't be able to "harvest" it directly from the source like cars, gas pumps, barrels,...

    Instead you should have to craft a "drip-collector", a special "workstation" made out of a big tarp that can be put underneath cars, to collect drops of fuel which would come out of the - after all that time obviously leaking - tanks.


    Let's say these require some filter (special buy-at-traders-only item), a bunch of scrap polymer and other stuff, and when placed, it automatically starts to collect up to three full "gas cans" per day, at the cost of also creating some heat that will lure in screamers.

    You would have to get to these "drip collectors" regularly to collect the fuel to avoid it stopping because it's "full".


    Sounds like a total crap idea to me. 🤭



  4. 2 hours ago, POCKET951 said:

    I thought you could have up to three active land claims blocks

    Right now I'm not quite sure how that's handled (somewhat lost interest since A21),

    but there should be an option in the main game menu where you can choose how many active LCBs you can have.

    Don't know what the default is (maybe even just one?), but whenever you put the first LCB that exceeds the chosen number, the first one you set gets disabled/inactive.

    Probably that's what happened in your case?


    Another thing that could have happened is that the exact location where you put the LCB was right at the border of one chunk, and your base - even if it was just a few blocks away - happened to be in another chunk.

    Don't know exactly how big a chunk is and how one could check that.


    Anyone knows how to make the chunks/their borders visible maybe in debug mode? Does this exist?

  5. 2 minutes ago, Kalen said:

    the overall impact of the change is minimal (once you get used to it).   I'm just not sure the game is better for it.

    Yes, this.

    Me myself did recently notice that there's a difference in my brain between how it works and how it feels.

    The game I mean, not my brain.


    ...well to be honest, also my brain.


    So in the end I'm fine with it more or less, I can accept all its lil faults and live on.

    ...again, the game and also my brain.

  6. @Jost Amman indeed! Part of my job irl is dealing with complaints concerning technical materials (electrical components) from our contractors (they recieve the materials they use from us).

    And I can absolutely confirm that it is vital to be meticulously precise about how you describe the fault, especially when everybody involved already has heard about it and has a general idea, and therefore automatically starts to presume things.

    It is soooo very easy to talk past each other...as can be seen here, meganoth also didn't get it right because he was presuming stuff.

    So yes again to your point, absolutely necessary to get things straight.

    ...next thing is: will the QA guy who receives the ticket take a thorough look or just klick it away because he's presuming...😀

  7. 1 hour ago, Roland said:

    Games have tons of these as well as cases where real life limitations are ignored for the sake of fun.

    agreed. But that's the whole essence of this discussion.

    Some people think stuff is being done for the sake of / to increase fun, and when they indeed have more fun, they're fine.

    But there's other people (these who are complaining) who don't have more fun then, and from their point of view fun is sacrificed to gain consistency or whatever.

    None of both perspectives is more true or false than the other.

  8. Why would that be an argument against my idea? I 'm just talking about the survival aspect of the game, which is obviously there, and all other parts like combat, exploring and so on aren't affected by it.


    Aside that, yes I know, the other/main reason was to reduce inventory clutter.

    Taking away a basic survival element (collect and carry water from any available source) from a not-only survival game wasn't the primary idea of course.


    And I agree the "anti-clutter part" kind of works...well I'm still cluttered pretty good with stuff I don't want when I wrench down/harvest stuff, with things what have a pretty limited use in the game, like headlights, grass, later on also iron pipes, when I just want the springs. Even cloth still gets an annoying abundance over time.

    ...well in the end with everything I might have gathered enough already.


    If they really want to reduce inventory clutter, a system would be nice where you can "check out" stuff that you don't want to auto-pickup, that would be nice.

    And rethinking some stack sizes would also help greatly.


    Anyway, just my opinion. I know the old system, I have tried the new system, I understand the advantages and disadvantages of both, and still,

    I like the old system better. That's how I feel.

    I guess it doesn't make much sense to try and put an objective weight on the pros and cons, like "the game is this or that and that's because why" in this case, to try to convince somebody that the changes did make the game objectively better than before.

    It's different, yes. Whether it's better or worse, that can only be decided on a personal/subjective level.



  9. 21 hours ago, meganoth said:

    By the way, did you notice the absence of empty gas cans? Empty bowls (for stews for example)? Empty pure water bottles? Empty acid bottles?

    Very good point actually, that's how it should work imo.

    Finding an empty container/bottle/jerrycan/whatever that can be used to collect and carry water would be a basic survival element, and also a sadly common thing to find even in today's pre-apocalyptic world (ok might be a bit too pessimistic here - hopefully)

    These could be used for scrapping for polymer after use,

    and also automatically turn into scrap after a certain amount of uses - to simulate some kind of weardown system.

