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    Belgrade, Serbia

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  1. Isn't there a can of chicken soup also? But, I do agree that there should be more recipes... make food great again 😁
  2. Never thought of underground bases as impenetrable wall of dirt... and they were if we're being honest. But, nerfing the fall damage for zombies was, kinda, a @%$# move clearly aimed at making underground bases less viable. Having said that, I guess there should be a way, fiddling with some files, to fix that travesty and grave injustice 🙂
  3. I don't think they poop, I believe this was the tourist zombie before he turned.
  4. Yeah... I feel that if it proves itself as good as "learning stuff some other way", they will promptly kill it 😁
  5. Don't think so. Just relock them. @KhaineGB That wonderful NO XP modlet you have... does it, by any chance, work for vanilla?
  6. Alcohol... beating the physics since its invention.
  7. I always have some with me to adorn myself and to shower Jen with. Now, when I think of it, there should be a mod slot in clothes to drop in some nuggets and you get the bling shown.
  8. I think something could be done with some tinkering with the XML's... I would try messing with entitygroups.xml in data>config folder. Of course, first do a backup of the original file Then, try to replace the ones you don't want... <entitygroups> <entitygroup name="ZombiesAll"> <entity name="zombieBoe"/> <entity name="zombieJoe"/> <entity name="zombieSteve"/> <entity name="zombieTomClark"/> <entity name="zombieMoe"/> <entity name="zombieYo"/> <entity name="zombieBusinessMan"/> <entity name="zombieArlene"/> <entity name="zombieDarlene"/> <entity name="zombieMarlene"/> <entity name="zombieSkateboarder"/> <entity name="zombieBiker" prob="0.3"/> <entity name="zombiePartyGirl" prob="0.3"/> <entity name="zombieUtilityWorker" prob="0.3"/> <entity name="zombieJanitor" prob="0.2"/> <entity name="zombieNurse" prob="0.3"/> <entity name="zombieSteveCrawler"/> <entity name="zombieFatHawaiian" prob="0.3"/> </entitygroup> With the one you do want... <entitygroups> <entitygroup name="ZombiesAll"> <entity name="zombieMaleHazmat"/> </entitygroup> This is just the first entity group from that XML and you have to do them all, so you have your work cut out for you... and I'm not even 100% sure that it will work. But hey, it's an idea
  9. Game is definitely worth it. As far as gameplay goes, you can set it up (with in-game options), or mod it (external mods) to your satisfaction pretty easy. Playing with pretty high-ish settings on: Windows 10 Pro Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4570 CPU @ 3.20GHz 3.20 GHz 16.0 GB RAM GTX 1650 4GB GDDR6
  10. Just kidding, I'd love to see it back too
  11. I'd just scatter them around the house, plus add a few that are just shuffling about... or better yet, place fewer of them in the house and make some spawns outside, so it's like they heard you and are coming in. Maybe.
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