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Posts posted by meilodasreh

  1. they should only go into that mode when they don't have a valid path to your position.

    You sure you haven't got any fancy stuff in your corridor that the zombies cannot path over to you?

    Playing around with all these shapes, it's easy to accidently create something that seems to be a legit pathway, but is a "gap" for the zombies.

    Or you did intentionally build something so that they cannot reach you of course 😀

  2. 42 minutes ago, Old Crow said:

    though it's also an early image.

    Yeah this. Maybe we're already interpreting too much into it.

    I mean was this picture indeed posted as an example for different available armor pieces/slots? No it wasn't.

    It was an animation sample for the new player models.

    It was not said that this had anything to do with clothing/armor, they might just have decided it would be inappopriate to let the guy sneak around with waving banana, and so gave him some random clothing parts that could have nothing to do with the final "product".




  3. 12 hours ago, BFT2020 said:

    It's a coding reason.  The devs don't want to spend processing time to calculate if and where it rains in the world and then have rain catchers fill up.

    Really I think that's not a real reason, they just don't want it.

    I would think if they really wanted to have it work like this, there would surely be a way to get it done without impact on game performance.

    I mean the game does check if it rains and the player is outside, for the "debuff" that you're wet...which currently has absolutely no effect either, and they stil leave it in, although it should have that impact on performance I guess, or does it not?


    If not they could just do that check for the dew collectors (even without "insode or outside" because they can only be built outside),

    and then do something like "if wet fill one jar" or whatever.

    And when the player isn't in the chunk, they could add a random chance to them being filled when the player returns which just equals the general probability of bad weather.

    So when you return and find your collector full, fine then from your point of view it probably rained when you were away.

    And it doesn't matter if it wasn't really raining at that place and time, calculated in real time, because you wouldn't notice it anyway.


    Just an example, I'm sure there can be many ways to figure out how it could be done in a simple way.

    In fact isn't this a rather common thing in coding in general? There are so many other things in this game where stuff that you don't see anyway isn't calculated in real time.

  4. 6 hours ago, Adam the Waster said:

    Unless the armor comes shirtless 

    Then it's 5 or so. I'm not trying to sound like a ass. I'm just interested about the whole system.  

    My guess would be 


    -upper torso/chest




    The idea of armored feet is a bit odd anyway imho.


    Of course you could divide it further, into upper leg and shin, or in arm plus glove, but in the end it doesn't matter.

    It's just a thing of how many mod slots they want to be there overall, and how powerful they are, not on how many different parts they are distributed.

    To oversimplify one could say there could be just one "general armor thingy" that has 12 (whatever) mod slots, it would also work and no difference in gameplay.

  5. 4 hours ago, Krougal said:

    Landing is doable,

    Yes and even recommended with the vehicle damage overhaul in A21.

    Away are the good old times when Jen welcomed me with a warm "oh there you are...",

    and I was like "yeah don't act so surprised, I know you noticed the gyro crash into the side of your building"

  6. I think helmet lights are already "nerfed" enough just by being broken as is works now.

    Bad weather outside dampens my helmet light even if I'm inside. Should be more or less the opposite, it should appear brighter in darker conditions.

    I'd like it to be brighter in general, so I don't have to gamma-slide the game, cause in general I like the game to be dark.

    Or a "tier 2" version of the light would also be cool.

  7. I'm not a fan of the new water system, nor of how magazines work.

    DF it will be for me again, as soon as Khaine throws out the A21 adapted (5.0?) version.

    Getting water from any source, lbd, and some different use of the magazine system (curious how it will work, but I'm confident it'll be more to my liking than vanilla).

    Ah just a few weeks away.

  8. 6 hours ago, Adam the Waster said:

    Marauder Armor in Alpha 22
    seen before but still cool!

    Yes I like that too indeed.

    It is so ridiculously overexaggerated that it's fine again 😄

    When you look at the thickness of some of the metal sheets, you know this must weigh a ton easily, but who cares, I carry around thousands of solid concrete blocks, so what. 😀

    I really hope that if you wear this, you are able to sprint through one or two layers of wooden walls at an immense stamina cost, that would be cool.

  9. 19 minutes ago, Roland said:

    and most importantly.....free.

    yes, and guess why such a service - which obviously does cost money to run and maintain - is offered "for free".

    It is the data they're mining from it which pays the bills.


    Well I guess nothing shockingly new about it.

    Today you can choose whether you let your data being collected and processed by either google, apple, or China. Russia of course always gets it either way 😀

    Man I hope for the day to come when suddenly everybody realizes that all this "profiling" has no real use at all and it was all only the false imagination of today's marketing dogma that it actually works how it is believed.


    ...oh what is this, there's some interesting new p***s enlargement ad I never noticed before...

  10. 1 hour ago, Adam the Waster said:

    I suppose I'm just being impatient 


    well A21 was released to the public only just about two months ago, and time between A20 and A21 was well over a year.

    So...yes you are.

    But it's fine. 

    me too btw. 😀

  11. 19 hours ago, Krougal said:

    I haven't really noticed the infestations being any more difficult than the base POI they are in.

    Since I frequently double-dip, I can tell you there don't seem to be any extra zeds. Maybe there should be and it is broken.

