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Posts posted by khzmusik

  1. I personally recommend the CreaturePack zombies. Many of them are really good.


    Of course, some of them are not so good. If your tastes agree with mine, you might want to take a look at a modlet I created. It removes some types I don't think are appropriate, and adjusts others:



    If you don't agree with me but still want to adjust things in the CP zombies, you can use that as a learning aid if you like.


    I also put together a zombie pack that uses UMA, like the EN zombies (and also the Snufkin zombies but those definitely won't be to your taste). It's just zombie variants of the vanilla archetypes (Hank, Emma, etc.) so you may be interested:



    But UMA zombies are significantly less performant (and also IMHO uglier) so I would start with the CP zombies.


    (These are all in the Mod Launcher if you use that.)

  2. 14 minutes ago, stallionsden said:

    Hi @khzmusik


    No next version will be a20 stable.


    Tfp will hopefully do  a block converter again for any block changes so that is fairly quick and easy to do. 



    I'm hoping it's as easy as a block converter. Dynamically adding prefabs to a POI will almost certainly change the structure of the XML at a minimum. My guess is that "old" POIs simply won't have the dynamic prefabs, but who knows.


    Anyway, thanks for the answer. I guess I'll just have to live with the current dozens of new POIs until A20 drops. :)

  3. On 7/26/2021 at 5:39 AM, stallionsden said:

    This has been corrected in the next version


    Regarding the next version - are you planning to make a new version before A20 drops?


    I ask because a) I hope so :) and b) with the new "dynamic prefabs" I'm guessing there will be some non-trivial work to update them for A20.

  4. 12 minutes ago, faatal said:

    Well now it looks a bit better and is tied into draw distance to add more planes when set to the higher distances. Our artists definitely what to make better art for all plants, but that is more like A21.


    A big part of it was separating the collision mesh from the visual mesh as this change describes:

    "Optimized grass collider generation (Always 2 centered, fixed size and axis aligned planes)."

    More complicated grass meshes do not need a more complicated collision mesh and their collision meshes should not stray into adjacent blocks like they did.

    It does that too for the mesh. On the higher grass distances, you don't have 2 planes in a + pattern. It is 3 is an overlapping triangle.


    And this: "Increased grass mesh variations to 192 (image, scale, rotation, cross/ring)."


    I'm glad that grass is looking better, but I'm a bit disappointed that a plant overhaul is not coming until A21. At this point the plants are the worst-looking thing in the game. It's especially bad with plants like cotton, where it's really obvious that it's just two flat textures in an X shape.


    Ironically, plants like aloe or saguaro (cactus) have looked pretty good for a long time.

  5. The "Create_item" property only works with the "Eat" and "OpenBundle" classes, and those classes can only be used with an item's actions ("Action0" or "Action1").


    You could do it with a buff or perk, but you would need a triggered effect action that gives the player items (Dukes in this case). I looked in the decompiled code, and AFAICT, the vanilla game does not have such an action. You would have to create one using C# and DMT.


    Also, AFAIK right now there is no way for the buff to determine which entity was killed by the player. So even if you did create that custom action, it might not do what you want.


    If you want to give the players Dukes when they kill zombies, then you might be better off just dropping them in loot bags. That is still a ton of work, but it is possible to do by modifying the XML. You would create a custom loot container for each zombie type (or for each amount of Dukes to drop) and assign that to each zombie with a 100% drop chance.

  6. Xyth has created/curated human NPCs that can do some of what you're asking. None of them go as deep as you want with e.g. infants attracting zombies, but they are hireable (will follow and fight or can be guards), and they can belong to factions, which can have changing relationships (with each other and the player). I'm currently working on something with them.


    Considering the monumental effort that had to be done just to get the current features into the game, it's unlikely that what you are asking will be in 7D2D. But, who knows.

  7. 8 hours ago, MaxTunnerX said:

    Sorry @Boidster, didn't read the edit of yours before applying. Now that I've only altered one of the lines, it's working perfect! Much love for you :)


    I'm gonna copy paste this and credit you in the mod request section where I asked for exactly this. Thank you once again.


