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Posts posted by meilodasreh

  1. I'm perfectly fine with zombies coming out of wardrobes, ventilation shafts and stuff. Cause these are kinda plausible things where one might have hidden himself to get away from creepy things going on.

    But in/behind "solid" walls is...I don't know.

    I mean yes, it does the job and makes me jump, but every time afterwards it feels so...disappoitingly poor designed (can't find the correct words to express my feelings here right now)


    I mean, a zombie coming out of a concrete wall makes me think "ok what's next, a refrigerator or a sofa turns into a zombie right before my eyes or what"


    I'm putting my hope in that "wandering sleepers" thingy they seem to be on, for some next alpha.

    A21 does SWAT zombie ambushes out of "strange" things waay too often, and that Karen Higashi poi just makes the most excessive use of it. It's a very cool poi, but...ah well now I'm starting to repeat myself.


  2. I just finished the Karen Higashi residence, and man I've had it with the zombies being hidden in weird (not to say cheesy stupid) concealed places that look like solid concrete walls and alike, and then they perform a coordinated SWAT ambush on you.


    I'm really beginning to make it a habit to sprint into a room and make a quick turn to trigger them, and then fight from a save retreat point.

    Doesn't always work perfect, because they drop right on your head sometimes nevertheless (which actually seems to be the point), but there is no other chance anyway.

    Being not ambushed is not an option if you don't want to carefully inspect every piece of wall and ceiling for being solid or not.


    And in fact why would a zombie be there, it's just too cheesy, just to make one jump.

    Yeah fine, why not randomly spawn some right into my face, it's no difference if you ask me.


    So...me inspecting walls for hidden zombie compartments.


    I would really like if that stuff was tuned down significantly.


  3. this might probably be "rage mode" which is a factor to somewhat add rng to a otherwise too predictable - and more importantly too congeneric - zombie behaviour.

    Guess how stupid it would look if every zombie would show the exact same behaviour based on the same "formula" all the time.

    This would make things too predictable and therefore lame and easy to cheese.


    My current horde base is integrated in the radio tower of "cell tower #1", with the main gate wide open and then a staircase up the fighting position.

    So an absolutely clear and wide open path to me, but they often first bang on the walls and fences a little before actually taking the clear path to me.

    Some even stop in the middle of the stairs to punch the air a few times.

    Temreki supposed in one of his vids that this might be an issue with the new "simplified zombie AI mode" system, but I don't think this might be it in my case...I don't have that much going on with my settings on hordenight that this should be an issue.

  4. yes if you ask me the whole eating/drinking animation itself is redundant in its current state.

    I can see why it's there (at least I guess, to add a "realistic" delay for you doing a thing, same as reloading a gun or putting on a bandage)

    But on the other hand, then why isn't there a proper "hand grab to open a loot container" animation which takes some time, but instead just this little rotating icon.


    So for a real immersion you're right, the only logic thing would be to add the correct specific graphics for each food/beverage.

    Or else just leave it out completely.

    This "universal placeholder" animation I also don't like very much, though I have to say your "parcel", to me it looks like delicious smoked glazed salmon, which is one of my favourites, so I really wouldn't mind eating this all the time 😄

  5. 11 hours ago, Grandpa Minion said:

    Hello, i was wanting to share some information about a21 and for the life of me do not understand why so many Chinese servers show up in my region list. Is there ANYONE out there who knows why this is?


    Well this isn't the first time this "issue" shows up I remember.

    It was mentioned in A20 already, but I didn't keep track on this topic.

    Did a quick search for you for a starting point of further investigation, maybe if you read the related posts you will find a solution:



  6. does anybody have more specific information about the "formula" how these pathing decisions are chosen?

    As I understood the previous posts it is just time-based? Like how long will it take to breach/break all blocks between the player and the z, against running a distance?

    Or is there more to it?

    I think I remember there was a "doors are preferred targets" thingy too?


    Don't get me wrong, I don't want to exactly calculate my base around this,

    but at least it would be nice what factors have an impact on a zombie's "decision".

  7. not supposed to be like that.

    Did you pump up block damage in the game options, or anything else that "messes" with the damage numbers?

    Also, any mods involved? (are there any installed, no matter that they apparently can't/shouldn't have any influence on this)

    Did you start a new game, or use a savegame from a previous build?

  8. 6 hours ago, spud42 said:

    co-ordinates are x,z,y so your negative numbers are WAY below bedrock ! 

    Yeah I wasn't exactly sure what direction it was, also because y and z axis are used differently over the countries of this world. In some y is height/elevation, in others it's z. But in either way, onemillionsomething is way beyond whatever 😄

    ...dang now that I'm thinking about this topic, I have to fire up the game just to check where 0.0.0 is (center of the map, bottom left, whatever). Why am I such a guy who can't go to sleep with the feeling of something hasn't yet fallen into the correct place in my head.

    Thanks brain. Love you too.

  9. kinda reminds me of the countless bellyflop-sliding dead rabbits I've encountered (they really like to do that in the desert because they hop into a cactus).

    Never saw it happen to anything else.