    Different sizes of them would also come in handy, so that you could only collect this or that amount of water/fuel/whatever at a time,

    but then it would maybe also lead into new "nonsense inconsistencies" again in the context of stack sizes.

    To prevent abundance they could take very long to be crafted and/or use lots of resources (like the dew collector already does, what is it, a hundred scrap polymer?)

    And also crafted ones could have a way lower durability than found ones, so they could be reused only once or twice before worn out and give only a little amount of reusable scrap.


  10. If you want to push your progression you heavily rely on raiding bookstores. But this has been the case in former alphas too, the A21 magazine system just does make it a little more "effective".

    Even Khaine does concentrate on finding/raiding places with lots of bookshelves, and DF has lbd implemented.

    And in the end it's more or less a "natural" thing that you would find libraries as the place to go to get knowledge.

    I think the flaws are more within the details, like why the "tiers" for the food/drink progression, when you also unlock single recipies almost "per magazine"...well, never was a fan of having to learn how to make coffee anyway.

    And I think progression in vehicle construction is too slow if you didn't "spec" in it. Hope that's being adjusted in the future, well to be fair, mostly because I find it very annoying to use the minibike, I just can't stand the sound, also too slow and too tiny storage. And it's a long way to the motorcycle.

  11. Also I would guess if they'd put the already existing player outfits on display, standing next to each other like the new ones,

    one would find lots of inconsistencies, ugly details, bad design elements and whatsoever...just nobody complained about those in the past,

    because one never even realized, or was just already used to them.

  12. what about "friendly fire" then?

    Maybe they get damaged when the player is fighting zombies around the base,

    and the dew collectors accidentally get hit by maybe a "stray" pellet from a shotgun shell.

    That would do some amount of damage to them, probably even without the player realizing he did hit it, because most of the pellets did actually hit the zombie.

  13. I can understand that some people dislike this or that detail about the player models, or maybe even the whole concept when they look them.

    But I would assume most of the seemingly prominent details are just because the models are standing displayed in the picture.

    In the end when everybody is moving around you wouldn't even notice most of that stuff.

    The new models do achieve that players in a group are easily distinguishable at first glance, that's a nice feature.

    And I think that's well done, even if some things seem to be too exaggerated to reach the effect.

  14. I don't know but maybe there are shapes among the already available ones that could be used to mimic such a wheel.

    I'm often astonished how some people create great looking stuff I wouldn't consider possible because they just use/combine blocks in very creative ways, to make something out of blocks that originally were designed for a completely different purpose.


    I'm fine with them! And that's even not all, there are some more that are not revealed yet.

    Would love to see them in motion. In that screenshot they might seem a lil "clumsy" because they're pasted flat onto a random background, no shadows or correct lighting.

    Maybe that's what's bugging some people about it?


    btw I once tried to make the shoes of the tech/nerd model irl.


     They work great...to entertain others watching you 😄

  16. I once noticed some of my dew collectors weren't at 100%HP after a while, never found out how it happened.

    Maybe some stray zombies got stuck in the row and started to hit them, but then snapped out of it again supposedly?

    Don't know. And until now I'm not concerned, they weren't anywhere near to being destroyed, and fast to repair (scrap polymer iirc).


  17. usually you should get the best "performance versus image quality" (more fps while still good looking) when you play around with anything considering "shadows" and "draw distance". 7D2D is more CPU bound, so you can often find a way to keep good image quality, by choosing to lower stuff that's mainly influenced by CPU (GPU has to wait for data from CPU)

    So I suggest you may start with high or medium quality preset and then start turning down everything that says "shadows" and "distance" in the options.

    "occlusion" should be left on, cause that's an option that does "don't draw/calculate stuff that the player can't see anyway, cause it's behind other stuff".


    There are even little explanations behind every option, when you mouse-over the button, a little context window pops up and explains what it does and how big the impact on performance might be. Of course only on a general level, it also strongly depends on your hardware, the real bottleneck does vary.


    So there's no perfect universal settings one could give you, even if you explicitly listed your hardware components.

    Just start to try out, and don't do too many steps at a time. You will find a good compromise that runs smoothly and still looks good for you.

  18. relating to @thornnnn's point, can anybody explain why the "compass marker" of your vehicle gets lost when the vehicle itself stays within the world, somewhere at a "legit" location (in terms of "not out of bounds/fallen through the world as it sometimes happened in former alphas)?

    And maybe this could be "reestablished" after logging back in, so you would at least know where your vehicle "respawned" even if it is in a strange place?

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