    Have you tested this with sleeper volumes? The zombies won't wake up if they're not targeting the player. If that's not a problem for you then never mind, but I don't know how many other people would want that.

  8. 6 hours ago, faatal said:

    For now you can change some of that in entityclasses.xml.


    Does that mean the feral sense distance can be set to different values per entity class?


    If so, that's pretty sweet. You could have the normal or weaker zombies (like Arlene) have a higher sense distance, but the more "tank-like" zombies (like Big Momma) have a slightly decreased sense distance, so they'd be equally threatening but in different ways. And of course, screamers could be even more of a threat than they are now.

  9. I'm pretty sure Xyth is correct. I do know that it's not a simple probability where 0=no chance and 1=certainty.


    Take a look at the animal groups in entitygroups.xml. They all use "prob" values in the double digits - for example, the prob value for a rabbit in "WildGameForest" is 48. I don't think there's a "4800% chance" of spawning a rabbit.

  10. On 7/8/2021 at 9:48 PM, Father said:

    error when loading 

    wrn xml patch for "entityclasses.xml" from mod "2-charactereffectspack" did not apply: <remove xpath="//entity_class[starts-with(@name, 'npc') and not ( starts-with(@name, 'npctrader') ) ]/property[starts-with(@name, 'soundattack')]"
    2021-07-08 21:45:17 
    wrn xml patch for "entityclasses.xml" from mod "2-charactereffectspack" did not apply: <remove xpath="//entity_class[starts-with(@name, 'npc') and not ( starts-with(@name, 'npctrader') ) ]/property[starts-with(@name, 'soundhurt')]"
    2021-07-08 21:45:17 
    wrn xml patch for "entityclasses.xml" from mod "2-charactereffectspack" did not apply: <remove xpath="//entity_class[starts-with(@name, 'npc') and not ( starts-with(@name, 'npctrader') ) ]/property[starts-with(@name, 'soundsense')]"
    2021-07-08 21:45:17 
    wrn xml patch for "entityclasses.xml" from mod "2-charactereffectspack" did not apply: <remove xpath="//entity_class[starts-with(@name, 'npc') and not ( starts-with(@name, 'npctrader') ) ]/property[starts-with(@name, 'soundalert')]"
    2021-07-08 21:45:17 
    wrn xml patch for "entityclasses.xml" from mod "2-charactereffectspack" did not apply: <remove xpath="//entity_class[starts-with(@name, 'npc') and not ( starts-with(@name, 'npctrader') ) ]/property[starts-with(@name, 'soundrandom')]"



    @xyth I think this is due to a mismatch in casing? For example, the property name is "SoundAttack" not "soundattack". (That's also the full name so I don't think you need the starts-with command.)


    EDIT: Wait - I went to the Git repo and the casing is correct.



    @Father Where did you get the pack? Is it possible there was some kind of casing conversion happening somewhere? Or perhaps you have an older version?

  11. 2 hours ago, The_Great_Sephiroth said:

    I found it somewhere, perhaps items.xml, and saw it was deprecated. That means that we can't currently create stainless steel blocks. I had built a heavy-duty base in A17 using those blocks and exported it to a POI. I still use it. I hope they're not removing those.


    The good news is that I can ALWAYS install an older version of the game (thanks, Pimps!) and pull the code if needed.


    Thank you for your help!


    I'm pretty sure that you could never actually craft stainless steel blocks. You could only upgrade from steel to stainless steel.


    If that's what you want to do, you have to re-add the ability to upgrade from steel to stainless steel.


    You would add something along these lines into the "steelMaster" block:

    <property class="UpgradeBlock">
        <property name="ToBlock" value="stainlessSteelMaster"/>
        <property name="Item" value="resourceSteelPolish"/>
        <property name="ItemCount" value="1"/>
        <property name="UpgradeHitCount" value="4"/>


    Unfortunately, you'll have to add additional code to every steel block shape, so they upgrade to the correct stainless steel block shape. You only have to specify the stainless steel block, not the rest (they inherit). For example, in the "steelRamp" block, insert this:

    <property class="UpgradeBlock">
        <property name="ToBlock" value="stainlessSteelRamp" />


    Hope that helps.


