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Posts posted by Star69

  1. Some things that I’m seeing. He is getting a litenetlib connection failure while trying to connect to your server. You seem to be running noth steamworks and litenetlib and steamworks. In your serverconfig file, try excluding steamworks from being used. There is a setting and explanation in the serverconfig file. I also see you are running mods….since many mods have not been updated to A20, if you’re still having issues then start a new vanilla game without mods and see if he can connect.

  2. Your player file is most likely corrupted due to the crash. Have the server admin delete your profile and, unfortunately, you'll need to start over. If the admin is kind, maybe they will give you experience points to get your levels back as well as any inventory. Generally, falling through the world is a connection issue. It is easy to see if there is a problem with your connection by running tracert. If you aren't familiar with tracert command, bring up the command prompt. Type tracert xxx.xx.xx.xxx   then hit return where the xxx is the servers ip address. The result shows every internet hop between you and the server as well as telling you if there were any lost packets along the way. Also, if there are more than 30 hops between you and the server, then it is more likely for you to run into problems. Unfortunately, if tracert does find a problem there is nothing you can do about it....it's an internet issue. If you want to learn more about the tracert command, I'd suggest a google search.

  3. Performance-wise, I’d turn down water quality and turn off bloom. Those both hit performance hard. You should see an immediate boost to fps I believe. As for texture glitch, I have no info to support this, but how about dynamic mesh off. That’s a new setting for A20 and it would just be an experiment to try it. You can also mess with those other settings on that same page as dynamic mesh as I believe they are all new with A20. The only settings I’m sure about are water quality and bloom.

  4. 45 minutes ago, Ob1 said:

    So I tried using the command you gave me and is just tells me unknown command. 


    Hmmm.....works perfectly for me and is a common windows command. Make sure you are spelling it correctly. I just tried it again.  If you just type  tracert     without an ip address it gives you options to run with the command. Be sure you are putting a space between tracert and the ip of the server.

  5. I think you misunderstood......running tracert can detect if your connection to the server is faulty, it has nothing to do with the server whatsoever. If your connection to the server is dropping packets, your game will be affected, not any other players.


    EDIT: maybe posting your log file using pastebin will give us more answers in case it isn't the internet connection

  6. My guess, based on other people with similar issues, is that you have A19 prefabs mixed in with A20 prefabs. If you rent a dedicated server, have the provider wipe it completely and reload only A20. There have been issues with some providers not eliminating all A19 files so until they get things figured out, you will just have to wait. If you run the server on your own pc, bring up the game launcher and select Tools then Clean Game Data and check everything then hit Clean. Now uninstall the game. Before reinstalling, right click on 7 Days in your library and select Properties then Betas and select latest_experimental-unstable version. Now install the game then set up your server.

  7. Speedtest doesn’t show all internet problems. Open the command prompt and type:   

    tracert xx.xxx.xx.xx


    The x’s is the ip of the server. The result lists all the hops to the server and any packet loss. The more hops listed, the more likely you are to have problems. If it’s clean then your internet is okay. Be sure to run this right after crashing because packet loss can be intermittent.

  8. At least part of your problem is a broken save??

    2021-12-09T09:10:25 207.044 WRN No chunk for position 2173, 74, 432, can not add childs to pos 2173, 74, 431! Block bunkBedFrame
    2021-12-09T09:10:25 207.044 WRN No chunk for position 2173, 75, 432, can not add childs to pos 2173, 75, 431! Block bunkBedMade


    Maybe your driver issue caused it. Update all your drivers, update Windows, exclude Steam from your antivirus are a few things you should do. If it is a corrupted save, you’ll need to start over.

  9. 58 minutes ago, Shyara said:

    thankyou, i actually searched high and low for a bug report channel

    Click on the blue banner at the top of the page. A link to the bug report section is there.

  10. 3 minutes ago, shieldy said:

    hi my game crash too in the midle of no where  i never had that problem until alpha20 is that related or juste a bug that will be fix


    Can’t tell what’s causing your crash unless you post your log file.

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