    Huh? 🤔 Shouldn't this simply double the amount of zombie spawns? How could such a (seemingly) simple feature be broken for somebody.

    You have mods that could interfere with this?

    Or maybe it's the "max alive" thing in the game options that limits it? ...well it shouldn't in this case, so one could call that "broken" then indeed. 🤔

  12. I'm not expecting A22 Dev Diary until end of the year.

    Yes, they told us it would be a shorter cycle to A22, but on the other hand lots of stuff for A22 is already known and been showcased, because it was planned for A21 in the first place.

    So they don't really have much new stuff to show and tell, and before they have bandits running on a level that's worth showing without everybody being "meh already saw that in the A21 dev thingy"...well that's why I guess not before end of 2023.


    Feel free to rant at me for being such a pessimist.

    I'd love to stand corrected.

  13. 23 hours ago, the_envenom said:

    Why is there blue on the side of the moon? 

    Moon has an atmosphere in 7D2D, and the story is to build a rocket and get there to escape the zombies.

    The recipe is

    10.000.000 electrical parts

    15.000.000 mechanical parts

    5.000.000 polymer

    1.000.000 steel

    10 leather 

    10 cotton

    1 ElonMusk (loot only item that has a 1:100.000.000 chance to drop from an airdrop at gamestage 5000 or higher)

    also needs 50.000.000 fuel


    But don't sweat, trader Bob has a good chance to have a rocket for sale as from day 7000, at a cost of 180billion dukes.


    ...and people are complaining there is no end game content, pfffft... 

  14. Really, this was a thing? Hm, maybe then it was at a very early alpha, when they only had a handful of different food types, and when variety was boosted up they decided to skip to the universal placeholder because they saw it wasn't worth the effort to model/animate all the new stuff.

    I might have a wrong memory, but I can only remember the player held this brown little sack formerly (maybe this thing is what's referred as "parcel"?) 

  15. 2 hours ago, zztong said:

    That kind of how it works.

    1 hour ago, warmer said:

    If you ever double dip on a quest, you'll notice some POI have several spawn variations. It's not drastic, but they do change locations

    This isn't real variation. You still know exactly where to look for them. No difference if there are some spaces empty when you check them all because you know.



    1 hour ago, warmer said:

    Personally my ideal would be some sleepers and a few wandering in a poi. The closets make sense when you think about it. Where would you hide from zombies? lol they just all got infected before hand, that's why they are there.

    Yes this. As I said myself before, I'm perfectly fine having them come out of reasonable hiding spaces.



    1 hour ago, warmer said:

    I do like the blocks that break suddenly.

    Me too...but not one-hit breaking solid walls that are perfectly camouflaged fake ones. If they come out of somewhere, it should also be somewhat comprehensible how they entered in the first place.



    Another thing that came to my mind:

    What about some of them sleepers would have a randomly appearing "fast-wakeup function"

    It's kinda too convenient sometimes cause they always perform their little "boot up" animation when they stand up and shake their head a little,

    giving you enough time to properly place a headshot. 


  16. 1 hour ago, warmer said:

    However, without this stuff, the game completely loses any sense of danger for me. Once a game becomes to predictable I cease wanting to play.

    [...] Without ambushes, I personally, wouldn't feel any POI is a challenge after 1000+ hrs of gameplay.

    I completely agree, but this is exactly why I don't like this system. 

    What you say may be correct for the first, maybe the second time you do a poi.

    But after that you know exactly when and where you will be abushed, and from where they will come.

    Sure there is some variety, sometimes one of the hiding spaces is unpopulated, but still, where's the thrill then?

    Wouldn't it be better if the zombies would kind of have their own life within the volumes, so that you can only expect them to be there, but they are in different spots every time?

  17. no please not as a trigger that does "when player crosses doorstep then activate zombie cornering". That's not what I meant. Would get old/repetitive again.

    Let them move around by themselves and do their thing, just as the random ones outside in the streets. Maybe they could be bound to some paths so that they can't go "out of bounds", I guess that would probably mess up questing.


  18. yes you are right, it would probably be a ton of work for adding next to nothing to the game. Maybe a little more immersion yes, but probably not worth the effort.

    Maybe some kind of animation could be figured out that doesn't really show anything specific when you eat/drink.

    A hand grabbing into the backpack or something. That could be used universally, without showing a visual discrepancy between to hotbar/inventory item and stuff in the "hand to mouth animation".

    ...damn what am I saying, just leave it as it is, don't get rid of my salmon 😀

  19. 8 hours ago, theFlu said:

    Let's say, 10-20% of current zeds in their perfect hiding spots. 60% sleeping in actually random spots in rooms (not on shelves, but sanely random). Rest, wake up and patrol slowly within the volume.

    I would like mostly all of them wandering around in a certain area (maybe 2-3 rooms, depending on the size of the poi). Some few asleep, and ZERO walled in ones.

    It would be a far better way to scare you if a zombie scuffles around the corner just when you enter a room, because it is not repetitive and foreseeable as the concealed ones.

    In fact I wouldn't mind if at least some would even have the ability to open unlocked standard doors. It'd be cool if you hear a door creak somewhere...

    Really hope this is where TFP will go with wandering sleepers.

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