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Everything posted by w00kien00kie

  1. The buff is stackable, so if the player use 2 injections the buff should last 40 mins. It's an easy recipe to make as well. If you want to increase the duration for 1 though you'll need to edit the XML. This should also be good for A21 but will check once it's released
  2. @lola10147 I've run some quick tests against A20.6b9 and the game loaded fine with no errors. I also checked that the actions skills were increasing the item level correctly (this was a reported bug). Would be great if you could give it a go and let me know if you have any issues. This is the download link : https://github.com/w00kie-n00kie/TheWinchester/archive/refs/heads/main.zip As with all mods, please make sure you run the mod in a fresh copy of the game with no other mods installed. w00kie
  3. Im afraid I havent updated the Winchester mod for A20.6 and am on a break from modding atm. Once A21 is out and I have an idea of what/how the new changes affect mods ill hopefully update the mod then. w00kie
  4. Updated with new 3 stage cruise - Off, Slow and Sprint. Also added new visual indicator. See original post for details.
  5. Ive run a quick test in SP on A20.6b9 and the Bloodmoon Injection was working as intended. Id be surprised if this would be any different in MP/Dedicated tbh and think it may be a clash with one of your other mods. Ill try to get a dedicated test up and running but that will take me longer to do
  6. Hiya I haven't heard of any other problems with it but also haven't tried it out myself on the latest version. I'll try to do some testing when I get a chance and let you know
  7. ok that very much surprises me tbh but glad it works Also i have an idea of how to do different auto run speeds , normal and sprint. Plan is to make the Q button work as 3 states of auto-move, Off > Normal > Sprint This means pressing Q will cycle through those 3 states. Ill also add a visual indicator somewhere so you can easily see what state you are cruising at.
  8. As you said, this will need some code to actually use the variables, hence why it's more aimed at modders. Turning on and off mods is something I've thought about doing in the past, we may be able to use this approach to do this now. I'll have a think about it
  9. This is a new mod aimed at modders so they can easily add new Custom Game Options to their overhauls without having to write any C# code (well very little anyway). The game options are just added via a standard 7days XML patch file and then the variables can be used in any other Harmony patch (this is the only C# you need to do). All you need to do to use is download the Compiled mod, add your own <gameoptions .../> xml to the windows.xml and then use the variables anywhere in your Harmony patches. Compiled Mod https://gitlab.com/wookienookie/customgameoptionsmod/-/archive/main/customgameoptionsmod-main.zip Source Code (if you want to poke around the actual code, this is not need to run the mod) https://gitlab.com/wookienookie/CustomGameOptions Example of Custom Options in game : I've included an example windows.xml config patch in /XUi_Menu/windows.xml NOTE : The 'name' parameter in the <gameoption> xml MUST start with the work 'Custom' otherwise the code will treat it as a normal vanilla gameoption and everything will error! (Highly advise to set a value for the new xml parameter default_value="" for each <gameoption> you add ) You will need to add Localization as well, ive included a Localisation.txt example but you dont have to use that location for your own text changes. Note : Localization in <GameOptions/> is a bit odd but not hard, ill write some notes up with examples later. There is also an example of how to use the variables within your Harmony patches (commented out by default) in the source code : I have tested this in SP, MP and on a dedicated server BUT this is still a new approach and i am expecting some issues. Please thoroughly test within your own mods/overhauls. Any problems let me know. This mod is just using standard C# code and supported Harmony patches (i.e. doesnt need BepInEx). Im sure ive forgotten to add all the notes i needed to so will update this first post as and when i remember what ive missed. Wookie Nookie
  10. Open to options of how, it was hard enough deciding which key to use for just 1 option lol
  11. Ive just done a fresh download of the mod and used a copy of the default game and it worked well for me, please check your install is clean. W00kie
  12. Do you have any other mods installed? Can you make sure youve got a clean install please. Also post your logs and i can see if anything obvious is happening
  13. Anyone who has tried Z2 on A20 what problems are you experiencing? I've just tried it in A20.5 and its mostly working for me. Only things I've seen so far is Player level not showing in bottom left corner Toolbar hover-over not showing Im not seeing any NREs which is good so far.
  14. Youve possibly got a low maxZombie value with a high poi multiplier, this means they are still spawning and not respawning. They will eventually calm down a bit but this is part of the mod, I want zombies everywhere causing chaos! Tweak a few settings to make it work for you I'd suggest
  15. It should be around 30 blocks radius from the airdrop. If people what to cheat and get lots of XP theyre only cheating themselves lol
  16. Im currently on a break (usually do during the spring/summer) and hence havent updated to latest stable version. Ill try to get some time to update the mod though. Hope you enjoy the play through, its can get hectic at times😀
  17. @trevorjd Hi, I cant say for sure as i dont know the code changes for those mods but i would think it should work fine. All my modlet does is remove players from the Bloodmoon groups and doesnt directly alter zombie spawns.
  18. Looks like it's back up, it's just gitlab having a moment
  19. Making the StashBackpack more generic and re-useable was on the list, ill move it to the top and see what i can do. W00kie
  20. The mod isn't in because for it to actually do anything it requires a fair amount of manual XML editing which I don't have enough time to do tbh. Currently WanderingHordes are controlled more by the module WMMGameOptionWanderingHorde and the 2 GameOptions anyway and this provides enough challenge at times. I have some plans for tweaking wandering hordes more later as well. Glad you're enjoying it. The volume of zombies can definitely become hard at time but that's what makes it fun
  21. Hi @Jaluvshuskies 1. It would require code changes so not easily im afraid 2. IncreaseLootBagDecay increases the time it takes for the bags to decay, i.e. they stay around for longer before they decay 3. Not all are client and server but its much easier to just install on both. 4. For a dedicated server there is an additional file you need wmm_gameoptions.xml, see my original post for details. All options are for the mods are rolled into that single file for the dedicated server. For SP, MP and video options they are all edited via the normal game menus. 5. The ReduceMeat mod reduces how much meat you get from animals. With the increase of spawns the volume of meat you get was just OTT. Good luck with the mod, i can see youve mixed it with quite a few other mods which will make it interesting for sure. I have no idea how well it will work (if it works at all) with that many mods!
  22. The setting Max Zombies actually uses the config value from the serverconfig.xml. It was a lot easier to re-use that setting than create a completely custom one. Hope you enjoy the mod
  23. Its fine mate, mods should be open source and shared for everyone imho. This is a modding community where we should be sharing with each other like other games do. Ive got plenty of new mods that im working on and will hopefully be posting 2 new game options later today
  24. All I've ever done and will do is write mods for 7 days to die. This level of petty bitterness and jealousy is just sad. I have done nothing wrong, it is my code written by myself, I haven't stolen anything from anyone.
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