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Everything posted by meilodasreh

  1. I like him. He feeds me stuff. You know, bits of information...little riddles and so on...something to nibble. Well of course I'd prefer some rodent live stock, but still...I like him. He gives what he can reasonably give.
  2. Yes, long ago I made a similar suggestion as a concept for storymode. Mine was about establishing a new outpost via protecting some army engineers corps building a new "trader" in a formerly abandoned area. Large amount of airdrops come in to deliver personnel and materials, and you have to help them survive incoming waves of Zs until barricades and stuff is established. You would then get new types of missions from there on... I think this would be really cool, at least your point to get some missions to reactivate some critical infrastructure throughout the world.
  3. Yes absolutely. I like your "learning by using" concept, which obviously is completely different from the infamous "learning by doing" ...hush, don't let 'em recognize...
  4. I tend to become overly attached to my stuff over time, so no thx, not for me. In fact, I would rather see my stuff getting a little bonus e.g. in damage, fire rate, critical chance, when I keep it in perfect condition.
  5. This! Haha just imagine it would have a random chance to rip apart and spill all your stuff ๐Ÿ˜„ Not that i really want that, but I have to say I once had a similar experience: I was playing a mod (DF), and had a fully modded M60. One of them was the "advanced brass catcher" which gives you back an empty casing after each shot you take. As I am one notorious hoarder, I got my inventory completely clogged up over time with all kinds of stuff (of course I didn't notice) Then when I fired the gun, suddenly the screen started to fill with "item bags", which took me completely by surprise and I didn't know what happened. But when I realized that these were all "one bullet casing" bags that didn't fit into my inventory and therefore fell to the ground before my feet, it was absolutely hilarious and I couldn't stop piling them up everywhere ๐Ÿ˜„๐Ÿ˜„๐Ÿ˜„
  6. Question: what is the strongest Material in the game? Answer:
  7. I have experienced this once in the shotgun Messiah Factory. I somehow triggered some vultures outside when I was indoors. They were part of another volume I suppose because there was no way to get to them. They took off and werenโ€˜t able to get to me either so they tried to find a way and swiftly were way off (red dots got reeeally small) and eventually couldnโ€˜t be distinguished from other Zs when I triggered another volume. Never got that one finished. I know they are supposed to respawn to their original location but got the feeling they never did. maybe thatโ€˜s worth a closer look?
  8. I might have chosen the wrong term here, which remains to be seen. If you like "prefer/tend more towards" or similar better, then take it for now, but as you said yourself, right now we're at the current state of "if" and "probably won't", not "will definitely be".
  9. So you did read that book "life of Pi" right? It is. You just skip the tutorial and also don't read the tooltips and loading screen infos any more, because you're a pro now (congrats btw)
  10. That "rage mode" you describe is already there, but maybe it could be tweaked a little how it is triggered. atm it can occur for a short period of time after they fell, and they do it when they don't have a legit path to you. This is as far as I know, but there might be more to it. Sometimes they seem to do it at random, but I guess that's just because especially on hordenights when they clog up somewhere, their pathing just gets messed up, so it's more like a bug, working as a feature ๐Ÿ™‚
  11. Aren't you sticking a bit too much to the extremes here? base building is of course one strong aspect in the game, as well as looting always has been. Or mining. And fighting. And the list goes on. The new system does encourage looting more, but still has to balance between all the aspects, because in single player you just have to do them all to survive...and of course this variety of different aspects is mostly what makes the fun in the game. People who do exclusively one aspect have to be part of a group that does the rest, they all depend on each other. Your playmates depend on you building/fortifying the base, while you depend on them bringing you materials, food, guns, ammo,... So why can't they bring you the corresponding magazines about building/crafting they find? They will all find few because there's a bigger chance that they find the ones they specced in...but they're a group, so it should add up for you one lonely housekeeper hero. yeah I might also have forgotten to admit that I can't help nibbling on the insulation to keep my beak sharp...you know...habits
  12. Never really used those turrets much, or electricity and corresponding "trap/turret stuff" in general, because wiring stuff up, for me it is too tedious and looks ugly. A21 invisible wires fixes that one point for me (finally no more ugly wires criss-cross hanging and you're mostly busy to hide stuff the best way instead of getting it functional) Yes, mod slots for those turrets would even more add to the fun (btw di$% puncher and junky already have those, or is this a DF thing again that I mix into vanilla?) Still, two more points seem to stay untouched which will probably keep me from using electricity more: -stuff gets worn down too fast -wiring is the opposite of intuitive for me, I keep cutting existing branches by accident, and then trying to fix it often leads to an even bigger mess.
