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Everything posted by meilodasreh

  1. Roland when finally coming up with the next riddle, after spending hours and hours to figure out the most complicated and disguised evil mastermind puzzle: *posting it, whilst thinking with evil grin* "this one finally, they will nev..." *immediate post from someone in the forum who already figured it out correctly*
  2. you should definitely try the "god of war" games weapons you throw away but always come back to you is essential part of the gameplay/combat system these chain blades never get old ...yes, I would love to see something similar happen in 7D2D too.
  3. I am rather curious how that new feature will look, or better said what kind of useful information this really provides. I mean what, would it be like "this is 80% dangerous right now" or "when I go here, it switches from low danger to medium danger" hmm...doesn't really seem very useful like that. How it will be calculated would be nice to know. Based on gamestage, poi tier and biome seems logical. Maybe even by the amount of zombies that are present in that area (or that can spawn in). But this seems so logical all by itself, couldn't everybody figure out how dangerous a situation is, just by knowing the game a bit? Will it be just a noob feature? Did that game data collection software record too many rage-quits recently? 😄
  4. @Morloc and @Roland There you go as promised well done indeed, Roland for making this one up...and of course the Arch Necromancer for being able to get this deep into Roland's head
  5. D eleted some of the old stuff C reated and added some new cool stuff it might not be THE solution, but I guess at least I'm not wrong there...smart-ass me 🙂
  6. It means: Doesn't mean anything Can't be solved therefore...but will still keep them fools busy for quite some time ctrl+a does the trick for those who don't get it
  7. Wow if this turns out to be right I really pull my hat Sir! This is some brilliant think-out-of-the-box brain stuff. edit: it doesn't even have to be true...just that fact to "translate" this somewhat hillbilly slang pronouncing into new words is really a cool idea
  8. dog flaps and raw meat baseball mini game confirmed for A21!
  9. Happy Birthday A20 *insert random cake here* We had a good time playing around with you, and we love you and all, but...you're all grown up now and - sorry to say - it's time for you to go your own ways. We have to make place for our soon-to-be-born new little toddler. ...gawd it feels so harsh to kick the little fella out 🥲
  10. Sometimes he just wants to see the world burn 🤡
  11. Yes, but this isn't really a problem of bad animation, but a more or less general thing in many games. An entity's foot never really connects to the ground to make it a fix point/hinge whatever (missing the right word here sorry). If you pay close attention to the Zs feet you will see they all often slide/skate or even moonwalk. Z dogs are really good at that if you ask me. I guess the snake is just the more obvious thing because one assumes that the whole thing as it is should connect to the ground, but instead it is often half floating...or doing the cha-cha as you say. Which can look really bad especially when the surrounding ground is uneven (which often is the case).
  12. This. Please add it to the many "messages" we already receive like buffs/debuffs and stuff. Now, it is so embarassing when you hop into your gyro and then (3rd person view) realize that you weren't wearing any pants since probably the last couple of days. ...and damn it's cold down there when you take off.
  13. And that's how the whole conversation entered my mind. BOOBS
  14. new thing is: game difficulty option "ridiculously easy" (MM never made it til day65 before, even in cm) 🙊
  15. I wouldn't mind if they totally got rid of electric post wires and replace that kind of trap with like an electrified floor plate or so. Feels weird to me that Zs slowly glide through the wire without breaking it immediately...always get that terminator prison scene vibe. Feels out of place for me.
  16. Also there was nothing that specified this coming Christmas 2022, so meganoth wouldn't have lied even if he gave the answer "yes, it will for sure be released before Christmas" ...2025. btw. Dec6th it's A20s birthday...and ideas for a proper present for the little sh@&? 😜
  17. See that mountain top in the distance? It is exactly 12miles away. You start where you are, and the goal you have in mind is absolutely clear to you. So you know the distance, you know where you want to be at the and, and you also know exactly how fast you can go (distance per time). Now you tell me how long it will take you, its absolutely easy, just do the math. Of course, it absolutely doesn't matter that you can't see how many obstacles there are along the way. And if there are differences that occur during your steady progress, those definitely cannot slow your pace no matter what there may come! ...or does it matter?
  18. There is such a big number and variety of different stuff you can pick up/use. No matter how things are handled, there will always be some inconsistency concerning how stuff behaves, what stack sizes are possible and so on, at least if one has in mind some degree of realism like "if item A has such behaviour, then this similar item B should have the same". Question would be: is it managable to get A-Z consistent behaviour over all similar items...and will it maybe kill the fun if achieved...so is it even a desirable goal to put effort in?
  19. people would complain that building a base would be very slow then. What about this addition: In general, placing blocks is somewhat slow, but when you want to excessively place blocks (for building a base) then you have to place a "construction box". That box works as a storage where you have to put all your stuff in, and it then gives you a special "fast building tool" that you can get nowhere else. Then you can build your base fast, and if interrupted by a zombie threat, you have to run back to the construction box to get your stuff back and immediately be combat ready again. So it wouldn't give you a hard time with the little nerd poles (that are useful and necessarily ok in day to day situations for when you get stuck in a hole, want to get over a wall, or fell down somewhere, and stuff alike)...placing a few blocks taking longer doesn't hurt that much. But it would prevent the cheesy big poles right to the top of a T5 rooftop...because it would either take very long (without the fast building tool), and with it, you would get up there fast but without the necessary equipment to fight a zed or open those main loot containers.
  20. wow, so you are using a known-to-be-cheesy game mechanics exploit to get yourself a resource that you are not supposed to have early game? You little progression-skipping telephone-pole-nerd-poling steel stealer! shame on you, nemesis of madmole!!!
  21. The only thing I slowly start to grow negative towards is all you QA and forum mod guys being such a tease like "oh I would never go back to A20 now that I play/test/know A21 all the time" Yeah thx, very kind of you for letting us know. Really, I'm serious. Thank you so much. ...maybe I'm not solely thankful but also a bit ,if you didn't recognize it between the lines 😀
  22. Can't see how that could be a thing, especially in MP with no co-op. Every single "normal world poi" would have no good final loot, but only when you get it active as a quest. So no normal day to day raids possible, you're bound to trader quests when you want the good stuff. And for the "anti-nerdpoling initiative": I guess there will always be some possibilitiy to cheese in a fully destructible (and build-everywhere) world, and whatever mechanics to counter that, would maybe feel more cheesy than to actually leave it like it is now. Let those double-dip guys have their fun if they want to, because you would kill the fun for the majority who doesn't use exploits when you introduce more restrictions. I would not want those artificial limitations that you describe, cause I like the freedom of choice the game has to offer.
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