    EDIT: Of course, you also have to add in some way to get stainless steel polish in the first place. I'm pretty sure that it was only available from higher-level trader loot in past alphas. If you want to do that now, I believe you would add the steel polish to the "modAllT5SecretStash" trader item group in traders.xml.

  12. 7 hours ago, Fanatical_Meat said:

     I want to remove the game time from being displayed on my home server. What file do I have to edit and what should I edit it to so that the server doesn’t share game time with connected clients.


    Goal is to keep what the exact time is unknown, sun goes down and find a place to hide or bunker down or maybe there is enough time to make it home.


    @doughphunghus has a modlet that will hide the day and time, called UI-Hide-TheDayAndTime. I've used it and it works well - it's XML-only so it should be automatically pushed from servers to clients. Get it here:


    If that doesn't work exactly as intended, it's pretty easy to understand, so you should be able to modify it to suit your tastes.


    Hiding the date and time in the UI is probably what you want to do. You don't want to make it so the server doesn't share the game time with clients, that would mess up a lot of stuff (and require custom C# code).

  13. Quick  update on the warnings in the logs, when DMS and custom traders are used:


    @sphereii has a patch in his 0-SphereIICore mod that will remove the logging. Core does require DMT however. If that is something you're OK with, then you can get  his Core mod here:


  14. On 6/21/2021 at 3:26 AM, Mkhansen981017 said:

    Hello, I tried adding the Auto Mechanics mod to the nitro generation tool. When I load up my map on my server all the mechanic trader poi are sticking out of the ground. Is this something I did wrong and how do I fix this?


    Apologies - I don't know how I didn't see this until today.


    I think this is a bug in the prefablist entry. I don't actually use Nitrogen myself, so I didn't test that.


    Try using this:


    (Note the "-5" - that's taken from the "YOffset" property in the POI XML file.)


    If that works, I will push an update ASAP.


    But on the subject of the Auto Mechanics modlet: That modlet spams the logs with console warnings if you use DMS (dynamic music system).


    This is an issue with all custom traders, not just mine. The trader IDs are hard-coded into the DMS code, and a warning will be logged if DMS finds a trader that doesn't match any of the vanilla IDs.


    The warnings go away once you leave the trader area, and they do not occur if you have DMS turned off. EDIT: Also, to clarify, these are warnings and not errors - players won't notice this unless they open the console.  It will cause your log files to grow though.


    Thanks to @bdubyah for discovering this.

  15. @madmole A quick request. In one of the A20 dev streams, could a POI designer do a demo of how to put the "mini-prefabs" inside larger POIs? I'm sure a lot of POI designers are going to be very interested in that.


    (I'm pretty sure I saw all the streams and didn't see that - if I'm wrong, sorry)

  16. Quick update. It looks like the site I suggested (smodin.me) doesn't really work any more.


    But I found an even easier option.


    If anyone uses Google Sheets, it turns out that Google has included a function to translate cells automatically. Why does this matter? Because, basically, Localization.txt is just a renamed CSV file ("comma separated values"). Those can be imported and exported by pretty much any spreadsheet software, Google Sheets included.


    To translate a cell, just enter this formula:

    =GoogleTranslate(F2, "en", "de")


    ...where "F2" is the cell you're translating, and "de" is the language code for the translation ("de" is German). If you copy a formula to another cell, the reference to the original cell ("F2") gets updated. You can easily copy a formula to other cells by double-clicking on the little square icon in the bottom right corner when you select a cell with a formula in it.


    EDIT: That is assuming that your original language is English. If you're translating from another language, put in that language code instead of "en" - and make sure you also put that formula into the place where the English version goes.


    So, you can set up a template with those formulas entered for every language that 7D2D supports. Copy that template, add the relevant information into your spreadsheet (the key, the English original text, etc.) and export the whole thing as a CSV file. Then rename that file to Localization.txt.


    Bingo bango - you now have a modlet that has all the translations for all your text, not just English.


    I've already used this and it's stupid simple. You do sometimes get errors - I suspect Google is throttling the translation services - but reloading the spreadsheet fixes them in my experience.