  13. ๐Ÿ˜„ You're so mean! Yes, I can imagine him, thoroughly testing A21 on a vast variety of hardware, and one time he spent almost 2 hours in front of this really old rig, displaying "...creating world...", and he's like "dammit...did it freeze or does it still work...ok let's give it another final 5 minutes or so...come on ATARI you can do it"
  14. And this is why I said I wouldn't go so far to say that there are groups of people that are being ingored. I assume TFP are totally aware of that and will obviously try to balance it towards you say.
  15. I wouldn't say "ignore" the rest. In any roleplay game (character development, collecting gear/items) there is always some builds that are superior to others, and hardcore players only choose those. While the big majority of more casual players does build their character different (and totally inefficient/weak if you ask a hardcore player), but nevertheless have fun playing too...not even being aware they are "inefficient", and they themselves wouldn't call it like that anyway.
  16. And yet I assume, no matter how convenient the dew collector will turn out, playing a survival game where you stand next to a lake or any other water source and you don't have any option to pick up water from it, will always feel...chewy.
  17. I see your point, and I don't think you are inconsistent in your views. It's the game that is (and has to be) inconsistent in some/many points for the sake of play fun against reality. Therefore I'm also with you, right now it doesn't feel right that you can't just go fill a water container (whatever hollow thingy) in open water bodys. Because many times the game sacrifices "obviously common sense stuff" (best example is said weight/inventory stuff) to be not too resctrictive. Here they choose the other direction and increase it, and it remains to be seen how it will be accepted by the majority of players. Of course water being so easy to get plenty could have also got mitigated by dramatially lowering stack size of jars, but then there would be people who would complain about the inconsistency of "why can I carry thousands of buckets full of concrete mix but only three water bottles at once?" It all comes back to the aspect of necessary inconsistency, no matter what approach will be taken to try to balance the game in certain aspects.
  18. Your example with gravity fits quite well to that of @Jost Amman if you think it through. I mean, you can build a big base made out of solid steel blocks, with the equivalent of 1000s of tons, ontop of a few flimsy plywood sticks. Gravity isn't a thing in the game right now. Which is more or less the same point that Jost was bringing up, just more thought in the way of inventory space instead of structural stability. btw I recently watched Neebs&Appsro (guess everybody knows them) playing a game called "the long dark", which is a really serious survival game. There you can't carry really much (weight is calculated realisticly, next to many many other things). You constantly and unavoidably struggle what bits to take with you, and you never can stay anywhere long because you run out of resources (firewood, food, and so on). And the list of "inconveniences" goes on and on. I never will play that game myself. Everlasting pain in the a is not what I call fun. I will happily continue to carry the equivalent of a "Panamax Class" containership in my backpack in 7D2D, knowing how silly it is, because I know otherwise it would totally suck.
  19. I don't know about that part with "just rely on buying steel instead of having a forge". At least I wouldn't have the money to get enough for a decent lategame base. But maybe A21 will get pricing overhaul too, so I don't complain now. Not being anxious but curious how all those changes will feel.
  20. Those could be placed into a modslot of the dew collector to drastically reduce the chance of vulture-poop contamination. btw is boiled poop water safe to drink? ...not that I really want to know, just came up in my mind
  21. hardcore players will also be able to roleplay that water from the dew collector is contaminated too, because birds/vultures occasionally poop into its funnel, which will add to the survival aspect even more.
  22. Thx for sharing that link. I scrolled through those funding level descriptions, and now I'm wondering if there really was some big mommy who contributed 5000$ and so got her own zombie likeness ๐Ÿ˜ƒ
  23. Yes sorry, of course you both are right. I totally misunderstood that part in Temreki's "what's new in A21" vid where he scrapped his weapons to incrementally improve his future ones (or better said he planned to do so) I fell for it cause I'm in a DF playthrough. Weapons get scrapped for iron there, and as i saw them getting scrapped to parts in the vid I obviously didn't get the context of what he said correctly. ...damn mods ๐Ÿ˜ƒ
  24. There are some changes considering the system to craft tools/weapons, which Temreki (GN&S) recently brought up in one of his vids. I don't know where he got it from, probably by his interview with the huenink brothers. I don't remember everything, but one thing was about you will be able to scrap weapons for weapon parts instead of scrap iron. Primarily for crafting a better one (with more parts), but this could also be used to reintroduce a repair system (need weapon parts to repair your worn one). I hope this will be a thing, as it feels so naturally logic.
  25. Yep, me too. And I guess a good amount of people around here who have been following the development of this game also know about said technical limitations of the voxel engine with current hardware, and so don't really complain. But as Roland said there might also be a good amount of players (he even called that group "the typical player" which I wouldn't support without reserve), who don't think said way "rather a better game than better graphics" but more like "game gets better by/with better graphics"
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