    But seeing a vehicle do it is somewhat scary, because they don't just despawn like a dead rabbit after some time.

    Dang think about it, you park that thing for the night, and next day it is half a mile away 😀...I guess I would immediately check my game settings for "accidental multiplayer" 😄

  10. 5 hours ago, sieungau96 said:

    this is probably the worst POI at this state

    Just use the hole on the top to drop down right to the bottom on day 2 (don't forget to break your leg doing that), then slowly make your way back up in the dark using all the nice ropes here and there (don't forget to fall down once or twice more when trying).

    During this you may encounter a handful of scattered zombies that come out of nowhere (poop your pants if you like here, because you have to switch from your torch to your club and swing into the dark hoping to hit anything).

    And when you finally get back to surface you recognize that this thing has an actual "official" entrance, when you don't just run up the nice little hill at night, which is the backside of the poi.

    Then call it a successful clear quest to yourself, reward you with drinking your last water and move on.


    at least that's what I did 😀

    And I really liked that little episode...at least when I thought back to it several days later, sitting in my comfy base sipping coffee.


    no sh!$. Happened exactly like that.

  11. Well the overall reason would be "for better balance", but if you ask me that is a rather tedious task...because hoarders will hoard, no matter what.

    I think TFP sometimes put a little bit too much thought and effort into those "small" changes that they feel will prevent people from having too much stacks of whatever, and call it "better balance"...but in the end they didn't really achieve anything with it.

    Ah, whatever, we're still talking about  an alpha version of a game, so they're of course free to experiment with what works best, and that's fine.

  12. The easiest way to "handle" them is how I do it:

    Just lose interest early enough and start over again before they even show up 😅

    ...considering we're in experimental state, where it is so likely that every randomly apperaring next build will mess up your savegame,

    I think it is a thought-out strategy 😉😀

  13. 2 hours ago, Doomofman said:

    I did eventually get an airdrop but at 19:00 which is odd. Maybe they've randomised the timing?

    Not sure, at least I can't find any more about airdrops in the patch notes besides the "fixed an issue with..." 🤔

    But as you say it, I should have got an airdrop by now, and I can't remember having heard the plane...well was clearing higashi tower, so I might just have missed it, because it was during one of those "why is there this strangely calm passage with all these exhaust vent walls?-situations"😄


  14. you only have to find/raid one savage county store and scrap everyting you find in the racks, and you're done like forever.

    One single t-shirt scraps for I think 37 cloth? Can't remember exactly, but I can tell I've got thousands of cloth.

    Too early to determine it's working well long term and also for multiplayer, but from I've experienced, not scarce at all.

  15. I prefer sticking the lanterns to the ceiling upside down, but I'm generally very practical about my base designs, so no fancy stuff, just barren utility.

    But the "inside lamp trick" is indeed very neat, if you're more into decorating stuff.

    Cool find!



    sooo...sniffing around in Madmole's place, huh?


  16. Now with all these "oh sh!$ situations" where you are swarmed by zombies, the drone - kind fella as it is - often decides that it would be too cruel for you to see doom coming for you, so it just gets into your view to spare you the pain.

    All pets/followers and even people you're supposed to escort/protect in any game act more or less the same.

  17. 52 minutes ago, Guppycur said:

    lbr is fine to learn the skill, lbd is how you get better at it.

    cool idea,

    a "mixed" system where you get better with lbd up to a certain threshold, and then you have to find some written knowledgebase to get to the next level.

    lbd could also be devided into crafting and also time of real usage, to prevent "spam crafting lbd".

    I'd take it.

    Damn one day I have to start learning how to make my own mods.

    ...but how would I start?

    Reading a book about coding first, or just start typing totally uneducated nonsense into the .xmls and see if I get it to run? 😄

  18. Nice!

    If I had any talent in coding,

    I would probably make a water filter as a "workstation", that has a slow but improvable "processing/crafting rate" for clean water out of murky water,

    which can be collected from whatever water source with empty jerry cans or whatever (not to say the other bad j-word 😀)

    But I'm not.

  19. you both seem to have misread my point.


    I did not say "dump the dew collector system and revert back to the old system"

    I said I want empty jars back.


    The new system with the dew collector is fine, it works good early game, and the idea of a dew collector even is immersive.


    I just don't like how it works late game, where you should - as adam also said - have the possibility of some kind of "industrial production rate", especially because of glue (which needs water).


    Having a big dew collector farm is tedious, and not very good looking also...next to that "obvious thingy" with an unusable water source like lake nearby.


    So why not "reactivate" empty jars as a late game item, that you can slowly but steadily produce (see it like steel production),

    and those then can be filled in a lake, stormdrain or whatever.

    This effect would be the same in principle as a higher tier water pump like thing, to get higher amounts of water faster.

  20. Increase the crafting time significantly, and add a "special tool" like crucible to unlock crafting them, to mitigate availability of water in big amounts for early game, and that's it.


    Running by a lake and not being able to collect the water just doesn't stop to feel absolutely stupid.


    Daily collection run along my dew collector farm got old and tedious very fast.

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