    Microsoft also has translation services, so there's probably some similar functionality for Excel, but I don't use Excel.


    EDIT 2: To make things easier, here's a link to the Google Sheet that I use as a template. Anyone with this link should be able to view it, but not modify it (and if I'm wrong... please don't modify it).


  17. 8 hours ago, Roland said:

    There is no more uploading files to the forum. You must have your files posted elsewhere and link to that place from here. Of course, if you are just posting a few xml edits that can easily be done in the body of your post for others to copy and paste, that can be done— but for more extensive downloads…nope. 

    I believe that Sphereii’s mod launcher looks to GitHub if you are trying to search for a mod using that tool so it is a good idea to use that if you want the tool, that most people are using, to be able to “see” your mod. Could be wrong about that though. Maybe if you download files to your computer the mod launcher can find those as well. 



    The Mod Launcher handles both Github and Gitlab, FWIW. You do have to tell SphereII to add your repo to his database, but once that happens, the Mod Launcher automatically updates everything in that repo (though it takes a bit of time).


    It's better to have your files hosted somewhere else anyway. You don't want your files going away if TFP switch forum software.


    Besides, anyone who does any amount of coding (even simple XML edits) should probably be using Git or some other form of version control. You can get free accounts everywhere nowadays, and the hosting sites make it pretty simple to understand and use. There's really no downside. 

  18. On 6/14/2021 at 9:06 AM, Jaydee said:

    Dang alright that's sad.


    I know, right? I found this out a while ago (some custom NPC sounds were too loud and I wanted to change them). As someone who used to work with audio semi-professionally, that's basically getting an F in the Audio 101 course.


    They must have good reasons, but for the life of me, I can't figure out what they are.

  19. 16 hours ago, magejosh said:

    I'm not entirely positive the gasoline tag actually did anything. First test was just changing that so that maybe the requirement would not key onto the power tools. When that failed to prevent new dysentery buffs i went back and looked again, then copied the holding item has tags text and did a search of that text in the vanilla buffs. Didn't see the ! used in that manner so i decided to try removing it. I see it used in lots of cvar instances but not that case on a requirement in an effect group not using modifycvar.


    It was an easy fix. All you have to do is add the "HoldingItemHasTags" requirement to the effect_group that triggers the buff, so that it only fires if you're actually holding gasoline (or technically, an item with the "gasoline" tag).


    I already pushed the changes to the repo. The modlet version is now 1.0.1. It should eventually show up in the Mod Launcher.


    If you want to make it so the user is "huffing gas" (just a low-grade visual effect) that actually sounds kind of cool too. I'm sure you could also trigger some kind of player sound that sounds a bit like "huffing," but I don't know offhand which sound that would be. (Maybe the stamina sound?)

  20. One other thing you might find useful. If you want an icon that's not available in vanilla, you can create your own. You just have to name it with the correct prefix.


    I didn't know this myself. It was figured out here: 

    EDIT: if you do this, of course both clients and servers will need to install the modlet to pick up the icons.

  21. 3 hours ago, magejosh said:

    I just fixed it. There was a ! in front of holdingitem has tags, and the tags were toolAnvil instead of gasoline.

            <effect_group tiered="false" name="Drink Tier 0">
                <requirement name="NotHasBuff" buff="buffIsOnFire" />
                <requirement name="HoldingItemHasTags" tags="gasoline"/>

    is what i changed it to.



    Oh, that's interesting, I actually didn't know about that requirement or that tag. If it's just a matter of adding that requirement then I should be able to push it soon (basically as soon as I have time).


    Thank you very much for the help!

  22. 6 minutes ago, DeadBrains said:


    I was wondering if both the clients and server would need the mod -- that makes sense to me. Thank you.


    Just an FYI, that is also true of anything with custom assets, like new item icons. Servers only push the contents of the Configs directory (since that's all plain text and doesn't consume a lot of bandwidth).


    But it's a lot easier to install modlets that don't have custom C# code - you just put the modlet into the Mods directory, no compiling or messing around with the game files.

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